bionic (3) httpd.3erl.gz

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       httpd -
           HTTP server API


       An  implementation of an HTTP 1.1 compliant web server, as defined in RFC 2616. Provides web server start
       options, administrative functions, and an Erlang callback API.


       Type definitions that are used more than once in this module:

       boolean() = true | false

       string() = list of ASCII characters

       path() = string() representing a file or a directory path

        ip_address() = {N1,N2,N3,N4} % IPv4 | {K1,K2,K3,K4,K5,K6,K7,K8} % IPv6

       hostname() = string() representing a host, for example, ""

       property() = atom()


       A web server can be configured to start when starting the Inets application, or dynamically in runtime by
       calling  the Inets application API inets:start(httpd, ServiceConfig) or inets:start(httpd, ServiceConfig,
       How), see inets(3erl). The configuration options, also called properties, are as follows:

       File Properties

       When the web server is started at application start time,  the  properties  are  to  be  fetched  from  a
       configuration  file that can consist of a regular Erlang property list, that is, [{Option, Value}], where
       Option = property()  and Value = term(), followed by a full stop,  or  for  backwards  compatibility,  an
       Apache-like  configuration file. If the web server is started dynamically at runtime, a file can still be
       specified but also the complete property list.

         {proplist_file, path()}:
           If this property is defined, Inets expects to find all other properties defined  in  this  file.  The
           file must include all properties listed under mandatory properties.

         {file, path()}:
           If  this  property is defined, Inets expects to find all other properties defined in this file, which
           uses Apache-like syntax. The file must include all properties listed under mandatory properties.  The
           Apache-like  syntax  is  the property, written as one word where each new word begins with a capital,
           followed by a white-space, followed by the value, followed by a new line.


         {server_root, "/urs/local/www"} -> ServerRoot /usr/local/www

           A few exceptions are documented for each property that behaves differently,  and  the  special  cases
           {directory,  {path(),  PropertyList}}  and {security_directory, {Dir, PropertyList}}, are represented

         <Directory Dir>
          <Properties handled as described above>

       The properties proplist_file and file are mutually exclusive. Also newer properties may not be  supported
       as Apache-like options, this is a legacy feature.

       Mandatory Properties

         {port, integer()} :
           The port that the HTTP server listen to. If zero is specified as port, an arbitrary available port is
           picked and function httpd:info/2 can be used to determine which port was picked.

         {server_name, string()}:
           The name of your server, normally a fully qualified domain name.

         {server_root, path()}:
           Defines the home directory of the server, where log files, and so on, can be stored.  Relative  paths
           specified in other properties refer to this directory.

         {document_root, path()}:
           Defines the top directory for the documents that are available on the HTTP server.

       Communication Properties

         {bind_address, ip_address() | hostname() | any}:
           Default is any. any is denoted * in the Apache-like configuration file.

         {profile, atom()}:
           Used  together with bind_address and port to uniquely identify a HTTP server. This can be useful in a
           virtualized environment, where there can be more that one server that has the same  bind_address  and
           port.  If  this  property is not explicitly set, it is assumed that the bind_address and portuniquely
           identifies the HTTP server.

         {socket_type, ip_comm | {ip_comm, Config::proplist()} | {essl, Config::proplist()}}:
           For ip_comm configuration options, see gen_tcp:listen/2, some options that  are  used  internally  by
           httpd can not be set.

           For SSL configuration options, see ssl:listen/2.

           Default is ip_comm.

         {ipfamily, inet | inet6}:
           Default is inet, legacy option inet6fb4 no longer makes sense and will be translated to inet.

         {minimum_bytes_per_second, integer()}:
           If given, sets a minimum of bytes per second value for connections.

           If the value is unreached, the socket closes for that connection.

           The option is good for reducing the risk of "slow DoS" attacks.

