bionic (5) sockd.conf.5.gz

Provided by: socks4-server_4.3.beta2-20_amd64 bug


       sockd.conf - SOCKS server configuration file




       The  file  /etc/sockd.conf  is  used to control access to SOCKS proxy server sockd and its services. (See
       sockd(8).)  Permission and denial of a service request can be decided based on  various  combinations  of
       the  requesting host, the destination host, the type of service (destination port number), as well as the
       requesting user.  A line in /etc/sockd.conf can be up to 1023 characters long.  Each line may contain the
       following fields in the indicated order:

        action [?=use_identd] [*=userlist] src_addr src_mask [dst_addr dst_mask] [op dst_port] [ : shell_cmd ]

       Spaces  and  tabs  separate  the fields. Fields enclosed in square brackets are optional. Blank lines are
       allowed. Except for lines that start with #NO_IDENTD: or #BAD_ID:, everything from the  first  appearance
       of # to the end of the line is considered comment and thus ignored by sockd during normal validation.

       The  action field must be either permit or deny and indicates the action to be taken if a request matches
       the conditions specified in that line.

       The use_identd field, when present, must  be  I,  i,  or  n,  and  is  used  to  specify  whether  identd
       verification  should  be  employed  for the current line. ?=I demands the use of identd for verifying the
       user's identity, denying access if connection to client's identd fails or if the result  does  not  match
       the  user-id reported by the client program. ?=i also specifies the use of identd, but denies access only
       if client's identd reports a user-id different from what the client program claims. ?=n turns off the use
       of identd. For the line in which these fields are used, they override the global identd setting, which is
       determined by options -I and -i on the sockd command line.

       The userlist field, when present, consists of one or more user-ids or filenames, with comma as separator.
       No  spaces  or  tabs are allowed in the list. The user-ids should be ids of users on the requesting host,
       not those on the destination host or the SOCKS server host.  The filenames must be  full  pathnames  with
       the  leading  /.  Inside  the  specified  files, user-ids may be listed one or several per line, with any
       combination of blanks, tabs, and commas as separators. The appearance of # marks  the  remainder  of  the
       line  as  comment.  Each line in the files may be up to 1023 characters long.  If the *=userlist field is
       omitted, the line applies to all user-ids.

       The src_addr and dst_addr fields either specify IP addresses of hosts, networks, or subnets in the  usual
       dotted  form,  e.g.,, or a domain name, e.g.,  The src_mask and dst_mask fields
       are masks for the corresponding IP addresses.  Bits in these masks that are set to  0  indicate  the  bit
       positions  to  be ignored during comparisons of IP addresses.  So, specifying in the mask
       demands an exact match with the specified IP address field, whereas in the mask causes a match no
       matter  what IP address is specified.  The contents of the mask fields are ignore, though they must still
       be supplied (use, if domain names are used for the corresponding address fields. If  the  domain
       name  starts  with a period, it specifies a zone and matches all domain names within that zone, otherwise
       it matches only the domain name itself. For example, matches only, while matches
       not  only,  but also and, among others. The special symbol ALL
       (which must be entirely in uppercase) matches everything. Domain names are otherwise case-insensitive.

       If the dst_addr dst_mask pair is omitted, the line applies to all destination hosts.

       The op field must be eq, neq, lt, gt, le, or ge, for the  condition  of  equal,  not  equal,  less  than,
       greater  than,  less  than  or equal, and greater than or equal, respectively.  The dst_port field can be
       either a port number, e.g., 23, or the equivalent service name as specified in  the  file  /etc/services,
       e.g.,  telnet  for  port  number 23. If this pair is omitted, the line applies to all services, i.e., all
       destination port numbers.

       For example, consider the line

        permit *=root,clivep le 1023

       To match the conditions indicated in this line, a request must come from a user named 'root' or  'clivep'
       on  the  host  whose IP address is exactly, the destination host must have 179.200.20 in the
       first three bytes of its IP address (the last byte doesn't matter), and  the  service  must  use  a  port
       number  less  than  or  equal  to  1023  on  the destination host. Since the action field is permit, such
       requests will be granted.

       When a request is received by sockd, it checks against the lines in file /etc/sockd.conf, one line  at  a
       time. Once it finds a line with conditions that are matched by the request, the request is either granted
       or denied based on the action field of that  line.  The  remaining  lines  of  file  /etc/sockd.conf  are
       skipped. If no matching line is found in the entire file, the request is denied.

       Be  very  careful  how  you  order  the  lines  in  file /etc/sockd.conf.  The following two lines in the
       indicated order

        deny *=abxyz

       disallow all requests by user 'abxyz' from host, but allow all requests by other users from
       the same host. Switch the order of the two lines and even requests by user 'abxyz' are granted.

