bionic (8) gdnsd-plugin-geoip.8.gz

Provided by: gdnsd_2.3.0-1_amd64 bug


       gdnsd-plugin-geoip - gdnsd meta-plugin for GSLB + failover via MaxMind's GeoIP databases


       Minimal example gdnsd config file using this plugin:

         plugins => { geoip => {
           maps => {
             my_prod_map => {
               geoip2_db => GeoIP2-City.mmdb,
               datacenters => [dc-03, dc-02, dc-01, dc-fail],
               map => {
                   EU => {
                       DE => [dc-03, dc-01, dc-fail],
                       CH => [dc-01, dc-03, dc-fail]
                   NA => { MX => [dc-02, dc-fail] }
             my_auto_map => {
               geoip_db => GeoIPCityv6.dat,
               datacenters => [dc1, dc2],
               auto_dc_coords => {
                  dc1 => [ 38.9, -77 ],
                  dc2 => [ 50.1, 8.7 ],
           resources => {
             prod_www => {
               map => my_prod_map
               service_types => up
               dcmap => {
                 dc-01 =>,
                 dc-02 => { lb01 =>, lb02 => },
                 dc-03 => [,, ],
                 dc-fail =>
             corp_www => {
               map => my_auto_map
               dcmap => {
                 dc1 =>,
                 dc2 =>

       Example zonefile RRs:

         www      600 DYNA geoip!prod_www
         www-dc01 600 DYNA geoip!prod_www/dc-01
         www.corp 600 DYNA geoip!corp_www


       gdnsd-plugin-geoip uses MaxMind's GeoIP binary databases to map address and CNAME results
       based on geography and monitored service availability.  It fully supports both IPv6 and
       the emerging edns-client-subnet standard.  If a request contains the edns-client-subnet
       option with a source netmask greater than zero, the edns-client-subnet information will be
       used instead of the source IP of the request (the IP of the querying cache).

       It supports both the legacy GeoIP1 format databases which typically end in .dat and the
       newer GeoIP2 format database which typically end in .mmdb.  There are a few differences in
       the plugin's behavior depending on the database type in use, which are noted throughout
       this document.  It is notable that what was called the singular "Region" in GeoIP1 is now
       multiple "Subdivisions" in GeoIP2.  Both occupy the hierarchical space between "Country"
       and "City" level information.  In the GeoIP2 case there can be several layers of
       Subdivisions, which depend entirely on how a Country is broken down in ISO3166-2.  Assume
       the terms Region and Subdivision are interchangeable for the most part throughout this

       It can also be used with no GeoIP database at all, in which case the only network-mapping
       input comes from the "nets" config data or an external "nets" file, which explicitly map
       subnets to datacenter lists.

       This plugin can operate in an automatic distance-based mode (using City-level coordinate
       information rather than an external file and a Region-level db).  It can also operate
       coordinate-free and rely on the user to configure a hierarchical map of cascading default
       user-location-to-datacenter mappings, starting at the continent level.

       The two modes can also be effectively mixed at geographic boundaries.

       For each "map" you define (which maps geographic location codes to preference-ordered
       lists of your datacenter locations), this plugin merges all of the raw GeoIP subnets into
       the largest possible supernets which contain identical responses in your configuration.
       These in turn are used to set larger edns-client-subnet scope masks than you'd see simply
       returning raw GeoIP results.


       The documentation for gdnsd-plugin-metafo(8) is required reading for understanding the
       geoip plugin documentation here.  The geoip plugin is an exact superset of the metafo
       plugin, and re-uses almost all of the metafo plugin's source code.  Metafo does failover
       along a single, global, ordered list of datacenters.  What plugin_geoip adds on top of the
       functionality of metafo is the ability to have the order of the datacenter failover list
       become dynamic per-request based on geographic hints derived from the client's network


       The configuration of this plugin can reference several external configuration and/or data
       files.  By default, all files referenced in this plugin's configuration are loaded from
       the geoip subdirectory of the daemon's configuration directory (default /etc/gdnsd).  You
       can load from other locations by specifying absolute file paths.


