bionic (3) dashline_params.3NCARG.gz

Provided by: libncarg-dev_6.4.0-9_amd64 bug


       Dashline_params - Brief descriptions of all internal parameters of Dashline.


       No parameter-access routines are available for the utility Dashline.  Parameters are set through the
       common blocks SMFLAG, INTPR, and DASHD1.

       There are four different versions of Dashline: normal, quick, smooth, and super.  Which version is used
       depends on options used on the ncargf77 command line.  The lines drawn by the different versions can vary
       considerably in appearance.

       The following set of common blocks may be used to access any of the internal parameters of the Dashline


         +                ICLOSE


       The following table indicates which of the internal parameters affect the behavior of the various
       versions of Dashline ("Y" indicates an effect, "N" indicates no effect):

         Parameter   QUICK   NORMAL   SMOOTH   SUPER
         ---------   -----   ------   ------   -----
         ADDLR         N       N        N        Y
         ADDTB         N       N        N        Y
         FPART         N       Y        Y        Y
         ICLOSE        Y       Y        Y        Y
         IGP           N       Y        Y        Y
         IOFFS         N       N        Y        Y
         IPAU          Y       Y        Y        Y
         L1            N       N        Y        Y
         MLLINE        N       N        N        Y
         NP            N       N        Y        Y
         SMALL         N       N        Y        Y
         TENSN         N       N        Y        Y


       ADDLR       The amount of free space to be left on the left and on the right of each character string,
                   stated as the desired number of NDCs (Normalized Device Coordinates) times 1023.  This only
                   affects the "super" version of Dashline; it changes the size of the area marked around a
                   label in the bit map that is used for culling crowded lines.  [Default = 2. (2./1023. NDCs)]

       ADDTB       The amount of free space to be left on the top and on the bottom of each character string,
                   stated as the desired number of NDCs (Normalized Device Coordinates) times 1023.  This only
                   affects the "super" version of Dashline; it changes the size of the area marked around a
                   label in the bit map that is used for culling crowded lines.  [Default = 2. (2./1023. NDCs)]

       FPART       A multiplication factor for the length of the first solid line segment on any curve.  This
                   can be used to offset labels.  For example, if FPART = .5, the first solid line segment is
                   only one-half as long as the other solid line segments.  This will move all labels on the
                   current curve towards the beginning of the curve and thereby reduce the probability of a
                   label being written on top of a label on a nearby curve drawn with FPART = 1.  [Default = 1.]

       ICLOSE      An internal or external call to move the "drawing pen" (pen-up) to a specific position is
                   executed only if the position is more than ICLOSE units away from the current pen position
                   (the distance is measured as the absolute difference in X-coordinates plus the absolute
                   difference in Y-coordinates).  The unit of measurement is 32767 integer units in each of the
                   X and Y dimensions.  [Default = 6]

       IGP         Flag to control whether gaps are left for labels along a curve.  If no gaps are left, the
                   labels don't look as good, but you can be sure of what the curve is doing in the regions
                   occupied by the labels.

                   9  A gap is left.

                   0  No gap is left.

                   [Default = 9]

       IOFFS       Flag used to turn smoothing off.

                   0  Smoothing.

                   1  No smoothing.

                   [Default = 0]

       IPAU        The length of the gap or solid line associated with each element of a dash pattern defined by
                   a call to DASHDB, given as the desired value in NDCs (Normalized Device Coordinates) times
                   1023.  Such a dash pattern is repeated approximately every REAL(IPAU)/64. NDC units along the
                   length of a curve.  [Default = 3 (3./1023. NDCs)]

       L1          The maximum number of points to be saved at one time.  If there are more than L1 points on a
                   given line, L1 points are processed, then the next L1, and so on, until the entire line is
                   processed.  Smoothness between segments is maintained automatically.  If L1 is increased, the
                   dimensions of XSAVE, YSAVE, XP, YP, TEMP, and SLEN in the routine FDVDLD must be increased to
                   the new value of L1.  [Default = 70]

       MLLINE      The maximum length in either coordinate of a single line segment to be processed by the
                   crowded line algorithm.  Line segments longer than MLLINE units in either coordinate are
                   broken into smaller segments, each of which is processed separately.  This is done to prevent
                   anomalies in the removal of long line segments, since only the starting point and end point
                   of each line segment is checked in that process.  The unit of measurement is 32767 integer
                   units in each of the X and Y dimensions.  [Default = 384]

       NP          Determines how many points are used to draw each smoothed curve.  The value of NP is twice
                   the maximum number of interpolated points on a horizontal curve with length equal to that of
                   the width of the grid.  More points per unit length are interpolated for short lines than for
                   long lines.  [Default = 150]

       SMALL       When the points on a line are being processed, only the first of two consecutive points is
                   saved if the points are less than SMALL units apart.  This procedure is to prevent cusps.
                   The unit of measurement is 32767 integer units in each of the X and Y dimensions.  [Default =

       TENSN       Tension factor.  Must be greater than 0.  A large tension factor (30.) would essentially turn
                   off smoothing.  [Default = 2.5]


       Online: dashline, curved, dashdb, dashdc, frstd, lastd, lined, reset, vectd, ncarg_cbind

       Hardcopy: NCAR Graphics Contouring and Mapping Tutorial; NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version; User's
       Guide for NCAR GKS-0A Graphics

       Copyright (C) 1987-2009
       University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
       The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.