bionic (3) mapproj.3tcl.gz

Provided by: tcllib_1.19-dfsg-2_all bug


       mapproj - Map projection routines


       package require Tcl  ?8.4?

       package require math::interpolate  ?1.0?

       package require math::special  ?0.2.1?

       package require mapproj  ?1.0?

       ::mapproj::toPlateCarree lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromPlateCarree lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toCylindricalEqualArea lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromCylindricalEqualArea lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toMercator lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromMercator lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toMillerCylindrical lambda_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromMillerCylindrical lambda_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toSinusoidal lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromSinusoidal lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toMollweide lambda_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromMollweide lambda_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toEckertIV lambda_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromEckertIV lambda_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toEckertVI lambda_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromEckertVI lambda_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toRobinson lambda_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromRobinson lambda_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toCassini lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromCassini lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toPeirceQuincuncial lambda_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromPeirceQuincuncial lambda_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toOrthographic lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromOrthographic lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toStereographic lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromStereographic lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toGnomonic lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromGnomonic lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toAzimuthalEquidistant lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromAzimuthalEquidistant lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toLambertAzimuthalEqualArea lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromLambertAzimuthalEqualArea lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toHammer lambda_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromHammer lambda_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toConicEquidistant lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromConicEquidistant lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 x y

       ::mapproj::toAlbersEqualAreaConic lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromAlbersEqualAreaConic lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 x y

       ::mapproj::toLambertConformalConic lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromLambertConformalConic lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 x y

       ::mapproj::toLambertCylindricalEqualArea lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromLambertCylindricalEqualArea lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toBehrmann lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromBehrmann lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toTrystanEdwards lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromTrystanEdwards lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toHoboDyer lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromHoboDyer lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toGallPeters lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromGallPeters lambda_0 phi_0 x y

       ::mapproj::toBalthasart lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi

       ::mapproj::fromBalthasart lambda_0 phi_0 x y



       The  mapproj package provides a set of procedures for converting between world co-ordinates (latitude and
       longitude) and map co-ordinates on a number of different map projections.


       The following commands convert between world co-ordinates and map co-ordinates:

       ::mapproj::toPlateCarree lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the plate carrée (cylindrical equidistant) projection.

       ::mapproj::fromPlateCarree lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the plate carrée (cylindrical equidistant) projection.

       ::mapproj::toCylindricalEqualArea lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the cylindrical equal-area projection.

       ::mapproj::fromCylindricalEqualArea lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the cylindrical equal-area projection.

       ::mapproj::toMercator lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the Mercator (cylindrical conformal) projection.

       ::mapproj::fromMercator lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the Mercator (cylindrical conformal) projection.

       ::mapproj::toMillerCylindrical lambda_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the Miller Cylindrical projection.

       ::mapproj::fromMillerCylindrical lambda_0 x y
              Converts from the Miller Cylindrical projection.

       ::mapproj::toSinusoidal lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) projection.  projection.

       ::mapproj::fromSinusoidal lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) projection.  projection.

       ::mapproj::toMollweide lambda_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the Mollweide projection.

       ::mapproj::fromMollweide lambda_0 x y
              Converts from the Mollweide projection.

       ::mapproj::toEckertIV lambda_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the Eckert IV projection.

       ::mapproj::fromEckertIV lambda_0 x y
              Converts from the Eckert IV projection.

       ::mapproj::toEckertVI lambda_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the Eckert VI projection.

       ::mapproj::fromEckertVI lambda_0 x y
              Converts from the Eckert VI projection.

       ::mapproj::toRobinson lambda_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the Robinson projection.

       ::mapproj::fromRobinson lambda_0 x y
              Converts from the Robinson projection.

       ::mapproj::toCassini lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the Cassini (transverse cylindrical equidistant) projection.

       ::mapproj::fromCassini lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the Cassini (transverse cylindrical equidistant) projection.

       ::mapproj::toPeirceQuincuncial lambda_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the Peirce Quincuncial Projection.

       ::mapproj::fromPeirceQuincuncial lambda_0 x y
              Converts from the Peirce Quincuncial Projection.

       ::mapproj::toOrthographic lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the orthographic projection.

       ::mapproj::fromOrthographic lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the orthographic projection.

       ::mapproj::toStereographic lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the stereographic (azimuthal conformal) projection.

       ::mapproj::fromStereographic lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the stereographic (azimuthal conformal) projection.

       ::mapproj::toGnomonic lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the gnomonic projection.

       ::mapproj::fromGnomonic lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the gnomonic projection.

       ::mapproj::toAzimuthalEquidistant lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the azimuthal equidistant projection.

