bionic (5) pbgff.5.gz

Provided by: pbgenomicconsensus_2.1.0-1_all bug


       pbgff - Pacific Biosciences extended GFFv3 file format


       As  of  this  version,  variants.gff  is  our  primary  variant  call  file  format.   The
       variants.gff       file       is       based       on       the       GFFv3       standard
       (     The    GFFv3    standard   describes   a
       tab-delimited plain-text file meta-format for describing genomic "features." Each gff file
       consists of some initial "header" lines supplying metadata, and then a number of "feature"
       lines providing information about each identified variant.

   The GFF Coordinate System
       All coordinates in GFF files are 1-based, and all intervals start, end are  understood  as
       including both endpoints.

       The  variants.gff  file  begins  with  a  block  of metadata headers, which looks like the

              ##gff-version 3
              ##pacbio-variant-version 2.1
              ##date Tue Feb 28 17:44:18 2012
              ##source GenomicConsensus v0.1.0
              ##source-commandline --algorithm=plurality aligned_reads.cmp.h5 -r spinach.fasta -o variants.gff
              ##source-alignment-file /home/popeye/data/aligned_reads.cmp.h5
              ##source-reference-file /home/popeye/data/spinach.fasta
              ##sequence-region EGFR_Exon_23 1 189
              ##sequence-header EGFR_Exon_24 1 200

       The source and source-commandline describe the name and version of the software generating
       the  file.   pacbio-variant-version  reflects  the  specification  version  that  the file
       contents should adhere to.

       The sequence-region headers describe the names and extents of the reference  groups  (i.e.
       reference  contigs)  that  will  be refered to in the file.  The names are the same as the
       full FASTA header.

       source-alignment-file and source-reference-file record absolute paths to the primary input

   Feature lines
       After  the  headers,  each line in the file describes a genomic feature; in this file, all
       the features are potential variants flagged by the variant caller.  The general format  of
       a  variant line is a 9-column (tab-delimited) record, where the first 8 columns correspond
       to fixed, predefined entities in the GFF standard, while the  9th  column  is  a  flexible
       semicolon-delimited list of mappings key=value.

       The 8 predefined columns are as follows:

       Column     Name        Description                         Example
       1          seqId       The full  FASTA  header  for  the   lambda_NEB3011
                              reference contig.
       2          source      (unused; always populated with .)   .
       3          type        the  type  of  variant.   One  of   substitution
                              insertion,      deletion,      or
       4          start       1-based  start coordinate for the   200

       5          end         1-based end  coordinate  for  the   215
                              variant.     start<=end    always
                              obtains, regardless of strand.
       6          score       unused; populated with .            .
       7          strand      unused; populated with .            .
       8          phase       unused; populated with .            .

       The attributes in the 9th (final) column are as follows:

              Key                 Description                        Example value

              coverage            the read coverage of the           42
                                  variant  site  (not  the
                                  variant itself)

              confidence          the         phred-scaled           37
                                  probability   that   the
                                  variant is real, rounded
                                  to  the  nearest integer
                                  and truncated at 93

              reference           the  reference  base  or           T, .
                                  bases  for  the  variant
                                  site.   May  be   .   to
                                  represent  a zero-length
                                  substring (for insertion

              variantSeq          the  read  base or bases           T      (haploid);
                                  corresponding   to   the
                                  variant.   .  encodes  a           T/C, T/.
                                  zer-length  string,   as                  (heterozygous)
                                  for a deletion.

              frequency           the read coverage of the           13     (haploid)
                                  variant   itself;    for
                                  heterozygous   variants,           15/12  (heterozygous)
                                  the  frequency  of  both
                                  observed  alleles.  This
                                  is an optional field.

       The attributes may be present in any order.

       The four types of variant we support are as follows.  (Recall that the field separator  is
       a tab, not a space.)

       1. Insertion.  Examples:

                  ref00001 . insertion 8 8 . . . reference=.;variantSeq=G;confidence=22;coverage=18;frequency=10
                  ref00001 . insertion 19 19 . . . reference=.;variantSeq=G/.;confidence=22;coverage=18;frequency=7/5

          For  insertions,  start==end,  and  the  insertion  event is understood as taking place
          following the reference position start.

       2. Deletion.  Examples:

                  ref00001 . deletion 348 349 . . . reference=G;variantSeq=.;confidence=39;coverage=25;frequency=20
                  ref00001 . deletion 441 443 . . . reference=GG;variantSeq=GG/.;confidence=39;coverage=25;frequency=8/8

       3. Substitution.  Examples:

                  ref000001 . substitution 100 102 . . . reference=GGG;variantSeq=CCC;confidence=50;coverage=20;frequency=16
                  ref000001 . substitution 200 201 . . . reference=G;variantSeq=G/C;confidence=50;coverage=20;frequency=10/6

       The gff metaformat is verbose, so for practical purposes we will gzip encode  variants.gff
       files  as  variants.gff.gz.   Consumers  of  the variant file should be able to read it in
       either form.


       The VCF and BED standards describe variant-call specific file formats.  We  can  currently
       translate  variants.gff files to these formats, but they are not the primary output of the
       variant callers.


       Pacific Biosciences <>.