bionic (3) cuDeviceGet.3.gz

Provided by: nvidia-cuda-dev_9.1.85-3ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       Device Management -

       CUresult cuDeviceGet (CUdevice *device, int ordinal)
           Returns a handle to a compute device.
       CUresult cuDeviceGetAttribute (int *pi, CUdevice_attribute attrib, CUdevice dev)
           Returns information about the device.
       CUresult cuDeviceGetCount (int *count)
           Returns the number of compute-capable devices.
       CUresult cuDeviceGetName (char *name, int len, CUdevice dev)
           Returns an identifier string for the device.
       CUresult cuDeviceTotalMem (size_t *bytes, CUdevice dev)
           Returns the total amount of memory on the device.

Detailed Description

       \brief device management functions of the low-level CUDA driver API (cuda.h)

       This section describes the device management functions of the low-level CUDA driver application
       programming interface.

Function Documentation

   CUresult cuDeviceGet (CUdevice * device, int ordinal)
       Returns in *device a device handle given an ordinal in the range [0, cuDeviceGetCount()-1].

           device - Returned device handle
           ordinal - Device number to get handle for


           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous launches.

       See also:
           cuDeviceGetAttribute, cuDeviceGetCount, cuDeviceGetName, cuDeviceTotalMem

   CUresult cuDeviceGetAttribute (int * pi, CUdevice_attribute attrib, CUdevice dev)
       Returns in *pi the integer value of the attribute attrib on device dev. The supported attributes are:

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK: Maximum number of threads per block;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM_X: Maximum x-dimension of a block;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM_Y: Maximum y-dimension of a block;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM_Z: Maximum z-dimension of a block;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_GRID_DIM_X: Maximum x-dimension of a grid;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_GRID_DIM_Y: Maximum y-dimension of a grid;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_GRID_DIM_Z: Maximum z-dimension of a grid;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_SHARED_MEMORY_PER_BLOCK: Maximum amount of shared memory available to a thread
         block in bytes;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_TOTAL_CONSTANT_MEMORY: Memory available on device for __constant__ variables in a
         CUDA C kernel in bytes;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_WARP_SIZE: Warp size in threads;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_PITCH: Maximum pitch in bytes allowed by the memory copy functions that involve
         memory regions allocated through cuMemAllocPitch();

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE1D_WIDTH: Maximum 1D texture width;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE1D_LINEAR_WIDTH: Maximum width for a 1D texture bound to linear

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE1D_MIPMAPPED_WIDTH: Maximum mipmapped 1D texture width;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE2D_WIDTH: Maximum 2D texture width;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE2D_HEIGHT: Maximum 2D texture height;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE2D_LINEAR_WIDTH: Maximum width for a 2D texture bound to linear

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE2D_LINEAR_HEIGHT: Maximum height for a 2D texture bound to linear

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE2D_LINEAR_PITCH: Maximum pitch in bytes for a 2D texture bound to
         linear memory;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE2D_MIPMAPPED_WIDTH: Maximum mipmapped 2D texture width;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE2D_MIPMAPPED_HEIGHT: Maximum mipmapped 2D texture height;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE3D_WIDTH: Maximum 3D texture width;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE3D_HEIGHT: Maximum 3D texture height;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE3D_DEPTH: Maximum 3D texture depth;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE3D_WIDTH_ALTERNATE: Alternate maximum 3D texture width, 0 if no
         alternate maximum 3D texture size is supported;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE3D_HEIGHT_ALTERNATE: Alternate maximum 3D texture height, 0 if no
         alternate maximum 3D texture size is supported;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE3D_DEPTH_ALTERNATE: Alternate maximum 3D texture depth, 0 if no
         alternate maximum 3D texture size is supported;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURECUBEMAP_WIDTH: Maximum cubemap texture width or height;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE1D_LAYERED_WIDTH: Maximum 1D layered texture width;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE1D_LAYERED_LAYERS: Maximum layers in a 1D layered texture;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE2D_LAYERED_WIDTH: Maximum 2D layered texture width;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE2D_LAYERED_HEIGHT: Maximum 2D layered texture height;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE2D_LAYERED_LAYERS: Maximum layers in a 2D layered texture;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURECUBEMAP_LAYERED_WIDTH: Maximum cubemap layered texture width or