       The top level of the geoip plugin's configuration (i.e. "plugins => { geoip => { ... } }")
       supports only three explicit keys.  One is the optional setting

       The other two are required and expanded upon in detail in the next two sections: "maps",
       and "resources".  The "maps" section defines one or more named mappings of location
       information from GeoIP binary databases to ordered subsets of datacenter names.  The
       "resources" section defines one or more named resources, each of which references one of
       the named maps and resolves datacenter names to specific sets of addresses or CNAMEs.

       Any other keys present at this level will be inherited down inside of each per-resource
       hash inside the "resources" stanza, acting as per-resource defaults for anything not
       defined explicitly there.

   "undefined_datacenters_ok = false"
       Boolean, default false.  If set to true, geoip resources are allowed to leave some of the
       datacenters specified in their "map" undefined in their resource-level "dcmap".  For
       example, a map M might define 3 datacenters named A, B, and C, but a resource using map M
       might only define result addresses for datacenters B and C in its "dcmap".  This would
       otherwise be a hard configuration error.

       !!! DANGER !!! - Setting this value to true is a good way to shoot yourself in the foot if
       you're not very careful about how your maps and resources are configured with respect to
       each other, especially in "City Auto Mode".  Maps are calculated without any knowledge of
       the resources that use them.  If a specific network or location maps to a list of
       datacenters which contains none of the defined datacenters for a given resource, the
       results of runtime queries for that resource from that location or network will be the
       empty set (no answer records at all).  This is virtually gauranteed to happen in "City
       Auto Mode" if the number of undefined datacenters in a resource is greater than or equal
       to the map's "auto_dc_limit".


       The "maps" stanza supports one special configuration key at the top level:

   "city_region_names = region_codes.csv"
       String, filename, optional.  GeoIP1 City databases use FIPS 10-4 codes for the names of
       Regions outside of the US and Canada, and two-letter national alpha codes within the US
       and Canada.  For example the Geneve region of Switzerland is identified as 07 in the
       database.  By default you would have to use these relatively confusing region codes in
       your hierarchical maps that make use of Region-level information (e.g. "EU => { CH => { 07
       => { Geneva => [ ... ] } } } }".  If this option is specified, it points to a text file
       that maps these FIPS codes to canonical, memorable full names for clearer map
       configuration (e.g. "EU => { CH => { Geneve => { Geneva => [ ... ] } } } }".  Note that
       while older versions of this data did not map the US/Canadian two-letter alpha codes,
       newer versions do (e.g. TX -> Texas).

       This setting does not affect the GeoIP "Region" -format databases, which have no region
       codes outside of the US and Canada, and always need the two-letter alpha codes in the map.

       It also does not affect GeoIP2 databases, as they all use ISO3166-2 codes for subdivision
       (aka region) data directly, which are at least usually more intuitive than FIPS.

       The file format is a simple subset of the CSV format with 3 fields: ISO 3166-1 country
       code, FIPS 10-4 region code (or two-letter alpha in US/Canada), and the region name in
       double-quotes.  It is recommended you download this file directly from MaxMind's reference
       copy in this format.  As of this writing, it is available from them at the following URL:


       All other "maps"-level configuration keys are the names of the maps you choose to define.
       A map, conceptually, is a mapping between geography and/or network topology to varying
       ordered datacenter sub-sets.  The value of each named map must be a hash, and the
       following configuration keys apply within:

   "geoip2_db = GeoIP2-City.mmdb"
       String, filename, optional.  This is the filename of a MaxMind GeoIP2 format database.  It
       should contain either the City or Country data model.  There is no distinction made here
       for the IP version, and it is normal for these databases to contain both IPv4 and IPv6
       data together.  If one or the other is missing, clients using that address family will be
       defaulted.  If this parameter is set, then the legacy "geoip_db" and "geoip_db_v4_overlay"
       are not allowed alongside it.

