bionic (3) asgrad.3x.gz

Provided by: libafterimage-dev_2.2.12-11.1_amd64 bug


       asgrad - demonstrates rendering of multi point linear gradients libAfterImage/tutorials/ASGrad



       libAfterImage application for drawing multipoint linear gradients.


       New steps described in this tutorial are : ASGrad.1. Building gradient specs.  ASGrad.2. Actual rendering


       Tutorial 1: ASView  - explanation of basic steps needed to use
                             libAfterImage and some other simple things.  Tutorial 2: ASScale  -  image  scaling
       basics.   Tutorial  3: ASTile  - image tiling and tinting.  Tutorial 4: ASMerge - scaling and blending of
       arbitrary number of


           #include "../afterbase.h" #include "../afterimage.h" #include "common.h"

           ARGB32 default_colors[] = {
               0xFF700070,                                /* violet */
               0xFF0000FF,                                /* blue   */
               0xFF00FFFF,                                /* cyan   */
               0xFFa0a0FF, }; double default_offsets[] = { 0, 0.1, 0.15, 0.20, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.50,
                                        0.65, 0.8, 1.0} ;

           void usage() {
               printf( "  Usage: asgrad -h | <geometry> <gradient_type> <color1> "
                       "<offset2> <color2> [ <offset3> <color3> ...]\n");
               printf( "  Where: geometry - size of the resulting image and window;\n");
               printf( "         gradient_type - One of the fiollowing values :\n");
               printf( "            0 - linear   left-to-right gradient,\n");
               printf( "            1 - diagonal lefttop-to-rightbottom,\n");
               printf( "            2 - linear   top-to-bottom gradient,\n");
               printf( "            3 - diagonal righttop-to-leftbottom;\n");
               printf( "         offset   - floating point value from 0.0 to 1.0\n"); }

           int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
               Display *dpy = NULL;
               ASVisual *asv ;
               int screen = 0, depth = 0;
               int dummy, geom_flags = 0;
               unsigned int to_width, to_height ;
               ASGradient grad ;
               ASGradient default_grad = { 1, 11, &(default_colors[0]),
                                                  &(default_offsets[0])} ;
               ASImage *grad_im = NULL;

               /* see ASView.1 : */
               set_application_name( argv[0] ); #if (HAVE_AFTERBASE_FLAG==1)
               set_output_threshold(OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG); #endif

               if( argc > 1 )
                   if( strcmp( argv[1], "-h") == 0 )
                       return 0;
                   /* see ASScale.1 : */
                   geom_flags = XParseGeometry( argv[1], &dummy, &dummy,
                                                &to_width, &to_height );
               memset( &grad, 0x00, sizeof(ASGradient));

           #ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING
               dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
               _XA_WM_DELETE_WINDOW = XInternAtom( dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
               screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
               depth = DefaultDepth( dpy, screen ); #endif

               if( argc >= 5 )
                   int i = 2;
                   /* see ASGrad.1 : */
                   grad.type = atoi( argv[2] );
                   grad.npoints = 0 ;
                   grad.color = safemalloc( ((argc-2)/2)*sizeof(ARGB32));
                   grad.offset = safemalloc( ((argc-2)/2)*sizeof(double));
                   while( ++i < argc )
                       if( grad.npoints > 0 )
                           if( i == argc-1 )
                               grad.offset[grad.npoints] = 1.0;
                               grad.offset[grad.npoints] = atof( argv[i] );
                           ++i ;

                       /* see ASTile.1 : */
                       if( parse_argb_color( argv[i], &(grad.color[grad.npoints]))
                           != argv[i] )
                           if( grad.offset[grad.npoints] >= 0. &&
                               grad.offset[grad.npoints]<= 1.0 )
                               grad.npoints++ ;
                   grad = default_grad ;
                   if( argc >= 3 )
                       grad.type = atoi( argv[2] );

               if( grad.npoints <= 0 )
                   show_error( " not enough gradient points specified.");
                   return 1;