       ::mapproj::fromAzimuthalEquidistant lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the azimuthal equidistant projection.

       ::mapproj::toLambertAzimuthalEqualArea lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection.

       ::mapproj::fromLambertAzimuthalEqualArea lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection.

       ::mapproj::toHammer lambda_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the Hammer projection.

       ::mapproj::fromHammer lambda_0 x y
              Converts from the Hammer projection.

       ::mapproj::toConicEquidistant lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 lambda phi
              Converts to the conic equidistant projection.

       ::mapproj::fromConicEquidistant lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 x y
              Converts from the conic equidistant projection.

       ::mapproj::toAlbersEqualAreaConic lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 lambda phi
              Converts to the Albers equal-area conic projection.

       ::mapproj::fromAlbersEqualAreaConic lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 x y
              Converts from the Albers equal-area conic projection.

       ::mapproj::toLambertConformalConic lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 lambda phi
              Converts to the Lambert conformal conic projection.

       ::mapproj::fromLambertConformalConic lambda_0 phi_0 phi_1 phi_2 x y
              Converts from the Lambert conformal conic projection.

       Among the cylindrical equal-area projections, there are a number of choices of  standard  parallels  that
       have names:

       ::mapproj::toLambertCylindricalEqualArea lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts to the Lambert cylindrical equal area projection. (standard parallel is the Equator.)

       ::mapproj::fromLambertCylindricalEqualArea lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the Lambert cylindrical equal area projection. (standard parallel is the Equator.)

       ::mapproj::toBehrmann lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts  to  the  Behrmann  cylindrical equal area projection. (standard parallels are 30 degrees
              North and South)

       ::mapproj::fromBehrmann lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the Behrmann cylindrical equal area projection. (standard parallels are  30  degrees
              North and South.)

       ::mapproj::toTrystanEdwards lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts  to  the  Trystan Edwards cylindrical equal area projection. (standard parallels are 37.4
              degrees North and South)

       ::mapproj::fromTrystanEdwards lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the Trystan Edwards cylindrical equal area projection. (standard parallels are  37.4
              degrees North and South.)

       ::mapproj::toHoboDyer lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts  to the Hobo-Dyer cylindrical equal area projection. (standard parallels are 37.5 degrees
              North and South)

       ::mapproj::fromHoboDyer lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the Hobo-Dyer cylindrical  equal  area  projection.  (standard  parallels  are  37.5
              degrees North and South.)

       ::mapproj::toGallPeters lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts  to the Gall-Peters cylindrical equal area projection. (standard parallels are 45 degrees
              North and South)

       ::mapproj::fromGallPeters lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the Gall-Peters cylindrical  equal  area  projection.  (standard  parallels  are  45
              degrees North and South.)

       ::mapproj::toBalthasart lambda_0 phi_0 lambda phi
              Converts  to  the Balthasart cylindrical equal area projection. (standard parallels are 50 degrees
              North and South)

       ::mapproj::fromBalthasart lambda_0 phi_0 x y
              Converts from the Balthasart cylindrical equal area projection. (standard parallels are 50 degrees
              North and South.)


       The following arguments are accepted by the projection commands:

       lambda Longitude of the point to be projected, in degrees.

       phi    Latitude of the point to be projected, in degrees.

              Longitude  of  the center of the sheet, in degrees.  For many projections, this figure is also the
              reference meridian of the projection.

       phi_0  Latitude of the center of the sheet, in degrees.  For the azimuthal projections,  this  figure  is
              also the latitude of the center of the projection.

       phi_1  Latitude of the first reference parallel, for projections that use reference parallels.

       phi_2  Latitude of the second reference parallel, for projections that use reference parallels.

       x      X co-ordinate of a point on the map, in units of Earth radii.

       y      Y co-ordinate of a point on the map, in units of Earth radii.


       For  all  of  the  procedures whose names begin with 'to', the return value is a list comprising an x co-
       ordinate and a y co-ordinate.  The co-ordinates are relative to the center of the map sheet to be  drawn,
       measured in Earth radii at the reference location on the map.  For all of the functions whose names begin
       with 'from', the return value is a list comprising the longitude and latitude, in degrees.


       This package offers a great many projections, because no single projection is appropriate  to  all  maps.
       This section attempts to provide guidance on how to choose a projection.