   "geoip_db = GeoIPv6.dat"
       String, filename, optional.  This is the filename of one of the supported MaxMind GeoIP1
       database types.  It will be reloaded at runtime (without any significant query
       interruptions) if a change to the database file is detected.

   "geoip_db_v4_overlay = GeoIP.dat"
       String, pathname, optional.  This specifies an optional IPv4-level GeoIP1 database to
       overwrite the IPv4 sub-space of the IPv6 data loaded from "geoip_db".  It must be a
       V4-format database, and "geoip_db" must be defined as a V6-format database.  In all other
       respects, it is similar to "geoip_db".

       As of this writing, MaxMind doesn't sell a commercial GeoIP1v6 database.  What they offer
       are free IPv6 GeoLite1 database downloads, which include the IPv4 subset in the less-
       accurate GeoLite1 form.  This option allows you to use these GeoLite1v6 databases for IPv6
       coverage, and then overlay your paid commercial GeoIP1v4 data on top for more accurate
       IPv4 results.

   "datacenters = [ one, two, three, ... ]"
       Array of strings, required.  This is the total set of datacenter names used by this map.
       You must define at least one datacenter name (although 2 or more would be infinitely more
       useful).  At this time, there is a maximum limit of 254 datacenter names per map, although
       this could be raised if anyone requires it.  The order specified here is the fallback
       default result ordering in various default cases (e.g. if no explicit top-level map
       default list is given).

   "city_no_region = true"
       Boolean, default "false".  If this key is set to "true" and the database is a City-level
       database, the Region/Subdivision-level information within it will be completely ignored
       for mapping purposes.  Your hierarchical map structure will now be "continent => country
       => city" rather than "continent => country => region/subdivision => city".

   "nets = { ... }"
       Key-value hash, optional (see below for alternate form).  If specified, the contents
       should be key-value pairs of "network/netmask" mapped to a datacenter name (or an array of
       datacenter names).  Any network-to-datacenter mappings specified here will override
       mappings determined via GeoIP.  Note that it is illegal to specify networks in the
       IPv4-like subspaces of IPv6 other than v4compat, but it is legal to specify actual IPv4
       networks (which are treated identically to v4compat).  See the section on IPv4 Compatible
       Addresses later in this document for more details.  The order of the networks is
       unimportant; they will always be sorted and inserted such that an entry which is a subnet
       of another entry is not obliterated by the parent supernet.

           nets => {
      => [ dc1, dc2 ],
      => dc3
               2001:DB8::/32 => [ dc4, dc5, dc6 ],

       In the case that one entry is a subnet of another with a different result dclist, the
       entries are merged correctly such that the supernet surrounds the subnet.  In the case of
       an exact duplicate entry (or an effective one, after merging smaller subnets) with a
       different dclist, it is arbitrary which one "wins" and the condition is warned about.  If
       you care about this case, you should sanitize your nets data beforehand with an external
       tool and/or parse for the warning message in log outputs.

   "nets = nets_file_name"
       String pathname, optional.  A variant of the above, but the contents of the key-value hash
       are loaded from the named external file.  This makes life easier for external tools and
       scripts generating large sets of nets entries (e.g. from BGP data).  The file will be
       monitored for changes and reloaded at runtime much like the GeoIP databases.

   "map = { ... }"
       Key-value hash, optional.  This is the heart of a named map which uses GeoIP: the map
       itself, which maps places to ordered lists of datacenters.  It requires that "geoip_db" or
       "geoip2_db" is also specified, and makes no sense without it.

