Provided by: calibre_3.21.0+dfsg-1build1_all bug


       calibredb - calibredb

          calibredb command [options] [arguments]

       calibredb  is  the  command  line  interface  to  the  calibre  database.  It  has several
       sub-commands, documented below.

       calibredb can be used to manipulate either a calibre  database  specified  by  path  or  a
       calibre  Content  server running either on the local machine or over the internet. You can
       start a calibre Content server using either the calibre-server  program  or  in  the  main
       calibre  program  click  Connect/share   →  Start Content server. Since calibredb can make
       changes to your calibre libraries, you must setup  authentication  on  the  server  first.
       There are two ways to do that:

          • If  you plan to connect only to a server running on the same computer, you can simply
            use the --enable-local-write option of the content  server,  to  allow  any  program,
            including  calibredb,  running  on the local computer to make changes to your calibre
            data. When running the server from the  main  calibre  program,  this  option  is  in
            Preferences → Sharing over the net → Advanced.

          • If  you  want to enable access over the internet, then you should setup user accounts
            on the server and use the --username and --password options to calibredb to  give  it
            access.   You   can  setup  user  authentication  for  calibre-server  by  using  the
            --enable-auth option and using --manage-users to create the user  accounts.   If  you
            are  running the server from the main calibre program, use Preferences → Sharing over
            the net → Require username/password.

       To connect to a running Content server, pass the URL of the server to  the  --with-library
       option, see the documentation of that option for details and examples.

       • GLOBAALSED VALIKUDlistaddLISAMINE KAUSTADESTremoveadd_formatremove_formatshow_metadataset_metadataexportcatalogEPUB SÄTTEDsaved_searchesadd_custom_columncustom_columnsremove_custom_columnset_customrestore_databasecheck_librarylist_categoriesbackup_metadatacloneembed_metadatasearch


       --help, -h
              näita seda veateadet ja välju

       --library-path, --with-library
              Path to the calibre library. Default is to use the path stored in the settings. You
              can also connect  to  a  calibre  Content  server  to  perform  actions  on  remote
              libraries.  To  do  so  use a URL of the form: http://hostname:port/#library_id for
              example, http://localhost:8080/#mylibrary. library_id is  the  library  id  of  the
              library  you  want  to  connect  to  on the Content server. You can use the special
              library_id value of - to get a list of library ids available  on  the  server.  For
              details    on    how    to    setup    access    via    a   Content   server,   see

              Password for connecting to a calibre Content server.  To  read  the  password  from
              standard  input,  use the special value: <stdin>. To read the password from a file,
              use: <f:/path/to/file> (i.e. <f: followed by the  full  path  to  the  file  and  a
              trailing  >). The angle brackets in the above are required, remember to escape them
              or use quotes for your shell.

              Kasutajanimi calibre Sisuserveriga ühendumiseks

              näita programmi versiooninumbrit ja välju


          calibredb list [suvandid]

       Loetle kõik calibre andmebaasis olevad raamatud.

       Alati  kui  edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid   argumente,   ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

              Sordi tulemusi tõusvas järjekorras

       --fields, -f
              The  fields  to  display  when  listing  books  in  the database. Should be a comma
              separated list of fields. Available fields: author_sort, authors, comments,  cover,
              formats,  identifiers,  isbn, languages, last_modified, pubdate, publisher, rating,
              series, series_index, size, tags, timestamp, title,  uuid  Default:  title,authors.
              The  special  field  "all"  can  be  used  to select all fields. In addition to the
              builtin fields above, custom fields are also available as *field_name, for example,
              for a custom field #rating, use the name: *rating

              Generate  output in JSON format, which is more suitable for machine parsing. Causes
              the line width and separator options to be ignored.

              The maximum number of results to display. Default: all

       --line-width, -w
              The maximum width of a single line in the  output.  Defaults  to  detecting  screen

              Eesliide kõikidele failiradadele. Vaikimisi sätteks on täielik rada kogu kaustani.

       --search, -s
              Filter  the results by the search query. For the format of the search query, please
              see the search related documentation in the  User  Manual.  Default  is  to  do  no

              Sõne, millega väljad eraldada. Vaikimisi on selleks tühik.

              Väli,   mille  põhjal  tulemusi  järjestada.  Saadaovallevad  väljad:  author_sort,
              authors, comments, cover, formats,  identifiers,  isbn,  languages,  last_modified,
              pubdate,  publisher,  rating,  series,  series_index, size, tags, timestamp, title,
              uuid Vaikimisi: id


          calibredb add [suvandid] fail1 fail2 fail3 ...

