bionic (3) gridall_params.3NCARG.gz

Gridall_params - This document briefly describes all Gridall internal parameters.
GRIDAL has twenty-two internal parameters, each of which affects, in some way, the behavior of the routines that draw backgrounds. The current value of a parameter may be retrieved by calling GAGETC, GAGETI, and/or GAGETR and it may be reset by calling GASETC, GASETI, and/or GASETR; certain parameters may also be reset by calling other, older, routines (GACOLR, LABMOD, TICKS, and TICK4). Parameter descriptions, in alphabetical order, of all Gridall internal parameters follow. Each description begins with a line giving the parameter name and the intrinsic FORTRAN type of the parameter. ´CAX´ - Integer The polyline color index to be used for drawing the axes. A negative value implies that no change is to be made in the polyline color index before drawing the axes. The default value of ´CAX´ is -1; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or GACOLR (argument KAXS) . ´CLB´ - Integer The polyline/text color index to be used for drawing labels. (Both are affected because the labels may be drawn using calls to WTSTR or calls to PLCHHQ.) A negative value implies that no change is to be made in the polyline and text color indices before drawing the labels. The default value of ´CLB´ is -1; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or GACOLR (argument KLBL). ´CMJ´ - Integer The polyline color index to be used for major ticks and/or grid lines. A negative value implies that no change is to be made in the polyline color index before drawing major ticks/grid lines. The default value of ´CMJ´ is -1; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or GACOLR (argument KMJT). ´CMN´ - Integer The polyline color index to be used for minor ticks and/or grid lines. A negative value implies that no change is to be made in the polyline color index before drawing minor ticks/grid lines. The default value of ´CMN´ is -1; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or GACOLR (argument KMNT). ´LTY´ - Integer The labeling type. The value 0 implies that the SPPS routine WTSTR is to be called to draw labels, the value 1 that the Plotchar routine PLCHHQ is to be called. The default value of ´LTY´ is 0; its value may be changed by calling GASETI or GASETR. ´WAX´ - Real The line width to be used for drawing the axes. A value less than or equal to zero implies that no change is to be made in the line width scale factor before drawing the axes. The default value of ´WAX´ is 0; its value may be changed by calling GASETI or GASETR. ´WLB´ - Real The line width to be used for drawing labels. (Labels drawn using calls to the Plotchar routine PLCHHQ are affected by this; those drawn using calls to the SPPS routine WTSTR are not.) A value less than or equal to zero implies that no change is to be made in the line width scale factor before drawing the labels. The default value of ´WLB´ is 0; its value may be changed by calling GASETI or GASETR. ´WMJ´ - Real The line width to be used for major ticks and/or grid lines. A value less than or equal to zero implies that no change is to be made in the line width scale factor before drawing. The default value of ´WMJ´ is 0; its value may be changed by calling GASETI or GASETR. ´WMN´ - Real The line width to be used for minor ticks and/or grid lines. A value less than or equal to zero implies that no change is to be made in the line width scale factor before drawing. The default value of ´WMN´ is 0; its value may be changed by calling GASETI or GASETR. ´XLF´ - Character The format to be used for labels on the X axis. The character string must begin with a left parenthesis and end with a right parenthesis and it must not exceed ten characters in length. Conversions of types E, F, G, and I are allowed. The default value of ´XLF´ is ´(E10.3)´; its value may be changed by calling GASETC or LABMOD (argument FMTX). ´XLL´ - Integer The length of each X-axis label. If ´XLL´ is given a non-zero value "n" and LBLX is a string produced by the format ´XLF´, then the label will be the substring LBLX(1:n). If, on the other hand, ´XLL´ = 0, then the label will be the substring LBLX(m:n), where LBLX(m:m) is the first non- blank character in LBLX and LBLX(n:n) is the last non-blank character following LBLX(m:m). Using a non-zero value for ´XLL´ causes labels to be centered differently than if a zero value is used. The default value of ´XLL´ is 0; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or LABMOD (argument NUMX). ´XLO´ - Real The (vertical) distance of an X-axis label from the X axis. Values between 0 and 1 are interpreted as fractions of the width of the plotter frame, while values greater than 1 are interpreted as plotter address units (PAUs). The value is interpreted as the distance from the bottom edge of the viewport to the nearest Y address of an X-axis label; negative values may be used to put labels above the viewport. The value 0 is treated as equivalent to 20 and the value 1 is treated as equivalent to -20-h, where h is the height of the viewport in plotter address units. The default value of ´XLO´ is 20, which means 20 PAUs; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or LABMOD (argument IYDC). (Note that the LABMOD argument IXDC corresponds to ´YLO´ and that the LABMOD argument IYDC corresponds to ´XLO´, which is perhaps somewhat counterintuitive.) ´XLS´ - Real The size (width) of characters in X-axis labels. Values between 0 and 1 are interpreted as fractions of the width of the plotter frame, while values greater than or equal to 1 are interpreted as plotter address units (PAUs). The integral values 0., 1., 2., and 3. mean 8, 12, 16, and 24 PAUs, respectively. Values less than zero are treated as zero. The default value of ´XLS´ is 10, which means 10 PAUs; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or LABMOD (argument ISZX). ´XMJ´ - Real The length of major ticks on the X axis. ABS(´XMJ´) specifies the length of major ticks on the X axis; values between 0 and 1 are interpreted as fractions of the width of the plotter frame, while values greater than or equal to 1 are interpreted as plotter address units (PAUs). If ´XMJ´ is positive, the ticks point inward; if ´XMJ´ is negative, the ticks point outward. The default value of ´XMJ´ is 12, which means 12 PAUs; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or TICKS (argument LMJX). ´XMN´ - Real The length of minor ticks on the X axis. ABS(´XMN´) specifies the length of minor ticks on the X axis; values between 0 and 1 are interpreted as fractions of the width of the plotter frame, while values greater than or equal to 1 are interpreted as plotter address units (PAUs). If ´XMN´ is positive, the ticks point inward; if ´XMN´ is negative, the ticks point outward. The default value of ´XMN´ is 8, which means 8 PAUs; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or TICKS (argument LMNX). ´XOR´ - Integer The orientation of X-axis labels. The value 0 implies the use of horizontal labels, while the value 1 implies the use of vertical labels. The default value is 0; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or LABMOD (argument IXOR). ´YLF´ - Character The format to be used for labels on the Y axis. The character string must begin with a left parenthesis and end with a right parenthesis and it must not exceed ten characters in length. Conversions of types E, F, G, and I are allowed. The default value of ´YLF´ is ´(E10.3)´; its value may be changed by calling GASETC or LABMOD (argument FMTY). ´YLL´ - Integer The length of each Y-axis label. If ´YLL´ is given a non-zero value "n" and LBLY is a string produced by the format ´YLF´, then the label will be the substring LBLY(1:n). If, on the other hand, ´YLL´ = 0, then the label will be the substring LBLY(m:n), where LBLY(m:m) is the first non- blank character in LBLY and LBLY(n:n) is the last non-blank character following LBLY(m:m). Using a non-zero value for ´YLL´ causes labels to be centered differently than if a zero value is used. The default value of ´YLL´is 0; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or LABMOD (argument NUMY). ´YLO´ - Real The (horizontal) offset distance of a Y-axis label from the Y axis. Values between 0 and 1 are interpreted as fractions of the width of the plotter frame, while values greater than 1 are interpreted as plotter address units (PAUs). The value is interpreted as the distance from the left edge of the viewport to the nearest X address of a Y-axis label; negative values may be used to put labels to the right of the viewport. The value 0 is treated as equivalent to 20 and the value 1 is treated as equivalent to -20-w, where w is the width of the viewport in plotter address units. The default value of ´YLO´ is 20, which means 20 PAUs; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or LABMOD (argument IXDC). (Note that the LABMOD argument IXDC corresponds to ´YLO´ and that the LABMOD argument IYDC corresponds to ´XLO´, which is perhaps somewhat counterintuitive.) ´YLS´ - Real The size (width) of characters in Y-axis labels. Values between 0 and 1 are interpreted as fractions of the width of the plotter frame, while values greater than or equal to 1 are interpreted as plotter address units (PAUs). The integral values 0., 1., 2., and 3. mean 8, 12, 16, and 24 PAUs, respectively. Values less than zero are treated as zero. The default value of ´YLS´ is 10, which means 10 PAUs; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or LABMOD (argument ISZY). ´YMJ´ - Real The length of major ticks on the Y axis. ABS(´YMJ´) specifies the length of major ticks on the Y axis; values between 0 and 1 are interpreted as fractions of the width of the plotter frame, while values greater than or equal to 1 are interpreted as plotter address units (PAUs). If ´YMJ´ is positive, the ticks point inward; if ´YMJ´ is negative, the ticks point outward. The default value of ´YMJ´ is 12, which means 12 PAUs; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or TICKS (argument LMJY). ´YMN´ - Real The length of minor ticks on the Y axis. ABS(´YMN´) specifies the length of minor ticks on the Y axis; values between 0 and 1 are interpreted as fractions of the width of the plotter frame, while values greater than or equal to 1 are interpreted as plotter address units (PAUs). If ´YMN´ is positive, the ticks point inward; if ´YMN´ is negative, the ticks point outward. The default value of ´YMN´ is 8, which means 8 PAUs; its value may be changed by calling GASETI, GASETR, or TICKS (argument LMNY).
Online: gridall, gacolr, gagetc, gageti, gagetr, gasetc, gaseti, gasetr, labmod, tick4, ticks. Hardcopy: NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version
Copyright (C) 1987-2009 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.