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Test::BDD::Cucumber::StepContext - Data made available to step definitions
version 0.53
The coderefs in Step Definitions have a single argument passed to them, a "Test::BDD::Cucumber::StepContext" object. This is an attribute-only class, populated by Test::BDD::Cucumber::Executor. When steps are run normally, "C()" is set directly before execution to return the context; this allows you to do: sub { return C->columns } instead of: sub { my $c = shift; return $c->columns; }
columns If the step-specific data supplied is a table, the this attribute will contain the column names in the order they appeared. _data Step-specific data. Will either be a text string in the case of a """ string, or an arrayref of hashrefs if the step had an associated table. See the "data" method below. stash A hash of hashes, containing two keys, "feature", "scenario". The stash allows you to persist data across features or scenarios. The scenario-level stash is also available to steps by calling "S()", making the following two lines of code equivalent: sub { my $context = shift; my $stash = $context->stash->{'scenario'}; $stash->{'count'} = 1 } sub { S->{'count'} = 1 } feature scenario step Links to the Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Feature, Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Scenario, and Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Step objects respectively. verb The lower-cased verb a Step Definition was called with. text The text of the step, minus the verb. Placeholders will have already been multiplied out at this point. harness The Test::BDD::Cucumber::Harness harness being used by the executor. executor Weak reference to the Test::BDD::Cucumber::Executor being used - this allows for step redispatch. matches Any matches caught by the Step Definition's regex. These are also available as $1, $2 etc as appropriate. is_hook The harness processing the output can decide whether to shop information for this step which is actually an internal hook, i.e. a Before or After step parent If a step redispatches to another step, the child step will have a link back to its parent step here; otherwise undef. See "Redispatching".
background Boolean for "is this step being run as part of the background section?". Currently implemented by asking the linked Scenario object... data See the "_data" attribute above. Calling this method will return either the """ string, or a possibly Transform-ed set of table data. matches See the "_matches" attribute above. Call this method will return the possibly Transform-ed matches . transform Used internally to transform data and placeholders, but it can also be called from within your Given/When/Then code.
Sometimes you want to call one step from another step. You can do this via the StepContext, using the "dispatch()" method. For example: Given qr/I have entered (\d+)/, sub { C->dispatch( 'Given', "I have pressed $1"); C->dispatch( 'Given', "I have pressed enter", { some => 'data' } ); }; You redispatch step will have its own, new step context with almost everything copied from the parent step context. However, specifically not copied are: "columns", "data", the "step" object, and of course the "verb" and the "text". If you want to pass data to your child step, you should IDEALLY do it via the text of the step itself, or failing that, through the scenario-level stash. Otherwise it'd make more sense just to be calling some subroutine... But you can pass in a third argument - a hashref which will be used as "data". If the step you dispatch to doesn't pass for any reason (can't be found, dies, fails, whatever), it'll throw an exception. This will get caught by the parent step, which will then fail, and show debugging output. You must use the English names for the step verb, because we have no access to the parser. Also, remember to quote them as if you're in a step file, there may be a subroutine defined with the same name. dispatch C->dispatch( 'Then', "the page has loaded successfully"); See the paragraphs immediately above this
Peter Sergeant ""
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