Provided by: ansiweather_1.11-1_all 

ansiweather — weather in terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols
ansiweather [-F] [-l location] [-u system] [-f days] [-a value] [-s value] [-k key] [-w value] [-h value] [-p value] [-d value] [-v value]
ansiweather is a shell script for displaying the current weather conditions in a terminal, with support for ANSI colors and Unicode symbols. Weather data comes from the OpenWeatherMap free weather API. The options are as follows: -l location Specify location -u system Specify unit system to use ( metric or imperial ) -f days Toggle forecast mode for the specified number of upcoming days -F Toggle forecast mode for the next five days -a value Toggle ANSI colors display ( true or false ) -s value Toggle symbols display ( true or false ) -k key Specify OpenWeatherMap API key -w value Toggle wind data display ( true or false ) -h value Toggle humidity data display ( true or false ) -p value Toggle pressure data display ( true or false ) -d value Toggle daylight data display ( true or false ) -v Display version
Display forecast using metric units for the next five days (showing symbols and daylight data) for Rzeszow, Poland: ansiweather -l Rzeszow,PL -u metric -s true -f 5 -d true
ansiweather was written by Frederic Cambus.