bionic (1) Atropos.1.gz

Provided by: ants_2.2.0-1ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       Atropos - part of ANTS registration suite



              A  finite  mixture  modeling  (FMM)  segmentation approach with possibilities for specifying prior
              constraints. These prior constraints include the specification  of  a  prior  label  image,  prior
              probability  images  (one for each class), and/or an MRF prior to enforce spatial smoothing of the
              labels. Similar algorithms include FAST and SPM. Reference: Avants BB, Tustison NJ, Wu J, Cook PA,
              Gee  JC. An open source multivariate framework for n-tissue segmentation with evaluation on public
              data. Neuroinformatics. 2011 Dec;9(4):381-400.

       -d, --image-dimensionality 2/3/4

              This option forces the image to be treated as a specified-dimensional  image.  If  not  specified,
              Atropos tries to infer the dimensionality from the first input image.

       -a, --intensity-image [intensityImage,<adaptiveSmoothingWeight>]

              One or more scalar images is specified for segmentation using the -a/--intensity-image option. For
              segmentation scenarios with no prior information,  the  first  scalar  image  encountered  on  the
              command  line is used to order labelings such that the class with the smallest intensity signature
              is class '1' through class 'N' which represents the voxels with the largest intensity values.  The
              optional  adaptive  smoothing  weight  parameter  is  applicable  only  when  using prior label or
              probability images. This scalar parameter is to be specified  between  [0,1]  which  smooths  each
              labeled  region separately and modulates the intensity measurement at each voxel in each intensity
              image between the original intensity and its smoothed counterpart. The smoothness  parameters  are
              governed by the -b/--bspline option.

       -b, --bspline [<numberOfLevels=6>,<initialMeshResolution=1x1x...>,<splineOrder=3>]

              If  the  adaptive  smoothing weights are > 0, the intensity images are smoothed in calculating the
              likelihood values. This is to account for subtle intensity  differences  across  the  same  tissue

       -i, --initialization Random[numberOfClasses]
              Otsu[numberOfTissueClasses]  KMeans[numberOfTissueClasses,<clusterCenters(in  ascending  order and
              for                 first                 intensity                 image                  only)>]
              PriorProbabilityImages[numberOfTissueClasses,fileSeriesFormat(index=1   to   numberOfClasses)   or

              To  initialize the FMM parameters, one of the following options must be specified. If one does not
              have prior label or probability images we recommend using kmeans as it is  typically  faster  than
              otsu  and can be used with multivariate initialization. However, since a Euclidean distance on the
              inter cluster distances is used, one might  have  to  appropriately  scale  the  additional  input
              images.  Random  initialization  is  meant purely for intellectual curiosity.  The prior weighting
              (specified in the range [0,1]) is used to modulate the calculation of the posterior  probabilities
              between  the  likelihood*mrfprior  and  the  likelihood*mrfprior*prior.  For specifying many prior
              probability images for a multi-label segmentation, we offer a minimize usage option (see -m). With
              that  option  one  can  specify a prior probability threshold in which only those pixels exceeding
              that threshold are stored in memory.

       -s, --partial-volume-label-set label1xlabel2xlabel3

              The partial volume estimation option allows one to modelmixtures of classes within single  voxels.
              Atropos  currently  allows the user to model two class mixtures per partial volume class. The user
              specifies a set of class labels per partial volume class requested. For example, suppose the  user
              was  performing a classic 3-tissue segmentation (csf, gm, wm) using kmeans initialization. Suppose
              the user also wanted to model the partial voluming effects between  csf/gm  and  gm/wm.  The  user
              would  specify  it  using  -i  kmeans[3] and -s 1x2 -s 2x3. So, for this example, there would be 3
              tissue classes and 2 partial  volume  classes.   Optionally,the  user  can  limit  partial  volume
              handling to mrf considerations only whereby the output would only be the three tissues.

       --use-partial-volume-likelihoods 1/(0)

              The  user  can  specify  whether  or  not to use the partial volume likelihoods, in which case the
              partial volume class is considered separate from the tissue classes. Alternatively,  one  can  use
              the  MRF  only to handle partial volume in which case, partial volume voxels are not considered as
              separate classes.

       -p,                                                                               --posterior-formulation

              Different  posterior  probability  formulations  are  possible as are different update options. To
              guarantee theoretical convergence properties, a proper  formulation  of  the  well-known  iterated
              conditional  modes  (ICM)  uses  an  asynchronous  update  step modulated by a specified annealing
              temperature. If one sets the AnnealingTemperature > 1 in the posterior formulation  a  traditional
              code  set  for a proper ICM update will be created. Otherwise, a synchronous update step will take
              place at each iteration. The  annealing  temperature,  T,  converts  the  posteriorProbability  to
              posteriorProbability^(1/T) over the course of optimization.

