bionic (3) World.3I.gz

Provided by: ivtools-dev_1.2.11a1-11_amd64 bug


       World - control a display


       #include <InterViews/world.h>


       A  world  was an application's connection to a particular display.  It is currently provided for backward



           const char* classname, int& argc, char** argv
           OptionDesc* = nil, PropertyData* = nil
              Construct the world object for a display.  The world's instance name comes from the  -name  option
              if  it was given; otherwise the instance name comes from the environment variable RESOURCE_NAME if
              it is nonnil.  If the name has still not been defined, then argv[0] with all  leading  directories
              stripped  is  used.   The  following  arguments are interpreted automatically and are removed from

              -background    next argument sets the background color
              -bg            same as -background
              -display       next argument specifies the target workstation display
              -foreground    next argument sets the foreground color
              -fg            same as -foreground
              -fn            same as -font
              -font          next argument sets the text font
              -geometry      next argument sets the first top-level interactor's position and size
              -iconic        starts up the first top-level interactor in iconic form
              -name          next argument sets the instance name of all top-level interactors
                             that don't have their own instance names
              -reverse       swaps default foreground and background colors
              -rv            same as -reverse
              -synchronous   force synchronous operation with the window system
              -title         next argument sets the first top-level interactor's title bar name
              -xrm           next argument sets an ``attribute: value'' property
       The geometry specification has the form ``=WxH+XOFF+YOFF''.  A negative XOFF (YOFF) specifies the  offset
       of the interactor's right (bottom) edge from the right (bottom) side of the screen.  The constructor sets
       argc to the number of uninterpreted arguments that remain.

       If non-nil, the OptionDesc* parameter is an array  of  option  descriptors  used  to  parse  application-
       specific attributes.  OptionDesc contains four fields: a name used on the command line, a path specifying
       the attribute, a  style  specifying  where  the  value  is,  and  a  default  value.   Valid  styles  are
       OptionPropertyNext  (use  next  argument as an attribute:value pair, not just the value), OptionValueNext
       (use next argument as value), OptionValueImplicit (use default value), OptionValueIsArg (use argument  as
       value),  and  OptionValueAfter  (use  remainder  of  argument  as  value).  If non-nil, the PropertyData*
       parameter is an array of structures that  each  contain  three  string  fields:  a  path  specifying  the
       attribute,  a value specifying the value, and a type specifying the type name.  Attributes are entered in
       the following order:  first  any  application  defaults  (specified  by  the  PropertyData  array),  then
       application   defaults   from   /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/classname,   then  user  defaults  (usually  in
       $HOME/.Xdefaults), and finally  command-line  arguments.   Thus,  command-line  arguments  override  user
       defaults, and both override application defaults.

       const char* name()
              Return the instance name associated with the world.

       const char* classname()
              Return the class name associated with the world.

       int argc()
              Return  the  number  of arguments passed to the world (not counting those that were interpreted by
              the constructor).

       char** argv()
              Return the argument vector passed to the world.

       Font* font()
              Return the default font associated with the display.  If a value for ``font'' is  defined  at  the
              top-level of the property sheet, then it is used.  Otherwise, a system default is used.

       Color* foreground()
              Return the default foreground color associated with the display.  If a value for ``foreground'' is
              defined at the top-level of the property sheet, then it is used.  Otherwise, a system  default  is

       Color* background()
              Return the default background color associated with the display.  If a value for ``background'' is
              defined at the top-level of the property sheet, then it is used.  Otherwise, a system  default  is

       boolean shaped_windows()
              Return whether the display supports non-rectangular windows.

       boolean double_buffered()
              Return whether windows on the display should by default be double-buffered.

       virtual void flush()
              Repair all damaged windows on the display and then send any pending requests to the window system.

       virtual void sync()
              Repair  all  damaged  windows  on the display, send any pending requests to the window system, and
              wait for an acknowledgement from the window system.

       Coord width()
              Return the width in coordinates of the current screen associated with the display.

       Coord height()
              Return the height in coordinates of the current screen associated with the display.

       virtual void run()
              Read events from the display, handling them as they arrive, and stopping when quit is called.

       virtual void quit()
              Terminate the run loop.

       virtual boolean pending()
              Return whether any events are waiting to be read.

       virtual void read(Event&)
              Read the next event from the world associated with the event.

       virtual boolean read(long sec, long usec, Event&)
              Read the next event from the world associated with the event,  but  do  not  wait  more  than  sec
              seconds and usec microseconds.  Return whether an event was found in the given time.

       virtual void unread(Event&)
              Put the event back on the input queue for the world associated with the event.

       virtual void poll(Event&)
              Set the event to an artificial motion event based on the current pointer position and the state of
              the buttons and meta-keys.  virtual void SetScreen(int s) Set the current screen to s.

       static World* current()
              Return the current world.  The current world is set when  a  world  is  created  or  an  event  is
              received for the display associated with a world.