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glu - A part of the standard OpenGL Utility api.
A part of the standard OpenGL Utility api. See Booleans are represented by integers 0 and 1.
enum() = non_neg_integer(): See wx/include/gl.hrl or glu.hrl matrix() = matrix12() | matrix16(): matrix12() = {float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}: matrix16() = {float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}: mem() = binary() | tuple(): Memory block vertex() = {float(), float(), float()}:
tesselate(Normal, Vs::[Vs]) -> {Triangles, VertexPos} Types: Normal = vertex() Vs = vertex() Triangles = [integer()] VertexPos = binary() General purpose polygon triangulation. The first argument is the normal and the second a list of vertex positions. Returned is a list of indecies of the vertices and a binary (64bit native float) containing an array of vertex positions, it starts with the vertices in Vs and may contain newly created vertices in the end. build1DMipmapLevels(Target, InternalFormat, Width, Format, Type, Level, Base, Max, Data) -> integer() Types: Target = enum() InternalFormat = integer() Width = integer() Format = enum() Type = enum() Level = integer() Base = integer() Max = integer() Data = binary() Builds a subset of one-dimensional mipmap levels glu:build1DMipmapLevels builds a subset of prefiltered one-dimensional texture maps of decreasing resolutions called a mipmap. This is used for the antialiasing of texture mapped primitives. See external documentation. build1DMipmaps(Target, InternalFormat, Width, Format, Type, Data) -> integer() Types: Target = enum() InternalFormat = integer() Width = integer() Format = enum() Type = enum() Data = binary() Builds a one-dimensional mipmap glu:build1DMipmaps builds a series of prefiltered one-dimensional texture maps of decreasing resolutions called a mipmap. This is used for the antialiasing of texture mapped primitives. See external documentation. build2DMipmapLevels(Target, InternalFormat, Width, Height, Format, Type, Level, Base, Max, Data) -> integer() Types: Target = enum() InternalFormat = integer() Width = integer() Height = integer() Format = enum() Type = enum() Level = integer() Base = integer() Max = integer() Data = binary() Builds a subset of two-dimensional mipmap levels glu:build2DMipmapLevels builds a subset of prefiltered two-dimensional texture maps of decreasing resolutions called a mipmap. This is used for the antialiasing of texture mapped primitives. See external documentation. build2DMipmaps(Target, InternalFormat, Width, Height, Format, Type, Data) -> integer() Types: Target = enum() InternalFormat = integer() Width = integer() Height = integer() Format = enum() Type = enum() Data = binary() Builds a two-dimensional mipmap glu:build2DMipmaps builds a series of prefiltered two-dimensional texture maps of decreasing resolutions called a mipmap. This is used for the antialiasing of texture-mapped primitives. See external documentation. build3DMipmapLevels(Target, InternalFormat, Width, Height, Depth, Format, Type, Level, Base, Max, Data) -> integer() Types: Target = enum() InternalFormat = integer() Width = integer() Height = integer() Depth = integer() Format = enum() Type = enum() Level = integer() Base = integer() Max = integer() Data = binary() Builds a subset of three-dimensional mipmap levels glu:build3DMipmapLevels builds a subset of prefiltered three-dimensional texture maps of decreasing resolutions called a mipmap. This is used for the antialiasing of texture mapped primitives. See external documentation. build3DMipmaps(Target, InternalFormat, Width, Height, Depth, Format, Type, Data) -> integer() Types: Target = enum() InternalFormat = integer() Width = integer() Height = integer() Depth = integer() Format = enum() Type = enum() Data = binary() Builds a three-dimensional mipmap glu:build3DMipmaps builds a series of prefiltered three-dimensional texture maps of decreasing resolutions called a mipmap. This is used for the antialiasing of texture-mapped primitives. See external documentation. checkExtension(ExtName, ExtString) -> 0 | 1 Types: ExtName = string() ExtString = string() Determines if an extension name is supported glu:checkExtension