               /* Making sure tiling geometry is sane : */ #ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING
               if( !get_flags(geom_flags, WidthValue ) )
                   to_width  = DisplayWidth(dpy, screen)*2/3 ;
               if( !get_flags(geom_flags, HeightValue ) )
                   to_height = DisplayHeight(dpy, screen)*2/3 ; #else
               if( !get_flags(geom_flags, WidthValue ) )
                   to_width  = 500 ;
               if( !get_flags(geom_flags, HeightValue ) )
                   to_height = 500 ; #endif
               printf( "%s: rendering gradient of type %d to %dx%d\n",
                       get_application_name(), grad.type&GRADIENT_TYPE_MASK,
                       to_width, to_height );

               /* see ASView.3 : */
               asv = create_asvisual( dpy, screen, depth, NULL );
               /* see ASGrad.2 : */
               grad_im = make_gradient( asv, &grad, to_width, to_height,
                                        SCL_DO_ALL, #ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING
                                        ASA_XImage, #else
                                        ASA_ASImage, #endif
                                        0, ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT );
               if( grad_im )
               { #ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING
                   /* see ASView.4 : */
                   Window w = create_top_level_window( asv,
                                                       DefaultRootWindow(dpy), 32, 32,
                                                       to_width, to_height, 1, 0, NULL,
                                                       "ASGradient", NULL );
                   if( w != None )
                       Pixmap p ;

                       XMapRaised   (dpy, w);
                       /* see ASView.5 : */
                       p = asimage2pixmap( asv, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), grad_im,
                                           NULL, True );
                       destroy_asimage( &grad_im );
                       /* see common.c: set_window_background_and_free() : */
                       p = set_window_background_and_free( w, p );
                       /* see common.c: wait_closedown() : */
                   dpy = NULL; #else
                   ASImage2file( grad_im, NULL, "asgrad.jpg", ASIT_Jpeg, NULL );
                   destroy_asimage( &grad_im ); #endif
               return 0 ; }

       libAfterImage/tutorials/ASGrad.1 [5.1]


       Step 1. Building gradient specs.


       Multipoint gradient is defined as set of color values with offsets of each point from  the  beginning  of
       the  gradient  on 1.0 scale.  Offsets of the first and last point in gradient should always be 0. and 1.0
       respectively, and other points should go in between.  For example  2  point  gradient  will  have  always
       offsets  0.  and  1.0, 3 points gradient will have 0. for first color, 1.0 for last color and anything in
       between for middle color.  If offset is incorrect - point will be skipped at the time of rendering.

       There are 4 types of gradients supported : horizontal, top-left to bottom-right  diagonal,  vertical  and
       top-right  to  bottom-left  diagonal.  Any cilindrical gradient could be drawn as a 3 point gradient with
       border colors being the same.

       Each gradient point has ARGB color, which means that it is possible to draw gradients in alpha channel as
       well as RGB. That makes for semitransparent gradients, fading gradients, etc.


           grad.type = atoi( argv[2] );
               grad.npoints = 0 ;
               grad.color = safemalloc( ((argc-2)/2)*sizeof(ARGB32));
               grad.offset = safemalloc( ((argc-2)/2)*sizeof(double));
               while( ++i < argc )
                   if( grad.npoints > 0 )
                       if( i == argc-1 )
                           grad.offset[grad.npoints] = 1.0;
                           grad.offset[grad.npoints] = atof( argv[i] );
                       ++i ;
               if( parse_argb_color( argv[i], &(grad.color[grad.npoints]))
                    != argv[i] )
                       if(grad.offset[grad.npoints] >= 0. &&
                       grad.offset[grad.npoints]<= 1.0 )
                           grad.npoints++ ;


       ARGB32, parse_argb_color(), ASGradient
       libAfterImage/tutorials/ASGrad.2 [5.2]


       Step 2. Actually rendering gradient.


       All  that is needed to draw gradient is to call make_gradient(), passing pointer to ASGradient structure,
       that describes gradient.  Naturally size of the gradient is needed too. Another  parameter  is  filter  -
       that  is  a bit mask that allows one to draw gradient using only a subset of the channels, represented by
       set bits. SCL_DO_ALL means that all 4 channels must be  rendered.   make_gradient()  creates  ASImage  of
       requested  size  and  fills  it  with gradient. Special techinque based on error diffusion is utilized to
       avoid sharp steps between grades of colors when limited range of colors is used for gradient.


               grad_im = make_gradient( asv, &grad, to_width, to_height,
                                    ASA_XImage, 0, ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT );


       make_gradient(), ASScanline, ASImage.