bionic (3) iwidgets_entryfield.3iwidget.gz

Provided by: iwidgets4-doc_4.1.0-1_all bug


       iwidgets::entryfield - Create and manipulate a entry field widget


       iwidgets::entryfield pathName ?options?


       itk::Widget <- iwidgets::LabeledWidget <- iwidgets::Entryfield


       background         borderWidth     cursor              exportSelection
       foreground         highlightColor  highlightThickness  insertBackground
       insertBorderWidth  insertOffTime   insertOnTime        insertWidth
       justify            relief          selectBackground    selectBorderWidth
       selectForeground   textVariable    width

       See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard options.


       show            state

       See the "entry" manual entry for details on the associated options.


       disabledForeground             labelBitmap     labelFontlabelImage
       labelMargin     labelPos       labelText       labelVariable
       state           sticky

       See the "labeledwidget" class manual entry for details on the inherited options.


       Name:           childSitePos
       Class:          Position
       Command-Line Switch:           -childsitepos

              Specifies the position of the child site in the entry field: n, s, e, or w.  The default is e.

       Name:           command
       Class:          Command
       Command-Line Switch:           -command

              Specifies a Tcl command to be executed upon detection of a Return key press event.

       Name:           fixed
       Class:          Fixed
       Command-Line Switch:           -fixed

              Restrict  entry  to the specified number of chars.  A value of 0, which is the default, denotes no
              limit.  The value is the maximum number of chars the user may type into the  field,  regardles  of
              field  width.   For  example,  if the field width is set to 20 and the fixed value is 10, the user
              will only be able to type 10 characters into the field which is 20 characters long.

       Name:           focusCommand
       Class:          Command
       Command-Line Switch:           -focuscommand

              Specifies a Tcl command to be executed upon reception of focus.

       Name:           invalid
       Class:          Command
       Command-Line Switch:           -invalid

              Specifies a Tcl command to be executed upon determination of invalid input.  The default is bell.

       Name:           textBackground
       Class:          Background
       Command-Line Switch:           -textbackground

              Background color for inside textual portion of the entry field.  The value may be given in any  of
              the forms acceptable to Tk_GetColor.

       Name:           textFont
       Class:          Font
       Command-Line Switch:           -textfont

              Name of font to use for display of text in entryfield.  The value may be given in any of the forms
              acceptable to Tk_GetFont.

       Name:           pasting
       Class:          Behavior
       Command-Line Switch:           -pasting

              Option to enable/disable pasting into the entry component of the entryfield.  Valid values  are  0
              (disabled) or 1 (enabled).  Defaults to 1.

       Name:           validate
       Class:          Command
       Command-Line Switch:           -validate

              The validate option allows specification of a validation mechanism.  Standard character validation
              such as numeric, alphabetic, integer, hexidecimal, real, and alphanumeric can be  handled  through
              the  use  of  keywords.   Should more extensive validation be necessary, the value may contain the
              name of a command script.  The script should return a boolean value.  True for  valid,  false  for
              invalid.   If  false  is  returned,  then the procedure associated with the invalid option will be
              invoked.  If the validation script contains any % characters, then the script will not be executed
              directly.   Instead,  a  new  script  will  be  generated  by  replacing each %, and the character
              following it, with information from the entryfield.  The  replacement  depends  on  the  character
              following the %, as defined in the list below.

       %c     Replaced with the current input character.

       %P     Replaced  with  the  contents  of the entryfield modified to include the latest keystoke.  This is
              equivalent to peeking at the future contents, enabling rejection prior to the update.

       %S     Replaced with the current contents of the entryfield prior to the latest keystroke being added.

       %W     Replaced with the entryfield widget pathname.



       The iwidgets::entryfield command creates an enhanced text entry widget with an optional associated label.
       Addtional options support validation and establishing a upper limit on the number of characters which may
       be entered in the field.


       The iwidgets::entryfield command creates a new Tcl command whose name is pathName.  This command  may  be
       used to invoke various operations on the widget.  It has the following general form: pathName option ?arg
       arg ...?  Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command.  The  following  commands  are
       possible for entryfield widgets:


       delete          get            icursor         index
       insert          scan           selection       xview

       See the "entry" manual entry for details on the associated methods.


       pathName cget option
              Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option.  Option may have any of the
              values accepted by the iwidgets::entryfield command.

       pathName childsite
              Returns the path name of the child site.

       pathName clear
              Clear entry widget

       pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
              Query or modify the configuration options of the widget.  If no option  is  specified,  returns  a
              list describing all of the available options for pathName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for information on
              the format of this list).  If option is specified with no value, then the command returns  a  list
              describing  the  one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the
              value returned if no option is specified).  If one or more option-value pairs are specified,  then
              the  command  modifies  the  given  widget option(s) to have the given value(s);  in this case the
              command  returns  an  empty  string.   Option  may  have  any  of  the  values  accepted  by   the
              iwidgets::entryfield command.


       Name:           efchildsite
       Class:          frame

              The  efchildsite  component  is  the  user child site for the entry field.  See the "frame" widget
              manual entry for details on the efchildsite component item.

       Name:           entry
       Class:          entry

              The entry component provides the entry field for user text input and  display.   See  the  "entry"
              widget manual entry for details on the entry component item.


        package require Iwidgets 4.0
        option add *textBackground white

        proc returnCmd {} {
            puts stdout "Return Pressed"

        proc invalidCmd {} {
            puts stdout "Alphabetic contents invalid"

        iwidgets::entryfield .ef -command returnCmd

        iwidgets::entryfield .fef -labeltext "Fixed:" -fixed 10 -width 12

        iwidgets::entryfield .nef -labeltext "Numeric:" -validate numeric -width 12

        iwidgets::entryfield .aef -labeltext "Alphabetic:" \
           -validate alphabetic -width 12 -invalid invalidCmd

        iwidgets::entryfield .pef -labeltext "Password:" \
           -show 267 -width 12 -command returnCmd

        iwidgets::Labeledwidget::alignlabels .ef .fef .nef .aef .pef

        pack .ef -fill x -expand yes -padx 10 -pady 5
        pack .fef -fill x -expand yes -padx 10 -pady 5
        pack .nef -fill x -expand yes -padx 10 -pady 5
        pack .aef -fill x -expand yes -padx 10 -pady 5
        pack .pef -fill x -expand yes -padx 10 -pady 5


       Sue Yockey Mark L. Ulferts


       entryfield, widget