       Lisa määratletud failid raamatuna andmebaasi. Määrata saab ka  kaustad,  vaata  allolevaid
       kaustaga seotud suvandeid.

       Alati   kui   edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid  argumente,  ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

       --authors, -a
              Määra lisatud raamatu(te) autorid

       --cover, -c
              Rada selle raamatu jaoks kasutatava kaanepildini

       --duplicates, -d
              Lisa andmebaasi raamatud isegi siis, kui need on juba olemas.  Võrdlus  teostatakse
              raamatute pealkirja põhjal.

       --empty, -e
              Lisa tühi raamat (Raamat ilma formaatideta)

       --identifier, -I
              Määra selle raamatu identifikaatorid, näiteks -I asin:XXX -I isbn:YYY

       --isbn, -i
              Määra lisatud raamatu(te) ISBN

       --languages, -l
              Komaeraldusega  loend  keeltest  (parim  on  kasutada  ISO639 keelekoode, kuigi ära
              võidakse tunda ka mõned keelenimed)

       --series, -s
              Määra lisatud raamatu(te) sari

       --series-index, -S
              Määra lisatud raamatu(te) järjenumber sarjas

       --tags, -T
              Määra lisatud raamatu(te) sildid

       --title, -t
              Määra lisatud raamatu(te) pealkiri

       Sätted raamatute  kaustadest  lisamise  juhtimiseks.  Vaikimisi  lisatakse  ainult  tuntud
       e-raamatu failitüübi laiendiga failid.

       --add  Failinime  (glob)  muster,  sellele  mustrile  vastavad failid lisatakse kaustadest
              failide skannimisel, isegi kui need ei ole tuntud e-raamatute  faili  tüübid.  Saab
              mitme mustri jaoks määratleda mitu korda.

              Failinime  (glob)  muster,  sellele  mustrile  vastavaid faile eiratakse kaustadest
              failide skannimisel. Saab mitme mustri jaoks määratleda mitu korda. Näiteks:  *.pdf
              eirab kõiki pdf-faile

       --one-book-per-directory, -1
              Eelda,  et igas kaustas on ainult üks loogiline raamat ja kõik selles olevad failid
              on tolle raamatu erinevad e-raamatu formaadid

       --recurse, -r
              Töötle kaustu rekursiivselt


          calibredb remove ids

       Remove the books identified by ids from the database. ids should be a comma separated list
       of  id  numbers  (you  can  get  id  numbers  by  using  the search command). For example,
       23,34,57-85 (when specifying a range, the last number in the range is not included).

       Alati  kui  edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid   argumente,   ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

              Ära kasuta prügikasti


          calibredb add_format [options] id ebook_file

       Add  the  e-book in ebook_file to the available formats for the logical book identified by
       id. You can get id by using the search command.  If  the  format  already  exists,  it  is
       replaced, unless the do not replace option is specified.

       Alati   kui   edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid  argumente,  ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

              Ära asenda formaati, kui see on juba olemas


          calibredb remove_format [options] id fmt

       Remove the format fmt from the logical book identified by id. You can get id by using  the
       search  command.  fmt  should  be a file extension like LRF or TXT or EPUB. If the logical
       book does not have fmt available, do nothing.

       Alati  kui  edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid   argumente,   ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"


          calibredb show_metadata [options] id

       Show  the metadata stored in the calibre database for the book identified by id.  id is an
       id number from the search command.

       Alati  kui  edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid   argumente,   ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

              Prindi metaandmed OPF-vormis (XML)


          calibredb set_metadata [options] id [/path/to/metadata.opf]

       Set the metadata stored in the calibre database for the book identified by id from the OPF
       file metadata.opf. id is an id number from the search command. You can get  a  quick  feel
       for the OPF format by using the --as-opf switch to the show_metadata command. You can also
       set the metadata of individual fields with the --field option.  If  you  use  the  --field
       option, there is no need to specify an OPF file.

       Alati   kui   edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid  argumente,  ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

       --field, -f
              The field to set. Format is field_name:value, for example: --field  tags:tag1,tag2.
              Use  --list-fields  to  get  a list of all field names. You can specify this option
              multiple times to set multiple fields. Note: For languages you must use the  ISO639
              language codes (e.g. en for English, fr for French and so on). For identifiers, the
              syntax is --field identifiers:isbn:XXXX,doi:YYYYY. For boolean (yes/no) fields  use
              true and false or yes and no.

