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       grammar::fa::dexec - Execute deterministic finite automatons


       package require Tcl  8.4

       package require snit

       package require grammar::fa::dexec  ?0.2?

       ::grammar::fa::dexec daName fa ?-any any? ?-command cmdprefix?

       daName option ?arg arg ...?

       daName destroy

       daName put symbol

       daName reset

       daName state

       cmdprefix error code message

       cmdprefix final stateid

       cmdprefix reset

       cmdprefix state stateid



       This  package  provides  a  class  for  executors constructed from deterministic finite automatons (DFA).
       Executors are objects which are  given  a  string  of  symbols  in  a  piecemal  fashion,  perform  state
       transitions and report back when they enter a final state, or find an error in the input.  For the actual
       creation of the DFAs the executors are based on we have the packages grammar::fa and grammar::fa::op.

       The objects follow a push model. Symbols are pushed into  the  executor,  and  when  something  important
       happens, i.e. error occurs, a state transition, or a final state is entered this will be reported via the
       callback specified via the option -command. Note that conversion of this into  a  pull  model  where  the
       environment  retrieves messages from the object and the object uses a callback to ask for more symbols is
       a trivial thing.

       Side note: The acceptor objects provided by grammar::fa::dacceptor could have been implemented on top  of
       the  executors  provided  here,  but were not, to get a bit more performance (we avoid a number of method
       calls and the time required for their dispatch).


       The package exports the API described here.

       ::grammar::fa::dexec daName fa ?-any any? ?-command cmdprefix?
              Creates a new deterministic executor with an associated global Tcl command whose name  is  daName.
              This  command  may  be  used  to  invoke  various operations on the executor. It has the following
              general form:

              daName option ?arg arg ...?
                     Option and the args determine the exact behavior  of  the  command.  See  section  EXECUTOR
                     METHODS for more explanations.

                     The  executor  will be based on the deterministic finite automaton stored in the object fa.
                     It will keep a copy of the relevant data of the FA in its own storage, in a  form  easy  to
                     use for its purposes. This also means that changes made to the fa after the construction of
                     the executor will not influence the executor.

                     If any has been specified, then the executor will convert all symbols in  the  input  which
                     are unknown to the base FA to that symbol before proceeding with the processing.


       All executors provide the following methods for their manipulation:

       daName destroy
              Destroys the automaton, including its storage space and associated command.

       daName put symbol
              Takes  the  current  state  of  the  executor  and  the  symbol and performs the appropriate state
              transition. Reports any errors encountered via the command callback, as well as entering  a  final
              state of the underlying FA.

              When  an  error  is  reported  all  further  invokations  of  put will do nothing, until the error
              condition has been cleared via an invokation of method reset.

       daName reset
              Unconditionally sets the executor into the start state of the underlying FA. This also clears  any
              error condition  put may have encountered.

       daName state
              Returns  the  current state of the underlying FA. This allow for introspection without the need to
              pass data from the callback command.


       The callback command cmdprefix given to an executor via the option  -command  will  be  executed  by  the
       object  at the global level, using the syntax described below. Note that cmdprefix is not simply the name
       of a command, but a full command prefix. In other words it may contain additional  fixed  argument  words
       beyond the command word.

       cmdprefix error code message
              The  executor  has encountered an error, and message contains a human-readable text explaining the
              nature of the problem.  The code on  the  other  hand  is  a  fixed  machine-readable  text.   The
              following error codes can be generated by executor objects.

              BADSYM An unknown symbol was found in the input. This can happen if and only if no -any symbol was

                     The underlying FA has no transition for the current combination of input symbol and  state.
                     In other words, the executor was not able to compute a new state for this combination.

       cmdprefix final stateid
              The executor has entered the final state stateid.

       cmdprefix reset
              The executor was reset.

       cmdprefix state stateid
              The FA changed state due to a transition. stateid is the new state.



       This  document,  and  the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems.  Please
       report such in the category grammar_fa of  the  Tcllib  Trackers  [].
       Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.

       When proposing code changes, please provide unified diffs, i.e the output of diff -u.

       Note  further  that  attachments  are strongly preferred over inlined patches. Attachments can be made by
       going to the Edit form of the ticket immediately after its creation, and then using the left-most  button
       in the secondary navigation bar.


       automaton,  execution,  finite  automaton, grammar, parsing, regular expression, regular grammar, regular
       languages, running, state, transducer


       Grammars and finite automata

       Copyright (c) 2004 Andreas Kupries <>
       Copyright (c) 2007 Bogdan <>