returns ?GLU_TRUE if ExtName is supported otherwise ?GLU_FALSE is returned. See external documentation. cylinder(Quad, Base, Top, Height, Slices, Stacks) -> ok Types: Quad = integer() Base = float() Top = float() Height = float() Slices = integer() Stacks = integer() Draw a cylinder glu:cylinder draws a cylinder oriented along the z axis. The base of the cylinder is placed at z = 0 and the top at z=height. Like a sphere, a cylinder is subdivided around the z axis into slices and along the z axis into stacks. See external documentation. deleteQuadric(Quad) -> ok Types: Quad = integer() Destroy a quadrics object glu:deleteQuadric destroys the quadrics object (created with glu:newQuadric/0 ) and frees any memory it uses. Once glu:deleteQuadric has been called, Quad cannot be used again. See external documentation. disk(Quad, Inner, Outer, Slices, Loops) -> ok Types: Quad = integer() Inner = float() Outer = float() Slices = integer() Loops = integer() Draw a disk glu:disk renders a disk on the z = 0 plane. The disk has a radius of Outer and contains a concentric circular hole with a radius of Inner . If Inner is 0, then no hole is generated. The disk is subdivided around the z axis into slices (like pizza slices) and also about the z axis into rings (as specified by Slices and Loops , respectively). See external documentation. errorString(Error) -> string() Types: Error = enum() Produce an error string from a GL or GLU error code glu:errorString produces an error string from a GL or GLU error code. The string is in ISO Latin 1 format. For example, glu:errorString(?GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY) returns the string out of memory. See external documentation. getString(Name) -> string() Types: Name = enum() Return a string describing the GLU version or GLU extensions glu:getString returns a pointer to a static string describing the GLU version or the GLU extensions that are supported. See external documentation. lookAt(EyeX, EyeY, EyeZ, CenterX, CenterY, CenterZ, UpX, UpY, UpZ) -> ok Types: EyeX = float() EyeY = float() EyeZ = float() CenterX = float() CenterY = float() CenterZ = float() UpX = float() UpY = float() UpZ = float() Define a viewing transformation glu:lookAt creates a viewing matrix derived from an eye point, a reference point indicating the center of the scene, and an UP vector. See external documentation. newQuadric() -> integer() Create a quadrics object glu:newQuadric creates and returns a pointer to a new quadrics object. This object must be referred to when calling quadrics rendering and control functions. A return value of 0 means that there is not enough memory to allocate the object. See external documentation. ortho2D(Left, Right, Bottom, Top) -> ok Types: Left = float() Right = float() Bottom = float() Top = float() Define a 2D orthographic projection matrix glu:ortho2D sets up a two-dimensional orthographic viewing region. This is equivalent to calling gl:ortho/6 with near=-1 and far=1. See external documentation. partialDisk(Quad, Inner, Outer, Slices, Loops, Start, Sweep) -> ok Types: Quad = integer() Inner = float() Outer = float() Slices = integer() Loops = integer() Start = float() Sweep = float() Draw an arc of a disk glu:partialDisk renders a partial disk on the z=0 plane. A partial disk is similar to a full disk, except that only the subset of the disk from Start through Start + Sweep is included (where 0 degrees is along the +f2yf axis, 90 degrees along the +x axis, 180 degrees along the -y axis, and 270 degrees along the -x axis). See external documentation. perspective(Fovy, Aspect, ZNear, ZFar) -> ok Types: Fovy = float() Aspect = float() ZNear = float() ZFar = float() Set up a perspective projection matrix glu:perspective specifies a viewing frustum into the world coordinate system. In general, the aspect ratio in glu:perspective should match the aspect ratio of the associated viewport. For example, aspect=2.0 means the viewer's angle of view is twice as wide in x as it is in y. If the viewport is twice as wide as it is tall, it displays the image without distortion. See external documentation. pickMatrix(X, Y, DelX, DelY, Viewport) -> ok Types: X = float() Y = float() DelX = float() DelY = float() Viewport = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()} Define a picking region glu:pickMatrix creates a projection matrix that can be used to restrict drawing to a small region of the viewport. This is typically useful to determine what objects are being drawn near the cursor. Use glu:pickMatrix to restrict drawing to a small region around the cursor. Then, enter selection mode (with gl:renderMode/1 ) and rerender the scene. All primitives that would have been drawn near the cursor are identified and stored in the selection buffer. See external documentation. project(ObjX, ObjY, ObjZ, Model, Proj, View) -> {integer(), WinX::float(), WinY::float(), WinZ::float()} Types: ObjX = float() ObjY = float() ObjZ = float() Model = matrix() Proj = matrix() View = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()} Map object coordinates to window coordinates glu:project transforms the specified object coordinates into window coordinates using Model , Proj , and View . The result is stored in WinX , WinY , and WinZ . A return value of ?GLU_TRUE indicates success, a return value of ?GLU_FALSE indicates failure. See external documentation. quadricDrawStyle(Quad, Draw) -> ok Types: Quad = integer() Draw = enum() Specify the draw style desired for quadrics glu:quadricDrawStyle specifies the draw style for quadrics rendered with Quad . The legal values are as follows: See external documentation. quadricNormals(Quad, Normal) -> ok Types: Quad = integer() Normal = enum() Specify what kind of normals are desired for quadrics glu:quadricNormals specifies what kind of normals are desired for quadrics rendered with Quad . The legal values are as follows: See external documentation. quadricOrientation(Quad, Orientation) -> ok Types: Quad = integer() Orientation = enum() Specify inside/outside orientation for quadrics glu:quadricOrientation specifies what kind of orientation is desired for quadrics rendered with Quad . The Orientation values are as follows: See external documentation. quadricTexture(Quad, Texture) -> ok Types: Quad = integer() Texture = 0 | 1 Specify if texturing is desired for quadrics glu:quadricTexture specifies if texture coordinates should be generated for quadrics rendered with Quad . If the value of Texture is ?GLU_TRUE, then texture coordinates are generated, and if Texture is ?GLU_FALSE, they are not. The initial value is ?GLU_FALSE. See external documentation. scaleImage(Format, WIn, HIn, TypeIn, DataIn, WOut, HOut, TypeOut, DataOut) -> integer() Types: Format = enum() WIn = integer() HIn = integer() TypeIn = enum() DataIn = binary() WOut = integer() HOut = integer() TypeOut = enum() DataOut = mem() Scale an image to an arbitrary size glu:scaleImage scales a pixel image using the appropriate pixel store modes to unpack data from the source image and pack data into the destination image. See external documentation. sphere(Quad, Radius, Slices, Stacks) -> ok Types: Quad = integer() Radius = float() Slices = integer() Stacks = integer() Draw a sphere glu:sphere draws a sphere of the given radius centered around the origin. The sphere is subdivided around the z axis into slices and along the z axis into stacks (similar to lines of longitude and latitude). See external documentation. unProject(WinX, WinY, WinZ, Model, Proj, View) -> {integer(), ObjX::float(), ObjY::float(), ObjZ::float()} Types: WinX = float() WinY = float() WinZ = float() Model = matrix() Proj = matrix() View = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()} Map window coordinates to object coordinates glu:unProject maps the specified window coordinates into object coordinates using Model , Proj , and View . The result is stored in ObjX , ObjY , and ObjZ . A return value of ?GLU_TRUE indicates success; a return value of ?GLU_FALSE indicates failure. See external documentation. unProject4(WinX, WinY, WinZ, ClipW, Model, Proj, View, NearVal, FarVal) -> {integer(), ObjX::float(), ObjY::float(), ObjZ::float(), ObjW::float()} Types: WinX = float() WinY = float() WinZ = float() ClipW = float() Model = matrix() Proj = matrix() View = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()} NearVal = float() FarVal = float() See unProject/6
<> wx 1.8.3 glu(3erl)