Provided by: zathura_0.3.8-1_amd64 bug


       zathurarc - zathura configuration file


       /etc/zathurarc, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zathura/zathurarc


       The zathurarc file is a simple plain text file that can be populated with various commands
       to change the behaviour and the look of zathura which we are  going  to  describe  in  the
       following  subsections.  Each  line  (besides empty lines and comments (which start with a
       prepended #) is evaluated on its own, so it is not possible to write multiple commands  in
       one single line.


   set - Changing options
       In  addition  to  the  built-in :set command zathura offers more options to be changed and
       makes those changes permanent. To overwrite  an  option  you  just  have  to  add  a  line
       structured like the following

          set <option> <new value>

       The option field has to be replaced with the name of the option that should be changed and
       the new value field has to be replaced with the new value the option should get. The  type
       of the value can be one of the following:

       • INT - An integer number

       • FLOAT - A floating point number

       • STRING - A character string

       • BOOL - A boolean value (“true” for true, “false” for false)

       In  addition we advice you to check the options to get a more detailed view of the options
       that can be changed and which values they should be set to.

       The following example should give some deeper insight of how the set command can be used

          set option1 5
          set option2 2.0
          set option3 hello
          set option4 hello\ world
          set option5 "hello world"

       If you want to use color codes for some options, make sure to quote them accordingly or to
       escape the hash symbol.

          set default-fg "#CCBBCC"
          set default-fg \#CCBBCC

   map - Mapping a shortcut
       It  is possible to map or remap new key bindings to shortcut functions which allows a high
       level of customization. The :map command can also be used in the zathurarc  file  to  make
       those changes permanent:

          map [mode] <binding> <shortcut function> <argument>

   include - Including another config file
       This  commands  allows  one  to  include  other configuration files. If a relative path is
       given, the path will be resolved relative to the  configuration  file  that  is  currently

          include another-config

       The  map  command  expects  several  arguments  where  only  the  binding  as  well as the
       shortcut-function argument is required. Since zathura uses several modes it is possible to
       map  bindings  only for a specific mode by passing the mode argument which can take one of
       the following values:

       • normal (default)

       • fullscreen

       • presentation

       • index

       The brackets around the value are mandatory.

   Single key binding
       The (possible) second argument defines the used key binding that should be mapped  to  the
       shortcut  function and is structured like the following. On the one hand it is possible to
       just assign single letters, numbers or signs to it:

          map a shortcut_function
          map b shortcut_function
          map c shortcut_function
          map 1 shortcut_function
          map 2 shortcut_function
          map 3 shortcut_function
          map ! shortcut_function
          map ? shortcut_function

   Using modifiers
       It is also possible to use modifiers like the Control or Alt button on the keyboard. It is
       possible to use the following modifiers:

       • A - Alt

       • C - Control

       • S - Shift

       Now it is required to define the binding with the following structure:

          map <A-a> shortcut_function
          map <C-a> shortcut_function

   Special keys
       zathura allows it also to assign keys like the space bar or the tab button which also have
       to be written in  between  angle  brackets.  The  following  special  keys  are  currently

          Identifier Description

          BackSpace  Back space
          CapsLock   Caps lock
          Esc        Escape
          Down       Arrow down
          Up         Arrow up
          Left       Arrow left
          Right      Arrow right
          F1         F1
          F2         F2
          F3         F3
          F4         F4
          F5         F5
          F6         F6
          F7         F7
          F8         F8
          F9         F9
          F10        F10
          F11        F11
          F12        F12
          PageDown   Page Down
          PageUp     Page Up
          Return     Return
          Space      Space
          Super      Windows key
          Tab        Tab
          Print      Print key

       Of course it is possible to combine those special keys with a modifier. The usage of those
       keys should be explained by the following examples:

          map <Space> shortcut_function
          map <C-Space> shortcut_function

   Mouse buttons
       It is also possible to map mouse buttons to shortcuts by using the following special keys:

          Identifier Description

          Button1    Mouse button 1
          Button2    Mouse button 2
          Button3    Mouse button 3
          Button4    Mouse button 4
          Button5    Mouse button 5

       They can also be combined with modifiers:

          map <Button1> shortcut_function
          map <C-Button1> shortcut_function

   Buffer commands
       If a mapping does not match one of the previous definition but is still a valid mapping it
       will be mapped as a buffer command:

          map abc quit
          map test quit

   Shortcut functions
       The following shortcut functions can be mapped:

       • abort

         Switch back to normal mode.

       • adjust_window

         Adjust page width. Possible arguments are best-fit and width.

       • change_mode

         Change current mode. Pass the desired mode as argument.

       • display_link:

         Display link target.

       • exec:

         Execute an external command.

       • focus_inputbar

         Focus inputbar.

       • follow

         Follow a link.

       • goto

         Go to a certain page.

       • jumplist

         Move forwards/backwards in the jumplist.

       • navigate

         Navigate to the next/previous page.

       • navigate_index

         Navigate through the index.

       • print

         Show the print dialog.