       Erlang Web Server API Modules

         {modules, [atom()]} :
           Defines  which  modules the HTTP server uses when handling requests. Default is [mod_alias, mod_auth,
           mod_esi, mod_actions, mod_cgi, mod_dir, mod_get, mod_head, mod_log, mod_disk_log]. Notice  that  some
           mod-modules  are  dependent  on  others, so the order cannot be entirely arbitrary. See the Inets Web
           Server Modules in the User's Guide for details.

       Limit properties

         {customize, atom()}:
           A callback module to customize the inets HTTP servers behaviour see  httpd_custom_api

         {disable_chunked_transfer_encoding_send, boolean()}:
           Allows you to disable chunked transfer-encoding when  sending  a  response  to  an  HTTP/1.1  client.
           Default is false.

         {keep_alive, boolean()}:
           Instructs  the  server  whether  to  use persistent connections when the client claims to be HTTP/1.1
           compliant. Default is true.

         {keep_alive_timeout, integer()}:
           The number of seconds the server waits for a subsequent request from the client  before  closing  the
           connection. Default is 150.

         {max_body_size, integer()}:
           Limits the size of the message body of an HTTP request. Default is no limit.

         {max_clients, integer()}:
           Limits the number of simultaneous requests that can be supported. Default is 150.

         {max_header_size, integer()}:
           Limits the size of the message header of an HTTP request. Default is 10240.

         {max_content_length, integer()}:
           Maximum  content-length  in an incoming request, in bytes. Requests with content larger than this are
           answered with status 413. Default is 100000000 (100 MB).

         {max_uri_size, integer()}:
           Limits the size of the HTTP request URI. Default is no limit.

         {max_keep_alive_request, integer()}:
           The number of requests that a client can do on one connection. When the server has responded  to  the
           number  of  requests defined by max_keep_alive_requests, the server closes the connection. The server
           closes it even if there are queued request. Default is no limit.

         {max_client_body_chunk, integer()}:
           Enforces chunking of a HTTP PUT or POST body data to be deliverd to the mod_esi callback.  Note  this
           is not supported for mod_cgi. Default is no limit e.i the whole body is deliverd as one entity, which
           could be very memory consuming. mod_esi(3erl).

       Administrative Properties

         {mime_types, [{MimeType, Extension}] | path()}:
           MimeType = string() and Extension = string(). Files delivered to the client are MIME typed  according
           to  RFC  1590.  File suffixes are mapped to MIME types before file delivery. The mapping between file
           suffixes and MIME types can be specified as an Apache-like file or directly  in  the  property  list.
           Such a file can look like the follwoing:

         # MIME type    Extension
         text/html html htm
         text/plain     asc txt

           Default is [{"html","text/html"},{"htm","text/html"}].

         {mime_type, string()}:
           When  the  server  is  asked  to  provide  a document type that cannot be determined by the MIME Type
           Settings, the server uses this default type.

         {server_admin, string()}:
           Defines the email-address of the server administrator to be included in any error  messages  returned
           by the server.

         {server_tokens, none|prod|major|minor|minimal|os|full|{private, string()}}:
           Defines the look of the value of the server header.

           Example: Assuming the version of Inets is 5.8.1, the server header string can look as follows for the
           different values of server-tokens:

             "" % A Server: header will not be generated





             "inets/5.8.1 (unix)"

             "inets/5.8.1 (unix/linux) OTP/R15B"

           {private, "foo/bar"}:

           By default, the value is as before, that is, minimal.

         {log_format, common | combined}:
           Defines if access logs are to be written according to the common log format or  the  extended  common
           log  format.  The  common  format  is  one  line looking like this: remotehost rfc931 authuser [date]
           "request" status bytes.



             The remote username of the client (RFC 931).

             The username used for authentication.

             Date and time of the request (RFC 1123).

             The request line as it came from the client (RFC 1945).

             The HTTP status code returned to the client (RFC 1945).

             The content-length of the document transferred.

           The combined format is one line looking like this: remotehost rfc931 authuser [date] "request" status
           bytes "referer" "user_agent"

           In addition to the earlier:

             The URL the client was on before requesting the URL (if it could not be determined, a minus sign is
             placed in this field).