       This is a nested key-value hash.  At each level, the keys are location codes (continent,
       country, region/subdivision, or city information depending on depth), and the values are
       either an ordered datacenter array (e.g. "[ dc03, dc01, dc04 ]"), or a sub-hash containing
       a deeper level of distinction.  At each layer, a special key named "default" is available,
       which sets the default for everything within the current scope.  The top-level default
       itself defaults to the ordered list from "datacenters" in the normal case.  If the entire
       "map" stanza is missing or empty, you just get the default behavior of "default".  A
       datacenter array can also be empty, which implies that this location is mapped to receive
       no response data (the server will still respond to the query, and will not issue an
       NXDOMAIN.  It will simply be a NODATA/NOERROR response like you'd get if there were no
       records of this type, but could be records of other types for the same name).

       The map has slightly different interpretations for GeoIP2 vs GeoIP1 databases:

           The meaningful location keys at the top level are continent codes, of which there are
           primarily seven in MaxMind's databases: "AF" for Africa, "AS" for Asia, "NA" for North
           America, "SA" for South America, "EU" for Europe, "OC" for Oceania, and "AN" for
           Antarctica.  There is also an eighth continent-level code which is, literally, "--".
           This is a sort of fallback "no information available" continent code, and it contains
           the special country codes "A1", "A2", "O1", and "--", which represent Anonymous
           Proxies, Satellite Providers, Other, and Unknown, respsectively.

           The next layer (the sub-hash beneath any continent code) maps ISO-3166-1 2-letter
           country codes, which as with continents can map directly to datacenters, or to yet
           another recursive layer.

           The next two layers deep are for Region and City level information, only available
           from the Region and City type databases.  The Region database type only provides
           region information for the US and Canada, using the standard local 2-letter
           abbreviations (e.g. AB for Alberta, OK for Oklahama).  The City databases use those
           same region abbreviations for the US and Canada, but use either FIPS 10-4 2-letter
           codes or full region names for the rest of the world's regions (as detailed earlier
           in, and controlled by, the "city_region_names" option).

           The actual City names at the final layer appear to be encoded using some form of
           ISO8859-1 and/or CP1252 character set in the databases themselves, and your map
           entries will have to match byte-for-byte in the case of non-ASCII characters.  May
           come up with a better solution for this down the road.

           As with GeoIP1, the top level of the hierarchy is comprised of MaxMind's seven
           continent codes: "AF" for Africa, "AS" for Asia, "NA" for North America, "SA" for
           South America, "EU" for Europe, "OC" for Oceania, and "AN" for Antarctica.  There is
           no special "--" continent for various types of unknowns; those database entries that
           lack some or all information at this level simply take the appropriate defaults for
           the level of detail they possess.

           The next level, again as in GeoIP1, is the ISO 3166-1 2-letter country code.

           From here GeoIP2 has a number of Subdivision levels, the count of which varies for
           different network database entries.  In the US, for example, there is only one level
           of subdivision data for the US States.  In the Czech Republic there are two levels of
           subdivision: first into 14 regions, and then further into 91 districts.  Subdivisions
           are all specified using their ISO 3166-2 codes directly.

           After all subdivision levels, the final level is the City level.  The City names are
           all in the UTF-8 character set.  Currently this plugin only uses the English city
           names from the database, even though other languages may be available depending on the

           As a pragmatic answer to the issues that can arise with multiple subdivision layers,
           in the GeoIP2 case the map automatically searches deeper in the database data when no
           map match is found at a given level of the map hierarchy beneath the Country level.
           This means you can skip over any levels of Subdivision detail in your map that are
           irrelevant to you.  This mostly supplants the practical need for the "city_no_region"
           and "skip_level" functionality that was used with GeoIP1 maps, but those features
           remain functional as well.

