bionic (3) font.3tk.gz

Provided by: tk8.6-doc_8.6.8-4_all bug


       font - Create and inspect fonts.


       font option ?arg arg ...?


       The  font  command  provides  several facilities for dealing with fonts, such as defining named fonts and
       inspecting the actual attributes of a font.  The command has several different forms, determined  by  the
       first argument.  The following forms are currently supported:

       font actual font ?-displayof window? ?option? ?--? ?char?
              Returns  information  about  the actual attributes that are obtained when font is used on window's
              display; the actual attributes obtained may differ from the attributes requested due to  platform-
              dependent  limitations, such as the availability of font families and point sizes.  font is a font
              description; see FONT DESCRIPTIONS below.  If the window argument is omitted, it defaults  to  the
              main  window.   If option is specified, returns the value of that attribute; if it is omitted, the
              return value is a list of all the attributes and their values.  See FONT OPTIONS below for a  list
              of  the possible attributes.  If the char argument is supplied, it must be a single character. The
              font attributes returned will be those of the specific font used to render that  character,  which
              will  be  different  from the base font if the base font does not contain the given character.  If
              char may be a hyphen, it should be preceded by -- to distinguish it from a misspelled option.

       font configure fontname ?option? ?value option value ...?
              Query or modify the desired attributes for the named  font  called  fontname.   If  no  option  is
              specified,  returns  a list describing all the options and their values for fontname.  If a single
              option is specified with no value, then returns the current value of that attribute.   If  one  or
              more  option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given named font to have the
              given values; in this case, all widgets using that font will redisplay themselves  using  the  new
              attributes for the font.  See FONT OPTIONS below for a list of the possible attributes.

              Note  that  on  Aqua/Mac  OS  X,  the  system fonts (see PLATFORM SPECIFIC FONTS below) may not be
              actually altered because they are implemented by the  system  theme.  To  achieve  the  effect  of
              modification,  use  font actual to get their configuration and font create to synthesize a copy of
              the font which can be modified.

       font create ?fontname? ?option value ...?
              Creates a new named font and returns its name.  fontname specifies the name for the font; if it is
              omitted,  then Tk generates a new name of the form fontx, where x is an integer.  There may be any
              number of option-value pairs, which provide the desired attributes for the new  named  font.   See
              FONT OPTIONS below for a list of the possible attributes.

       font delete fontname ?fontname ...?
              Delete  the specified named fonts.  If there are widgets using the named font, the named font will
              not actually be deleted until all the instances are released.   Those  widgets  will  continue  to
              display  using  the last known values for the named font.  If a deleted named font is subsequently
              recreated with another call to font create, the widgets will use the new named font and  redisplay
              themselves using the new attributes of that font.

       font families ?-displayof window?
              The  return  value  is  a  list  of  the case-insensitive names of all font families that exist on
              window's display.  If the window argument is omitted, it defaults to the main window.

       font measure font ?-displayof window? text
              Measures the amount of space the string text would use in the given font when displayed in window.
              font  is  a  font description; see FONT DESCRIPTIONS below.  If the window argument is omitted, it
              defaults to the main window.  The return value is the total width in pixels of text, not including
              the  extra  pixels  used  by  highly  exaggerated  characters  such as cursive “f”.  If the string
              contains newlines or tabs, those characters are not expanded or treated specially  when  measuring
              the string.

       font metrics font ?-displayof window? ?option?
              Returns  information  about  the  metrics  (the  font-specific  data), for font when it is used on
              window's display.  font is a font  description;  see  FONT  DESCRIPTIONS  below.   If  the  window
              argument is omitted, it defaults to the main window.  If option is specified, returns the value of
              that metric; if it is omitted, the return value is a list of all the  metrics  and  their  values.
              See FONT METRICS below for a list of the possible metrics.

       font names
              The return value is a list of all the named fonts that are currently defined.


       The following formats are accepted as a font description anywhere font is specified as an argument above;
       these same forms are also permitted when specifying the -font option for widgets.

       [1] fontname
              The name of a named font, created using the font create command.  When a widget uses a named font,
              it  is guaranteed that this will never cause an error, as long as the named font exists, no matter
              what potentially invalid or meaningless set of attributes the named font has.  If the  named  font
              cannot  be  displayed  with  exactly  the  specified  attributes,  some  other  close font will be
              substituted automatically.

       [2] systemfont
              The platform-specific name of a font, interpreted by the graphics  server.   This  also  includes,
              under  X, an XLFD (see [4]) for which a single “*” character was used to elide more than one field
              in the middle of the name.  See PLATFORM SPECIFIC FONTS for a list of the system fonts.

       [3] family ?size? ?style? ?style ...?
              A properly formed list whose first element is the desired font family and  whose  optional  second
              element  is  the  desired  size.   The interpretation of the size attribute follows the same rules
              described for -size in FONT OPTIONS below.  Any additional optional arguments following  the  size
              are font styles.  Possible values for the style arguments are as follows:

                     normal      bold        roman      italic
                     underline   overstrike

       [4] X-font names (XLFD)
              A            Unix-centric            font           name           of           the           form
              The  “*” character may be used to skip individual fields that the user does not care about.  There
              must be exactly one “*” for each field skipped, except that a “*” at the end of the XLFD skips any
              remaining  fields;  the shortest valid XLFD is simply “*”, signifying all fields as defaults.  Any
              fields that were skipped are given default values.  For compatibility, an XLFD  always  chooses  a
              font  of  the  specified pixel size (not point size); although this interpretation is not strictly
              correct, all existing applications using XLFDs assumed that one “point” was in fact one pixel  and
              would display incorrectly (generally larger) if the correct size font were actually used.

