bionic (3) ifdstreambuf.3bobcat.gz

FBB::IFdStreambuf - Input stream buffer initialized by a file descriptor
#include <bobcat/ifdstreambuf> Linking option: -lbobcat
FBB::IFdStreambuf objects may be used as a std::streambuf of std::istream objects to allow extractions from a file descriptor. File descriptors are not defined within the context of C++, but they can be used on operating systems that support the concept. Realize that using file descriptors introduces operating system dependencies.
FBB All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned in this man-page, are defined in the namespace FBB.
The public enumeration Mode defined in the class FBB::IFdStreamBuf has the following values: o CLOSE_FD, indicating that the file descriptor used by the object must be closed; o KEEP_FD (the default) indicating that the file descriptor used by the object must not be closed.
o IFdStreambuf(): This constructor initializes the streambuf, without associating it to a file descriptor, and without using buffering. The member open() can be used subsequently to associate the object with a file descriptor and optionally a buffer size. When the object is destroyed or if the mode-less overloaded version of the open member is called, the file descriptor will not be closed. o IFdStreambuf(Mode mode): This constructor initializes the streambuf, without associating it to a file descriptor, and without using buffering. The member open() can be used subsequently to associate the object with a file descriptor and optionally a buffer size. When the object is destroyed or if the mode-less overloaded version of the open member is called, the Mode argument determines whether the file descriptor will be closed or will remain open. o IFdStreambuf(int fd, size_t n = 1): This constructor initializes the streambuf, associating it to file descriptor fd, and an optional unget buffer size (by default having size 1). When the object is destroyed or if the mode-less overloaded version of the open member is called, the file descriptor will not be closed. o IFdStreambuf(int fd, Mode mode, size_t n = 1): This constructor initializes the streambuf, associating it to file descriptor fd, and an optional unget buffer size (by default having size 1). When the object is destroyed or if the mode-less overloaded version of the open member is called, the Mode argument determines whether the file descriptor will be closed or will remain open. There is no copy constructor.
All members of std::streambuf are available, as FBB::IFdStreambuf inherits from this class. Some of the std::streambuf’s member are overridden by FBB::IFdStreambuf, see below. o void close(): The file descriptor used by the IFdStreambuf is closed, irrespective of the Mode that was specified when the IFdStreambuf object was constructed. Following close the IFdStreambuf object can no longer be used until one of its open members has been called. o int fd() const: The file descriptor used by the IFdStreambuf object is returned. If the OFdStreambuf is not associated with a file descriptor -1 is returned. o void open(int xfd, size_t n = 1): The streambuf is (re)initialized, using file descriptor fd, and an optional unget buffer size (by default having size 1). When called repeatedly, the Mode specification used whem the object was constructed determines whether the file descriptor will be closed or will remain open. o void open(int xfd, Mode mode, size_t n = 1): The streambuf is (re)initialized, using file descriptor fd, a file descriptor closing parameter and an optional unget buffer size (by default having size 1). Depending on the Mode argument the object’s currently used file descriptor will be closed or will remain open when the IFdStreambuf object is destroyed. Note that there is no overloaded assignment operator available for this class.
To do
bobcat/ifdstreambuf - defines the class interface
bobcat(7), ifdstream(3bobcat), ofdstreambuf(3bobcat), std::streambuf
The member xsgetn(char *dest, std::streamsize n) will set istream::good() to false when fewer bytes than n were read using istream::read(). Also see xsgetn’s description. Note that by default the provided file descriptors remain open. The complementary class ofdstreambuf(3bobcat) closes the file descriptor by default. This inconsistency was deliberately accepted to keep the classes interfaces backward compatible.
o bobcat_4.08.02-x.dsc: detached signature; o bobcat_4.08.02-x.tar.gz: source archive; o bobcat_4.08.02-x_i386.changes: change log; o libbobcat1_4.08.02-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries; o libbobcat1-dev_4.08.02-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries, headers and manual pages; o public archive location;
Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And Templates’.
This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Frank B. Brokken (