bionic (3) VistaIOtype.3.gz

Provided by: libvistaio-dev_1.2.19-1_amd64 bug


       VistaIOtype - registering Vista object types


       An  object  such  as  an  image  or  edge  set  is represented in a Vista data file by an attribute. That
       attribute's value includes a type name, an attribute list, and possibly some binary  data.  Although  the
       object  is  easily  stored  and communicated in that form, some other representation is often more useful
       when working with the object in memory. An image, for  example,  is  best  represented  in  memory  by  a
       structure with fixed fields to record the properties of the image that are frequently accessed.

       The  Vista  library  allows you to define a type that has its own internal representation for objects. By
       registering your type with the library you can  arrange  to  have  objects  of  that  type  automatically
       translated  to  and from your internal representation whenever data files are read and written.  And when
       you use attribute lists to organize your objects, the objects will be correctly copied  and  released  by
       routines such as VistaIOCopyAttrList(3) and VistaIODestroyAttrList(3).

       Since  Vista  allows you to invent your own types of objects and to store those objects in data files, it
       must provide some way for standard programs to gracefully handle objects that are unfamiliar to  them.  A
       program  must  at  least  be  able to copy your custom objects intact, binary data and all, from input to
       output. Unfamiliar objects are represented internally by the Vista library using the  VistaIOBundle  data
       structure, which is described separately in VistaIOBundle(3). You should be read it before reading this.

       This manual page explains how to register a type, what routines you must supply to support a type you are
       registering, and how to find out about a registered type.

   Registering a Type
       typedef struct {
              VistaIOCopyMethod *copy; /* copy object's value */
              VistaIODestroyMethod *destroy;/* destroy object's value */
              VistaIODecodeMethod *decode;/* decode object's binary data */
              VistaIOEncodeAttrMethod *encode_attr;/* encode object's attr list */
              VistaIOEncodeDataMethod *encode_data;/* encode object's binary data */
       } VistaIOTypeMethods;

       VistaIORepnKind VistaIORegisterType (VistaIOStringConst *name, VistaIOTypeMethods *methods)

       Before registering a custom object type you will need to establish

         • a unique name identifying the type. The name must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+  (see
           grep(1)),  and  it  must  not  be  bit, ubyte, sbyte, short, long, float, double, attr-list, boolean,
           bundle list, pointer, string, edges, image, or any type name already registered.

         • a data structure for representing instances of the type in memory. A single pointer must suffice  for
           referring to an instance, and the memory for each instance must be dynamically allocated.

         • a  set  of  routines  for  copying,  destroying,  encoding, and decoding instances of the type. These
           routine are called methods. They're described in more detail below.

         • any other routines or macros your programs will be using to access or  manipulate  instances  of  the

       The  type is registered with a call to VistaIORegisterType prior to any use of the type within a program.
       Pass to VistaIORegisterType the type's name and a pointer to a VistaIOTypeMethods structure  listing  the
       type's methods.  VistaIORegisterType will return a unique code from the VistaIORepnKind series, which can
       subsequently be used to refer to the type whenever a VistaIORepnKind value is called for (e.g., in a call
       to VistaIOSetAttr(3)).

       The type you register must be accompanied by these five methods:

       typedef VistaIOPointer VistaIOCopyMethod (VistaIOPointer value);

              The  Copy  method  is  passed an instance of your type; it returns a copy of that object made with
              newly-allocated storage.

       typedef void VistaIODestroyMethod (VistaIOPointer value);

              The Destroy method releases all storage occupied by the object value.

       typedef VistaIOPointer VistaIODecodeMethod (VistaIOStringConst name, VistaIOBundle bundle);

            The Decode method creates an instance of your type. Data for the object is supplied  via  bundle  in
            the form of an attribute list and an optional block of binary data, both of which may be modified by
            the method. An attribute name, name, is supplied for use in any error messages  produced  by  decode
            (e.g.,  ``The  name  attribute has the wrong amount of binary data''). The method returns the newly-
            created object, or NULL if an error is encountered.

            Storage for the new object can be freshly allocated, or it can be taken from bundle provided  bundle
            itself  is  left  in a state such that it can be destroyed without releasing storage used by the new
            object. For example, the new  object  can  incorporate  the  attribute  list  bundle->list  provided
            bundle->list  is  then  set  to  a  new,  empty  attribute  list.  It can incorporate the data block
            bundle->data provided bundle->length is then set to zero.

       typedef VistaIOAttrList VistaIOEncodeAttrMethod (VistaIOPointer value, size_t *length);

       typedef VistaIOPointer VistaIOEncodeDataMethod (VistaIOPointer value, VistaIOAttrList list,
                 size_t length, VistaIOBoolean *free_it);

            These  two  methods  produce  an attribute list value and a block of binary data from an instance of
            your type. For any particular object the two methods  are  always  called  in  sequence.  First  the
            EncodeAttr  method  is called with value identifying the object. It returns the attribute list value
            while setting length to the number of bytes required for  the  block  of  binary  data.  Later,  the
            EncodeData  method  is  called with value identifying the same object, and list and length supplying
            the values returned by the EncodeAttr method. It returns a pointer to memory containing the block of
            binary  data while setting free_it to TRUE if the memory should be released once the binary data has
            been recorded.  Setting free_it to FALSE indicates that the memory may be part of the object, value,
            and the memory contents should be recorded before taking any action that might modify the object.

            The  attribute  list  returned  by  the  EncodeAttr  method  can  be assumed to exist only until the
            subsequent call to the EncodeData method. If this list is created by the EncodeAttr method, then the
            EncodeData method is responsible for destroying it. A practice adopted for the image and edges types
            is for the EncodeAttr method to return a list that belongs to the object  being  encoded,  but  with
            some  standard  attributes  prepended  to  it;  the  EncodeData  method  then  removes the prepended
            attributes so that the object is left in the correct form.

            If either method encounters an error, it signals the error by returning NULL. Note that both methods
            are  called  even  if  the  first indicates, by setting length to zero, that there is no binary data
            associated with value. When there is no binary data to return, the EncodeData method should return a
            non-NULL pointer and set free_it to FALSE to avoid signalling an error.

   Querying Registered Types
       The following routine and macro provide information about registered types:

       VistaIORepnKind VistaIOLookupType (VistaIOStringConst name)

              VistaIOLookupType  returns the representation code associated with the type named name. (This will
              be the same as that returned by VistaIORegisterObjectType when the type was registered.)  If  name
              is not the name of a known type, VistaIOLookupType returns VistaIOUnknownRepn.

       VistaIOTypeMethods *VistaIORepnMethods (VistaIORepnKind repn)

              The  macro  VistaIORepnMethods provides a handle to the methods for the registered type identified
              by repn.

   Standard Object Types
       The library implements some standard object types using the mechanism  described  by  this  manual  page.
       Currently, these standard object types are:

         edges     Set of edges. See VistaIOEdges(3).

         image     Multi-band two-dimensional array of pixels. See VistaIOImage(3).

       If  you  are developing your own custom type, you're encouraged to first consult these as examples; their
       methods are implemented in the files /usr/src/vista/EdgesType.c and /usr/src/vista/ImageType.c.


       VistaIOBundle(3), VistaIOattribute(3),


       Art Pope <>

       Adaption to vistaio: Gert Wollny <>