bionic (3) blt::hierbox.3tcl.gz

Provided by: blt-dev_2.5.3+dfsg-4_amd64 bug


       treeview - Create and manipulate hierarchical table widgets


       treeview pathName ?options?


       The  treeview  widget  displays a tree of data.  It replaces both the hiertable and hierbox widgets.  The
       treeview is 100% syntax compatible with the hiertable widget.  The hiertable command is retained for sake
       of  script-level  compatibility.   This  widget obsoletes the hierbox widget.  It does everything the old
       hierbox widget did, but also provides data sharing (via tree data objects) and the ability to tag nodes.


       The treeview widget displays hierarchical data.  Data is represented as nodes in a general-ordered  tree.
       Each node may have sub-nodes and these nodes can in turn has their own children.

       A node is displayed as a row entry in the widget.  Each entry has a text label and icon.  When a node has
       children, its entry is drawn with a small button to the left of the label.  Clicking the mouse over  this
       button  opens or closes the node.  When a node is open, its children are exposed.  When it is closed, the
       children and their descedants are hidden.  The button is normally a + or - symbol (ala Windows Explorer),
       but can be replaced with a pair of Tk images (open and closed images).

       If  the  node  has data associated with it, they can be displayed in columns running vertically on either
       side the tree.  You can control the color, font, etc of each entry.  Any entry label or data field can be
       edited in-place.


       The  tree  is  not stored inside the widget but in a tree data object (see the tree command for a further
       explanation).  Tree data objects can be shared among different clients, such as a treeview widget or  the
       tree  command.  You can walk the tree and manage its data with the tree command tree, while displaying it
       with the treeview widget.  Whenever the tree is updated, the treeview widget is automatically redrawn.

       By default, the treeview widget creates its own tree object.  The tree initially  contains  just  a  root
       node.   But  you can also display trees created by the tree command using the -tree configuration option.
       Treeview widgets can share the same tree object, possibly displaying different views of the same data.

       A tree object has both a Tcl and C API.  You can insert or delete nodes using  treeview  widget  or  tree
       command  operations,  but  also  from  C code.  For example, you can load the tree from your C code while
       still managing and displaying the tree from Tcl. The widget is automatically notified whenever  the  tree
       is modified via C or Tcl.


       treeview pathName ?option value?...  The treeview command creates a new window pathName and makes it into
       a treeview widget.  At the time this command is invoked, there must not exist a  window  named  pathName,
       but  pathName's  parent  must  exist.   Additional options may be specified on the command line or in the
       option database to configure aspects of the widget such as  its  colors  and  font.   See  the  configure
       operation below for the exact details about what option and value pairs are valid.

       If  successful,  treeview  returns the path name of the widget.  It also creates a new Tcl command by the
       same name.  You can use this command to invoke various operations that query or modify the  widget.   The
       general  form  is:  pathName  operation  ?arg?...   Both  operation and its arguments determine the exact
       behavior of the command.  The operations available are described in the TREEVIEW OPERATIONS section.


       Nodes can be inserted into a tree using the treeview widget

              blt::treeview .t
              set node [.t insert end root "one"]

       or tree command.

              set tree [blt::tree create]
              set node [$tree insert root "one"]

       In both cases, a number identifying the node is returned (the value of $node).  This serial number or  id
       uniquely identifies the node.  Please note that you can't infer a location or position of a node from its
       id.  The only exception is that the root node is always id 0. Since nodes may have the same labels or  be
       moved  within  the  tree,  ids provide an convenient way to identify nodes.  If a tree is shared, the ids
       will be the same regardless if you are using by the  treeview  widget  or  the  tree  command.   Ids  are
       recycled when the node deleted.

       A node may also have any number of tags associated with it.  A tag is just a string of characters, and it
       may take any form except that of an integer.  For example, "x123" is valid, but "123"  isn't.   The  same
       tag  may  be associated with many different nodes.  This is typically done to associate a group of nodes.
       Many operations in the treeview widget take either node ids or tag names as arguments.  Using a tag  says
       to apply the operation to all nodes with that tag.

       The tag all is implicitly associated with every node in the tree.  It may be used to invoke operations on
       all the nodes in the tree.

       Tags may be shared, just like trees, between clients.  For example, you can use the tags created  by  the
       tree command with treeview widgets.


       There  are  also  several  special non-numeric ids.  Special ids differ from tags in that they are always
       translated to their numeric equivalent.  They also take precedence over tags.  For example, you can't use
       a tag name that is a special id.  These ids are specific to the treeview widget.

       active         The node where the mouse pointer is currently located.  When a node is active, it is drawn
                      using  its  active  icon  (see  the  -activeicon  option).   The  active  id  is   changed
                      automatically by moving the mouse pointer over another node or by using the entry activate
                      operation. Note that there can be only one active node at a time.

       anchor         The node representing the fixed end of the current selection.  The anchor is  set  by  the
                      selection anchor operation.

       current        The node where the mouse pointer is currently located.  But unlike active, this id changes
                      while the selection is dragged.  It is used to determine the current  node  during  button

       down           The next open node from the current focus. The down of the last open node is the same.

       end            The last open node (in depth-first order) on the tree.

       focus          The  node  that  currently  has focus.  When a node has focus, it receives key events.  To
                      indicate focus, the node is drawn with a dotted line around its label.  You can change the
                      focus using the focus operation.

       last           The  last open node from the current focus. But unlike up, when the focus is at root, last
                      wraps around to the last open node in the tree.

       mark           The node representing the non-fixed end of the current selection.  The mark is set by  the
                      selection mark operation.

       next           The  next  open  node  from the current focus.  But unlike down, when the focus is on last
                      open node, next wraps around to the root node.

       nextsibling    The next sibling from the node with the current focus.  If the node is  already  the  last
                      sibling then it is the nextsibling.

       parent         The parent of the node with the current focus. The parent of the root is also the root.

       prevsibling    The  previous  sibling  from  the node with the current focus.  If the node is already the
                      first sibling then it is the prevsibling.

       root           The root node. You can also use id 0 to indicate the root.

       up             The last open node (in depth-first order) from the current focus. The up of the root  node
                      (i.e. the root has focus) is also the root.       First node that's current visible in the widget.

       view.bottom    Last node that's current visible in the widget.

       path           Absolute path of a node.  Path names refer to the node name, not their entry labels. Paths
                      don't have to start with a  separator  (see  the  -separator  configuration  option),  but
                      component names must be separated by the designated separator.

       @x,y           Indicates  the  node that covers the point in the treeview window specified by x and y (in
                      pixel coordinates).  If no part of the entryd covers that point, then the closest node  to
                      that point is used.

       A  node  may  be specified as an id or tag. If the specifier is an integer then it is assumed to refer to
       the single node with that id.  If the specifier is not an integer, it's checked to see if it's a  special
       id (such as focus).  Otherwise, it's assumed to be tag.  Some operations only operate on a single node at
       a time; if a tag refers to more than one node, then an error is generated.


       A node in the tree can have data fields.  A data field is a name-value pair, used to represent  arbitrary
       data  in the node.  Nodes can contain different fields (they aren't required to contain the same fields).
       You can optionally display these fields in the treeview widget in columns running on either side  of  the
       displayed  tree.   A  node's  value  for  the  field  is  drawn  in the column along side its node in the
       hierarchy.  Any node that doesn't have a specific field is left  blank.   Columns  can  be  interactively
       resized, hidden, or, moved.


       You  can bind Tcl commands to be invoked when events occur on nodes (much like Tk canvas items).  You can
       bind a node using its id or its bindtags.  Bindtags are simply names that associate a binding with one or
       more nodes.  There is a built-in tag all that all node entries automatically have.


       The  treeview  operations  are  the  invoked  by specifying the widget's pathname, the operation, and any
       arguments that pertain to that operation.  The general form is:

              pathName operation ?arg arg ...?

