bionic (1) Q80_model_4_1_commandLine.1.gz

Q80_model_4_0_commandLine - female version of 2015 risk analysis Q80_model_4_1_commandLine - male version of 2015 risk analysis Usage: Q77_qrisk2_2013_0_commandLine age b_AF b_ra b_renal b_treatedhyp b_type1 b_type2 bmi ethrisk fh_cvd rati sbp smoke_cat surv town Q77_qrisk2_2013_1_commandLine age b_AF b_ra b_renal b_treatedhyp b_type1 b_type2 bmi ethrisk fh_cvd rati sbp smoke_cat surv town age age of person (30..84) b_AF Atrial fibrillation (0..1) b_ra Rheumatoid arthritis (0..1) b_renal b_treatedhyp On blood pressure treatment (0..1) b_type1 Diabetic type 1 (0..1) b_type2 Diabetic type 2 (0..1) bmi Body Mass Index (20..40) ethrisk Ethnicity 1 white or not stated 2 Indian 3 Pakistani 4 Bangladeshi 5 Other Asian 6 Black Caribbean 7 Black African 8 Chinese 9 Other ethnic group fh_cvd rati Cholesterol/HDL ratio (1..12) sbp Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) (70..210) smoke_cat Smoking status (0..4) 0 non smoker 1 ex smoker 2 light smoker (<10) 3 moderate smoker (10..19) 4 heavy smoker >=20 surv town UK postcode