bionic (3) Transmission::Torrent.3pm.gz

Transmission::Torrent - Transmission torrent object
See "3.2 Torrent Mutators" and "3.3 Torrent accessors" from <> This class handles data related to a torrent known to Transmission.
id $id = $self->id; Returns the id that identifies this torrent in transmission. bandwidth_priority $self->bandwidth_priority($num); This torrent's bandwidth. download_limit $self->download_limit($num); Maximum download speed (in K/s). download_limited $self->download_limited($bool); True if "downloadLimit" is honored. honors_session_limits $self->honors_session_limits($bool); True if session upload limits are honored. location $self->location($str); New location of the torrent's content peer_limit $self->peer_limit($num); Maximum number of peers seed_ratio_limit $self->seed_ratio_limit($num); Session seeding ratio. seed_ratio_mode $self->seed_ratio_mode($num); Which ratio to use. See tr_ratiolimit. upload_limit $self->upload_limit($num); Maximum upload speed (in K/s) upload_limited $self->upload_limited($bool); True if "upload_limit" is honored activity_date $num = $self->activity_date; added_date $num = $self->added_date; bandwidth_priority $num = $self->bandwidth_priority; comment $str = $self->comment; corrupt_ever $num = $self->corrupt_ever; creator $str = $self->creator; date_created $num = $self->date_created; desired_available $num = $self->desired_available; done_date $num = $self->done_date; download_dir $str = $self->download_dir; downloaded_ever $num = $self->downloaded_ever; downloaders $num = $self->downloaders; download_limit $num = $self->download_limit; download_limited $bool = $self->download_limited; error $num = $self->error; error_string $str = $self->error_string; eta $num = $self->eta; hash_str $str = $self->hash_string; have_unchecked $num = $self->have_unchecked; have_valid $num = $self->have_valid; honors_session_limits $bool = $self->honors_session_limits; is_private $bool = $self->is_private; leechers $num = $self->leechers; left_until_done $num = $self->left_until_done; manual_announce_time $num = $self->manual_announce_time; max_connected_peers $num = $self->max_connected_peers; name $str = $self->name; peer $num = $self->peer; peers_connected $num = $self->peers_connected; peers_getting_from_us $num = $self->peers_getting_from_us; peers_known $num = $self->peers_known; peers_sending_to_us $num = $self->peers_sending_to_us; percent_done $num = $self->percent_done; pieces $str = $self->pieces; piece_count $num = $self->piece_count; piece_size $num = $self->piece_size; rate_download $num = $self->rate_download; rate_upload $num = $self->rate_upload; recheck_progress $num = $self->recheck_progress; seeders $num = $self->seeders; seed_ratio_limit $num = $self->seed_ratio_limit; seed_ratio_mode $num = $self->seed_ratio_mode; size_when_done $num = $self->size_when_done; start_date $num = $self->start_date; status $str = $self->status; swarm_speed $num = $self->swarm_speed; times_completed $num = $self->times_completed; total_size $num = $self->total_size; torrent_file $str = $self->torrent_file; uploaded_ever $num = $self->uploaded_ever; upload_limit $num = $self->upload_limit; upload_limited $bool = $self->upload_limited; upload_ratio $num = $self->upload_ratio; webseeds_sending_to_us $num = $self->webseeds_sending_to_us; files $array_ref = $self->files; $self->clear_files; Returns an array of Transmission::Torrent::Files.
BUILDARGS $hash_ref = $self->BUILDARGS(\%args); Convert keys in %args from "CamelCase" to "camel_case". read $bool = $self->read('id', 'name', 'eta'); This method will refresh all requested attributes in one RPC request, while calling one and one attribute, results in one-and-one request. read_all $bool = $self->read_all; Similar to "read", but requests all attributes. start See Transmission::Client::start(). stop See Transmission::Client::stop(). verify See Transmission::Client::verify(). move $bool = $self->move($path); Will move the torrent content to $path. write_wanted $bool = $self->write_wanted; Will write "wanted" information from "files" to transmission. write_priority $bool = $self->write_priority; Will write "priorty" information from "files" to transmission.
See Transmission::Client.