       Operation and the args determine the  exact  behavior  of  the  command.   The  following  operation  are
       available for treeview widgets:

       pathName bbox ?-screen? tagOrId...
              Returns  a  list  of  4  numbers, representing a bounding box of around the specified entries. The
              entries is given by one or more tagOrId arguments.  If the -screen flag is  given,  then  the  x-y
              coordinates  of  the  bounding  box  are  returned as screen coordinates, not virtual coordinates.
              Virtual coordinates start from 0 from the root node.  The returned  list  contains  the  following

              x           X-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding box.

              y           Y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding box.

              width       Width of the bounding box.

              height      Height of the bounding box.

       pathName bind tagName ?sequence command?
              Associates command with tagName such that whenever the event sequence given by sequence occurs for
              a node with this tag, command will be invoked.  The syntax is similar to the bind  command  except
              that  it operates on treeview entries, rather than widgets. See the bind manual entry for complete
              details on sequence and the substitutions performed on command before invoking it.

              If all arguments are specified then a new binding is created, replacing any existing  binding  for
              the  same  sequence  and tagName.  If the first character of command is + then command augments an
              existing binding rather than replacing it.  If no command argument is provided  then  the  command
              currently  associated  with tagName and sequence (it's an error occurs if there's no such binding)
              is returned.  If both command and sequence are missing then a list of all the event sequences  for
              which bindings have been defined for tagName.

       pathName button operation ?args?
              This  command  is  used  to control the button selectors within a treeview widget.  It has several
              forms, depending on operation:

              pathName button activate tagOrId
                     Designates the node given by tagOrId as active.  When a node is active it's entry is  drawn
                     using its active icon (see the -activeicon option).  Note that there can be only one active
                     entry at a time.  The special id active indicates the currently active node.

              pathName button bind tagName ?sequence command?
                     Associates command with tagName such that whenever the event  sequence  given  by  sequence
                     occurs for an button of a node entry with this tag, command will be invoked.  The syntax is
                     similar to the bind command except that  it  operates  on  treeview  buttons,  rather  than
                     widgets.  See  the bind manual entry for complete details on sequence and the substitutions
                     performed on command before invoking it.

                     If all arguments are specified then a  new  binding  is  created,  replacing  any  existing
                     binding  for  the  same  sequence and tagName.  If the first character of command is + then
                     command augments an existing binding rather than replacing it.  If no command  argument  is
                     provided  then  the  command  currently associated with tagName and sequence (it's an error
                     occurs if there's no such binding) is returned.  If both command and sequence  are  missing
                     then a list of all the event sequences for which bindings have been defined for tagName.

              pathName button cget option
                     Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option.  Option may have any
                     of the values accepted by the configure operation described below.

              pathName button configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
                     Query or modify the configuration options of  the  widget.   If  no  option  is  specified,
                     returns  a  list describing all of the available options for pathName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo
                     for information on the format of this list).  If option is specified with  no  value,  then
                     the  command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to
                     the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified).  If one or more
                     option-value  pairs  are specified, then the command modifies the given widget option(s) to
                     have the given value(s);  in this case the command returns an  empty  string.   Option  and
                     value are described in the section BUTTON OPTIONS below.

       pathName cget option
              Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option.  Option may have any of the
              values accepted by the configure operation described below.

       pathName close ?-recurse? tagOrId...
              Closes the node specified by tagOrId.   In  addition,  if  a  Tcl  script  was  specified  by  the
              -closecommand  option,  it is invoked.  If the node is already closed, this command has no effect.
              If the -recurse flag is present, each child node is recursively closed.

       pathName column operation ?args?
              The following operations are available for treeview columns.

              pathName column activate column
                     Sets the active column to column.  Column is the name of a column in the  widget.   When  a
                     column  is  active,  it's drawn using its -activetitlebackground and -activetitleforeground
                     options.  If column is the "", then no column will be active.  If  no  column  argument  is
                     provided, then the name of the currently active column is returned.

              pathName column cget name option
                     Returns  the  current  value  of  the column configuration option given by option for name.
                     Name is the name of column that corresponds to a data field.  Option may have  any  of  the
                     values accepted by the configure operation described below.

              pathName column configure name ?option? ?value option value ...?
                     Query  or  modify  the  configuration options of the column designated by name. Name is the
                     name of the column corresponding to a data field.  If no option  is  specified,  returns  a
                     list  describing  all  of  the  available  options  for  pathName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for
                     information on the format of this list).  If option is specified with no  value,  then  the
                     command  returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to the
                     corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified).   If  one  or  more
                     option-value  pairs  are specified, then the command modifies the given widget option(s) to
                     have the given value(s);  in this case the command returns an  empty  string.   Option  and
                     value are described in the section COLUMN OPTIONS below.

              pathName column delete field ?field...?
                     Deletes  one  of more columns designated by field.  Note that this does not delete the data
                     fields themselves.

              pathName column insert position field ?options...?
                     Inserts one of more columns designated by field.  A column displays each node's data  field
                     by  the  same  name.   If  the  node  doesn't have the given field, the cell is left blank.
                     Position indicates where in the list of columns to add the new column.  It may be either  a
                     number or end.

              pathName column invoke field
                     Invokes  the  Tcl  command  associated  with  the  column field, if there is one (using the
                     column's -command option).  The command is ignored if the column's  -state  option  set  to

              pathName column move name dest
                     Moves the column name to the destination position.  Dest is the name of another column or a
                     screen position in the form @x,y.

              pathName column names
                     Returns a list of the names of all columns in the widget.   The  list  is  ordered  as  the
                     columns are drawn from left-to-right.

              pathName column nearest x ?y?
                     Returns  the name of the column closest to the given X-Y screen coordinate.  If you provide
                     a y argument (it's optional), a name is returned only when if the point is over a  column's

       pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
              Query  or  modify  the  configuration options of the widget.  If no option is specified, returns a
              list describing all of the available options for pathName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for information on
              the  format  of this list).  If option is specified with no value, then the command returns a list
              describing the one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist  of  the
              value  returned if no option is specified).  If one or more option-value pairs are specified, then
              the command modifies the given widget option(s) to have the given  value(s);   in  this  case  the
              command  returns  an empty string.  Option and value are described in the section TREEVIEW OPTIONS

       pathName curselection
              Returns a list containing the ids of all of the entries that are currently selected.  If there are
              no entries selected, then the empty string is returned.

       pathName delete tagOrId...
              Deletes one or more entries given by tagOrId and its children.

       pathName entry operation ?args?
              The following operations are available for treeview entries.

              pathName entry activate tagOrId
                     Sets the active entry to the one specified by tagOrId.  When an entry is active it is drawn
                     using its active icon (see the -activeicon option).  Note that there can be only one active
                     node at a time.  The special id of the currently active node is active.

              pathName entry cget option
                     Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option.  Option may have any
                     of the values accepted by the configure operation described below.

              pathName entry children tagOrId  ?first? ?last?
                     Returns a list of ids for the given range of children of tagOrId.  TagOrId is the id or tag
                     of  the  node to be examined.  If only a first argument is present, then the id of the that
                     child at that numeric position is returned.  If both first and last  arguments  are  given,
                     then  the  ids  of  all  the children in that range are returned.  Otherwise the ids of all
                     children are returned.

              pathName entry configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
                     Query or modify the configuration options of  the  widget.   If  no  option  is  specified,
                     returns  a  list describing all of the available options for pathName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo
                     for information on the format of this list).  If option is specified with  no  value,  then
                     the  command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to
                     the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified).  If one or more
                     option-value  pairs  are specified, then the command modifies the given widget option(s) to
                     have the given value(s);  in this case the command returns an  empty  string.   Option  and
                     value are described below:

              pathName entry delete tagOrId ?first ?last?
                     Deletes  the one or more children nodes of the parent tagOrId.  If first and last arguments
                     are present, they are positions designating a range of children nodes to be deleted.

              pathName entry isbefore tagOrId1 tagOrId2
                     Returns 1 if tagOrId1 is before tagOrId2 and 0 otherwise.

              pathName entry ishidden tagOrId
                     Returns 1 if the node is currently hidden and 0 otherwise.  A node is also hidden if any of
                     its ancestor nodes are closed or hidden.

              pathName entry isopen tagOrId
                     Returns 1 if the node is currently open and 0 otherwise.

              pathName entry size -recurse tagOrId
                     Returns  the  number of children for parent node tagOrId.  If the -recurse flag is set, the
                     number of all its descendants is returned.  The node itself is not counted.

       pathName find ?flags? first last
              Finds for all entries matching the criteria given by flags.  A list of ids for all matching  nodes
              is  returned.  First and last are ids designating the range of the search in depth-first order. If
              last is before first, then nodes are searched in reverse order.  The valid flags are:

              -name pattern
                          Specifies pattern to match against node names.