             The software the client claims to be using (if it could not be determined, a minus sign  is  placed
             in this field).

           This affects the access logs written by mod_log and mod_disk_log.

         {error_log_format, pretty | compact}:
           Default  is  pretty.  If  the  error  log is meant to be read directly by a human, pretty is the best

           pretty has a format corresponding to:

         io:format("[~s] ~s, reason: ~n ~p ~n~n", [Date, Msg, Reason]).

           compact has a format corresponding to:

         io:format("[~s] ~s, reason: ~w ~n", [Date, Msg, Reason]).

           This affects the error logs written by mod_log and mod_disk_log.

       URL Aliasing Properties - Requires mod_alias

         {alias, {Alias, RealName}}:
           Alias = string() and RealName = string(). alias allows documents to  be  stored  in  the  local  file
           system  instead  of the document_root location. URLs with a path beginning with url-path is mapped to
           local files beginning with directory-filename, for example:

         {alias, {"/image", "/ftp/pub/image"}}

           Access to would refer to the file /ftp/pub/image/foo.gif.

         {re_write, {Re, Replacement}}:
           Re = string() and Replacement = string(). re_write allows documents to be stored in  the  local  file
           system instead of the document_root location. URLs are rewritten by re:replace/3 to produce a path in
           the local file-system, for example:

         {re_write, {"^/[~]([^/]+)(.*)$", "/home/\\1/public\\2"}}

           Access to would refer to the file /home/bob/public/foo.gif. In an
           Apache-like  configuration  file,  Re  is  separated  from  Replacement with one single space, and as
           expected backslashes do not need to be backslash escaped, the same example would become:

         ReWrite ^/[~]([^/]+)(.*)$ /home/\1/public\2

           Beware of trailing space in Replacement to be used. If you must have a space in Re, use, for example,
           the character encoding \040, see re(3erl).

         {directory_index, [string()]}:
           directory_index  specifies a list of resources to look for if a client requests a directory using a /
           at the end of the directory name. file depicts the name of a file in the directory. Several files can
           be given, in which case the server returns the first it finds, for example:

         {directory_index, ["index.html", "welcome.html"]}

           Access   to  would  return  or
  if index.html does not exist.

       CGI Properties - Requires mod_cgi

         {script_alias, {Alias, RealName}}:
           Alias = string() and RealName = string(). Have the same behavior as property alias, except that  they
           also  mark  the  target directory as containing CGI scripts. URLs with a path beginning with url-path
           are mapped to scripts beginning with directory-filename, for example:

         {script_alias, {"/cgi-bin/", "/web/cgi-bin/"}}

           Access to would cause the  server  to  run  the  script  /web/cgi-

         {script_re_write, {Re, Replacement}}:
           Re  =  string()  and Replacement = string(). Have the same behavior as property re_write, except that
           they also mark the target directory as containing CGI scripts. URLs with a path beginning  with  url-
           path are mapped to scripts beginning with directory-filename, for example:

         {script_re_write, {"^/cgi-bin/(\\d+)/", "/web/\\1/cgi-bin/"}}

           Access to would cause the server to run the script /web/17/cgi-

         {script_nocache, boolean()}:
           If script_nocache is set to true, the HTTP server by default adds  the  header  fields  necessary  to
           prevent proxies from caching the page. Generally this is preferred. Default to false.

         {script_timeout, integer()}:
           The  time  in  seconds  the  web  server waits between each chunk of data from the script. If the CGI
           script does not deliver any data before the timeout, the connection to the client is closed.  Default
           is 15.

         {action, {MimeType, CgiScript}} - requires mod_action:
           MimeType  = string() and CgiScript = string(). action adds an action activating a CGI script whenever
           a file of a certain MIME type is requested. It propagates the URL and  file  path  of  the  requested
           document using the standard CGI PATH_INFO and PATH_TRANSLATED environment variables.