       • quit

         Quit zathura.

       • recolor

         Recolor pages.

       • reload

         Reload the document.

       • rotate

         Rotate the page. Pass rotate-ccw as argument for counterclockwise rotation and rotate-cw
         for clockwise rotation.

       • scroll


       • search

         Search next/previous item. Pass forward as argument to  search  for  the  next  hit  and
         backward to search for the previous hit.

       • set

         Set an option.

       • toggle_fullscreen

         Toggle fullscreen.

       • toggle_index

         Show or hide index.

       • toggle_inputbar

         Show or hide inputbar.

       • toggle_page_mode

         Toggle between one and multiple pages per row.

       • toggle_statusbar

         Show or hide statusbar.

       • zoom

         Zoom in or out.

       • mark_add Set a quickmark.

       • mark_evaluate Go to a quickmark.

   Pass arguments
       Some shortcut function require or have optional arguments which influence the behaviour of
       them. Those can be passed as the last argument:
          map <C-i> zoom in map <C-o> zoom out

       Possible arguments are:

       • best-fit

       • bottom

       • collapse

       • collapse-all

       • default

       • down

       • expand

       • expand-all

       • full-down

       • full-up

       • half-down

       • half-up

       • in

       • left

       • next

       • out

       • page-bottom

       • page-top

       • previous

       • right

       • rotate-ccw

       • rotate-cw

       • select

       • specific

       • toggle

       • top

       • up

       • width

   unmap - Removing a shortcut
       In addition to mapping or remaping custom key bindings it is possible to  remove  existing
       ones  by  using  the  :unmap  command.  The  command  is  used  in  the following way (the
       explanation of the parameters is described in the map section of this document

          unmap [mode] <binding>


       This section describes settings concerning  the  behaviour  of  girara  and  zathura.  The
       settings described here can be changed with set.

       Defines the maximum number of displayed completion entries.

       • Value type: Integer

       • Default value: 15

       Defines the background color that is used for command line completion entries

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #232323

       Defines the foreground color that is used for command line completion entries

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #DDDDDD

       Defines the background color that is used for command line completion group elements

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #000000

       Defines the foreground color that is used for command line completion group elements

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #DEDEDE

       Defines the background color that is used for the current command line completion element

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #9FBC00

       Defines the foreground color that is used for the current command line completion element

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #232323

       Defines the default foreground color

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #DDDDDD

       Defines the default background color

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #000000

       Defines a command the should be prepended to any command run with exec.

       • Value type: String

       • Default value:

       Defines the font that will be used

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: monospace normal 9

       Shows  or  hides  GUI elements.  If it contains ‘c’, the command line is displayed.  If it
       contains ‘s’, the statusbar is displayed.  If it contains ‘h’, the horizontal scrollbar is
       displayed.  If it contains ‘v’, the vertical scrollbar is displayed.

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: s

       Defines the background color for the inputbar

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #131313

       Defines the foreground color for the inputbar

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #9FBC00

       Defines the background color for a notification

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #FFFFFF

       Defines the foreground color for a notification

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #000000

       Defines the background color for an error notification

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #FFFFFF

       Defines the foreground color for an error notification

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #FF1212

       Defines the background color for a warning notification

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #FFFFFF

       Defines the foreground color for a warning notification

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #FFF712

       Defines the foreground color for a tab

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #FFFFFF

       Defines the background color for a tab

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #000000

       Defines the foreground color for the focused tab

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #9FBC00

       Defines the background color for the focused tab

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #000000

       Defines  if  both  the  horizontal  and  vertical  scrollbars  should  be  shown  or  not.
       Deprecated, use ‘guioptions’ instead.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Defines whether to  show/hide  the  horizontal  scrollbar.  Deprecated,  use  ‘guioptions’

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Defines whether to show/hide the vertical scrollbar. Deprecated, use ‘guioptions’ instead.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Defines the background color of the statusbar

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #000000

       Defines the foreground color of the statusbar

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #FFFFFF

       Defines the horizontal padding of the statusbar and notificationbar

       • Value type: Integer

       • Default value: 8

       Defines the vertical padding of the statusbar and notificationbar

       • Value type: Integer

       • Default value: 2

       Defines the path for a icon to be used as window icon.

       • Value type: String

       • Default value:

       Defines the window height on startup

       • Value type: Integer

       • Default value: 600

       Defines the window width on startup

       • Value type: Integer

       • Default value: 800

       This section describes settings concerning the behaviour of zathura.

       Defines if the search results should be cleared on abort.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: true

       Defines  which  auto  adjustment  mode  should  be used if a document is loaded.  Possible
       options are “best-fit” and “width”.

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: best-fit

       Defines if the number of pages per row should be honored when advancing a page.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Tells zathura whether to save document history at each page change or only when closing  a

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Defines  the  database backend to use for bookmarks and input history. Possible values are
       “plain”, “sqlite” (if built with sqlite support) and “null”. If “null” is used,  bookmarks
       and input history will not be stored.