           For example, this targets the New Zealand regional council subdivision of Otago
           without explicitly specifying the enclosing subdivision for the South Island:

             { OC => { NZ => { OTA => [...] } } }

           As another example, this works correctly for targeting the city of Paris without
           caring about what layers of subdivisions lie between it and FR:

             { EU => { FR => { Paris => [...] } } }

       There is also one other special key (aside from "default") available at all levels of the
       map hierarchy, a boolean named "skip_level", default "false".  If set within the
       hierarchical "map" at any layer, it causes the next layer of detail to be skipped for this
       portion of the map.  For example, setting this at the very top layer would mean that the
       top layer would contain country-level codes directly, without an enclosing continent-level
       hierarchy.  Setting it within a country would mean that city names are used directly
       within that country, without an intervening layer of region names.  This option is not
       aware of the "city_no_region" option, so e.g. setting that option and specifying
       "skip_level" at the country-level would result in no further information being available
       within that country (as "skip_level" would skip the remaining layer of city data).


       "City-auto-mode" is a special mode of operation that automatically maps out the world to
       your datacenters based on coordinate math, so that you don't have to manually construct a
       complex hierarchical "map".  It can still be mixed with "map" of course, allowing you to
       use auto-mode for only select geographic areas if you wish (or disabling it for select
       areas by specifying manual lists).  The key parameter is "auto_dc_coords", which enables

       "auto_dc_coords = { ... }"
           Key-value hash, optional.  If this option is specified, the whole map's basic mode of
           operation changes to "city-auto-mode".  The contents of the hash are a key for each
           datacenter named in "datacenters", with their values set to an array of "[lat, lon]"
           in decimal degree units.  When city-auto-mode is enabled by this, the following
           configuration-validation changes occur from the default, static-mapping mode: the
           loaded GeoIP database(s) are required be City-level databases, and the special keyword
           "auto" becomes a legal "datacenter list" in the "map" stanza.

           With city-auto-mode enabled, the top-level map "default" defaults to "auto", but can
           be overridden with a manual list.  For any location that maps to "auto", the
           coordinates specified here in "auto_dc_coords" will be compared with the coordinates
           from the City-level database(s) to determine an automatic distance-sorted datacenter

           If you omit one or more defined datacenters from the coordinate list in
           "auto_dc_coords", those datacenters will not be used in automatic results, but will
           still be available for manual use via "map" and/or "nets" entries.

       "auto_dc_limit = N"
           Unsigned integer, optional, default 3.  When city-auto-mode is in effect, this is the
           upper length limit for auto-generated lists.  3 is a reasonable default even if you
           have a considerably longer set of datacenters, as this provides a primary as well as
           two fallbacks.  Raising this to a large number in the presence of a long datacenter
           list will cause the set of unique result datacenter lists to increase rapidly, and
           thus reduce the optimization of the final result database for edns-client-subnet
           purposes.  It's really not worth raising this value in almost any case, unless you
           really need to handle more than 3 random datacenters going offline at the same time
           and still have clients fail elsewhere.  The value zero is treated as unlimited (highly

       Under city-auto-mode, when the top-level default is (explicitly or implicitly) "auto",
       there is still a fallback static ordering which is the whole ordered "datacenters" list,
       which is the normal static default "default" when not in city-auto-mode.  This fallback is
       used when no location information is available at all (e.g. IPv6 client vs IPv4 GeoIP DB,
       Anonymous Proxies, etc).


       A binary program "gdnsd_geoip_test" is included.  This can be used directly from the
       commandline, parses the relevant bits of your gdnsd config file for geoip map info, and
       then provides datacenter list results for IP address + map combinations supplied by the
       user.  Useful for debugging your maps and testing the mapping of client IPs.  It has a
       separate manpage gdnsd_geoip_test(1).


       Resource-level configuration within the "resources" stanza is nearly identical to the
       resources configuration of the metafo plugin, with all of the same basic behaviors about
       synthesizing or directly referencing the configuration of other plugins per-datacenter.
       The only real difference is that metafo's per-resource "datacenters" array is replaced
       with "map => mapname", which references one of the maps defined in the "maps" stanza,
       described in detail earlier.  The set of defined datacenters in the "dcmap" stanza must
       match the total set of datacenters defined by the referenced map, unless
       "undefined_datacenters_ok" is set to "true" (see warnings and documentation above).