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURECUBEMAP_LAYERED_LAYERS: Maximum layers in a cubemap layered texture;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_SURFACE1D_WIDTH: Maximum 1D surface width;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_SURFACE2D_WIDTH: Maximum 2D surface width;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_SURFACE2D_HEIGHT: Maximum 2D surface height;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_SURFACE3D_WIDTH: Maximum 3D surface width;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_SURFACE3D_HEIGHT: Maximum 3D surface height;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_SURFACE3D_DEPTH: Maximum 3D surface depth;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_SURFACE1D_LAYERED_WIDTH: Maximum 1D layered surface width;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_SURFACE1D_LAYERED_LAYERS: Maximum layers in a 1D layered surface;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_SURFACE2D_LAYERED_WIDTH: Maximum 2D layered surface width;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_SURFACE2D_LAYERED_HEIGHT: Maximum 2D layered surface height;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_SURFACE2D_LAYERED_LAYERS: Maximum layers in a 2D layered surface;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_SURFACECUBEMAP_WIDTH: Maximum cubemap surface width;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_SURFACECUBEMAP_LAYERED_WIDTH: Maximum cubemap layered surface width;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_SURFACECUBEMAP_LAYERED_LAYERS: Maximum layers in a cubemap layered surface;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_REGISTERS_PER_BLOCK: Maximum number of 32-bit registers available to a thread

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CLOCK_RATE: The typical clock frequency in kilohertz;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_TEXTURE_ALIGNMENT: Alignment requirement; texture base addresses aligned to
         textureAlign bytes do not need an offset applied to texture fetches;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_TEXTURE_PITCH_ALIGNMENT: Pitch alignment requirement for 2D texture references
         bound to pitched memory;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_GPU_OVERLAP: 1 if the device can concurrently copy memory between host and device
         while executing a kernel, or 0 if not;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT: Number of multiprocessors on the device;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_KERNEL_EXEC_TIMEOUT: 1 if there is a run time limit for kernels executed on the
         device, or 0 if not;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_INTEGRATED: 1 if the device is integrated with the memory subsystem, or 0 if not;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CAN_MAP_HOST_MEMORY: 1 if the device can map host memory into the CUDA address
         space, or 0 if not;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_MODE: Compute mode that device is currently in. Available modes are as

         • CU_COMPUTEMODE_DEFAULT: Default mode - Device is not restricted and can have multiple CUDA contexts
           present at a single time.

         • CU_COMPUTEMODE_PROHIBITED: Compute-prohibited mode - Device is prohibited from creating new CUDA

         • CU_COMPUTEMODE_EXCLUSIVE_PROCESS: Compute-exclusive-process mode - Device can have only one context
           used by a single process at a time.

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CONCURRENT_KERNELS: 1 if the device supports executing multiple kernels within the
         same context simultaneously, or 0 if not. It is not guaranteed that multiple kernels will be resident
         on the device concurrently so this feature should not be relied upon for correctness;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_ECC_ENABLED: 1 if error correction is enabled on the device, 0 if error correction
         is disabled or not supported by the device;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_PCI_BUS_ID: PCI bus identifier of the device;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_PCI_DEVICE_ID: PCI device (also known as slot) identifier of the device;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_PCI_DOMAIN_ID: PCI domain identifier of the device