              -full pattern
                          Specifies pattern to match against node pathnames.

              -option pattern
                          Specifies pattern to match against the node entry's configuration option.

              -exact      Patterns must match exactly.  The is the default.

              -glob       Use global pattern matching.  Matching is done in a fashion similar to  that  used  by
                          the C-shell.  For  the  two strings  to match, their contents must be identical except
                          that the  following  special  sequences  may appear in pattern:

                          *    Matches  any  sequence  of  characters in string, including a null string.

                          ?    Matches any single character in string.

                               Matches any character in the set given by chars. If a sequence of  the  form  x-y
                               appears in chars, then any character between x and y, inclusive, will match.

                          \x   Matches   the   single   character   x.   This  provides  a way of  avoiding  the
                               special interpretation of the characters *?[]\ in the pattern.

              -regexp     Use regular expression pattern matching (i.e. the same as implemented  by  the  regexp

                          Pick entries that don't match.

              -exec string
                          Specifies  a  Tcl  script to be invoked for each matching node.  Percent substitutions
                          are performed on string before it is executed.  The following substitutions are valid:

                          %W   The pathname of the widget.

                          %p   The name of the node.

                          %P   The full pathname of the node.

                          %#   The id of the node.

                          %%   Translates to a single percent.

              -count number
                          Stop searching after number matches.

              --          Indicates the end of flags.

       pathName focus  tagOrId
              Sets the focus to the node given by tagOrId.  When a node  has  focus,  it  can  receive  keyboard
              events.  The special id focus designates the node that currently has focus.

       pathName get ?-full? tagOrId tagOrId...
              Translates  one or more ids to their node entry names.  It returns a list of names for all the ids
              specified.  If the -full flag is set, then the full pathnames are returned.

       pathName hide ?flags? tagOrId...
              Hides all nodes matching the criteria given by flags.  The search  is  performed  recursively  for
              each node given by tagOrId.  The valid flags are described below:

              -name pattern
                          Specifies pattern to match against node names.

              -full pattern
                          Specifies pattern to match against node pathnames.

              -option pattern
                          Specifies pattern to match against the node entry's configuration option.

              -exact      Match patterns exactly.  The is the default.

              -glob       Use  global  pattern  matching.  Matching is done in a fashion similar to that used by
                          the C-shell.  For  the  two strings  to match, their contents must be identical except
                          that the  following  special  sequences  may appear in pattern:

                          *    Matches  any  sequence  of  characters in string, including a null string.

                          ?    Matches any single character in string.

                               Matches  any  character  in the set given by chars. If a sequence of the form x-y
                               appears in chars, then any character between x and y, inclusive, will match.

                          \x   Matches  the  single  character  x.   This  provides  a  way  of   avoiding   the
                               special interpretation of the characters *?[]\ in the pattern.

              -regexp     Use  regular  expression  pattern matching (i.e. the same as implemented by the regexp

                          Hide nodes that don't match.

              --          Indicates the end of flags.

       pathName index ?-at tagOrId? string
              Returns the id of the node specified by string.  String may be a tag or node id.  Some special ids
              are normally relative to the node that has focus.  The -at flag lets you select another node.

       pathName insert ?-at tagOrId? position path ?options...? ?path? ?options...?
              Inserts  one  or  more  nodes at position.  Position is the location (number or end) where the new
              nodes are added to the parent node.  Path is the pathname of  the  new  node.   Pathnames  can  be
              formated  either  as  a  Tcl list (each element is a path component) or as a string separated by a
              special character sequence (using the -separator option).  Pathnames are  normally  absolute,  but
              the  -at  switch  lets  you select a relative starting point.  Its value is the id of the starting

              All ancestors of the new node must already exist, unless the -autocreate option  is  set.   It  is
              also an error if a node already exists, unless the -allowduplicates option is set.

              Option and value may have any of the values accepted by the entry configure operation described in
              the ENTRY OPERATIONS section below.  This command returns a list of the ids of the new entries.

       pathName move tagOrId how destId
              Moves the node given by tagOrId to the destination node.  The node can not be an ancestor  of  the
              destination.   DestId  is  the id of the destination node and can not be the root of the tree.  In
              conjunction with how, it describes how the move is performed.

              before  Moves the node before the destination node.

              after   Moves the node after the destination node.

              into    Moves the node to the end of the destination's list of children.

       pathName nearest x y ?varName?
              Returns the id of the node entry closest  to  the  given  X-Y  screen  coordinate.   The  optional
              argument  varName is the name of variable which is set to either button or select to indicate over
              what part of the node the coordinate lies.  If the coordinate is not directly over any node,  then
              varName will contain the empty string.

       pathName open ?-recurse? tagOrId...
              Opens  the  one or more nodes specified by tagOrId.  If a node is not already open, the Tcl script
              specified by the -opencommand option is invoked. If  the  -recurse  flag  is  present,  then  each
              descendant is recursively opened.

       pathName range ?-open? first last
              Returns  the  ids  in depth-first order of the nodes between the first and last ids.  If the -open
              flag is present, it indicates to consider only open nodes.  If last is before first, then the  ids
              are returned in reverse order.

       pathName scan option args
              This command implements scanning.  It has two forms, depending on option:

              pathName scan mark x y
                     Records  x  and  y  and  the current view in the treeview window;  used in conjunction with
                     later scan dragto commands.  Typically this command is associated with a mouse button press
                     in the widget.  It returns an empty string.

              pathName scan dragto x y.
                     Computes the difference between its x and y arguments and the x and y arguments to the last
                     scan mark command for the widget.  It then adjusts the view by 10 times the  difference  in
                     coordinates.   This command is typically associated with mouse motion events in the widget,
                     to produce the effect of dragging the list at high speed through the  window.   The  return
                     value is an empty string.

       pathName see ?-anchor anchor? tagOrId
              Adjusts the view of entries so that the node given by tagOrId is visible in the widget window.  It
              is an error if tagOrId is a tag that refers to more than one node.  By default the node's entry is
              displayed  in  the middle of the window.  This can changed using the -anchor flag.  Its value is a
              Tk anchor position.

       pathName selection option arg
              This command is used to adjust the selection within a treeview  widget.   It  has  several  forms,
              depending on option:

              pathName selection anchor tagOrId
                     Sets  the  selection  anchor  to  the  node  given by tagOrId.  If tagOrId refers to a non-
                     existent node, then the closest node is used.  The selection  anchor  is  the  end  of  the
                     selection  that  is  fixed  while  dragging out a selection with the mouse.  The special id
                     anchor may be used to refer to the anchor node.

              pathName selection cancel
                     Clears the temporary selection of entries back to the current anchor.  Temporary selections
                     are created by the selection mark operation.

              pathName selection clear first ?last?
                     Removes  the entries between first and last (inclusive) from the selection.  Both first and
                     last are ids representing a range of entries.  If last isn't  given,  then  only  first  is
                     deselected.  Entries outside the selection are not affected.

              pathName selection clearall
                     Clears the entire selection.

              pathName selection mark tagOrId
                     Sets  the  selection  mark  to the node given by tagOrId.  This causes the range of entries
                     between the anchor and the mark to be temporarily added to the  selection.   The  selection
                     mark  is  the  end  of  the selection that is fixed while dragging out a selection with the
                     mouse.  The special id mark may be used to refer to the  current  mark  node.   If  tagOrId
                     refers  to a non-existent node, then the mark is ignored.  Resetting the mark will unselect
                     the previous range.  Setting the anchor finalizes the range.

              pathName selection includes tagOrId
                     Returns 1 if the node given by tagOrId is currently selected, 0 if it isn't.

              pathName selection present
                     Returns 1 if any nodes are currently selected and 0 otherwise.

              pathName selection set first ?last?
                     Selects all of the nodes in the range between first and last, inclusive, without  affecting
                     the selection state of nodes outside that range.

              pathName selection toggle first ?last?
                     Selects/deselects nodes in the range between first and last, inclusive, from the selection.
                     If a node is currently selected, it becomes deselected, and visa versa.

       pathName show ?flags? tagOrId...
              Exposes all nodes matching the criteria  given  by  flags.   This  is  the  inverse  of  the  hide
              operation.   The  search is performed recursively for each node given by tagOrId.  The valid flags
              are described below:

              -name pattern
                          Specifies pattern to match against node names.

