bionic (3) slave.3erl.gz

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       slave - Functions for starting and controlling slave nodes.


       This  module  provides  functions  for starting Erlang slave nodes. All slave nodes that are started by a
       master terminate automatically when the master terminates. All terminal output produced at the  slave  is
       sent back to the master node. File I/O is done through the master.

       Slave  nodes  on  other  hosts  than  the  current one are started with the rsh program. The user must be
       allowed to rsh to the remote hosts without being prompted for a password.  This  can  be  arranged  in  a
       number  of  ways  (for  details, see the rsh documentation). A slave node started on the same host as the
       master inherits certain environment values from the  master,  such  as  the  current  directory  and  the
       environment  variables.  For what can be assumed about the environment when a slave is started on another
       host, see the documentation for the rsh program.

       An alternative to the rsh program can be specified on the command line to erl(1) as follows:

       -rsh Program

       The slave node is to use the same file system at the master. At least, Erlang/OTP is to be  installed  in
       the same place on both computers and the same version of Erlang is to be used.

       A node running on Windows can only start slave nodes on the host on which it is running.

       The master node must be alive.


       pseudo([Master | ServerList]) -> ok


                 Master = node()
                 ServerList = [atom()]

              Calls  pseudo(Master,  ServerList). If you want to start a node from the command line and set up a
              number of pseudo servers, an Erlang runtime system can be started as follows:

              % erl -name abc -s slave pseudo klacke@super x --

       pseudo(Master, ServerList) -> ok


                 Master = node()
                 ServerList = [atom()]

              Starts a number of pseudo servers. A pseudo server is a server with a registered  name  that  does
              nothing but pass on all message to the real server that executes at a master node. A pseudo server
              is an intermediary that only has the same registered name as the real server.

              For example, if you have started a slave node N and want to execute  pxw  graphics  code  on  this
              node, you can start server pxw_server as a pseudo server at the slave node. This is illustrated as

              rpc:call(N, slave, pseudo, [node(), [pxw_server]]).

       relay(Pid) -> no_return()


                 Pid = pid()

              Runs a pseudo server. This function never returns any value and  the  process  that  executes  the
              function receives messages. All messages received are simply passed on to Pid.

       start(Host) -> {ok, Node} | {error, Reason}

       start(Host, Name) -> {ok, Node} | {error, Reason}

       start(Host, Name, Args) -> {ok, Node} | {error, Reason}


                 Host = inet:hostname()
                 Name = atom() | string()
                 Args = string()
                 Node = node()
                 Reason = timeout | no_rsh | {already_running, Node}

              Starts  a slave node on host Host. Host names need not necessarily be specified as fully qualified
              names; short names can also be used.  This  is  the  same  condition  that  applies  to  names  of
              distributed Erlang nodes.

              The  name of the started node becomes Name@Host. If no name is provided, the name becomes the same
              as the node that executes the call (except the host name part of the node name).

              The slave node resets its user process so that all terminal I/O that is produced at the  slave  is
              automatically relayed to the master. Also, the file process is relayed to the master.

              Argument Args is used to set erl command-line arguments. If provided, it is passed to the new node
              and can be used for a variety of purposes; see erl(1).

              As an example, suppose that you want to start a slave node at host H with  node  name  Name@H  and
              want the slave node to have the following properties:

                * Directory Dir is to be added to the code path.

                * The Mnesia directory is to be set to M.

                * The Unix DISPLAY environment variable is to be set to the display of the master node.

              The following code is executed to achieve this:

              E = " -env DISPLAY " ++ net_adm:localhost() ++ ":0 ",
              Arg = "-mnesia_dir " ++ M ++ " -pa " ++ Dir ++ E,
              slave:start(H, Name, Arg).

              The  function  returns  {ok,  Node},  where  Node  is  the name of the new node, otherwise {error,
              Reason}, where Reason can be one of:

                  The master node failed to get in contact with the slave node. This can occur in  a  number  of

                  * Erlang/OTP is not installed on the remote host.

                  * The file system on the other host has a different structure to the the master.

                  * The Erlang nodes have different cookies.

                  There is no rsh program on the computer.

                {already_running, Node}:
                  A node with name Name@Host already exists.

       start_link(Host) -> {ok, Node} | {error, Reason}

       start_link(Host, Name) -> {ok, Node} | {error, Reason}

       start_link(Host, Name, Args) -> {ok, Node} | {error, Reason}


                 Host = inet:hostname()
                 Name = atom() | string()
                 Args = string()
                 Node = node()
                 Reason = timeout | no_rsh | {already_running, Node}

              Starts  a  slave  node in the same way as start/1,2,3, except that the slave node is linked to the
              currently executing process. If that process terminates, the slave node also terminates.

              For a description of arguments and return values, see start/1,2,3.

       stop(Node) -> ok


                 Node = node()

              Stops (kills) a node.