bionic (3) ofoldstreambuf.3bobcat.gz

Provided by: libbobcat-dev_4.08.02-2build1_amd64 bug


       FBB::OFoldStreambuf - Folds long lines written to ostream


       #include <bobcat/ofoldstreambuf>
       Linking option: -lbobcat


       FBB::OFoldStreambuf  is  a  specialization  of  FBB::OFilterStreambuf  folding  long  lines written to an
       std::ostream object. The OFoldStreambuf writes the (folded) lines to a second  ostream  (the  destination
       stream which is either used by or opened by the OFoldStreambuf object).

       Internally  the  OFoldStreambuf defines its actions using a little finite state automation distinguishing
       three states (INDENT, WS and NON_WS) and three character categories (\n,  other  white  space  characters
       (space),  and  non-space  characters).  The nine combinations resulting from these two sets are discussed

       OFoldStreambuf objects will never fold lines in the middle of series of non-blank  characters  (called  a
       `word’  below)  but  will always break a line at a white space character. The resulting lines will always
       appear to the right of a configurable left margin and to the left of a configurable right  margin.  There
       is  a  somewhat  pathological exception to this: if a word is too long to fit in between the margins then
       the word will exceed the right hand margin.

       The indentation used for the left margins is configurable to either blanks (the default)  or  tabs.  When
       tabs  are  used  the  width  of  a  tab  character is configurable, using a default of 8 positions in the
       destination stream.

       What follows is a description of the Finite State Automaton (FSA)  defining  what  happens  when  various
       character  types  appear  at  its  three  states.  The  phrase  `... is written’ means that the described
       information is written to the ostream used or  opened  by  the  OFoldStreambuf  object.  OFoldStreambuf’s
       initial state is INDENT:

       State    char.    description
       INDENT   \n       a new line character is written
                space    the indentation is set;
                         the space character is added to the indentation;
                         next state: WS
                non-ws   the character is added to the currently stored word;
                         next state: NON_WS
       WS       \n       a new line character is written;
                         stored white-space is erased;
                         next state: INDENT
                space    white space character is added to the currently
                         stored space characters;
                non-ws   the character is added to the currently stored word;
                         next state: NON_WS
       NON_WS   \n       stored white space and word are written;
                         a new line is written;
                         next state: INDENT
                space    stored white space and word are written;
                         white space character is added to the currently
                         stored space characters;
                         next state: WS
                non-ws   the character is added to the currently stored word;


       All  constructors,  members,  operators  and manipulators, mentioned in this man-page, are defined in the
       namespace FBB.




       The enumeration TabsOrBlanks is used to select tabs or blanks when writing the indentation.  The  default
       is  blanks.  When tabs are selected the display width of tabs characters can be configured as well (using
       the default of 8 positions for each tab-character). The enumeration has two values:

       o      BLANKS:
              The default, indicating that the left margin is specified and written as a number of blanks;

       o      TABS:
              Indicating that the left margin is specified and written as a number of tab-characters.

       The enumeration TrailingBlanks is used to  configure  the  OFoldStreambuf  object  with  respect  to  any
       trailing  blanks that may appear on the final line. These trailing blanks can appear on the final line it
       it is not properly terminated with a newline character but instead ends in white space. By default  these
       white space characters are ignored, but they may be kept as well. The enumeration has two values:

              This  indicates  that  trailing  blanks  appearing  at the final line if it is not terminated by a
              newline should not be written to the  destination  std::ostream.  This  is  the  default  used  by
              OFoldStreambuf objects.

              This  indicates that trailing blanks at the final line if it is not terminated by a newline should
              be written to the destination std::ostream


       o      OFoldStreambuf(size_t leftIndent =  0,  size_t  rightMargin  =  80,  TabsOrBlanks  tob  =  BLANKS,
              TrailingBlanks tb = IGNORE_TRAILING_BLANKS):
              This constructor initializes an OFoldStreambuf object but does not associate it with a destination
              stream. It can also be used as the default constructor.

       o      OFoldStreambuf(char const *fname, size_t leftIndent = 0, size_t rightMargin = 80, TabsOrBlanks tob
              = BLANKS, TrailingBlanks tb = IGNORE_TRAILING_BLANKS):
              This  constructor  initializes  an  OFoldStreambuf  object  and  opens  (using  std::ios::out) the
              destination stream using the name specified as its fname argument.

       o      OFoldStreambuf(std::ostream &stream, size_t leftIndent = 0, size_t rightMargin = 80,  TabsOrBlanks
              tob = BLANKS, TrailingBlanks tb = IGNORE_TRAILING_BLANKS):
              This  constructor  initializes  an  OFoldStreambuf  object  and uses as its destination stream the
              std::ostream stream.

       The destructor writes any buffered information  to  the  destination  stream  and  will  then  flush  the
       destination stream.


       All  members  of  FBB::OFilterStreambuf,  in  particular  its  out() and open() members are available, as
       FBB::OFoldStreambuf inherits from this class.

       o      void setMargins(size_t leftMargin, size_t rightMargin):
              This member can be used to modify the left- and right folding margins. Note that the  left  margin
              may also be modified using the FBB::lm and FBB::mlm manipulators.

       o      void setTrailingBlanks(TrailingBlanks tb):
              This member can be used to modify the currently used TrailingBlanks parameter.

       o      void useBlanks():
              This member can be used to select blanks  to be used when inserting left margins.

       o      void useTabs(size_t tabWidth = 8):
              This  member  can  be  used  to  select tab-characters to be used when inserting left margins. The
              second parameter is used to specify the display width of a tab-character.


       o      size_t leftMargin(std::ostreambuf const *buffer):
              This member returns the current left margin setting of the OFoldStreambuf object passed to  it  as
              its   argument.  The  member  defines  a  std::streambuf  parameter  which  is  down  cast  to  an
              OFoldStreambuf and an FBB::Exception exception is thrown if that cast fails.

       o      size_t rightMargin(std::ostreambuf const *buffer):
              This member returns the current right margin setting of the OFoldStreambuf object passed to it  as
              its  argument.  The member’s parameter is down cast in the same way as leftMargin()’s argument: an
              FBB::Exception exception is thrown if that cast fails.


       The member listed in this section implements the tasks of the comparably named virtual  function  in  the
       class’s  private  interface.  This separates the redefinable interface from the user-interface. The class
       OFoldStreambuf can, in accordance with Liskov’s Substitution Principle, be used as a  std:streambuf;  but
       it also offers a facility for classes deriving from OFoldStreambuf. This facility is listed here.

       o      int pSync():
              The contents of the OFoldStreambuf’s internal buffer is flushed.


           #include <iostream>
           #include <ostream>
           #include <string>
           #include <bobcat/ofoldstreambuf>

           using namespace std;
           using namespace FBB;

           int main()
               OFoldStreambuf fb(cout, 4, 40);
               ostream out(&fb);

               out << lm(4);

               string line;
               while (getline(cin, line))
                   out << line << ’\n’;

               return 0;


       bobcat/ofoldstreambuf - defines the class interface


       bobcat(7),  lm(3bobcat), mlm(3bobcat), ofilterstreambuf(3bobcat), ofoldstream(3bobcat)


       None Reported.


       o      bobcat_4.08.02-x.dsc: detached signature;

       o      bobcat_4.08.02-x.tar.gz: source archive;

       o      bobcat_4.08.02-x_i386.changes: change log;

       o      libbobcat1_4.08.02-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries;

       o      libbobcat1-dev_4.08.02-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries, headers and manual pages;

       o public archive location;


       Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And Templates’.

       This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).


       Frank B. Brokken (