              -full pattern
                          Specifies pattern to match against node pathnames.

              -option pattern
                          Specifies pattern to match against the entry's configuration option.

              -exact      Match patterns exactly.  The is the default.

              -glob       -glob Use global pattern matching.  Matching is done in a fashion similar to that used
                          by  the  C-shell.   For   the  two strings  to match, their contents must be identical
                          except that the  following  special  sequences  may appear in pattern:

                          *    Matches  any  sequence  of  characters in string, including a null string.

                          ?    Matches any single character in string.

                               Matches any character in the set given by chars. If a sequence of  the  form  x-y
                               appears in chars, then any character between x and y, inclusive, will match.

                          \x   Matches   the   single   character   x.   This  provides  a way of  avoiding  the
                               special interpretation of the characters *?[]\ in the pattern.

              -regexp     Use regular expression pattern matching (i.e. the same as implemented  by  the  regexp

                          Expose nodes that don't match.

              --          Indicates the end of flags.

       pathName sort ?operation? args...

              pathName sort auto ?boolean
                     Turns  on/off  automatic  sorting  of  node  entries.   If boolean is true, entries will be
                     automatically sorted as they are opened, closed,  inserted,  or  deleted.   If  no  boolean
                     argument is provided, the current state is returned.

              pathName sort cget option
                     Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option.  Option may have any
                     of the values accepted by the configure operation described below.

              pathName sort configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
                     Query or modify the  sorting  configuration  options  of  the  widget.   If  no  option  is
                     specified,  returns  a  list  describing  all  of  the  available options for pathName (see
                     Tk_ConfigureInfo for information on the format of this list).  If option is specified  with
                     no  value,  then the command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will
                     be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified).
                     If  one  or  more  option-value  pairs  are  specified, then the command modifies the given
                     sorting option(s) to have the given value(s);  in this case the command  returns  an  empty
                     string.  Option and value are described below:

                     -column string
                            Specifies the column to sort. Entries in the widget are rearranged according to this
                            column.  If column is "" then no sort is performed.

                     -command string
                            Specifies a Tcl procedure to be called when sorting nodes.  The procedure is  called
                            with three arguments: the pathname of the widget and the fields of two entries.  The
                            procedure returns 1 if the first node is greater than the second, -1 is  the  second
                            is greater, and 0 if equal.

                     -decreasing boolean
                            Indicates  to  sort  in  ascending/descending  order.   If boolean is true, then the
                            entries as in descending order. The default is no.

                     -mode string
                            Specifies how to compare entries when sorting. String may be one of the following:

                            ascii          Use string comparison based upon the ASCII collation order.

                            dictionary     Use dictionary-style comparison.  This is the same  as  ascii  except
                                           (a)  case  is  ignored except as a tie-breaker and (b) if two strings
                                           contain embedded  numbers,  the  numbers  compare  as  integers,  not
                                           characters.   For  example,  "bigBoy"  sorts  between  "bigbang"  and
                                           "bigboy", and "x10y" sorts between "x9y" and "x11y".

                            integer        Compares fields as integers.

                            real           Compares fields as floating point numbers.

                            command        Use the Tcl proc specified by the -command option to compare  entries
                                           when sorting.   If no command is specified, the sort reverts to ascii

              pathName sort once ?flags? tagOrId...
                     Sorts the children for each entries specified by tagOrId.  By default, entries  are  sorted
                     by name, but you can specify a Tcl proc to do your own comparisons.

                     -recurse       Recursively sort the entire branch, not just the children.

       pathName tag operation args
              Tags  are  a  general means of selecting and marking nodes in the tree.  A tag is just a string of
              characters, and it may take any form except that of an integer.  The same tag  may  be  associated
              with many different nodes.

              Both  operation  and  its  arguments  determine the exact behavior of the command.  The operations
              available for tags are listed below.

              pathName tag add string id...
                     Adds the tag string to one of more entries.

              pathName tag delete string id...
                     Deletes the tag string from one or more entries.

              pathName tag forget string
                     Removes the tag string from all entries.  It's not an error if no  entries  are  tagged  as

              pathName tag names ?id?
                     Returns  a  list  of  tags used.  If an id argument is present, only those tags used by the
                     node designated by id are returned.

              pathName tag nodes string
                     Returns a list of ids that have the tag string.  If no node is tagged as  string,  then  an
                     empty string is returned.

       pathName text operation ?args?
              This  operation  is  used  to  provide  text  editing for cells (data fields in a column) or entry
              labels.  It has several forms, depending on operation:

              pathName text apply
                     Applies the edited buffer, replacing the entry label or data  field.  The  edit  window  is

              pathName text cancel
                     Cancels the editing operation, reverting the entry label or data value back to the previous
                     value. The edit window is hidden.

              pathName text cget value
                     Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option.  Option may have any
                     of the values accepted by the configure operation described below.

              pathName text configure ?option value?
                     Query  or  modify the configuration options of the edit window.  If no option is specified,
                     returns  a  list  describing  all  of  the  available  options  (see  Tk_ConfigureInfo  for
                     information  on  the  format of this list).  If option is specified with no value, then the
                     command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to  the
                     corresponding  sublist  of  the  value returned if no option is specified).  If one or more
                     option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given widget  option(s)  to
                     have  the  given  value(s);   in this case the command returns an empty string.  Option and
                     value are described in the section TEXT EDITING OPTIONS below.

       pathName text delete first last
              Deletes the characters in the edit buffer between the two given character positions.

       pathName text get ?-root? x y

       pathName text icursor index

       pathName text index index
              Returns the text index of given index.

       pathName text insert index string
              Insert the text string string into the edit buffer at the index index.  For example, the  index  0
              will prepend the buffer.

       pathName text selection args
              This  operation  controls  the  selection  of the editing window.  Note that this differs from the
              selection of entries.  It has the following forms:

              pathName text selection adjust index
                     Adjusts either the first or last index of the selection.

              pathName text selection clear
                     Clears the selection.

              pathName text selection from index
                     Sets the anchor of the selection.

              pathName text selection present
                     Indicates if a selection is present.

              pathName text selection range start end
                     Sets both the anchor and mark of the selection.

              pathName text selection to index
                     Sets the unanchored end (mark) of the selection.

       pathName toggle tagOrId
              Opens or closes the node given by tagOrId.  If the  corresponding  -opencommand  or  -closecommand
              option is set, then that command is also invoked.

       pathName xview args
              This  command  is  used  to  query  and  change  the horizontal position of the information in the
              widget's window.  It can take any of the following forms:

              pathName xview
                     Returns a list containing two elements.  Each element is a real fraction between 0  and  1;
                     together  they describe the horizontal span that is visible in the window.  For example, if
                     the first element is .2 and the second element is .6, 20% of the treeview widget's text  is
                     off-screen  to  the  left,  the middle 40% is visible in the window, and 40% of the text is
                     off-screen to the  right.   These  are  the  same  values  passed  to  scrollbars  via  the
                     -xscrollcommand option.

              pathName xview tagOrId
                     Adjusts the view in the window so that the character position given by tagOrId is displayed
                     at the left edge of the window.  Character positions  are  defined  by  the  width  of  the
                     character 0.

              pathName xview moveto fraction
                     Adjusts the view in the window so that fraction of the total width of the treeview widget's
                     text is off-screen to the left.  fraction must be a fraction between 0 and 1.

              pathName xview scroll number what
                     This command shifts the view in the window left or right  according  to  number  and  what.
                     Number must be an integer.  What must be either units or pages or an abbreviation of one of
                     these.  If what is units, the view adjusts left or right by  number  character  units  (the
                     width  of  the 0 character) on the display;  if it is pages then the view adjusts by number
                     screenfuls.  If number is negative then characters farther to the left become visible;   if
                     it is positive then characters farther to the right become visible.