         {action, {"text/plain", "/cgi-bin/log_and_deliver_text"}}

         {script, {Method, CgiScript}} - requires mod_action:
           Method  = string() and CgiScript = string(). script adds an action activating a CGI script whenever a
           file is requested using a certain HTTP method. The method is either GET or POST, as  defined  in  RFC
           1945.  It propagates the URL and file path of the requested document using the standard CGI PATH_INFO
           and PATH_TRANSLATED environment variables.


         {script, {"PUT", "/cgi-bin/put"}}

       ESI Properties - Requires mod_esi

         {erl_script_alias, {URLPath, [AllowedModule]}}:
           URLPath = string() and AllowedModule = atom(). erl_script_alias marks all URLs matching  url-path  as
           erl scheme scripts. A matching URL is mapped into a specific module and function, for example:

         {erl_script_alias, {"/cgi-bin/example", [httpd_example]}}

           A    request    to   would   refer   to
           httpd_example:yahoo/3    or,    if    that    does    not    exist,     httpd_example:yahoo/2     and
  would not be allowed to execute.

         {erl_script_nocache, boolean()}:
           If  erl_script_nocache  is  set  to  true, the server adds HTTP header fields preventing proxies from
           caching the page. This is generally a good idea for dynamic content,  as  the  content  often  varies
           between each request. Default is false.

         {erl_script_timeout, integer()}:
           If  erl_script_timeout  sets  the  time  in seconds the server waits between each chunk of data to be
           delivered through mod_esi:deliver/2. Default is 15. This is only relevant for scripts  that  use  the
           erl scheme.

         {eval_script_alias, {URLPath, [AllowedModule]}}:
           URLPath  =  string()  and  AllowedModule = atom(). Same as erl_script_alias but for scripts using the
           eval scheme. This is only supported for backwards compatibility. The eval scheme is deprecated.

       Log Properties - Requires mod_log

         {error_log, path()}:
           Defines the filename of the error log file to be used to log server errors. If the filename does  not
           begin with a slash (/), it is assumed to be relative to the server_root.

         {security_log, path()}:
           Defines  the  filename of the access log file to be used to log security events. If the filename does
           not begin with a slash (/), it is assumed to be relative to the server_root.

         {transfer_log, path()}:
           Defines the filename of the access log file to be used to log incoming requests. If the filename does
           not begin with a slash (/), it is assumed to be relative to the server_root.

       Disk Log Properties - Requires mod_disk_log

         {disk_log_format, internal | external}:
           Defines  the  file  format of the log files. See disk_log for details. If the internal file format is
           used, the log file is repaired after a crash. When a log file is repaired, data can  disappear.  When
           the  external  file  format  is  used,  httpd  does  not  start if the log file is broken. Default is

         {error_disk_log, path()}:
           Defines the filename of the (disk_log(3erl)) error log file to be used to log server errors.  If  the
           filename does not begin with a slash (/), it is assumed to be relative to the server_root.

         {error_disk_log_size, {MaxBytes, MaxFiles}}:
           MaxBytes  =  integer() and MaxFiles = integer(). Defines the properties of the (disk_log(3erl)) error
           log file. This file is of type wrap log and max bytes is written to each file and max files  is  used
           before the first file is truncated and reused.

         {security_disk_log, path()}:
           Defines  the  filename of the (disk_log(3erl)) access log file logging incoming security events, that
           is, authenticated requests. If the filename does not begin with a slash (/),  it  is  assumed  to  be
           relative to the server_root.

         {security_disk_log_size, {MaxBytes, MaxFiles}}:
           MaxBytes  =  integer()  and MaxFiles = integer(). Defines the properties of the disk_log(3erl) access
           log file. This file is of type wrap log and max bytes is written to each file and max files  is  used
           before the first file is truncated and reused.

         {transfer_disk_log, path()}:
           Defines  the  filename  of  the  (disk_log(3erl))  access  log file logging incoming requests. If the
           filename does not begin with a slash (/), it is assumed to be relative to the server_root.

         {transfer_disk_log_size, {MaxBytes, MaxFiles}}:
           MaxBytes = integer() and MaxFiles = integer(). Defines the properties of  the  disk_log(3erl)  access
           log  file.  This file is of type wrap log and max bytes is written to each file and max files is used
           before the first file is truncated and reused.