       --list-fields, -l
              Loetle metaandmete väljanimed, mida saab suvandiga --field kasutada


          calibredb export [options] ids

       Export  the books specified by ids (a comma separated list) to the filesystem.  The export
       operation saves all formats of the book, its cover and metadata (in an opf file). You  can
       get id numbers from the search command.

       Alati   kui   edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid  argumente,  ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

       --all  Ekspordi kõik raamatud andmebaasis, eirates id-de loendit.

              Normally, calibre will convert all non English characters into English  equivalents
              for  the  file names. WARNING: If you turn this off, you may experience errors when
              saving, depending on how well the filesystem you are saving  to  supports  unicode.
              Selle lüliti määratlemine keelab selle käitumise.

              Normally,  calibre  will  save  the  cover in a separate file along with the actual
              e-book files. Selle lüliti määratlemine keelab selle käitumise.

              Normally, calibre will update the metadata in the saved files from what is  in  the
              calibre  library.  Makes  saving  to  disk slower. Selle lüliti määratlemine keelab
              selle käitumise.

              Normally, calibre will write the metadata into a separate OPF file along  with  the
              actual e-book files. Selle lüliti määratlemine keelab selle käitumise.

              Comma  separated  list  of  formats to save for each book. By default all available
              formats are saved.

              Report progress

              Asenda tühikud allkriipsudega.

              Ekspordi kõik raamatud ühte kausta

              The template to control the filename and directory structure of  the  saved  files.
              Default is "{author_sort}/{title}/{title} - {authors}" which will save books into a
              per-author subdirectory with  filenames  containing  title  and  author.  Available
              controls  are:  {author_sort, authors, id, isbn, languages, last_modified, pubdate,
              publisher, rating, series, series_index, tags, timestamp, title}

              Kuupäevade näitamise vorming. %d - päev, %b - kuu, %m - kuu järjekorranumber, %Y  -
              aastaarv. Vaikimisi säte: %b, %Y

              Ekspordi raamatud määratud kausta. Vaikimisi on .

              Teisenda rajad väiketähtedesse.


          calibredb catalog /path/to/destination.(csv|epub|mobi|xml...) [options]

       Export  a  catalog  in format specified by path/to/destination extension.  Options control
       how entries are displayed in the generated catalog output.  Note  that  different  catalog
       formats support different sets of options.

       Alati   kui   edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid  argumente,  ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

       --ids, -i
              Comma-separated list of database IDs to catalog. If declared, --search is  ignored.
              Default: all

       --search, -s
              Filter  the results by the search query. For the format of the search query, please
              see the search-related documentation in the User Manual. Default: no filtering

       --verbose, -v
              Näita üksikasjalikku väljundi teavet. Kasulik veaotsingul

              Title of generated catalog used as title in metadata. Default: 'My  Books'  Applies
              to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Create  cross-references  in  Authors  section  for  books  with  multiple authors.
              Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Save the output from different stages of the conversion pipeline to  the  specified
              directory.  Useful if you are unsure at which stage of the conversion process a bug
              is occurring. Default: 'None' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Regex describing tags to exclude as genres. Default: '[.+]|^+$' excludes  bracketed
              tags,  e.g. '[Project Gutenberg]', and '+', the default tag for read books. Applies
              to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Specifies the rules used to exclude books from the generated catalog. The model for
              an exclusion rule is either ('<rule name>','Tags','<comma-separated list of tags>')
              or  ('<rule  name>','<custom  column>','<pattern>').   For   example:   (('Archived
              books','#status','Archived'),)  will  exclude  a book with a value of 'Archived' in
              the custom column 'status'. When multiple rules are  defined,  all  rules  will  be
              applied.  Default:  "(('Catalogs','Tags','Catalog'),)" Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI
              output formats

              Kaasa kataloogis sektsioon 'Autorid'. Vaikimisi: 'False' Rakendub: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI

              Kaasa  kataloogis sektsioon 'Kirjeldused'. Vaikimisi: 'False' Rakendub: AZW3, EPUB,
              MOBI väljundformaadid

              Kaasa kataloogis sektsioon 'Žanrid'. Vaikimisi: 'False' Rakendub: AZW3, EPUB,  MOBI