       pathName yview ?args?
              This command is used to query and change the vertical position of the text in the widget's window.
              It can take any of the following forms:

              pathName yview
                     Returns a list containing two elements, both of which are real fractions between 0  and  1.
                     The  first element gives the position of the node at the top of the window, relative to the
                     widget as a whole (0.5 means it is halfway through the treeview window, for example).   The
                     second  element  gives  the  position  of  the  node just after the last one in the window,
                     relative to the widget as a whole.  These are the same values passed to scrollbars via  the
                     -yscrollcommand option.

              pathName yview tagOrId
                     Adjusts the view in the window so that the node given by tagOrId is displayed at the top of
                     the window.

              pathName yview moveto fraction
                     Adjusts the view in the window so that the node given by fraction appears at the top of the
                     window.   Fraction  is  a  fraction  between  0  and  1;   0 indicates the first node, 0.33
                     indicates the node one-third the way through the treeview widget, and so on.

              pathName yview scroll number what
                     This command adjusts the view in the window up  or  down  according  to  number  and  what.
                     Number must be an integer.  What must be either units or pages.  If what is units, the view
                     adjusts up or down by number lines;  if it  is  pages  then  the  view  adjusts  by  number
                     screenfuls.   If  number  is negative then earlier nodes become visible;  if it is positive
                     then later nodes become visible.


       In addition to the configure operation, widget configuration options may also be set  by  the  Tk  option
       command.  The class resource name is TreeView.

              option add *TreeView.Foreground white
              option add *TreeView.Background blue

       The following widget options are available:

       -activebackground color
              Sets  the  background  color for active entries.  A node is active when the mouse passes over it's
              entry or using the activate operation.

       -activeforeground color
              Sets the foreground color of the active node.  A node is active when the mouse  passes  over  it's
              entry or using the activate operation.

       -activeicons images
              Specifies images to be displayed for an entry's icon when it is active. Images is a list of two Tk
              images: the first image is displayed when the node is open, the second when it is closed.

       -autocreate boolean
              If boolean is true,  automatically  create  missing  ancestor  nodes  when  inserting  new  nodes.
              Otherwise flag an error.  The default is no.

       -allowduplicates boolean
              If boolean is true, allow nodes with duplicate pathnames when inserting new nodes.  Otherwise flag
              an error.  The default is no.

       -background color
              Sets the background color of the widget.  The default is white.

       -borderwidth pixels
              Sets the width of the 3-D border around the outside  edge  of  the  widget.   The  -relief  option
              determines if the border is to be drawn.  The default is 2.

       -closecommand string
              Specifies a Tcl script to be invoked when a node is closed.  You can overrider this for individual
              entries using the entry's -closecommand option. The default  is  "".   Percent  substitutions  are
              performed on string before it is executed.  The following substitutions are valid:

              %W   The pathname of the widget.

              %p   The name of the node.

              %P   The full pathname of the node.

              %#   The id of the node.

              %%   Translates to a single percent.

       -cursor cursor
              Specifies the widget's cursor.  The default cursor is "".

       -dashes number
              Sets  the  dash style of the horizontal and vertical lines drawn connecting entries. Number is the
              length in pixels of the dashes and gaps in the line. If number is 0, solid lines  will  be  drawn.
              The default is 1 (dotted).

       -exportselection boolean
              Indicates  if  the  selection  is exported.  If the widget is exporting its selection then it will
              observe the standard X11 protocols for handling the selection.  Selections are available  as  type
              STRING; the value of the selection will be the label of the selected nodes, separated by newlines.
              The default is no.

       -flat boolean
              Indicates whether to display the tree as a flattened list.  If boolean is true, then the hierarchy
              will be a list of full paths for the nodes.  This option also has affect on sorting.  See the SORT
              OPERATIONS section for more information.  The default is no.

       -focusdashes dashList
              Sets the dash style of the outline rectangle drawn around the entry label of the node that current
              has  focus.  Number is the length in pixels of the dashes and gaps in the line.  If number is 0, a
              solid line will be drawn. The default is 1.

       -focusforeground color
              Sets the color of the focus rectangle.  The default is black.

       -font fontName
              Specifies the font for entry labels.  You can  override  this  for  individual  entries  with  the
              entry's -font configuration option.  The default is *-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-12-120-*.

       -foreground color
              Sets  the  text  color  of  entry  labels.   You can override this for individual entries with the
              entry's -foreground configuration option.  The default is black.

       -height pixels
              Specifies the requested height of widget.  The default is 400.

       -hideroot boolean
              If boolean is true, it indicates that no entry for the root node should be displayed.  The default
              is no.

       -highlightbackground  color
              Specifies  the  normal  color  of the traversal highlight region when the widget does not have the
              input focus.

       -highlightcolor color
              Specifies the color of the traversal highlight rectangle when the widget has the input focus.  The
              default is black.

       -highlightthickness pixels
              Specifies  the  width  of  the highlight rectangle indicating when the widget has input focus. The
              value may have any of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetPixels.   If  the  value  is  zero,  no  focus
              highlight will be displayed.  The default is 2.

       -icons images
              Specifies  images  for  the  entry's  icon.  Images is a list of two Tk images: the first image is
              displayed when the node is open, the second when it is closed.

       -linecolor color
              Sets the color of the connecting lines drawn between entries.  The default is black.

       -linespacing pixels
              Sets the number of pixels spacing between entries.  The default is 0.

       -linewidth pixels
              Set the width of the lines drawn connecting entries.  If pixels is 0, no  vertical  or  horizontal
              lines are drawn.  The default is 1.

       -opencommand string
              Specifies  a  Tcl  script to be invoked when a node is open.  You can override this for individual
              entries with  the  entry's  -opencommand  configuration  option.   The  default  is  "".   Percent
              substitutions  are  performed  on  string  before it is executed.  The following substitutions are

              %W   The pathname of the widget.

              %p   The name of the node.

              %P   The full pathname of the node.

              %#   The id of the node.

              %%   Translates to a single percent.

       -relief relief
              Specifies the 3-D effect for the widget.  Relief specifies how the treeview widget  should  appear
              relative  to widget it is packed into; for example, raised means the treeview widget should appear
              to protrude.  The default is sunken.

       -scrollmode mode
              Specifies the style of scrolling to be used.  The following styles are valid.  This is the default
              is hierbox.

              listbox     Like  the  listbox  widget,  the  last  entry can always be scrolled to the top of the
                          widget window.  This allows the scrollbar  thumb  to  shrink  as  the  last  entry  is
                          scrolled upward.

              hierbox     Like the hierbox widget, the last entry can only be viewed at the bottom of the widget
                          window.  The scrollbar stays a constant size.

              canvas      Like the canvas widget, the entries are bound within the scrolling area.

       -selectbackground color
              Sets the background color selected node entries.  The default is #ffffea.

       -selectborderwidth pixels
              Sets the width of the raised 3-D border drawn around the labels of selected entries.  The  default
              is  0.   -selectcommand  string  Specifies  a Tcl script to invoked when the set of selected nodes
              changes.  The default is "".

       -selectforeground color
              Sets the color of the labels of selected node entries.  The default is black.

       -selectmode mode
              Specifies the selection mode. If mode is single, only one node can be  selected  at  a  time.   If
              multiple more than one node can be selected.  The default is single.

       -separator string
              Specifies  the character sequence to use when splitting the path components.  The separator may be
              several characters wide (such as "::") Consecutive separators in a pathname are  treated  as  one.
              If  string  is  the  empty string, the pathnames are Tcl lists.  Each element is a path component.
              The default is "".

       -showtitles boolean
              If boolean is false, column titles are not be displayed.  The default is yes.

       -sortselection boolean
              If boolean is true, nodes in the selection are ordered as they  are  currently  displayed  (depth-
              first or sorted), not in the order they were selected. The default is no.

