bionic (3) cipux-access.ini.3pm.gz

The CipUX Storage layer comes with two configuration files. One for configuring basic values. This called typically cipux-storage.perl. The other holds the access data for the storage backend. Mostly called cipux-access.ini. This document descibes cipux-access.ini. Example: [ldap] uri = ldap://localhost bind_dn = cn=cipuxroot,dc=example,dc=org base_dn = ou=CipUX,dc=example,dc=org password = secret system = debian customer = Configuration files may be provided for convenience. This is meant to work in a single-server scenario and multi-server settings. For this reason the configuration file is splitted into two files: one for credentials (access) and the other for the LDAP object/node types (structure). The idea is, that in a multi-server setting, the structure remain the same, whereas the credentials will change from server to server. The default behavior is to throw an exception, when some parameter value of the configuration file or passed parameter value is missing. Two different parameter value handlings exist: password and structure_cfg. Please read the appropriate sections for detailed information. uri You have to specify an uri, such as 'ldap://localhost' or 'ldaps://' or 'ldapi://%2fvar%2flib%2fldap_sock'. Note that '%2f's in the LDAPI socket path will be translated into '/'. This is to support LDAP query options like base, search etc. although the query part of the URI will be ignored in this context. If port is not specified in the URI, the default is either 389 or 636 for 'LDAP' and 'LDAPS' schemes respectively. See Net::LDAP for details. bind_dn Example: bind_dn=>'cn=admin,dc=nodomain', base_dn Example: base_dn=>'ou=CipUX,dc=nodomain', password Example: password=>'topsecret', system Not used at the moment. Example: system=>'debian', customer Not used at the moment. Example: customer=>'Name of Institute',