       -x, --mask-image maskImageFilename

              The  image  mask  (which  is  required)  defines  the region which is to be labeled by the Atropos

       -c, --convergence numberOfIterations

              Convergence is determined by calculating the mean maximum posterior probability over the region of
              interest  at  each  iteration.  When  this  value  decreases  or increases less than the specified
              threshold from the previous iteration or the maximum number of iterations is exceeded the  program

       -k, --likelihood-model Gaussian
              <orientationSigma=1.0>, <numberOfOrientationBins=32>] LogEuclideanGaussian

              Both parametric and non-parametric options exist in Atropos. The  Gaussian  parametric  option  is
              commonly  used  (e.g.  SPM  & FAST) where the mean and standard deviation for the Gaussian of each
              class is calculated at each iteration. Other groups use non-parametric approaches  exemplified  by
              option 2. We recommend using options 1 or 2 as they are fairly standard and the default parameters
              work adequately.

       -m, --mrf [<smoothingFactor=0.3>,<radius=1x1x...>]


              Markov random field (MRF) theory provides a general framework for enforcing  spatially  contextual
              constraints  on the segmentation solution. The default smoothing factor of 0.3 provides a moderate
              amount of smoothing. Increasing this number causes more smoothing whereas  decreasing  the  number
              lessens  the  smoothing.  The  radius  parameter  specifies the mrf neighborhood. Different update
              schemes are possible but only the asynchronous updating has theoretical convergence properties.

       -g, --icm [<useAsynchronousUpdate=1>,<maximumNumberOfICMIterations=1>,<icmCodeImage=''>]

              Asynchronous updating requires the construction of an ICM code image which is a label image  (with
              labels in the range {1,..,MaximumICMCode}) constructed such that no MRF neighborhood has duplicate
              ICM code labels. Thus, to update the voxel class labels we iterate through the  code  labels  and,
              for  each  code  label, we iterate through the image and update the voxel class label that has the
              corresponding ICM code label. One can print out the ICM code image by specifying an ITK-compatible
              image filename.

       -r, --use-random-seed 0/(1)

              Initialize  internal  random  number  generator  with  a random seed. Otherwise, initialize with a
              constant seed number.

       -o, --output [classifiedImage,<posteriorProbabilityImageFileNameFormat>]

              The output consists of a labeled image where each voxel in the masked region is assigned  a  label
              from  1,  2, ..., N. Optionally, one can also output the posterior probability images specified in
              the same format as the prior probability images,  e.g.  posterior%02d.nii.gz  (C-style  file  name

       -u, --minimize-memory-usage (0)/1

              By default, memory usage is not minimized, however, if this is needed, the various probability and
              distance images are calculated on the fly instead of being stored in  memory  at  each  iteration.
              Also,  if  prior  probability  images are used, only the non-negligible pixel values are stored in
              memory.  <VALUES>: 0

       -w, --winsorize-outliers BoxPlot[<lowerPercentile=0.25>,<upperPercentile=0.75>,<whiskerLength=1.5>]

              To remove the effects of outliers in calculating the weighted mean and  weighted  covariance,  the
              user can opt to remove the outliers through the options specified below.

       -e, --use-euclidean-distance (0)/1

              Given prior label or probability images, the labels are propagated throughout the masked region so
              that every voxel in the mask is labeled. Propagation is done by using a signed distance  transform
              of  the label. Alternatively, propagation of the labels with the fast marching filter respects the
              distance along the shape of the mask (e.g. the sinuous sulci and gyri of the cortex.  <VALUES>: 0

       -l, --label-propagation whichLabel[lambda=0.0,<boundaryProbability=1.0>]

              The propagation of each prior label can be controlled  by  the  lambda  and  boundary  probability
              parameters.  The  latter  parameter  is  the  probability (in the range [0,1]) of the label on the
              boundary which increases linearly to a maximum value of 1.0 in the interior of the labeled region.
              The former parameter dictates the exponential decay of probability propagation outside the labeled
              region from the boundary probability, i.e. boundaryProbability*exp( -lambda * distance ).

       -v, --verbose (0)/1

              Verbose output.


              Print the help menu (short version).


              Print the help menu.  <VALUES>: 1