bionic (1) NonLocalSuperResolution.1.gz

NonLocalSuperResolution - part of ANTS registration suite
COMMAND: NonLocalSuperResolution Non-local super resolution described in the following papers: 1) JV Manjon, P Coupe, A Buades, V Fonov, DL Collins, and Montserrat Robles. Non-local MRI Upsampling.Medical Image Analysis, 14:784-792, 2010 and2) JV Manjon, P Coupe, A Buades, DL Collins, and Montserrat Robles. MRI Superresolution Using Self-Similarity and Image Priors.International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2010. OPTIONS: -d, --image-dimensionality 2/3/4 This option forces the image to be treated as a specified-dimensional image. If not specified, the program tries to infer the dimensionality from the input image. -i, --input-image inputImageFilename A low-resolution image input image to be superresoluted. -j, --interpolated-image inputImageFilename An interpolated version of the low-resolution image (such as B-spline). One should specify either this option as a secondary input or a high-resolution multi-modal counterpart (cf the -k option). -k, --reference-image inputImageFilename A high resolution reference multi-modal image. Assumed to be in the same space as the low-resolution input image (i.e., registered).One should specify either this option as a secondary input or an interpolated version (cf the -j option). -p, --patch-radius 1 1x1x1 Patch radius. Default = 1x1x1 -r, --search-radius 3 3x3x3 Search radius. Default = 3x3x3. -g, --intensity-difference-sigma 1.0 Intensity difference sigma. Default = 1.0 -t, --patch-similarity-sigma 1.0 Patch similarity sigma. Default = 1.0 -s, --scale-levels 32x16x8x2x1 Scale levels. Default = 32x16x8x2x1 -n, --interpolation Linear NearestNeighbor Gaussian[<sigma=imageSpacing>,<alpha=1.0>] BSpline[<order=3>] CosineWindowedSinc WelchWindowedSinc HammingWindowedSinc LanczosWindowedSinc Several interpolation options are available in ITK. These have all been made available. -o, --output outputImage The output consists of the noise corrected version of the input image. Optionally, one can also output the estimated noise image. --version Get Version Information. -v, --verbose (0)/1 Verbose output. -h Print the help menu (short version). --help Print the help menu. <VALUES>: 1