       Both of the meta-plugins ("metafo" and "geoip") can reference their own as well as each
       others' resources by direct reference within a "dcmap", so long as a resource does not
       directly refer to itself.  This allows plugin-layering configurations such as geoip ->
       metafo -> weighted, or metafo -> geoip -> multifo, or even metafo -> metafo -> simplefo,

       Bear in mind that once you begin using inter-meta-plugin references, you could create a
       reference loop.  gdnsd does not currently detect or prevent such loops, and they will
       cause complete runtime failure when queried, probably by running out of stack space during

       Additionally, "geoip" can synthesize configuration for "metafo" resources, but the reverse
       does not hold; "metafo" cannot synthesize configuration for "geoip" resources.

IPv4 Compatible Addresses

       This plugin knows of six different relatively-trivial ways to map IPv4 addresses into the
       IPv6 address space.  These are shown below in as much detail matters to this plugin, with
       "NNNN:NNNN" in place of the copied IPv4 address bytes:

                ::0000:NNNN:NNNN/96   # RFC 4291 - v4compat (deprecated)
                ::ffff:NNNN:NNNN/96   # RFC 4291 - v4mapped
           ::ffff:0000:NNNN:NNNN/96   # RFC 2765 - SIIT (obsoleted)
              64:ff9b::NNNN:NNNN/96   # RFC 6052 - Well-Known Prefix
           2001:0000:X:NNNN:NNNN/32   # RFC 4380 - Teredo (IPv4 bits are flipped)
                  2002:NNNN:NNNN::/16 # RFC 3056 - 6to4

           (in the Teredo case above, "X" represents some variable non-zero bytes
            that occupy the center 64 bits of the address).

       All of this plugin's internal lookup databases are IPv6 databases, and any IPv4-like
       information is always stored in the v4compat space within these databases.  When doing
       runtime lookups all other v4-like addresses (raw IPv4 addresses, v4mapped, SIIT, WKP,
       Teredo, and 6to4) are converted to the canonical v4compat IPv6 representation before
       querying the internal databases.  The other representations (v4mapped, SIIT, WKP, Teredo,
       6to4) are Undefined internally, and will never be referenced at lookup-time due to the
       v4compat conversion mentioned earlier.

       The "nets" stanza is not allowed to specify entries in the five undefined v4-like IPv6
       spaces (those other than v4compat).  Specify those networks as normal IPv4 networks or
       v4compat networks instead.  Legitimate IPv6 "nets" entries which happen to be a supernet
       of any v4-like spaces will *not* unduly affect v4-like lookups.  There is no functional
       difference between v4compat and native v4 forms in "nets", e.g. "" and
       "::C000:0200/120" are completely identical.

       GeoIP databases that are natively IPv4-only get all of their data loaded into the v4compat
       space only.  For IPv6 GeoIP databases, by default we load the v4compat space directly
       (which is where MaxMind stores IPv4 data in their IPv6 databases), but ignore the
       v4mapped/SIIT/Teredo/6to4 spaces (some of which are empty in MaxMind's databases, and some
       of which simply alias the v4compat space).  When using an IPv6 GeoIP database combined
       with an IPv4 GeoIP overlay (geoip_db_v4_overlay config), the v4compat space of the IPv6
       database is also ignored on loading, and the direct IPv4 data from the IPv4 databasee
       takes its place.


       A relatively-maximal example config, showing the interaction of valid "maps" and
       "resources" sections:

         service_types => {
           xmpp_svc => { plugin => "tcp_connect", ... }
           www_svc => { plugin => "http_status", ... }
         plugins => {
           geoip => {
             maps => {
               city_region_names => fips_include,
               my_prod_map => {
                 geoip_db => GeoIPCityv6.dat,
                 geoip_db_v4_overlay => GeoIPCity.dat,
                 city_no_region => false, # default
                 datacenters => [us-01, de-01, sg-01],
                 map => {
                     # Hierarchy is Continent -> Country -> Region -> City
                     NA => {
                       US => {
                         skip_level => 1, # skip past region level
                         Dallas => [sg-01],
                     SA => [us-01, sg-01, de-01],
                     EU => {
                       default => [de-01, us-01, sg-01],
                       CH => {
                         Geneve => {
                           Geneva => [sg-01],
                     AF => [de-01, us-01, sg-01],
                     AS => [sg-01, de-01, us-01],
                     OC => [sg-01, us-01, de-01],
                 nets => {
            => [ de-01 ],
                     2001:DB8::/32 => [ us-01 ],
               my_auto_map => {
                 geoip_db => GeoIPCityv6.dat,
                 geoip_db_v4_overlay => GeoIPCity.dat,
                 datacenters => [us-01, de-01, sg-01],
                 auto_dc_coords => {
                    us-01 => [ 38.9, -77 ],
                    de-01 => [ 50.1, 8.7 ],
                    sg-01 => [ 1.3, 103.9 ],
             resources => {
               prod_app => {
                 map => my_auto_map
                 # these two are inherited multifo config keys
                 #  for all of the dcmap below:
                 service_types => [www_svc, xmpp_svc],
                 up_thresh => 0.4,
                 dcmap => {
                   us-01 => {
                     lb01 =>,
                     lb02 =>,
                     lb03 =>,
                     lb01.v6 => 2001:DB8::1,
                     lb02.v6 => 2001:DB8::2,
                     lb03.v6 => 2001:DB8::3,
                   sg-01 => {
                     lb01 =>,
                     lb02 =>,
                     lb03 =>,
                     lb01.v6 => 2001:DB8::4,
                     lb02.v6 => 2001:DB8::5,
                     lb03.v6 => 2001:DB8::6,
                   de-01 => {
                     lb01 =>,
                     lb02 =>,
                     lb03 =>,
                     lb01.v6 => 2001:DB8::7,
                     lb02.v6 => 2001:DB8::8,
                     lb03.v6 => 2001:DB8::9,
               prod_cdn => {
                 map => my_prod_map,
                 dcmap => {
                   us-01 =>
                   sg-01 =>
                   de-01 =>

       Example zonefile RRs:

         app     600 DYNA geoip!prod_app  600 DYNA geoip!prod_app/us-01  600 DYNA geoip!prod_app/sg-01  600 DYNA geoip!prod_app/de-01
         content 600 DYNC geoip!prod_cdn


         plugins => {
           geoip => {
             maps => {
               auto_map => {
                 geoip_db => GeoIPCityv6.dat,
                 datacenters => [dc1, dc2, dc3, dc4],
                 auto_dc_coords => {
                    dc1 => [ 38.9, -77 ],
                    dc2 => [ 50.1, 8.7 ],
                    dc3 => [ 20.2, 88.9 ],
                    dc4 => [ 39.0, -20 ],
                 # only fail through the nearest 2 before giving up:
                 auto_dc_limit => 2,
             resources => {
               www_real => {
                 map => my_auto_map,
                 service_types => [ http, xmpp ],
                 dcmap => {
                   dc1 =>,
                   dc2 =>,
                   dc3 =>,
                   dc4 =>
           metafo => {
             resources => {
               www => {
                 datacenters => [ real, backup ],
                 dcmap => {
                   real => %geoip!www_real,
                   backup =>

         And in the zonefile:

         ; This tries through the closest 2/4 datacenters to
         ;   the client from the geoip map, and if both of
         ;   those are down it returns a CNAME to
         ;   for a downtime message or something:
         www DYNC metafo!www


       gdnsd-plugin-metafo(8), gdnsd_geoip_test(1), gdnsd.config(5), gdnsd.zonefile(5), gdnsd(8)

       The gdnsd manual.

       Copyright (c) 2012 Brandon L Black <>

       This file is part of gdnsd.

       gdnsd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
       GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
       of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

       gdnsd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
       even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
       GNU General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with gdnsd.  If
       not, see <>.