       First,  consider  the  type  of  data that you intend to display on the map.  If the data are directional
       (e.g., winds, ocean currents, or magnetic fields) then you  need  to  use  a  projection  that  preserves
       angles; these are known as conformal projections.  Conformal projections include the Mercator, the Albers
       azimuthal equal-area, the stereographic,  and  the  Peirce  Quincuncial  projection.   If  the  data  are
       thematic,  describing  properties of land or water, such as temperature, population density, land use, or
       demographics; then you need a projection that will show these data with the areas on the map proportional
       to  the areas in real life.  These so-called equal area projections include the various cylindrical equal
       area projections, the sinusoidal projection, the Lambert  azimuthal  equal-area  projection,  the  Albers
       equal-area  conic  projection,  and  several of the world-map projections (Miller Cylindrical, Mollweide,
       Eckert IV, Eckert VI, Robinson, and Hammer). If the significant factor in your data is  distance  from  a
       central  point or line (such as air routes), then you will do best with an equidistant projection such as
       plate carrée, Cassini, azimuthal equidistant, or conic equidistant.  If direction from a central point is
       a  critical  factor in your data (for instance, air routes, radio antenna pointing), then you will almost
       surely want to use one of the azimuthal  projections.  Appropriate  choices  are  azimuthal  equidistant,
       azimuthal equal-area, stereographic, and perhaps orthographic.

       Next,  consider how much of the Earth your map will cover, and the general shape of the area of interest.
       For maps of the entire Earth, the cylindrical equal area, Eckert IV  and  VI,  Mollweide,  Robinson,  and
       Hammer  projections  are  good  overall choices.  The Mercator projection is traditional, but the extreme
       distortions of area at high latitudes make it a poor choice unless a conformal  projection  is  required.
       The  Peirce  projection  is a better choice of conformal projection, having less distortion of landforms.
       The Miller Cylindrical is a compromise designed to give shapes similar to the traditional  Mercator,  but
       with  less  polar stretching.  The Peirce Quincuncial projection shows all the continents with acceptable
       distortion if a reference meridian close to +20  degrees  is  chosen.   The  Robinson  projection  yields
       attractive maps for things like political divisions, but should be avoided in presenting scientific data,
       since other projections have moe useful geometric properties.

       If the map will  cover  a  hemisphere,  then  choose  stereographic,  azimuthal-equidistant,  Hammer,  or
       Mollweide projections; these all project the hemisphere into a circle.

       If  the  map  will  cover a large area (at least a few hundred km on a side), but less than a hemisphere,
       then you have several choices.  Azimuthal projections are usually good (choose  stereographic,  azimuthal
       equidistant, or Lambert azimuthal equal-area according to whether shapes, distances from a central point,
       or areas are important).  Azimuthal projections (and possibly the Cassini projection) are the only really
       good choices for mapping the polar regions.

       If the large area is in one of the temperate zones and is round or has a primarily east-west extent, then
       the conic projections are good choices.  Choose the Lambert conformal conic, the  conic  equidistant,  or
       the  Albers  equal-area  conic  according  to  whether  shape,  distance,  or area are the most important
       parameters.  For any of these, the reference parallels should be chosen at approximately 1/6 and  5/6  of
       the  range  of  latitudes  to  be  displayed.  For instance, maps of the 48 coterminous United States are
       attractive with reference parallels of 28.5 and 45.5 degrees.

       If the large area is equatorial and is round or has a  primarily  east-west  extent,  then  the  Mercator
       projection  is  a  good  choice for a conformal projection; Lambert cylindrical equal-area and sinusoidal
       projections are good equal-area projections; and the plate carrée is a good equidistant projection.

       Large areas having a primarily North-South aspect, particularly those spanning  the  Equator,  need  some
       other  choices.   The  Cassini projection is a good choice for an equidistant projection (for instance, a
       Cassini projection with a central meridian  of  80  degrees  West  produces  an  attractive  map  of  the
       Americas).  The  cylindrical  equal-area,  Albers  equal-area  conic,  sinusoidal,  Mollweide  and Hammer
       projections are possible choices for  equal-area  projections.   A  good  conformal  projection  in  this
       situation is the Transverse Mercator, which alas, is not yet implemented.

       Small  areas  begin  to  get into a realm where the ellipticity of the Earth affects the map scale.  This
       package does not attempt to handle accurate mapping for large-scale topographic maps.   If  slight  scale
       errors  are acceptable in your application, then any of the projections appropriate to large areas should
       work for small ones as well.

       There are a few projections that are included for their special properties.  The orthographic  projection
       produces  views  of  the  Earth  as seen from space.  The gnomonic projection produces a map on which all
       great circles (the shortest distance between two points on the Earth's surface) are rendered as  straight
       lines.   While  this  projection is useful for navigational planning, it has extreme distortions of shape
       and area, and can display only a limited area of the Earth (substantially less than a hemisphere).


       geodesy, map, projection

       Copyright (c) 2007 Kevin B. Kenny <>