bionic (5) bcfg2-lint.conf.5.gz
bcfg2-lint.conf - Configuration parameters for bcfg2-lint
bcfg2-lint.conf includes configuration parameters for bcfg2-lint.
The file is INI-style and consists of sections and options. A section begins with the name of the sections in square brackets and continues until the next section begins. Options are specified in the form "name=value". The file is line-based each newline-terminated line represents either a comment, a section name or an option. Any line beginning with a hash (#) is ignored, as are lines containing only whitespace. The file consists of one [lint] section, up to one [errors] section, and then any number of plugin-specific sections, documented below. (Note that this makes it quite feasible to combine your bcfg2-lint.conf into your bcfg2.conf(5) file, if you so desire).
These options apply to bcfg2-lint generally, and must be in the [lint] section. plugins A comma-delimited list of plugins to run. By default, all plugins are run. This can be overridden by listing plugins on the command line. See bcfg2-lint(8) for a list of the available plugins.
Error handling is configured in the [errors] section. Each option should be the name of an error and one of error, warning, or silent, which tells bcfg2-lint how to handle the warning. Error names and their defaults can be displayed by running bcfg2-lint with the --list-errors option.
These options apply only to a single plugin. Each option should be in a section named for its plugin; for instance, options for the InfoXML plugin would be in a section called [InfoXML]. If a plugin is not listed below, then it has no configuration. In many cases, the behavior of a plugin can be configured by modifying how errors from it are handled. See ERROR HANDLING, above. Comments The Comments plugin configuration specifies which VCS keywords and comments are required for which file types. The valid types of file are global (all file types), bundler (non-templated bundle files), genshibundler (templated bundle files), properties (property files), cfg (non-templated Cfg files), genshi or cheetah (templated Cfg files), infoxml (info.xml files), and probe (probe files). The specific types (i.e., types other than "global") all supplement global; they do not override it. The exception is if you specify an empty option, e.g.: cfg_keywords = By default, the $Id$ keyword is checked for and nothing else. Multiple keywords or comments should be comma-delimited. • <type>_keywords Ensure that files of the specified type have the given VCS keyword. Do not include the dollar signs. I.e.: infoxml_keywords = Revision not infoxml_keywords = $Revision$ • <type>_comments Ensure that files of the specified type have a comment containing the given string. In XML files, only comments are checked. In plain text files, all lines are checked since comment characters may vary. InfoXML required_attrs A comma-delimited list of attributes to require on <Info> tags. Default is "owner,group,mode". MergeFiles threshold The threshold at which MergeFiles will suggest merging config files and probes. Default is 75% similar. Validate schema The full path to the XML Schema files. Default is /usr/share/bcfg2/schema. This can be overridden with the --schema command-line option.