bionic (3) tclxslt.3tcl.gz

Provided by: tclxml_3.3~svn11-3_amd64 bug


       TclXSLT - XSLT support for Tcl


       package require xslt

       ::xslt::compile doc

       ssheet method ? option value ... ? ? args ... ?

       ::xslt::extensionadd nsuri tcl-namespace

       ::xslt::securityrequest detail


       TclXSLT  is  a  wrapper  for  the  Gnome  libxslt  library  that  allows  an  application  to perform XSL
       transformations (XSLT).  The package also provides a binding to the XSLT extension mechanism so that XSLT
       extension may be implemented using Tcl scripts.

       Transformation only works with documents created by TclDOM/libxml2.

       The  TclXSLT  package  makes  extensive  use  of Tcl objects.  Compiled XSL stylesheets are stored as the
       internal representation of a Tcl object.  Source  and  result  documents  are  accessed  via  TclDOM's  C
       interface  as  Tcl  objects.   This allows the application to cache parsed XML documents and compiled XSL
       stylesheets for better runtime performance.


       The TclXSLT package defines the xslt package and also a Tcl namespace using that name.


       The ::xslt::compile command compiles a stylesheet document.  It returns a compiled stylesheet object  and
       also  defines  a  Tcl  command  to  access the stylesheet.  This Tcl command may be used to transform XML


       set source_doc [::dom::libxml2::parse $XML] set  ssheet_doc  [::dom::libxml2::parse  $XSLstylesheet]  set
       ssheet [::xslt::compile $ssheet_doc] set result [$ssheet transform $source_doc]

       NB.   It  is  advisable  to  use the  -baseuri option when parsing the source and stylesheet documents to
       allow external resources to be resolved.

   Stylesheet Command
       The stylesheet command created by ::xslt::compile command accesses a compiled stylesheet.

   Command Methods
       The following command methods may be used:

               cget option

              Returns the value of an option.  See below for the list of valid options.

               configure optionvalue

              Sets the value of an option.  Available options are as follows:


                     Specifies whether the output being  produced  by  the  stylesheet  should  be  idented  (or
                     "pretty-printed").   This is usually set by the styesheet's xsl:output element.  The result
                     is a boolean value.

                     This is a read-only option.

                      -messagecommand script

                     This option specifies a Tcl command to be evaluated when  a  message  is  produced  by  the
                     stylesheet.   Messages  may  be  produced  when  the  stylesheet  detects  an  error during
                     processing, or when the stylesheet uses the xsl:message element.

                     It is currently not possible to distinguish between an error message and a message produced
                     using xsl:message.


                     Specifies  the  output  being  produced  by  the  stylesheet.   This  is usually set by the
                     styesheet's xsl:output element.  May have the value xml, html,  xhtml,  text  or  an  empty

                     If  the  result  is an empty string, then the output method used depends on the type of the
                     result document.  If the result  document  is  of  type  "HTML"  (ie.  if  [dom::node  cget
                     $resultdoc  -nodeType]  returns  HTMLdocument), then the html output method should be used.
                     Otherwise the output method to use is xml.

                     This is a read-only option.


                     Specifies the name of a channel into which profiling information is written.   The  channel
                     must  have  been  opened  for  writing,  or  an  error  will  be returned when attempting a
                     transformation.  Only file channels may be used and only on Unix systems.


                     Specifies the target URI for the transformation, ie. where the result will be  written  to.
                     The  result document is not written to this URI automatically; the application should write
                     the result document to this URI itself.

                     Some transformation constructs resolve relative URIs against  this  URI.   For  example,  a
                     subsidiary result document produced using the document element.

               get what

              Returns information from the stylesheet.  The following values may be used for  what:


                     Returns  a  Tcl list describing the parameters that the stylesheet accepts.  Each member of
                     the list is itself a Tcl list with three members: {name ns select}.  name is  the  name  of
                     the  parameter,  ns  is  the XML namespace for the parameter and select is the value of the
                     select attribute of the param element, if any (ie. the default  value  of  the  parameter).
                     This  implementation  is  not  able  to return a default value set using the content of the
                     param element.

                     All stylesheet parameters are returned by this method, including those in included/imported
                     stylesheets.   Where  more  than  one  parameter  is  defined  with the same name, only the
                     parameter with the highest import precedence is included in the returned list.

               transform source name value

              Performs an XSL transformation on  the  given  source  document.   Stylesheet  parameters  may  be
              specified as name-value pairs.  The return result is the DOM token for the result document.

   Stylesheet Parameters
       Any  number  of name-value pairs may be specified as arguments to the stylesheet transform method.  These
       are passed as values  for  parameters  in  the  stylesheet.   libxslt  interprets  the  values  as  XPath
       expressions,  where  the  context  node  is  the root node for the source document.  To pass a value as a
       string it must be XPath-quoted, for example

       set library "Gnome libxslt"  $ssheet  transform  $source_doc       library  '$library'   author  "'Daniel
       Veillard'"   node {/*/Element[3]}

       Following is an example of how to use the stylesheet transform method.


       set  source_doc  [::dom::libxml2::parse  $XML]  set ssheet_doc [::dom::libxml2::parse $XSLstylesheet] set
       ssheet [::xslt::compile $ssheet_doc]  set  result_doc  [$ssheet  transform  $source_doc]  set  result_xml
       [::dom::libxml2::serialize $result_doc     -method [$ssheet cget -method]]

       The  ::xslt::extension  command  is used to manage extensions of the libxslt library.  The add is used to
       register an extension.  The remove is used to unregister an extension.  See EXTENSIONS for more detail.