       Authentication Properties - Requires mod_auth

       {directory, {path(), [{property(), term()}]}}

       The properties for directories are as follows:

         {allow_from, all | [RegxpHostString]}:
           Defines a set of hosts to be granted access to a given directory, for example:

         {allow_from, ["", "150.100.23"]}

           The host and all machines on the 150.100.23 subnet are allowed access.

         {deny_from, all | [RegxpHostString]}:
           Defines a set of hosts to be denied access to a given directory, for example:

         {deny_from, ["", "150.100.23"]}

           The host and all machines on the 150.100.23 subnet are not allowed access.

         {auth_type, plain | dets | mnesia}:
           Sets the type of authentication database that is used for the directory. The key  difference  between
           the  different methods is that dynamic data can be saved when Mnesia and Dets are used. This property
           is called AuthDbType in the Apache-like configuration files.

         {auth_user_file, path()}:
           Sets the name of a file containing the list of users  and  passwords  for  user  authentication.  The
           filename  can  be  either absolute or relative to the server_root. If using the plain storage method,
           this file is a plain text file where each line contains a username followed by a colon,  followed  by
           the non-encrypted password. If usernames are duplicated, the behavior is undefined.



           If the Dets storage method is used, the user database is maintained by Dets and must not be edited by
           hand. Use the API functions in module mod_auth to create/edit the user database.  This  directive  is
           ignored  if  the  Mnesia  storage method is used. For security reasons, ensure that auth_user_file is
           stored outside the document tree of the web server.  If  it  is  placed  in  the  directory  that  it
           protects, clients can download it.

         {auth_group_file, path()}:
           Sets  the name of a file containing the list of user groups for user authentication. The filename can
           be either absolute or relative to the server_root. If the plain storage method  is  used,  the  group
           file is a plain text file, where each line contains a group name followed by a colon, followed by the
           members usernames separated by spaces.


         group1: bob joe ante

           If the Dets storage method is used, the group database is maintained by Dets and must not  be  edited
           by hand. Use the API for module mod_auth to create/edit the group database. This directive is ignored
           if the Mnesia storage method is used. For security reasons, ensure that the auth_group_file is stored
           outside  the  document  tree  of  the  web server. If it is placed in the directory that it protects,
           clients can download it.

         {auth_name, string()}:
           Sets the name of the authorization realm (auth-domain) for  a  directory.  This  string  informs  the
           client about which username and password to use.

         {auth_access_password, string()}:
           If set to other than "NoPassword", the password is required for all API calls. If the password is set
           to "DummyPassword", the password  must  be  changed  before  any  other  API  calls.  To  secure  the
           authenticating  data,  the  password must be changed after the web server is started. Otherwise it is
           written in clear text in the configuration file.

         {require_user, [string()]}:
           Defines users to grant access to a given directory using a secret password.

         {require_group, [string()]}:
           Defines users to grant access to a given directory using a secret password.

       Htaccess Authentication Properties - Requires mod_htaccess

         {access_files, [path()]}:
           Specifies the filenames that are used for access files. When a request comes, every directory in  the
           path  to  the requested asset are searched after files with the names specified by this parameter. If
           such a file is found, the file is parsed and the restrictions specified in  it  are  applied  to  the

       Security Properties - Requires mod_security

       {security_directory, {path(), [{property(), term()}]}}

       The properties for the security directories are as follows:

         {data_file, path()}:
           Name  of  the security data file. The filename can either be absolute or relative to the server_root.
           This file is used to store persistent data for module mod_security.

         {max_retries, integer()}:
           Specifies the maximum number of attempts to authenticate a user before the user is blocked out. If  a
           user  successfully authenticates while blocked, the user receives a 403 (Forbidden) response from the
           server. If the user makes a failed attempt while blocked, the server returns 401 (Unauthorized),  for
           security reasons. Default is 3. Can be set to infinity.