       -takefocus focus
              Provides  information  used  when  moving  the  focus from window to window via keyboard traversal
              (e.g., Tab and Shift-Tab).  If focus is 0, this means that this window should be skipped  entirely
              during  keyboard  traversal.   1 means that the this window should always receive the input focus.
              An empty value means that the traversal scripts make the decision whether to focus on the  window.
              The default is "1".

       -trim string
              Specifies  a  string  leading  characters  to trim from entry pathnames before parsing.  This only
              makes sense if the -separator is also set.  The default is "".

       -width pixels
              Sets the requested width of the widget.  If pixels is 0,  then  the  with  is  computed  from  the
              contents of the treeview widget.  The default is 200.

       -xscrollcommand string
              Specifies  the  prefix for a command used to communicate with horizontal scrollbars.  Whenever the
              horizontal view in the widget's window  changes,  the  widget  will  generate  a  Tcl  command  by
              concatenating  the  scroll  command  and  two  numbers.   If this option is not specified, then no
              command will be executed.

       -xscrollincrement pixels
              Sets the horizontal scrolling distance. The default is 20 pixels.

       -yscrollcommand string
              Specifies the prefix for a command used to communicate with vertical  scrollbars.    Whenever  the
              vertical  view  in  the  widget's  window  changes,  the  widget  will  generate  a Tcl command by
              concatenating the scroll command and two numbers.  If  this  option  is  not  specified,  then  no
              command will be executed.

       -yscrollincrement pixels
              Sets the vertical scrolling distance. The default is 20 pixels.


       Many  widget  configuration  options have counterparts in entries.  For example, there is a -closecommand
       configuration option for both widget itself and for individual entries.  Options set at the widget  level
       are  global  for  all  entries.   If  the entry configuration option is set, then it overrides the widget
       option.  This is done to avoid wasting memory by replicated options.  Most entries  will  have  redundant

       There is no resource class or name for entries.

       -activeicons images
              Specifies  images to be displayed as the entry's icon when it is active. This overrides the global
              -activeicons configuration option for the specific entry.  Images is a list of two Tk images:  the
              first image is displayed when the node is open, the second when it is closed.

       -bindtags tagList
              Specifies the binding tags for nodes.  TagList is a list of binding tag names.  The tags and their
              order will determine how events are handled for nodes.  Each tag in the list matching the  current
              event sequence will have its Tcl command executed.  The default value is all.

       -button string
              Indicates  whether a button should be displayed on the left side of the node entry.  String can be
              yes, no, or auto.  If auto, then a button is automatically displayed if  the  node  has  children.
              This is the default.

       -closecommand string
              Specifies  a  Tcl  script  to  be  invoked  when  the  node  is closed.  This overrides the global
              -closecommand option for this entry.  The default is "".  Percent substitutions are  performed  on
              string before it is executed.  The following substitutions are valid:

              %W   The pathname of the widget.

              %p   The name of the node.

              %P   The full pathname of the node.

              %#   The id of the node.

              %%   Translates to a single percent.

       -data string
              Sets data fields for the node.  String is a list of name-value pairs to be set. The default is "".

       -font fontName
              Sets  the  font  for  entry  labels.  This overrides the widget's -font option for this node.  The
              default is *-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-12-120-*.

       -foreground color
              Sets the text color of the entry label.  This overrides  the  widget's  -foreground  configuration
              option.  The default is "".

       -icons images
              Specifies  images  to  be  displayed  for  the  entry's  icon.   This  overrides the global -icons
              configuration option.  Images is a list of two Tk images: the first image is  displayed  when  the
              node is open, the second when it is closed.

       -label string
              Sets  the  text  for  the  entry's  label.  If not set, this defaults to the name of the node. The
              default is "".

       -opencommand string
              Specifies a Tcl script to be invoked when the  entry  is  opened.   This  overrides  the  widget's
              -opencommand  option  for  this  node.  The default is "".  Percent substitutions are performed on
              string before it is executed.  The following substitutions are valid:

              %W   The pathname of the widget.

              %p   The name of the node.

              %P   The full pathname of the node.

              %#   The id of the node.

              %%   Translates to a single percent.


       Button configuration options may also be set by the option command.  The  resource  subclass  is  Button.
       The resource name is always button.

              option add *TreeView.Button.Foreground white
              option add *TreeView.button.Background blue

       The following are the configuration options available for buttons.

       -activebackground color
              Sets  the  background color of active buttons.  A button is made active when the mouse passes over
              it or by the button activate operation.

       -activeforeground color
              Sets the foreground color of active buttons.  A button is made active when the mouse  passes  over
              it or by the button activate operation.

       -background color
              Sets the background of the button.  The default is white.

       -borderwidth pixels
              Sets  the width of the 3-D border around the button.  The -relief option determines if a border is
              to be drawn.  The default is 1.

       -closerelief relief
              Specifies the 3-D effect for the closed button.  Relief indicates how  the  button  should  appear
              relative  to  the  widget;  for  example,  raised means the button should appear to protrude.  The
              default is solid.

       -cursor cursor
              Sets the widget's cursor.  The default cursor is "".

       -foreground color
              Sets the foreground color of buttons.  The default is black.

       -images images
              Specifies images to be displayed for the button.  Images is a list of two  Tk  images:  the  first
              image  is  displayed  when the button is open, the second when it is closed.  If the images is the
              empty string, then a plus/minus gadget is drawn.  The default is "".

       -openrelief relief
              Specifies the 3-D effect of the open button.   Relief  indicates  how  the  button  should  appear
              relative  to  the  widget;  for  example,  raised means the button should appear to protrude.  The
              default is flat.

       -size pixels
              Sets the requested size of the button.  The default is 0.


       Column configuration options may also be set by the option command.  The  resource  subclass  is  Column.
       The resource name is the name of the column.

              option add *TreeView.Column.Foreground white
              option add *TreeView.treeView.Background blue

       The following configuration options are available for columns.

       -background color
              Sets  the  background  color  of  the column.  This overrides the widget's -background option. The
              default is white.

       -borderwidth pixels
              Sets the width of the 3-D border of the column.  The -relief option determines if a border  is  to
              be drawn.  The default is 0.

       -edit boolean
              Indicates  if  the column's data fields can be edited. If boolean is false, the data fields in the
              column may not be edited.  The default is yes.

       -foreground color
              Specifies the foreground color of the column.  You can override this for individual  entries  with
              the entry's -foreground option.  The default is black.

       -font fontName
              Sets  the  font for a column.  You can override this for individual entries with the entry's -font
              option.  The default is *-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-12-120-*.

       -hide boolean
              If boolean is true, the column is not displayed.  The default is yes.

       -justify justify
              Specifies how the column data fields title should be justified within the  column.   This  matters
              only  when the column is wider than the data field to be display.  Justify must be left, right, or
              center.  The default is left.

       -pad pad
              Specifies how much padding for the left and right sides of the column.  Pad is a list  of  one  or
              two screen distances.  If pad has two elements, the left side of the column is padded by the first
              distance and the right side by the second.  If pad has just one distance, both the left and  right
              sides are padded evenly.  The default is 2.

       -relief relief
              Specifies the 3-D effect of the column.  Relief specifies how the column should appear relative to
              the widget; for example, raised means the column should appear to protrude.  The default is flat.

       -state state
              Sets the state of the column. If state is disable then the column title can not be  activated  nor
              invoked.  The default is normal.

       -text string
              Sets the title for the column.  The default is "".

       -titleforeground color
              Sets the foreground color of the column title.  The default is black.

       -titleshadow color
              Sets the color of the drop shadow of the column title.  The default is "".

       -width pixels
              Sets  the  requested  width  of  the  column.  This overrides the computed with of the column.  If
              pixels is 0, the width is computed as from the contents of the column. The default is 0.


       Text edit window configuration options may also be set by the  option  command.  The  resource  class  is
       TreeViewEditor.  The resource name is always edit.

              option add *TreeViewEditor.Foreground white
              option add *edit.Background blue

       The following are the configuration options available for the text editing window.

       -background color
              Sets the background of the text edit window.  The default is white.

       -borderwidth pixels
              Sets  the  width  of  the  3-D  border around the edit window.  The -relief option determines if a
              border is to be drawn.  The default is 1.