       [5] option value ?option value ...?
              A  properly  formed list of option-value pairs that specify the desired attributes of the font, in
              the same format used when defining a named font; see FONT OPTIONS below.

       When font description font is used, the system attempts to parse the description according to each of the
       above  five  rules,  in  the order specified.  Cases [1] and [2] must match the name of an existing named
       font or of a system font.  Cases [3], [4], and  [5]  are  accepted  on  all  platforms  and  the  closest
       available font will be used.  In some situations it may not be possible to find any close font (e.g., the
       font family was a garbage value); in that case, some system-dependent default font  is  chosen.   If  the
       font description does not match any of the above patterns, an error is generated.


       The  following  options  are used by the font metrics command to query font-specific data determined when
       the font was created.  These properties are for the whole font itself and not for  individual  characters
       drawn  in that font.  In the following definitions, the “baseline” of a font is the horizontal line where
       the bottom of most letters line up; certain letters, such as lower-case “g” stick below the baseline.

              The amount in pixels that the tallest letter sticks up above the baseline of the  font,  plus  any
              extra blank space added by the designer of the font.

              The  largest amount in pixels that any letter sticks down below the baseline of the font, plus any
              extra blank space added by the designer of the font.

              Returns how far apart vertically in pixels two lines of text using the same font should be  placed
              so  that none of the characters in one line overlap any of the characters in the other line.  This
              is generally the sum of the ascent above the baseline line plus the descent below the baseline.

              Returns a boolean flag that is “1” if this is a fixed-width font, where each normal  character  is
              the  same  width  as  all the other characters, or is “0” if this is a proportionally-spaced font,
              where individual characters  have  different  widths.   The  widths  of  control  characters,  tab
              characters, and other non-printing characters are not included when calculating this value.


       The following options are supported on all platforms, and are used when constructing a named font or when
       specifying a font using style [5] as above:

       -family name
              The case-insensitive font family name.  Tk guarantees to support the font families  named  Courier
              (a  monospaced “typewriter” font), Times (a serifed “newspaper” font), and Helvetica (a sans-serif
              “European” font).  The most closely matching native font family will automatically be  substituted
              when one of the above font families is used.  The name may also be the name of a native, platform-
              specific font family; in that case it will work as desired on one platform  but  may  not  display
              correctly  on  other platforms.  If the family is unspecified or unrecognized, a platform-specific
              default font will be chosen.

       -size size
              The desired size of the font.  If the size argument is a positive number, it is interpreted  as  a
              size  in  points.   If  size  is a negative number, its absolute value is interpreted as a size in
              pixels.  If a font cannot be displayed at the specified size, a nearby size will  be  chosen.   If
              size is unspecified or zero, a platform-dependent default size will be chosen.

              Sizes should normally be specified in points so the application will remain the same ruler size on
              the screen, even when changing screen resolutions or moving scripts  across  platforms.   However,
              specifying  pixels  is  useful  in certain circumstances such as when a piece of text must line up
              with respect to a fixed-size bitmap.  The mapping between  points  and  pixels  is  set  when  the
              application  starts,  based  on  properties  of the installed monitor, but it can be overridden by
              calling the tk scaling command.

       -weight weight
              The nominal thickness of the characters in the font.  The value normal specifies a  normal  weight
              font, while bold specifies a bold font.  The closest available weight to the one specified will be
              chosen.  The default weight is normal.

       -slant slant
              The amount the characters in the font are slanted away from the vertical.  Valid values for  slant
              are  roman  and italic.  A roman font is the normal, upright appearance of a font, while an italic
              font is one that is tilted some number of degrees from upright.  The closest  available  slant  to
              the one specified will be chosen.  The default slant is roman.

       -underline boolean
              The  value  is a boolean flag that specifies whether characters in this font should be underlined.
              The default value for underline is false.

       -overstrike boolean
              The value is a boolean flag that specifies whether a horizontal line should be drawn  through  the
              middle of characters in this font.  The default value for overstrike is false.


       The  following  named  fonts  are  supported on all systems, and default to values that match appropriate
       system defaults.

              This font is the default for all GUI items not otherwise specified.

              This font should be used for user text in entry widgets, listboxes etc.

              This font is the standard fixed-width font.

              This font is used for menu items.

              This font should be used for column headings in lists and tables.

              This font should be used for window and dialog caption bars.

              This font should be used for captions on contained windows or tool dialogs.

              This font should be used for icon captions.

              This font should be used for tooltip windows (transient information windows).

       It is not advised to change these fonts, as they may be modified by  Tk  itself  in  response  to  system
       changes. Instead, make a copy of the font and modify that.


       The following system fonts are supported:

       X Windows
              All valid X font names, including those listed by xlsfonts(1), are available.

       MS Windows
              The following fonts are supported, and are mapped to the user's style defaults.

                     system      ansi        device
                     systemfixed ansifixed   oemfixed

       Mac OS X
              The following fonts are supported, and are mapped to the user's style defaults.

                     system      application menu

              Additionally, the following named fonts provide access to the Aqua theme fonts:

                     systemSystemFont    systemEmphasizedSystemFont
                     systemViewsFont     systemMenuTitleFont
                     systemMenuItemFont  systemMenuItemMarkFont


       Fill a text widget with lots of font demonstrators, one for every font family installed on your system:
              pack [text .t -wrap none] -fill both -expand 1
              set count 0
              set tabwidth 0
              foreach family [lsort -dictionary [font families]] {
                  .t tag configure f[incr count] -font [list $family 10]
                  .t insert end ${family}:\t {} \
                          "This is a simple sampler\n" f$count
                  set w [font measure [.t cget -font] ${family}:]
                  if {$w+5 > $tabwidth} {
                      set tabwidth [expr {$w+5}]
                      .t configure -tabs $tabwidth