         {block_time, integer()}:
           Specifies  the number of minutes a user is blocked. After this timehas passed, the user automatically
           regains access. Default is 60.

         {fail_expire_time, integer()}:
           Specifies the number of minutes a failed user authentication is remembered. If a  user  authenticates
           after this time has passed, the previous failed authentications are forgotten. Default is 30.

         {auth_timeout, integer()}:
            Specifies  the number of seconds a successful user authentication is remembered. After this time has
           passed, the authentication is no longer reported. Default is 30.


       info(Pid) ->
       info(Pid, Properties) -> [{Option, Value}]


                 Properties = [property()]
                 Option = property()
                 Value = term()

              Fetches information about the HTTP server. When called with  only  the  pid,  all  properties  are
              fetched.  When  called  with  a  list  of  specific  properties,  they  are fetched. The available
              properties are the same as the start options of the server.

              Pid is the pid returned from inets:start/[2,3]. Can also be retrieved  form  inets:services/0  and
              inets:services_info/0, see inets(3erl).

       info(Address, Port) ->
       info(Address, Port, Profile) ->
       info(Address, Port, Profile, Properties) -> [{Option, Value}]
       info(Address, Port, Properties) -> [{Option, Value}]


                 Address = ip_address()
                 Port = integer()
                 Profile = atom()
                 Properties = [property()]
                 Option = property()
                 Value = term()

              Fetches  information about the HTTP server. When called with only Address and Port, all properties
              are fetched. When called with a list of specific  properties,  they  are  fetched.  The  available
              properties are the same as the start options of the server.

              The address must be the IP address and cannot be the hostname.

       reload_config(Config, Mode) -> ok | {error, Reason}


                 Config = path() | [{Option, Value}]
                 Option = property()
                 Value = term()
                 Mode = non_disturbing | disturbing

              Reloads  the  HTTP  server  configuration  without  restarting  the  server. Incoming requests are
              answered with a temporary down message during the reload time.

              Available properties are the same  as  the  start  options  of  the  server,  but  the  properties
              bind_address and port cannot be changed.

              If  mode is disturbing, the server is blocked forcefully, all ongoing requests terminates, and the
              reload starts immediately. If mode is non-disturbing, no new connections are accepted, but ongoing
              requests are allowed to complete before the reload is done.


       The Erlang web server API data types are as follows:

             ModData = #mod{}

             -record(mod, {
                 data = [],
                 socket_type = ip_comm,
                 parsed_header = [],

       To acess the record in your callback-module use:


       The fields of record mod have the following meaning:

           Type  [{InteractionKey,InteractionValue}]  is  used  to  propagate  data  between  modules.  Depicted
           interaction_data() in function type declarations.

           socket_type() indicates whether it is an IP socket or an ssl socket.

           The socket, in format ip_comm or ssl, depending on socket_type.

           The config file directives stored as key-value tuples  in  an  ETS  table.  Depicted  config_db()  in
           function type declarations.

           Type "GET" | "POST" | "HEAD" | "TRACE", that is, the HTTP method.

           If the request is an HTTP/1.1 request, the URI can be in the absolute URI format. In that case, httpd
           saves the absolute URI in this field. An Example of an absolute URI  is  "http://ServerName:Part/cgi-

           The Request-URI as defined in RFC 1945, for example, "/cgi-bin/".

           The HTTP version of the request, that is, "HTTP/0.9", "HTTP/1.0", or "HTTP/1.1".

           The Request-Line as defined inRFC 1945, for example, "GET /cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0".

           Type  [{HeaderKey,HeaderValue}].  parsed_header contains all HTTP header fields from the HTTP request
           stored in a list as key-value tuples. See RFC 2616 for a listing of all header fields.  For  example,
           the date field is stored as {"date","Wed, 15 Oct 1997 14:35:17 GMT"}. RFC 2616 defines that HTTP is a
           case-insensitive protocol and the header fields can be in lower case or  upper  case.  httpd  ensures
           that all header field names are in lower case.