              Kaasa  kataloogis  sektsioon  'Hiljuti lisatud'. Vaikimisi: 'False' Rakendub: AZW3,
              EPUB, MOBI väljundformaadid

              Kaasa kataloogis sektsioon 'Sarjad'. Vaikimisi: 'False' Rakendub: AZW3, EPUB,  MOBI

              Kaasa  kataloogis  sektsioon 'Pealkirjad'. Vaikimisi: 'False' Rakendub: AZW3, EPUB,
              MOBI väljundformaadid

              Sektsiooni 'Žanrid' allika väli. Vaikimisi: 'Sildid'  Rakendub:  AZW3,  EPUB,  MOBI

              Custom  field  containing  note  text  to insert in Description header. Default: ''
              Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              #<custom  field>:[before|after]:[True|False]  specifying:   <custom  field>  Custom
              field  containing  notes  to merge with Comments  [before|after] Placement of notes
              with respect to Comments  [True|False] - A  horizontal  rule  is  inserted  between
              notes and Comments Default: '::' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Specifies  the  output  profile.  In  some  cases, an output profile is required to
              optimize the catalog for the device. For example, 'kindle' or 'kindle_dx' creates a
              structured  Table  of  Contents with Sections and Articles. Default: 'None' Applies
              to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Specifies the rules used to include prefixes indicating read books, wishlist  items
              and  other  user-specified  prefixes.  The  model  for  a  prefix  rule  is ('<rule
              name>','<source field>','<pattern>','<prefix>'). When multiple rules  are  defined,
              the     first     matching     rule     will    be    used.    Default:    "(('Read
              books','tags','+',''),('Wishlist item','tags','Wishlist','×'))" Applies to:  AZW3,
              EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Use  a  named  preset  created with the GUI catalog builder. A preset specifies all
              settings for building a catalog. Default:  'None'  Applies  to:  AZW3,  EPUB,  MOBI
              output formats

              Size  hint  (in inches) for book covers in catalog. Range: 1.0 - 2.0 Default: '1.0'
              Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

              Replace existing cover when generating the catalog. Default:  'False'  Applies  to:
              AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats


          calibredb saved_searches [options] (list|add|remove)

       Manage  the saved searches stored in this database.  If you try to add a query with a name
       that already exists, it will be replaced.

       Syntax for adding:

       calibredb saved_searches add search_name search_expression

       Syntax for removing:

       calibredb saved_searches remove search_name

       Alati  kui  edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid   argumente,   ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"


          calibredb add_custom_column [options] label name datatype

       Create  a  custom  column.  label  is  the machine friendly name of the column. Should not
       contain spaces or colons. name is the human friendly name of the column.  datatype is  one
       of: bool, comments, composite, datetime, enumeration, float, int, rating, series, text

       Alati   kui   edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid  argumente,  ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

              A dictionary of  options  to  customize  how  the  data  in  this  column  will  be
              interpreted.  This  is  a  JSON   string. For enumeration columns, use --display"{\
              "enum_values\ ":[\ "val1\ ", \ "val2\ "]}" There are many options that can go  into
              the display variable.The options by column type are: composite: composite_template,
              composite_sort, make_category,contains_html, use_decorations datetime:  date_format
              enumeration:  enum_values,  enum_colors,  use_decorations int, float: number_format
              text: is_names, use_decorations  The best way to  find  legal  combinations  is  to
              create  a  custom column of the appropriate type in the GUI then look at the backup
              OPF for a book (ensure that a new OPF has been created since the column was added).
              You will see the JSON for the "display" for the new column in the OPF.

              See  veerg  talletab  sildi-laadseid andmeid (s.t. mitu komaga eraldatud väärtusi).
              Kasutatav ainult juhul, kui andmetüüp on tekst.


          calibredb custom_columns [suvandid]

       Loetleb saadaolevad kohandatud veerud. Näitab veeru silte ja id-sid.

       Alati  kui  edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid   argumente,   ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

       --details, -d
              Näita iga veeru üksikasju.


          calibredb remove_custom_column [options] label

       Remove  the  custom  column  identified  by  label. You can see available columns with the
       custom_columns command.

       Alati  kui  edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid   argumente,   ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

       --force, -f
              Ära küsi kinnitust


          calibredb set_custom [options] column id value

       Set the value of a custom column for the book identified by id.  You can get a list of ids
       using the search  command.   You  can  get  a  list  of  custom  column  names  using  the
       custom_columns command.

