bionic (3) VistaIOoption.3.gz

Provided by: libvistaio-dev_1.2.19-1_amd64 bug


       VistaIOoption - table describing command line options


       #include <vistaio.h>

       typedef struct {
              VistaIOStringConst keyword;/* keyword signaling option */
              VistaIORepnKind repn;    /* type of value supplied by option */
              int number;              /* number of values supplied */
              VistaIOPointer value;    /* location for storing value(s) */
              VistaIOBoolean *found;   /* whether optional arg found */
              VistaIODictEntry *dict;  /* optional dict of value keywords */
              VistaIOStringConst blurb;/* on-line help blurb */
       } VistaIOOptionDescRec;

       typedef struct {
              int number;              /* number of arguments */
              VistaIOPointer vector;   /* vector of arguments */
       } VistaIOArgVector;

       #define VistaIORequiredOpt ((VistaIOBoolean *) ...)
       #define VistaIOOptionalOpt ((VistaIOBoolean *) ...)


       Routines  for  parsing  command  line  options  and reporting help information on command usage require a
       description  of  a  program's  valid  options.  That  description  is   a   table   whose   entries   are
       VistaIOOptionDescRec records.  Each table entry describes a single option. This manual page describes how
       table entries should be set up to describe options of various forms.

       An option appears in a command line as an argument of the form -keyword; it may be followed by additional
       arguments  that  supply  values  for the option. The keyword field of a VistaIOOptionDescRec contains the
       keyword used to identify that option (without the leading  ``-''  character).  On  a  command  line  this
       keyword  can be entered in abbreviated form as long as the abbreviation is unambiguous — i.e., it matches
       the first characters of only a single option keyword.

       An option is used to communicate one or more values to a program. These values are of the type  indicated
       by   the   repn   field,   which   contains   one  of  the  constants  VistaIOBitRepn,  VistaIOUByteRepn,
       VistaIOSByteRepn,     VistaIOShortRepn,     VistaIOLongRepn,     VistaIOFloatRepn,     VistaIODoubleRepn,
       VistaIOBooleanRepn, or VistaIOStringRepn.

       The  number  field  indicates  how  many values are to be entered with the option. If number is positive,
       exactly that many values are to be supplied on the command line. If number is zero, any number of  values
       may be supplied (including none at all).

       The value field specifies where the entered values are to be stored.  If number is positive, value points
       to a vector of number entries of the type indicated by the repn field. (E.g., if number is 2 and repn  is
       VistaIOShortRepn then value points to a vector of two VistaIOShort's.)

       If  number  is  zero,  value  points  to  a  variable of type VistaIOArgVector, which is a structure that
       describes a variable length vector. This structure needn't be initialized prior to  parsing  a  program's
       command line options; rather, its fields are set during parsing to indicate the number of values actually
       found and the location of memory allocated  to  contain  those  values.   The  structure's  number  field
       specifies the number of values found.  Its vector field points to a vector of number elements of the type
       specified by repn.

       The found field of a VistaIOOptionDescRec indicates whether an option is required (must be  specified  on
       the  command  line)  or  optional  (need not be specified). To signal a required option (oxymoron noted),
       found should contain the value VistaIORequiredOpt. To signal an optional option (redundancy noted), found
       should  contain  VistaIOOptionalOpt,  or the address of a VistaIOBoolean variable. When a command line is
       parsed the VistaIOBoolean variable will be set to TRUE if the option is encountered, and FALSE if  it  is

       An  option's  values  are  entered  as command line arguments in a form that depends on the option's repn

       VistaIOBitRepn through VistaIOLongRepn
              Each value may be an integer number with an optional sign. If its first digit is 0, it is  assumed
              to  be  an  octal  number.  If it begins with 0x or 0X (following any sign), it is assumed to be a
              hexadecimal number.  Otherwise, it is assumed to be a decimal number.

       VistaIOFloatRepn or VistaIODoubleRepn
              Each value may be a floating-point number.

              Each value may be one of the keywords false, no, or off (representing FALSE), or true, yes, or  on
              (representing  TRUE).  In  addition,  if  a  Boolean option requires a single value and the option
              keyword is not followed by a recognized value keyword, a value of TRUE is assumed.

              Each value is any command line argument not starting with a single ``-''  character.  However,  an
              argument consisting only of ``-'' is interpreted as a string value, and an argument beginning with
              at least two ``-'' characters is interpreted as a string value beginning  with  one  fewer  ``-''.
              These  conventions  allow  string  values  to be distinguished from options while still permitting
              entry of any string value desired.

       One may specify  a  dictionary  of  keywords  to  supplement  the  recognized  forms  of  option  values.
       Dictionaries   are   described   by   the  VistaIOdictionary(3)  manual  page.  The  dict  field  of  the
       VistaIOOptionDescRec points to such a dictionary, or it contains  NULL  if  there  is  no  dictionary  of
       keywords for the option's values. The example below demonstrates how a dictionary is supplied.

       Finally,  the  blurb  field of the VistaIOOptionDescRec contains a short string describing the purpose of
       the option or the form of its value arguments. This string will be included  when  any  help  information
       about command usage is printed.


       Consider a program that accepts the following options:

         -in       Optional, and followed by any number of string values.

         -out      Optional, and followed by a single string value.

         -color    Required, and followed by one of the keywords red, green, or blue.

         -scale    Optional,  and followed by two floating-point numbers. If not specified, this option's values
                   should both default to 1.0.

         -iff      An optional boolean flag.

       The following code fragment defines an option table for this program:

              static VistaIOArgVector in_args;
              static VistaIOString out_arg;
              static VistaIOLong color_arg;
              static VistaIOFloat scale_args[2] = { 1.0, 1.0 };
              static VistaIOBoolean iff_arg = FALSE;
              static VistaIOBoolean in_found, out_found;

              static VistaIODictEntry dictionary[] = {
                     { "red", 0 },
                     { "blue", 1 },
                     { "green", 2 },
                     { NULL }

              static VistaIOOptionDescRec options[] = {
                     { "in", VistaIOStringRepn, 0, & in_args, & in_found, NULL,
                         "Image to be processed" },
                     { "out", VistaIOStringRepn, 1, & out_arg, & out_found, NULL,
                         "File to receive result" },
                     { "color", VistaIOLongRepn, 1, & color, VistaIORequiredOpt, & dictionary,
                         "Color band" },
                     { "scale", VistaIOFloatRepn, 2, scale_args, VistaIOOptionalOpt, NULL,
                         "Scaling in each dimension" },
                     { "iff", VistaIOBooleanRepn, 1, & iff_arg, VistaIOOptionalOpt, NULL,
                         "Output in UBC IFF format" }

       This program may be invoked with any of the following commands:

              program -color red

              program -in file1 file2 -color red

              program -in - -out file3 -color blue -scale 0.5 0.5

              program -color green -iff

              program -iff false -color red


       VistaIOParseCommand(3), VistaIOPrintOptions(3), VistaIOPrintOptionValue(3), VistaIOReportBadArgs(3),
       VistaIOReportUsage(3), VistaIOIdentifyFiles(3),


       Art Pope <>

       Adaption to vistaio: Gert Wollny <>