           The  entity-Body  as  defined  in  RFC  2616, for example, data sent from a CGI script using the POST

           true | false. If set to true, the connection to the client is a  persistent  connection  and  is  not
           closed when the request is served.



       Module:do(ModData)-> {proceed, OldData} | {proceed, NewData} | {break, NewData} | done


                 OldData = list()
                 NewData = [{response,{StatusCode,Body}}]
                 | [{response,{response,Head,Body}}]
                 | [{response,{already_sent,Statuscode,Size}}]
                 StatusCode = integer()
                 Body = io_list() | nobody | {Fun, Arg}
                 Head = [HeaderOption]
                 HeaderOption = {Option, Value} | {code, StatusCode}
                 Option = accept_ranges | allow
                 | cache_control | content_MD5
                 | content_encoding | content_language
                 | content_length | content_location
                 | content_range | content_type | date
                 | etag | expires | last_modified
                 | location | pragma | retry_after
                 | server | trailer | transfer_encoding
                 Value = string()
                 Fun = fun( Arg ) -> sent| close | Body
                 Arg = [term()]

              When  a  valid  request  reaches httpd, it calls do/1 in each module, defined by the configuration
              option of Module. The function can generate data for other modules or a response that can be  sent
              back to the client.

              The field data in ModData is a list. This list is the list returned from the last call to do/1.

              Body  is  the  body of the HTTP response that is sent back to the client. An appropriate header is
              appended to the message. StatusCode is the status code of the  response,  see  RFC  2616  for  the
              appropriate values.

              Head  is  a  key  value list of HTTP header fields. The server constructs an HTTP header from this
              data. See RFC 2616 for the appropriate value for each header field. If the client is  an  HTTP/1.0
              client,  the  server  filters  the  list  so that only HTTP/1.0 header fields are sent back to the

              If Body is returned and equal to {Fun,Arg}, the web server  tries  apply/2  on  Fun  with  Arg  as
              argument.  The  web  server  expects  that  the  fun  either returns a list (Body) that is an HTTP
              repsonse, or the atom sent if the HTTP response is sent back to the client. If close  is  returned
              from  the  fun,  something has gone wrong and the server signals this to the client by closing the

       Module:load(Line, AccIn)-> eof | ok | {ok, AccOut}  |  {ok,  AccOut,  {Option,  Value}}  |  {ok,  AccOut,
       [{Option, Value}]} | {error, Reason}


                 Line = string()
                 AccIn = [{Option, Value}]
                 AccOut = [{Option, Value}]
                 Option = property()
                 Value = term()
                 Reason = term()

              Converts  a  line  in  an  Apache-like  configuration  file to an {Option, Value} tuple. Some more
              complex configuration options, such as directory and security_directory,  create  an  accumulator.
              This function only needs clauses for the options implemented by this particular callback module.

       Module:remove(ConfigDB) -> ok | {error, Reason}


                 ConfigDB = ets_table()
                 Reason = term()

              When  httpd  is shut down, it tries to execute remove/1 in each Erlang web server callback module.
              The programmer can use this function to clean up resources created in the store function.

       Module:store({Option, Value}, Config)-> {ok, {Option, NewValue}} | {error, Reason}


                 Line = string()
                 Option = property()
                 Config = [{Option, Value}]
                 Value = term()
                 Reason = term()

              Checks the validity of the configuration options before saving them in the internal database. This
              function  can  also have a side effect, that is, setup of necessary extra resources implied by the
              configuration option. It can also resolve possible dependencies  among  configuration  options  by
              changing  the value of the option. This function only needs clauses for the options implemented by
              this particular callback module.



       parse_query(QueryString) -> [{Key,Value}]


                 QueryString = string()
                 Key = string()
                 Value = string()

              parse_query/1 parses incoming data to erl and eval scripts (see mod_esi(3erl)) as defined  in  the
              standard URL format, that is, '+' becomes 'space' and decoding of hexadecimal characters (%xx).


       RFC 2616, inets(3erl), ssl(3erl)