       Alati   kui   edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid  argumente,  ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

       --append, -a
              If the column stores multiple values, append the specified values to  the  existing
              ones, instead of replacing them.


          calibredb restore_database [options]

       Restore  this  database  from  the  metadata  stored in OPF files in each directory of the
       calibre library. This is useful if your metadata.db file has been corrupted.

       WARNING: This command completely regenerates  your  database.  You  will  lose  all  saved
       searches,  user  categories,  plugboards,  stored per-book conversion settings, and custom
       recipes. Restored metadata will only be as accurate as what is found in the OPF files.

       Alati  kui  edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid   argumente,   ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

       --really-do-it, -r
              Really do the recovery. The command will not run unless this option is specified.


          calibredb check_library [options]

       Perform  some checks on the filesystem representing a library. Reports are invalid_titles,
       extra_titles, invalid_authors, extra_authors, missing_formats, extra_formats, extra_files,
       missing_covers, extra_covers, failed_folders

       Alati   kui   edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid  argumente,  ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

       --csv, -c
              Väljund CSV-s

       --ignore_extensions, -e
              Comma-separated list of extensions to ignore. Default: all

       --ignore_names, -n
              Comma-separated list of names to ignore. Default: all

       --report, -r
              Comma-separated list of reports. Default: all


          calibredb list_categories [options]

       Produce a report of the category information in  the  database.  The  information  is  the
       equivalent of what is shown in the tags pane.

       Alati   kui   edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid  argumente,  ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

       --categories, -r
              Comma-separated list of category lookup names. Default: all

       --csv, -c
              Väljund CSV-s

              Loodava CSV-faili tüüp. Valikud: excel, excel-tab

       --item_count, -i
              Output only the number of items in a category instead of the counts per item within
              the category

       --width, -w
              The  maximum  width  of  a  single line in the output. Defaults to detecting screen


          calibredb backup_metadata [options]

       Backup the metadata stored in the  database  into  individual  OPF  files  in  each  books
       directory.  This  normally  happens  automatically,  but you can run this command to force
       re-generation of the OPF files, with the --all option.

       Note that there is normally  no  need  to  do  this,  as  the  OPF  files  are  backed  up
       automatically, every time metadata is changed.

       Alati   kui   edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid  argumente,  ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

       --all  Tavaliselt töötab see käsk ainult  vananenud  OPF-failidega  raamatutel.  See  säte
              paneb selle töötama kõikidel raamatutel.


          calibredb clone path/to/new/library

       Create  a clone of the current library. This creates a new, empty library that has all the
       same custom columns, virtual libraries and other settings as the current library.

       The cloned library will contain no  books.  If  you  want  to  create  a  full  duplicate,
       including all books, then simply use your filesystem tools to copy the library folder.

       Alati   kui   edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid  argumente,  ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"


          calibredb embed_metadata [options] book_id

       Update the metadata in the actual book files  stored  in  the  calibre  library  from  the
       metadata in the calibre database.  Normally, metadata is updated only when exporting files
       from calibre, this command is useful if you want the files to be updated  in  place.  Note
       that different file formats support different amounts of metadata. You can use the special
       value 'all' for book_id to update metadata in all books. You can also  specify  many  book
       ids  separated  by  spaces  and  id  ranges  separated  by hyphens. For example: calibredb
       embed_metadata 1 2 10-15 23

       Alati  kui  edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid   argumente,   ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

       --only-formats, -f
              Uuenda  metaandmeid  ainult  määratletud  formaatide failides. Mitme formaadi jaoks
              määratle see mitu korda. Vaikimisi uuendatakse kõiki formaate.


          calibredb search [options] search expression

       Search the library for the specified search term, returning a comma separated list of book
       ids  matching  the  search  expression.  The  output  format  is useful to feed into other
       commands that accept a list of ids as input.

       The search expression can be anything from calibre's powerful search query  language,  for
       example: author:asimov title:robot

       Alati   kui   edastad  programmile  calibredb  tühikuid  sisaldavaid  argumente,  ümbritse
       argumendid jutumärkidega. Näiteks: "/some path/with spaces"

       --limit, -l
              Tagastatavate tulemuste suurim arv. Vaikesätteks on kõik tulemused.


       Kovid Goyal


       Kovid Goyal