       The  shell_cmd  field  specifies  a  command string that is executed when the conditions on that line are
       satisfied. The following substitutions occur before the string  is  presented  to  the  Borne  shell  for

        %A -- replaced by the client host's domainname if known, by its IP address otherwise
        %a -- replaced by the client host's IP address
        %c -- replaced by "connect" or "bind", the command sockd is asked to execute
        %p -- replaced by the process id of sockd
        %S -- replaced by the service name (e.g., ftp) if known, by the destination port number otherwise
        %s -- replaced by the destination port number
        %U -- replaced by the user-id reported by identd
        %u -- replaced by the user-id reported by the client program
        %Z -- replaced by the destination host's domainname if known, by its IP address otherwise
        %z -- replaced by the destination host's IP address
        %% -- replaced by a single %

       Several shell commands can be strung together in the usual way. For example,

        /usr/ucb/finger @%A | /usr/ucb/mail -s 'SOCKS: rejected %u@%A to %Z (%S)' root root@%A

       will  finger  the client host and pipe the result into an email message for superusers at the server host
       and the client host with an appropriate Subject line. Most often this feature is used with a  deny  line,
       but it can be used with permit also.

       Although  there  is  an  implied  'deny  all'  at  the  end of the configuration file, you may supply one
       explicitly so as to take some specific action when requests are so rejected,  e.g.,  (in  one  continuous

        deny : /usr/ucb/finger @%A |
         /usr/ucb/mail -s 'SOCKS: rejected %u@%A to %Z (%S)' root root@%A

       You  may  also  specify  in /etc/sockd.conf commands to be executed when sockd cannot connect to client's
       identd or when the user-ids reported by the client programs and the client's identd do not match.   These
       special  entries  must  have  #NO_IDENTD: and #BAD_ID: at the very beginning of the line, followed by the
       shell commands to be executed. For example:

        #NO_IDENTD: /usr/ucb/mail -s 'Please run identd on host %A' root@%A
        #BAD_ID: finger @%A | /usr/ucb/mail -s '%U pretends to be %u on %A' root root@%A

       Strictly speaking, sockd has no concept of inside/outside, it does know which is the requesting host  and
       which the destination and that is the basis of its access control. Therefore it can be used to facilitate
       access from outside world into your internal networks as well. Needless to say, you have to take  extreme
       caution  if  you  choose  to  do  so.  If  you don't need that kind of access, it is recommended that you
       specifically deny such connections in sockd.conf. For example, if the Class B IP network  129.1  is  your
       internal network, use


       as  the  first  line of your sockd.conf to protect your inside hosts from all attempts of access from the
       outside world through SOCKS.  If your internal network consists of several IP networks, you have  to  use
       one  such  line for each of them. In that case, it may be more convenient to use domain name instead, for



        deny    ALL

       may be used, assuming that is your domain.

       Though the use of domain names can be very convenient and can also reduce start-up overhead  by  reducing
       the  number  of  lines  in  the configuration file, you should be very careful with your DNS (Domain Name
       System) setup.  Here are some details that you should know.

       The original information the SOCKS server has of the source or the destination host is in the form of its
       IP  address.  The SOCKS server does a reverse DNS lookup to find the domain name correspodning to that IP
       address. It then does a normal DNS loopkup to translate the domain name back to an IP  address.   If  the
       two IP addresses match, the SOCKS server retains both the domain name and the IP address as identifier of
       the host, and will use whichever as appropriate when it checkes the configuration file.  If either of the
       two  DNS lookups fails or if the two IP addresses do not match, SOCKS server retains only the original IP
       address as the only identifier of the host, with the consequence that it will not match any line  in  the
       configuration file which specifies a domain name (other than ALL) in the corresponding address field.

       Suppose  now you add a new host to your internal network before updating your nameserver's data with both
       the A record and the PTR record of the new host.  When the SOCKS server receives a request  with  the  IP
       address  of  the new host as its destination, at least one of the DNS lookups will fail.  Consequently it
       will not be protected by lines in which the domain name is used in the destination address field.

       So, if you want to use domain name in the configuration file, be very sure that you always keep your  DNS
       information  up-to-date.  It's  probably  a good idea to update your DNS data before adding a new host to
       your network. Also make sure that your SOCKS server always queries a nameserver which has the most up-to-
       date information of your internal network.

       You  have the option of using the frozen configuration file /etc/sockd.fc instead of /etc/sockd.conf. The
       frozen file is produced by make_sockdfc and is essentially the memeory image of the parsed  configuration
       file.  Using  it  can  reduce  the  start-up  delay  of the SOCKS server since it eliminates the need for

       When the SOCKS server starts, it always looks for the frozen  configuration  first  and  reverts  to  the
       unfrozen version only if no frozen configuration is found. All modifications to the configuration must be
       done on the plain-text, unfrozen file. Be sure that you run make_sockdfc  every  time  after  you  modify
       /etc/sockd.conf or your SOCKS server would be using the frozen version of an older configuration.


       dump_sockdfc(8), make_sockdfc(8), sockd(8), socks.conf(5), sockd.fc(5),

                                                   May 6, 1996                                     SOCKD.CONF(5)