       -exportselection boolean
              Indicates if the text selection is exported.  If the edit window is exporting its  selection  then
              it  will  observe the standard X11 protocols for handling the selection.  Selections are available
              as type STRING.  The default is no.

       -relief relief
              Specifies the 3-D effect of the edit window.  Relief indicates how the  background  should  appear
              relative  to  the edit window; for example, raised means the background should appear to protrude.
              The default is solid.

       -selectbackground color
              Sets the background of the selected text in the edit window.  The default is white.

       -selectborderwidth pixels
              Sets the width of the 3-D border around the selected text in the edit window.   The  -selectrelief
              option determines if a border is to be drawn.  The default is 1.

       -selectforeground color
              Sets the foreground of the selected text in the edit window.  The default is white.

       -selectrelief relief
              Specifies  the  3-D effect of the selected text in the edit window.  Relief indicates how the text
              should appear relative to the edit window; for example, raised means the  text  should  appear  to
              protrude.  The default is flat.


       Tk  automatically  creates  class bindings for treeviews that give them Motif-like behavior.  Much of the
       behavior of a treeview widget is determined by its -selectmode option, which selects one of two  ways  of
       dealing with the selection.

       If  the  selection mode is single, only one node can be selected at a time.  Clicking button 1 on an node
       selects it and deselects any other selected item.

       If the selection mode is multiple, any number of entries may be selected at once, including discontiguous
       ranges.   Clicking  Control-Button-1  on  a  node entry toggles its selection state without affecting any
       other entries.  Pressing Shift-Button-1 on a node entry selects it, extends the selection.

       [1]    In extended mode, the selected range can be adjusted by pressing button 1 with the Shift key down:
              this  modifies  the selection to consist of the entries between the anchor and the entry under the
              mouse, inclusive.  The un-anchored end of this new selection can also be dragged with  the  button

       [2]    In  extended  mode,  pressing  button  1  with the Control key down starts a toggle operation: the
              anchor is set to the entry under the mouse, and its selection state is  reversed.   The  selection
              state  of  other  entries  isn't  changed.   If  the mouse is dragged with button 1 down, then the
              selection state of all entries between the anchor and the entry under the mouse is  set  to  match
              that of the anchor entry;  the selection state of all other entries remains what it was before the
              toggle operation began.

       [3]    If the mouse leaves the treeview window with button 1 down,  the  window  scrolls  away  from  the
              mouse,  making  information  visible  that  used  to  be off-screen on the side of the mouse.  The
              scrolling continues until the mouse re-enters the window, the button is released, or  the  end  of
              the hierarchy is reached.

       [4]    Mouse  button  2 may be used for scanning.  If it is pressed and dragged over the treeview widget,
              the contents of the hierarchy drag at high speed in the direction the mouse moves.

       [5]    If the Up or Down key is pressed, the location cursor (active entry) moves up or down  one  entry.
              If  the  selection  mode  is browse or extended then the new active entry is also selected and all
              other entries are deselected.  In extended mode the new active entry becomes the selection anchor.

       [6]    In extended mode, Shift-Up and Shift-Down move the location cursor (active entry) up or  down  one
              entry  and  also  extend  the  selection to that entry in a fashion similar to dragging with mouse
              button 1.

       [7]    The Left and Right keys scroll the treeview widget view  left  and  right  by  the  width  of  the
              character 0.  Control-Left and Control-Right scroll the treeview widget view left and right by the
              width of the window.  Control-Prior and Control-Next also scroll left and right by  the  width  of
              the window.

       [8]    The Prior and Next keys scroll the treeview widget view up and down by one page (the height of the

       [9]    The Home and End keys scroll the treeview  widget  horizontally  to  the  left  and  right  edges,

       [10]   Control-Home  sets  the  location cursor to the the first entry, selects that entry, and deselects
              everything else in the widget.

       [11]   Control-End sets the location cursor to the the last entry,  selects  that  entry,  and  deselects
              everything else in the widget.

       [12]   In  extended  mode, Control-Shift-Home extends the selection to the first entry and Control-Shift-
              End extends the selection to the last entry.

       [13]   In multiple mode, Control-Shift-Home moves the location cursor to the  first  entry  and  Control-
              Shift-End moves the location cursor to the last entry.

       [14]   The  space and Select keys make a selection at the location cursor (active entry) just as if mouse
              button 1 had been pressed over this entry.

       [15]   In extended mode, Control-Shift-space and Shift-Select extend the selection to  the  active  entry
              just as if button 1 had been pressed with the Shift key down.

       [16]   In extended mode, the Escape key cancels the most recent selection and restores all the entries in
              the selected range to their previous selection state.

       [17]   Control-slash selects everything in the widget, except in single and browse modes, in  which  case
              it selects the active entry and deselects everything else.

       [18]   Control-backslash  deselects  everything  in  the  widget,  except  in browse mode where it has no

       [19]   The F16 key (labelled Copy on many Sun workstations) or Meta-w copies the selection in the  widget
              to the clipboard, if there is a selection.

       The  behavior  of  treeview  widgets can be changed by defining new bindings for individual widgets or by
       redefining the class bindings.

       In addition to the above behavior, the following additional behavior is defined  by  the  default  widget
       class (TreeView) bindings.

              Starts scanning.

              Adjusts the scan.

              Stops scanning.

              Starts auto-scrolling.

              Starts auto-scrolling

              Moves the focus to the previous entry.

              Moves the focus to the next entry.

              Moves the focus to the previous sibling.

              Moves the focus to the next sibling.

              Moves the focus to first entry.  Closed or hidden entries are ignored.

              Move the focus to the last entry. Closed or hidden entries are ignored.

              Closes the entry.  It is not an error if the entry has no children.

              Opens the entry, displaying its children.  It is not an error if the entry has no children.

              In  "single"  select mode this selects the entry.  In "multiple" mode, it toggles the entry (if it
              was previous selected, it is not deselected).

              Turns off select mode.

              Sets the focus to the current entry.

              Turns off select mode.

              Moves to the next entry whose label starts with the letter typed.

              Moves the focus to first entry.  Closed or hidden entries are ignored.

              Move the focus to the last entry. Closed or hidden entries are ignored.

              Opens all entries.

              Closes all entries (except root).

       Buttons have bindings.  There are associated with the "all" bindtag (see the  entry's  -bindtag  option).
       You can use the bind operation to change them.

              Highlights the button of the current entry.

              Returns the button back to its normal state.

              Adjust the view so that the current entry is visible.

       Entries  have  default  bindings.   There are associated with the "all" bindtag (see the entry's -bindtag
       option).  You can use the bind operation to modify them.

              Highlights the current entry.

              Returns the entry back to its normal state.

              Sets the selection anchor the current entry.

              Toggles the selection of the current entry.

              For "multiple" mode only.  Saves the current location of the pointer for  auto-scrolling.   Resets
              the selection mark.

              For "multiple" mode only.  Sets the selection anchor to the current entry.

              For "multiple" mode only. Extends the selection.

              Place holder. Does nothing.

              Place holder. Does nothing.

              Stop auto-scrolling.

              For "multiple" mode only.  Toggles and extends the selection.

              Place holder. Does nothing.

              Place holder. Does nothing.

              Stops auto-scrolling.


              Place holder. Does nothing.

              Place holder. Does nothing.

       Columns  have bindings too.  They are associated with the column's "all" bindtag (see the column -bindtag
       option).  You can use the column bind operation to change them.

              Highlights the current column title.

              Returns the column back to its normal state.

              Invokes the command (see the column's -command option) if one if specified.

              Highlights the current and activates the ruler.

              Returns the column back to its normal state. Deactivates the ruler.

              Sets the resize anchor for the column.

              Sets the resize mark for the column.

              Adjust the size of the column, based upon the resize anchor and mark positions.


       The treeview command creates a new widget.

              treeview .h -bg white

       A new Tcl command .h is also created.  This command can be used to query and modify the treeview  widget.
       For  example,  to  change  the  background color of the table to "green", you use the new command and the
       widget's configure operation.

              # Change the background color.
              .h configure -background "green"

       By default, the treeview widget will automatically create a new tree object to  contain  the  data.   The
       name  of  the  new tree is the pathname of the widget.  Above, the new tree object name is ".h".  But you
       can use the -tree option to specify the name of another tree.

