bionic (1) antsSliceRegularizedRegistration.1.gz

Provided by: ants_2.2.0-1ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       antsSliceRegularizedRegistration - part of ANTS registration suite



              antsSliceRegularizedRegistration  This  program  is  a  user-level  application for slice-by-slice
              translation registration. Results are regularized in z using polynomial regression. The program is
              targeted at spinal cord MRI. Only one stage is supported where a stage consists of a transform; an
              image metric; and iterations, shrink factors, and smoothing sigmas for each level. Specialized for
              3D  data:  fixed  image  is  3D, moving image is 3D. Registration is performed slice-by-slice then
              regularized  in  z.  The  parameter  -p  controls  the  polynomial   degree.   -p   0   means   no
              regularization.Implemented by B. Avants and conceived by Julien Cohen-Adad.


              OutputPrefixTxTy_poly.csv: polynomial fit to Tx &


              OutputPrefix.nii.gz: transformed image

       Example call:

              antsSliceRegularizedRegistration  -p  4  --output  [OutputPrefix,OutputPrefix.nii.gz]  --transform
              Translation[0.1] --metric MI[ fixed.nii.gz, moving.nii.gz , 1 , 16 , Regular , 0.2 ]  --iterations
              20 --shrinkFactors 1 --smoothingSigmas 0

       -m,                                                                                              --metric


              Four image metrics  are  available---  GC  :  global  correlation,  CC:  ANTS  neighborhood  cross
              correlation, MI: Mutual information, and MeanSquares: mean-squares intensity difference. Note that
              the metricWeight is currently not used. Rather, it is a temporary place holder until  multivariate
              metrics are available for a single stage.

       -x, --mask mask-in-fixed-image-space.nii.gz

              Fixed image mask to limit voxels considered by the metric.

       -n, --interpolation Linear
              NearestNeighbor                                       MultiLabel[<sigma=imageSpacing>,<alpha=4.0>]
              Gaussian[<sigma=imageSpacing>,<alpha=1.0>] BSpline[<order=3>] CosineWindowedSinc WelchWindowedSinc
              HammingWindowedSinc LanczosWindowedSinc GenericLabel[<interpolator=Linear>]

              Several interpolation options are available in ITK. These have all been made available.

       -t, --transform Translation[gradientStep]
              Rigid[gradientStep] Similarity[gradientStep]

              Several  transform  options  are  available.  The  gradientStep  orlearningRate  characterizes the
              gradient descent optimization and is scaled appropriately  for  each  transform  using  the  shift
              scales  estimator.  Subsequent  parameters  are  transform-specific and can be determined from the

       -i, --iterations MxNx0...

              Specify the number of iterations at each level.

       -s, --smoothingSigmas MxNx0...

              Specify the amount of smoothing at each level.

       -f, --shrinkFactors MxNx0...

              Specify the shrink factor for the virtual domain (typically the fixed image) at each level.

       -o, --output [outputTransformPrefix,<outputWarpedImage>,<outputAverageImage>]

              Specify the output transform prefix (output format is .nii.gz ).Optionally, one can choose to warp
              the  moving image to the fixed space and, if the inverse transform exists, one can also output the
              warped fixed image.

       -h, --help

              Print the help menu (short version).  <VALUES>: 1, 0

       -v, --verbose

              verbose option <VALUES>: 0

       -p, --polydegree

              degree  of  polynomial  -  up  to  zDimension-2.  Controls  the  polynomial  degree.  0  means  no
              regularization.  This may be a vector denoted by 2x2x1 for a 3-parameter transform ( e.g. rigid ).
              This would regularize the translation by 2nd degree  polynomial  and  the  rotation  by  a  linear