bionic (5) zoph.ini.5.gz

Provided by: zoph_0.9.4-4_all bug


       zoph.ini - Configuration file for Zoph


       zoph.ini  is  a configuration file, usually placed in /etc, that tells Zoph how to connect to the (MySQL)
       database. Besides zoph.ini, there is another configuration file,, which is  placed  inside
       the  webroot.  If you have no write access in /etc or have another reason to not put this file there, you
       should change the INI_FILE setting in and the 'zoph' CLI utility.

       IMPORTANT!  Never, ever, place it in the same directory as the Zoph PHP files. This will enable  everyone
       to download it and read your passwords.


       zoph.ini  consists  of one or more sections. A section starts with the name of the section between square


       You should create a section for each Zoph installation on your system. The section name is a  descriptive
       name that you can choose yourself. Each section must contain the following settings:

              The hostname of the system that is running your MySQL server, usually "localhost".

              The name of the database. If you have followed the installation instructions closely, this will be
              zoph, but of course you are free to use any other name.

              The user to connect to your Zoph database. If you  have  followed  the  installation  instructions
              closely, this will be zoph_rw, but of course you are free to use any other name.

              Password  to  connect  to the database. This is what you have set while creating users for Zoph in

              Zoph can prefix all MySQL table names with a prefix string. This is especially useful  for  people
              who  only  have  a single database to use and want to use multiple applications on, for example, a
              shared hosting environment. By default, this is "zoph_".

              With the php_location setting, you define where the  PHP-files  for  your  Zoph  installation  are
              located. This is necessary for the Zoph CLI scripts to locate the rest of your Zoph installation.


   Single installation
       Most Zoph users will have only one Zoph installation on their system. This is how a zoph.ini for a single
       installation looks:

              db_host = localhost
              db_name = zoph
              db_user = zoph_rw
              db_pass = pass
              db_prefix = zoph_
              php_location = /var/www/html/zoph

   Multiple installations
       You can have multiple Zoph installations on one system. For example, one  for  yourself  and  one  for  a
       family  member  or friend; or, if you are a Zoph developper, a development and a productions environment.
       If you have more than one Zoph installation, simply create a section per installation. For example:

              db_host = localhost
              db_name = zoph
              db_user = zoph_rw
              db_pass = pass
              db_prefix = zoph_
              php_location = /var/www/html/zoph

              db_host = localhost
              db_name = zophdev
              db_user = zoph_rw
              db_pass = pass
              db_prefix = zoph_
              php_location = /var/www/html/zophdev

       The webinterface of Zoph will be able to determine which settings it should  use  with  the  php_location
       setting.  The  CLI  scripts  need  the --instance parameter to determine that. If you omit the --instance
       parameter, it will use the first one in zoph.ini.


       zoph(1), the Zoph CLI utility, the Zoph documentation WikiBook


       zoph.ini was introduced in Zoph v0.8.2.