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_TCC_DRIVER: 1 if the device is using a TCC driver. TCC is only available on Tesla
         hardware running Windows Vista or later;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MEMORY_CLOCK_RATE: Peak memory clock frequency in kilohertz;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_GLOBAL_MEMORY_BUS_WIDTH: Global memory bus width in bits;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_L2_CACHE_SIZE: Size of L2 cache in bytes. 0 if the device doesn't have L2 cache;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_THREADS_PER_MULTIPROCESSOR: Maximum resident threads per multiprocessor;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIFIED_ADDRESSING: 1 if the device shares a unified address space with the host,
         or 0 if not;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MAJOR: Major compute capability version number;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MINOR: Minor compute capability version number;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_GLOBAL_L1_CACHE_SUPPORTED: 1 if device supports caching globals in L1 cache, 0 if
         caching globals in L1 cache is not supported by the device;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_LOCAL_L1_CACHE_SUPPORTED: 1 if device supports caching locals in L1 cache, 0 if
         caching locals in L1 cache is not supported by the device;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_SHARED_MEMORY_PER_MULTIPROCESSOR: Maximum amount of shared memory available to
         a multiprocessor in bytes; this amount is shared by all thread blocks simultaneously resident on a

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_REGISTERS_PER_MULTIPROCESSOR: Maximum number of 32-bit registers available to a
         multiprocessor; this number is shared by all thread blocks simultaneously resident on a multiprocessor;

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MANAGED_MEMORY: 1 if device supports allocating managed memory on this system, 0 if
         allocating managed memory is not supported by the device on this system.

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MULTI_GPU_BOARD: 1 if device is on a multi-GPU board, 0 if not.

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MULTI_GPU_BOARD_GROUP_ID: Unique identifier for a group of devices associated with
         the same board. Devices on the same multi-GPU board will share the same identifier.

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_HOST_NATIVE_ATOMIC_SUPPORTED: 1 if Link between the device and the host supports
         native atomic operations.

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_SINGLE_TO_DOUBLE_PRECISION_PERF_RATIO: Ratio of single precision performance (in
         floating-point operations per second) to double precision performance.

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_PAGEABLE_MEMORY_ACCESS: Device supports coherently accessing pageable memory
         without calling cudaHostRegister on it.

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CONCURRENT_MANAGED_ACCESS: Device can coherently access managed memory concurrently
         with the CPU.

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_SUPPORTED: Device supports Compute Preemption.

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CAN_USE_HOST_POINTER_FOR_REGISTERED_MEM: Device can access host registered memory
         at the same virtual address as the CPU.

       • CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_SHARED_MEMORY_PER_BLOCK_OPTIN: The maximum per block shared memory size
         supported on this device. This is the maximum value that can be opted into when using the
         cuFuncSetAttribute() call. For more details see CU_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_DYNAMIC_SHARED_SIZE_BYTES

           pi - Returned device attribute value
           attrib - Device attribute to query
           dev - Device handle


           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous launches.

       See also:
           cuDeviceGetCount, cuDeviceGetName, cuDeviceGet, cuDeviceTotalMem, cudaDeviceGetAttribute,

   CUresult cuDeviceGetCount (int * count)
       Returns in *count the number of devices with compute capability greater than or equal to 2.0 that are
       available for execution. If there is no such device, cuDeviceGetCount() returns 0.

           count - Returned number of compute-capable devices


           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous launches.

       See also:
           cuDeviceGetAttribute, cuDeviceGetName, cuDeviceGet, cuDeviceTotalMem, cudaGetDeviceCount

   CUresult cuDeviceGetName (char * name, int len, CUdevice dev)
       Returns an ASCII string identifying the device dev in the NULL-terminated string pointed to by name. len
       specifies the maximum length of the string that may be returned.

           name - Returned identifier string for the device
           len - Maximum length of string to store in name
           dev - Device to get identifier string for


           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous launches.

       See also:
           cuDeviceGetAttribute, cuDeviceGetCount, cuDeviceGet, cuDeviceTotalMem, cudaGetDeviceProperties

   CUresult cuDeviceTotalMem (size_t * bytes, CUdevice dev)
       Returns in *bytes the total amount of memory available on the device dev in bytes.

           bytes - Returned memory available on device in bytes
           dev - Device handle


           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous launches.

       See also:
           cuDeviceGetAttribute, cuDeviceGetCount, cuDeviceGetName, cuDeviceGet, cudaMemGetInfo


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