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: plain

       En/Disables   the   D-Bus   service.   If   the  services  is  disabled,  SyncTeX  forward
       synchronization is not available.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: true

       Defines the filemonitor backend. Possible  values  are  “glib”  and  “signal”  (if  signal
       handling is supported).

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: glib

       En/Disables incremental search (search while typing).

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: true

       Defines  the  color that is used for highlighting parts of the document (e.g.: show search

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #9FBC00

       Defines the color that is used to show the  current  selected  highlighted  element  (e.g:
       current search result)

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #00BC00

       Defines the opacity of a highlighted element

       • Value type: Float

       • Default value: 0.5

       The page padding defines the gap in pixels between each rendered page.

       • Value type: Integer

       • Default value: 1

       Defines  the  maximum number of pages that could be kept in the page cache. When the cache
       is full and a new page that isn’t cached becomes visible, the least recently  viewed  page
       in the cache will be evicted to make room for the new one.  Large values for this variable
       are NOT recommended, because this will lead to consuming  a  significant  portion  of  the
       system memory.

       • Value type: Integer

       • Default value: 15

       Defines  the  maximum  size in pixels of the thumbnail that could be kept in the thumbnail
       cache per page. The thumbnail is scaled for a quick preview during zooming before the page
       is  rendered.  When the page is rendered, the result is saved as the thumbnail only if the
       size is no more than this value. A larger value increases quality  but  introduces  longer
       delay in zooming and uses more system memory.

       • Value type: Integer

       • Default value: 4194304 (4M)

       Defines the number of pages that are rendered next to each other in a row.

       • Value type: Integer

       • Default value: 1

       Defines  the  column  in  which  the first page will be displayed.  This setting is stored
       separately for every value of pages-per-row according to the following pattern <1 page per
       row>:[<2  pages  per  row>[:  …]].  The  last value in the list will be used for all other
       number of pages per row if not set explicitly.

       Per default, the first column is set to 2 for double-page layout.

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: 1:2

       En/Disables recoloring

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       En/Disables keeping original hue when recoloring

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Defines the color value that is used to represent dark colors in recoloring mode

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #FFFFFF

       Defines the color value that is used to represent light colors in recoloring mode

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #000000

       Defines if original image colors should be kept while recoloring.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Defines if the “Loading…” text should be displayed if a page is rendered.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: true

       Defines the background color that is used for the “Loading…” text.

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #FFFFFF

       Defines the foreground color that is used for the “Loading…” text.

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #000000

       Defines the horizontal step size of scrolling by calling the scroll command once

       • Value type: Float

       • Default value: -1

       Defines the step size of scrolling by calling the scroll command once

       • Value type: Float

       • Default value: 40

       Defines the proportion of the current viewing area that should be visible after  scrolling
       a full page.

       • Value type: Float

       • Default value: 0

       Defines if the last/first page should be wrapped

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Defines if the directories should be displayed in completion.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: true

       Defines if hidden files and directories should be displayed in completion.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Defines  the  number of recent files that should be displayed in completion.  If the value
       is negative, no upper bounds are applied. If the value is 0, no recent files are shown.

       • Value type: Integer

       • Default value: 10

       Defines if scrolling by half or full pages stops at page boundaries.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Defines if scrolling via touchpad should be smooth.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       En/Disables the ability of changing zoom when following links.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: true

       En/Disables aligning to the left internal link targets, for example from the index.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: true

       En/Disables horizontally centered search results.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: true

       Use basename of the file in the window title.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Display a short version of the file path, which replaces  $HOME  with  ~,  in  the  window

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Display the page number in the window title.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Use basename of the file in the statusbar.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Display a short version of the file path, which replaces $HOME with ~, in the statusbar.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       En/Disables horizontally centered zooming.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Center the screen at the vertical midpoint of the page by default.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: false

       Defines the maximum percentage that the zoom level can be.

       • Value type: Integer

       • Default value: 1000

       Defines the minimum percentage that the zoom level can be.

       • Value type: Integer

       • Default value: 10

       Defines the amount of percent that is zoomed in or out on each command.

       • Value type: Integer

       • Default value: 10

       Defines  the  X  clipboard  into  which  mouse-selected  data will be written.  When it is
       “clipboard”, selected data will be written to the CLIPBOARD clipboard, and can  be  pasted
       using  the Ctrl+v key combination.  When it is “primary”, selected data will be written to
       the PRIMARY  clipboard,  and  can  be  pasted  using  the  middle  mouse  button,  or  the
       Shift-Insert key combination.

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: primary

       Defines if a notification should be displayed after selecting text.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: true

       En/Disables SyncTeX backward synchronization support.

       • Value type: Boolean

       • Default value: true

       Defines the command executed for SyncTeX backward synchronization.

       • Value type: String

       • Default value:

       Defines the foreground color of the index mode.

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #DDDDDD

       Define the background color of the index mode.

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #232323

       Defines the foreground color of the selected element in index mode.

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #232323

       Define the background color of the selected element in index mode.

       • Value type: String

       • Default value: #9FBC00