              # View the tree "myTree".
              .h configure -tree "myTree"

       When a new tree is created, it contains only a root node.  The node is automatically opened.  The  id  of
       the  root  node  is  always  0  (you can use also use the special id root). The insert operation lets you
       insert one or more new entries into the tree.  The last argument is the node's pathname.

              # Create a new entry named "myEntry"
              set id [.h insert end "myEntry"]

       This appends a new node named "myEntry".  It will positioned as the last child of the root  of  the  tree
       (using the position "end").  You can supply another position to order the node within its siblings.

              # Prepend "fred".
              set id [.h insert 0 "fred"]

       Entry  names  do not need to be unique.  By default, the node's label is its name.  To supply a different
       text label, add the -label option.

              # Create a new node named "fred"
              set id [.h insert end "fred" -label "Fred Flintstone"]

       The insert operation returns the id of the new node.  You can also use the index operation  to  get  this

              # Get the id of "fred"
              .h index "fred"

       To  insert  a  node somewhere other than root, use the -at switch.  It takes the id of the node where the
       new child will be added.

              # Create a new node "barney" in "fred".
              .h insert -at $id end "barney"

       A pathname describes the path to an entry in the hierarchy.  It's a list of entry names that compose  the
       path in the tree.  Therefore, you can also add "barney" to "fred" as follows.

              # Create a new sub-entry of "fred"
              .h insert end "fred barney"

       Every  name  in  the list is ancestor of the next.  All ancestors must already exist.  That means that an
       entry "fred" is an ancestor of "barney" and  must  already  exist.   But  you  can  use  the  -autocreate
       configuration option to force the creation of ancestor nodes.

              # Force the creation of ancestors.
              .h configure -autocreate yes
              .h insert end "fred barney wilma betty"

       Sometimes the pathname is already separated by a character sequence rather than formed as a list.  A file
       name is a good example of this.  You can use the -separator option to specify a separator string to split
       the  path  into its components.  Each pathname inserted is automatically split using the separator string
       as a separator.  Multiple separators are treated as one.

              .h configure -separator /
              .h insert end "/usr/local/tcl/bin"

       If the path is prefixed by extraneous characters, you can automatically  trim  it  off  using  the  -trim
       option.  It removed the string from the path before it is parsed.

              .h configure -trim C:/windows -separator /
              .h insert end "C:/window/system"

       You  can  insert  more  than one entry at a time with the insert operation.  This can be much faster than
       looping over a list of names.

              # The slow way
              foreach f [glob $dir/*] {
                  .h insert end $f
              # The fast way
              eval .h insert end [glob $dir/*]

       In this case, the insert operation will return a list of ids of the new entries.

       You can delete entries with the delete operation.  It takes one or more tags of ids as its  argument.  It
       deletes the entry and all its children.

              .h delete $id

       Entries  have  several configuration options.  They control the appearance of the entry's icon and label.
       We have already seen the -label option that sets the entry's text label.   The entry configure  operation
       lets you set or modify an entry's configuration options.

              .h entry configure $id -color red -font fixed

       You can hide an entry and its children using the -hide option.

              .h entry configure $id -hide yes

       More  that  one  entry  can  be  configured  at once.  All entries specified are configured with the same

              .h entry configure $i1 $i2 $i3 $i4 -color brown

       An icon is displayed for each entry.  It's a Tk image drawn to the left of the label.  You  can  set  the
       icon  with  the  entry's  -icons  option.   It takes a list of two image names: one to represent the open
       entry, another when it is closed.

              set im1 [image create photo -file openfolder.gif]
              set im2 [image create photo -file closefolder.gif]
              .h entry configure $id -icons "$im1 $im2"

       If -icons is set to the empty string, no icons are display.

       If an entry has children, a button is displayed to the left of the  icon.  Clicking  the  mouse  on  this
       button  opens or closes the sub-hierarchy.  The button is normally a + or - symbol, but can be configured
       in a variety of ways using the button configure operation.  For example, the  +  and  -  symbols  can  be
       replaced with Tk images.

              set im1 [image create photo -file closefolder.gif]
              set im2 [image create photo -file downarrow.gif]
              .h button configure $id -images "$im1 $im2" \
                  -openrelief raised -closerelief raised

       Entries  can  contain  an  arbitrary  number of data fields.  Data fields are name-value pairs.  Both the
       value and name are strings.  The entry's -data option lets you set data fields.

              .h entry configure $id -data {mode 0666 group users}

       The -data takes a list of name-value pairs.

       You can display these data fields as columns in the  treeview  widget.   You  can  create  and  configure
       columns with the column operation.  For example, to add a new column to the widget, use the column insert
       operation.  The last argument is the name of the data field that you want to display.

              .h column insert end "mode"

       The column title is displayed at the top of the column.  By default, it's is the  field  name.   You  can
       override this using the column's -text option.

              .h column insert end "mode" -text "File Permissions"

       Columns  have  several  configuration  options.   The column configure operation lets you query or modify
       column options.

              .h column configure "mode" -justify left

       The -justify option says how the data is justified within in the  column.   The  -hide  option  indicates
       whether the column is displayed.

              .h column configure "mode" -hide yes

       Entries  can be selected by clicking on the mouse.  Selected entries are drawn using the colors specified
       by the -selectforeground and -selectbackground configuration options.  The selection itself is managed by
       the selection operation.

              # Clear all selections
              .h selection clear 0 end
              # Select the root node
              .h selection set 0

       The curselection operation returns a list of ids of all the selected entries.

              set ids [.h curselection]

       You can use the get operation to convert the ids to their pathnames.

              set names [eval .h get -full $ids]

       If  a  treeview  is exporting its selection (using the -exportselection option), then it will observe the
       standard X11 protocols for handling the selection.  Treeview selections are available as type STRING; the
       value of the selection will be the pathnames of the selected entries, separated by newlines.

       The treeview supports two modes of selection: single and multiple.  In single select mode, only one entry
       can be selected at a time, while multiple select mode allows several entries to be selected.  The mode is
       set by the widget's -selectmode option.

              .h configure -selectmode "multiple"

       You  can  be notified when the list of selected entries changes.  The widget's -selectcommand specifies a
       Tcl procedure that is called whenever the selection changes.

              proc SelectNotify { widget } {
                 set ids [$widget curselection]
              .h configure -selectcommand "SelectNotify .h"

       The widget supports the standard Tk  scrolling  and  scanning  operations.   The  treeview  can  be  both
       horizontally  and  vertically.  You  can attach scrollbars to the treeview the same way as the listbox or
       canvas widgets.

              scrollbar .xbar -orient horizontal -command ".h xview"
              scrollbar .ybar -orient vertical -command ".h yview"
              .h configure -xscrollcommand ".xbar set" \
                  -yscrollcommand ".ybar set"

       There are three different modes of scrolling: listbox, canvas, and hierbox.  In listbox  mode,  the  last
       entry  can  always be scrolled to the top of the widget.  In hierbox mode, the last entry is always drawn
       at the bottom of the widget.  The scroll mode is set by the widget's -selectmode option.

              .h configure -scrollmode "listbox"

       Entries can be programmatically opened or closed using the open and close operations respectively.

              .h open $id
              .h close $id

       When an entry is opened, a Tcl procedure can be automatically invoked.  The -opencommand option specifies
       this procedure.  This procedure can lazily insert entries as needed.

              proc AddEntries { dir } {
                 eval .h insert end [glob -nocomplain $dir/*]
              .h configure -opencommand "AddEntries %P"

       Now  when  an entry is opened, the procedure AddEntries is called and adds children to the entry.  Before
       the command is invoked, special "%" substitutions (like bind) are performed. Above, %P is  translated  to
       the pathname of the entry.

       The same feature exists when an entry is closed.  The -closecommand option specifies the procedure.

              proc DeleteEntries { id } {
                 .h entry delete $id 0 end
              .h configure -closecommand "DeleteEntries %#"

       When an entry is closed, the procedure DeleteEntries is called and deletes the entry's children using the
       entry delete operation (%# is the id of entry).


       treeview, widget