Provided by: cmake-data_3.10.2-1ubuntu2.18.04.2_all
cmake-env-variables - CMake Environment Variables Reference
CMAKE_CONFIG_TYPE The default build configuration for Build Tool Mode and ctest build handler when there is no explicit configuration given. CMAKE_MSVCIDE_RUN_PATH Extra PATH locations for custom commands when using Visual Studio 9 2008 (or above) generators. The CMAKE_MSVCIDE_RUN_PATH environment variable sets the default value for the CMAKE_MSVCIDE_RUN_PATH variable if not already explicitly set. CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES Target specific architectures for OS X. The CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES environment variable sets the default value for the CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES variable. See OSX_ARCHITECTURES for more information. LDFLAGS Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine the default linker flags, after which the value for LDFLAGS is stored in the cache as CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT, CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT, and CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT. For any configuration run (including the first), the environment variable will be ignored if the equivalent CMAKE_<TYPE>_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT variable is defined. MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET Specify the minimum version of OS X on which the target binaries are to be deployed. The MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable sets the default value for the CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET variable.
ASM<DIALECT> Preferred executable for compiling a specific dialect of assembly language files. ASM<DIALECT> can be ASM, ASM_NASM, ASM_MASM or ASM-ATT. Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine ASM<DIALECT> compiler, after which the value for ASM<DIALECT> is stored in the cache as CMAKE_ASM<DIALECT>_COMPILER. For subsequent configuration runs, the environment variable will be ignored in favor of CMAKE_ASM<DIALECT>_COMPILER. ASM<DIALECT>FLAGS Default compilation flags to be used when compiling a specific dialect of an assembly language. ASM<DIALECT>FLAGS can be ASMFLAGS, ASM_NASMFLAGS, ASM_MASMFLAGS or ASM-ATTFLAGS. Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine ASM<DIALECT> default compilation flags, after which the value for ASM<DIALECT>FLAGS is stored in the cache as CMAKE_ASM<DIALECT>_FLAGS. For any configuration run (including the first), the environment variable will be ignored if the CMAKE_ASM<DIALECT>_FLAGS variable is defined. CC Preferred executable for compiling C language files. Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine C compiler, after which the value for CC is stored in the cache as CMAKE_C_COMPILER. For any configuration run (including the first), the environment variable will be ignored if the CMAKE_C_COMPILER variable is defined. CFLAGS Default compilation flags to be used when compiling C files. Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine CC default compilation flags, after which the value for CFLAGS is stored in the cache as CMAKE_C_FLAGS. For any configuration run (including the first), the environment variable will be ignored if the CMAKE_C_FLAGS variable is defined. CSFLAGS Preferred executable for compiling CSharp language files. Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine CSharp default compilation flags, after which the value for CSFLAGS is stored in the cache as CMAKE_CSharp_FLAGS. For any configuration run (including the first), the environment variable will be ignored if the CMAKE_CSharp_FLAGS variable is defined. CUDACXX Preferred executable for compiling CUDA language files. Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine CUDA compiler, after which the value for CUDA is stored in the cache as CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER. For any configuration run (including the first), the environment variable will be ignored if the CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER variable is defined. CUDAFLAGS Default compilation flags to be used when compiling CUDA files. Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine CUDA default compilation flags, after which the value for CUDAFLAGS is stored in the cache as CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS. For any configuration run (including the first), the environment variable will be ignored if the CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS variable is defined. CUDAHOSTCXX Preferred executable for compiling host code when compiling CUDA language files. Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine CUDA host compiler, after which the value for CUDAHOSTCXX is stored in the cache as CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER. For any configuration run (including the first), the environment variable will be ignored if the CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER variable is defined. CXX Preferred executable for compiling CXX language files. Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine CXX compiler, after which the value for CXX is stored in the cache as CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER. For any configuration run (including the first), the environment variable will be ignored if the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER variable is defined. CXXFLAGS Default compilation flags to be used when compiling CXX (C++) files. Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine CXX default compilation flags, after which the value for CXXFLAGS is stored in the cache as CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS. For any configuration run ( including the first), the environment variable will be ignored if the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS variable is defined. FC Preferred executable for compiling Fortran language files. Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine Fortran compiler, after which the value for Fortran is stored in the cache as CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER. For any configuration run (including the first), the environment variable will be ignored if the CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER variable is defined. FFLAGS Default compilation flags to be used when compiling Fortran files. Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine Fortran default compilation flags, after which the value for FFLAGS is stored in the cache as CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS. For any configuration run (including the first), the environment variable will be ignored if the CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS variable is defined. RC Preferred executable for compiling resource files. Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine resource compiler, after which the value for RC is stored in the cache as CMAKE_RC_COMPILER. For any configuration run (including the first), the environment variable will be ignored if the CMAKE_RC_COMPILER variable is defined. RCFLAGS Default compilation flags to be used when compiling resource files. Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine resource default compilation flags, after which the value for RCFLAGS is stored in the cache as CMAKE_RC_FLAGS. For any configuration run (including the first), the environment variable will be ignored if the CMAKE_RC_FLAGS variable is defined.
CTEST_INTERACTIVE_DEBUG_MODE Environment variable that will exist and be set to 1 when a test executed by CTest is run in interactive mode. CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE Boolean environment variable that controls if the output should be logged for failed tests. Set the value to 1, True, or ON to enable output on failure. See ctest(1) for more information on controlling output of failed tests. CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL Specify the number of tests for CTest to run in parallel. See ctest(1) for more information on parallel test execution. CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS_DEFAULT Initializes the CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS variable if not already defined. DASHBOARD_TEST_FROM_CTEST Environment variable that will exist when a test executed by CTest is run in non-interactive mode. The value will be equal to CMAKE_VERSION.
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