bionic (3) des.3tcl.gz

Provided by: tcllib_1.19-dfsg-2_all bug


       des - Implementation of the DES and triple-DES ciphers


       package require Tcl  8.2

       package require des  1.1

       ::DES::des  ?-mode  [ecb|cbc|cfb|ofb]?  ?-dir [encrypt|decrypt]? -key keydata ?-iv vector? ?-hex? ?-weak?
       ?-out channel? ?-chunksize size? [ -in channel | data ]

       ::DES::Init mode keydata iv ?weak?

       ::DES::Encrypt Key data

       ::DES::Decrypt Key data

       ::DES::Reset Key iv

       ::DES::Final Key



       This is an implementation in Tcl of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) as published by the U.S.  National
       Institute  of  Standards  and  Technology (NIST) [1]. This implementation also supports triple DES (3DES)
       extension to DES. DES is a 64-bit block cipher that uses a 56-bit key. 3DES uses a 168-bit key.  DES  has
       now officially been superceeded by AES but is in common use in many protocols.

       The  tcllib  implementation  of  DES  and  3DES  uses an implementation by Mac Cody and is available as a
       separate download from [2]. For anyone concerned about the details of exporting this code please see  the
       TclDES  web pages. The tcllib specific code is a wrapper to the TclDES API that presents same API for the
       DES cipher as for other ciphers in the library.


       ::DES::des ?-mode [ecb|cbc|cfb|ofb]? ?-dir [encrypt|decrypt]? -key keydata ?-iv  vector?  ?-hex?  ?-weak?
       ?-out channel? ?-chunksize size? [ -in channel | data ]
              Perform the DES algorithm on either the data provided by the argument or on the data read from the
              -in channel. If an -out channel is given then the result will be written to this channel.

              The -key option must be given. This parameter takes a binary string of 8 bytes in  length  and  is
              used to generate the key schedule.  In DES only 56 bits of key data are used. The highest bit from
              each byte is discarded.

              The -mode and -dir options are optional and default to cbc  mode  and  encrypt  respectively.  The
              initialization  vector  -iv takes an 8 byte binary argument. This defaults to all zeros. See MODES
              OF OPERATION for more about -mode and the use of the initialization vector.

              DES is a 64-bit block cipher. This means that the data must  be  provided  in  units  that  are  a
              multiple of 8 bytes.


       Internal  state is maintained in an opaque structure that is returned from the Init function. In ECB mode
       the state is not affected by the input but for other modes some input dependent state is  maintained  and
       may be reset by calling the Reset function with a new initialization vector value.

       ::DES::Init mode keydata iv ?weak?
              Construct a new DES key schedule using the specified key data and the given initialization vector.
              The initialization vector is not used with ECB mode but is important for other usage  modes.   See
              MODES OF OPERATION.

              There  are a small number of keys that are known to be weak when used with DES. By default if such
              a key is passed in then an error will be raised. If there is a need to accept such keys  then  the
              weak parameter can be set true to avoid the error being thrown.

       ::DES::Encrypt Key data
              Use a prepared key acquired by calling Init to encrypt the provided data. The data argument should
              be a binary array that is a multiple of the DES block size of 8 bytes.  The  result  is  a  binary
              array the same size as the input of encrypted data.

       ::DES::Decrypt Key data
              Decipher  data  using  the  key.  Note  that  the same key may be used to encrypt and decrypt data
              provided that the initialization vector is reset appropriately for CBC mode.

       ::DES::Reset Key iv
              Reset the initialization vector. This permits the programmer to re-use a key and avoid the cost of
              re-generating the key schedule where the same key data is being used multiple times.

       ::DES::Final Key
              This  should  be  called  to  clean up resources associated with Key.  Once this function has been
              called the key may not be used again.


       Electronic Code Book (ECB)
              ECB is the basic mode of all block ciphers. Each block is encrypted independently and so identical
              plain  text  will produce identical output when encrypted with the same key. Any encryption errors
              will only affect a single block however this is vulnerable to known plaintext attacks.

       Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
              CBC mode uses  the  output  of  the  last  block  encryption  to  affect  the  current  block.  An
              initialization vector of the same size as the cipher block size is used to handle the first block.
              The initialization vector should be chosen randomly and transmitted as  the  first  block  of  the
              output.  Errors  in  encryption affect the current block and the next block after which the cipher
              will correct itself. CBC is the most commonly used mode in software encryption.

       Cipher Feedback (CFB)
              CFB mode can be used to convert block ciphers into stream ciphers. In CFB mode the  initialization
              vector  is  encrypted  and  the output is then xor'd with the plaintext stream. The result is then
              used as the initialization vector for the next round. Errors will affect the current block and the
              next block.

       Output Feedback (OFB)
              OFB is similar to CFB except that the output of the cipher is fed back into the next round and not
              the xor'd plain text. This means that errors only affect a single block but  the  cipher  is  more
              vulnerable to attack.


              % set ciphertext [DES::des -mode cbc -dir encrypt -key $secret $plaintext]
              % set plaintext [DES::des -mode cbc -dir decrypt -key $secret $ciphertext]

              set iv [string repeat \\0 8]
              set Key [DES::Init cbc \\0\\1\\2\\3\\4\\5\\6\\7 $iv]
              set ciphertext [DES::Encrypt $Key "somedata"]
              append ciphertext [DES::Encrypt $Key "moredata"]
              DES::Reset $Key $iv
              set plaintext [DES::Decrypt $Key $ciphertext]
              DES::Final $Key


       [1]    "Data  Encryption  Standard",  Federal  Information  Processing  Standards Publication 46-3, 1999,

       [2]    "TclDES: munitions-grade Tcl scripting"


       Jochen C Loewer, Mac Cody, Pat Thoyts


       This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and  other  problems.   Please
       report  such  in  the category des of the Tcllib Trackers [].  Please
       also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.

       When proposing code changes, please provide unified diffs, i.e the output of diff -u.

       Note further that attachments are strongly preferred over inlined patches. Attachments  can  be  made  by
       going  to the Edit form of the ticket immediately after its creation, and then using the left-most button
       in the secondary navigation bar.


       aes(3tcl), blowfish(3tcl), md5(3tcl), rc4(3tcl), sha1(3tcl)


       3DES, DES, block cipher, data integrity, encryption, security


       Hashes, checksums, and encryption

       Copyright (c) 2005, Pat Thoyts <>