       The ::xslt::security command is a "call-in" used to manage the security  of  a  stylesheet  performing  a
       transformation.   The  TclXSLT package does not create this command.  A stylesheet may need to perform an
       operation on an external resource, such as reading or writing a file, or opening  a  network  connection.
       Before performing such an operation, TclXSLT will invoke the ::xslt::security command.  It interprets the
       result of the command as a boolean value, and only if the "true" value is returned will it  instruct  the
       libxslt library to continue.

       TclXSLT  will invoke the ::xslt::security command in a different fashion depending on whether the current
       interpreter is safe or unsafe.

              *  If the current interpeter is unsafe (ie. it is a  trusted  interpreter)  then  the  command  is
              invoked  in  the  usual  manner (see below for arguments).  If the command does not exist then the
              value "true" is the default, ie. the operation will be permitted.

              *  If the current interpreter is safe then the command is invoked as a hidden command.  This is to
              ensure  that  the  untrusted script cannot intercept the invocation of the command.  If the hidden
              command does not exist then the value "false" is the  default,  ie.  the  operation  will  not  be

       When the ::xslt::security command is invoked two arguments are appended: ::xslt::securityrequest detail


              This indicates the operation being requested and may have one of the following values:

                     *  readfile






       The  TclXSLT  package  allows  an  application to bind Tcl scripts to the extension mechanism of libxslt.
       This means that Tcl scripts may provide the implementation of an XSLT extension element or function.  The
       binding is achieved to associating a Tcl namespace with an XML namespace.

   Implementing An Extension
       The  Tcl  application  uses the ::xslt::extension add command to register an extension.  An XML Namespace
       for the  extension  is  specified  as  an  argument,  along  with  a  Tcl  namespace  that  will  provide
       implementations of extension elements and functions.  For example,

       ::xslt::extension add ::example

       Everytime  the  ::xslt::transform  command  is executed, a newly-created XSLT engine is initialized.  For
       each registered extension, every procedure in the associated Tcl namespace is defined in the XSLT  engine
       as  either  an  extension  element  or  an  extension function.  The procedure is defined as an extension
       function if it has a variable argument list, otherwise it  is  defined  as  an  extension  element.   The
       procedure name is used as the local part of the extension name.  For example,

       namespace eval example {
           namespace export myfunc myelement }

       proc example::myfunc {name args} {
           global app
           return $app($name) } proc example::myelement {content node inst avts} {
           global app

           puts $app([dom::libxml2::node cget $node -nodeName])

           return {} }

       "myfunc" is defined as an extension function and "myelement" is defined as an extension element.

   Extension Functions
       The  arguments  to an extension function are passed as parameters to the Tcl procedure. Each argument may
       be passed as a string or as a nodeset. Nodesets are presented as TclDOM nodes.

       The return result of the Tcl procedure becomes the return value of the extension function.  The  type  of
       the result is preserved where possible, otherwise it is converted to a string value.

   Extension Elements
       When  an  extension  element associated with a registered namespace is instantiated all attributes of the
       extension element are evaluated as Attribute Value Templates and the content of the extension element  is
       evaluated  as  a  sequence  constructor.  The Tcl procedure associated with the extension element is then
       invoked. The Tcl procedure is passed four parameters:

              *  The first parameter is a DOM document, an RVT, that is the result of the sequence constructor.

              *  The second parameter is the current node in the source document.

              *  The third parameter is the extension element in the stylesheet document.

              *  The fourth parameter is a list. Each element  in  the  list  represents  an  attribute  of  the
              extension element. The list elements are each a sublist that has three values:

                     *  Attribute name

                     *  Attribute XML namespace

                     *  Attribute value after evaluation as an AVT

       Any result returned by the Tcl procedure is discarded (in the current implementation).

       If  the  Tcl  procedure  raises  an  error  then  this is passed through to the XSL stylesheet as an XSLT
       exception condition.

   Using An Extension
       To invoke an extension in an XSL stylesheet, use the normal XSLT extension mechanism.  The XML  Namespace
       matches  the  extension  to the registered Tcl namespace (NB. the stylesheet author is free to choose any
       prefix for the extension namespace).  For example,

       <xsl:stylesheet            version='1.0'                 xmlns:xsl=''

         <xsl:template match='/'>
           <xsl:text>Result of calling extension is "</xsl:text>
           <xsl:value-of select='eg:myfunc("foo")'/>
           <xsl:text>".  </xsl:text>


       This stylesheet would result in the following Tcl script being evaluated:

       ::example::myfunc foo