bionic (1) as31.1.gz

Provided by: as31_2.3.1-6build1_amd64 bug


       as31 - An Intel 8031/8051 assembler


       as31 [-h] [-l] [-s] [-v] [-Aarg] [-Ffmt] [-Ofile] infile.asm


       As31  assembles  infile.asm  into  one  of several different output formats. The output will be in a file
       called infile.obj. The .asm extenstion is required.


       The options must appear before the input file name. Both options are optional. The text of each flag must
       appear on the same argument as the flag. For example, "-Fod" is a valid argument, but "-F od" is not.

       -h     This  causes  the assembler to print out a verbose message describing its options.  The message is
              written to the standard error.

       -l     This option tells the assembler to also generate a listing file.  A listing will be placed in  the
              file  infile.lst.  Where  'infile'  is  the  file  that is being assembled. This option may appear
              anywhere before infile.asm. The option must occur isolated on the command line.

              The listing file shows the assembler generated code in hex, and up to 60 characters  are  retained
              from the source file.

       -s     This causes the assembler to write output to standard output.

       -v     This causes the assembler to print a version number to the standard output.

       -Aarg  This  option  specifies  a  format  specific  string which is passed to the format generator. Both
              format "tdr" and the srecord formats use this option.

              This options specifies the output format that is to be used.

              Currently the only options available for this are:

              hex    This format is the Intel HEX format which is expected by a number of EPROM programmers  and
                     the  PAULMON debugger.  For use with some programmers, the output file's extension may have
                     to be changed to .HEX to be recognized by the programmer.  No  -A  option  is  used.   This
                     format should be the default if no -F option is used.

              tdr    This  format generates an asci file of hex digits formatted in such a way, so that they can
                     be read by tdr's debugger. An argument can be specified (See -A option) which will  pass  a
                     format  specific  string  to  the  format  generator.  In  this  case,  the argument string
                     represents an offset to add to the location counter. This offset is  specified  in  decimal
                     and  defaults  to  64*1024  (0x10000).  To specify and offset of 100, you would need "-Ftdr
                     -A100" when invoking the assembler.

              byte   This format is simply an address and a byte on each line, in ascii.  No -A option is used.

              od     This format is similar to the output from od(1). The format consists of an address followed
                     by sixteen hexadecimal bytes, followed by the equivilant ASCII. No -A option is used.

              srec2, srec3, srec4
                     The  srecord  generator  is  capable  of  generating output with any one of 2, 3, or 4 byte
                     addresses. The -A option can be used to set the base address offset, the  default  here  is
                     0x0000 (unlike tdr).

              NOTE: This assembler allows for the output formats to be expanded to include many different output

       -Ofile This option tells the assembler to write the output to a file.


       This assembler accepts standard 8031/8051 instruction formats.  Below  is  a  list  of  instructions  and
       addressing modes.

              INSTRUCTION                             BYTES     CYCLES
              -----------                             -----     ------
              ACALL     addr11                        2         24
              ADD       A, #data8                     2         12
              ADD       A, @Ri                        1         12
              ADD       A, Rn                         1         12
              ADD       A, direct                     2         12
              ADDC      A, #data8                     2         12
              ADDC      A, @Ri                        1         12
              ADDC      A, Rn                         1         12
              ADDC      A, direct                     2         12
              AJMP      addr11                        2         24
              ANL       A, #data8                     2         12
              ANL       A, @Ri                        1         12
              ANL       A, Rn                         1         12
              ANL       A, direct                     2         12
              ANL       C, /bit                       2         24
              ANL       C, !bit                       2         24
              ANL       C, bit                        2         24
              ANL       direct, #data8                3         24
              ANL       direct, A                     2         12
              CJNE      @Ri, #data8, rel              3         24
              CJNE      A, #data8, rel                3         24
              CJNE      A, direct, rel                3         24
              CJNE      Rn, #data8, rel               3         24
              CLR       A                             1         12
              CLR       C                             1         12
              CLR       bit                           2         12
              CPL       A                             1         12
              CPL       C                             1         12
              CPL       bit                           2         12
              DA        A                             1         12
              DEC       @Ri                           1         12
              DEC       A                             1         12
              DEC       DPTR                          1         12
              DEC       Rn                            1         12
              DEC       direct                        2         12
              DIV       AB                            1         48
              DJNZ      Rn, rel                       2         24
              DJNZ      direct, rel                   3         24
              INC       @Ri                           1         12
              INC       A                             1         12
              INC       DPTR                          1         24
              INC       Rn                            1         12
              INC       direct                        2         12
              JB        bit, rel                      3         24
              JBC       bit, rel                      3         24
              JC        relative                      2         24
              JMP       @A + DPTR                     1         24
              JMP       @DPTR + A                     1         24
              JNB       bit, rel                      3         24
              JNC       relative                      2         24
              JNZ       relative                      2         24
              JZ        relative                      2         24
              LCALL     addr16                        3         24
              LJMP      addr16                        3         24
              MOV       @Ri, #data8                   2         12
              MOV       @Ri, A                        1         12
              MOV       @Ri, direct                   2         24
              MOV       A, #data8                     2         12
              MOV       A, @Ri                        1         12
              MOV       A, Rn                         1         12
              MOV       A, direct                     2         12
              MOV       C, bit                        2         12
              MOV       DPTR, #data16                 3         24
              MOV       Rn, #data8                    2         12
              MOV       Rn, A                         1         12
              MOV       Rn, direct                    2         24
              MOV       bit, C                        2         24
              MOV       direct, #data8                3         24
              MOV       direct, @Ri                   2         24
              MOV       direct, A                     2         12
              MOV       direct, Rn                    2         24
              MOV       direct, direct                3         24
              MOVC      A, @A + DPTR                  1         24
              MOVC      A, @A + PC                    1         24
              MOVC      A, @DPTR + A                  1         24
              MOVC      A, @PC + A                    1         24
              MOVX      @DPTR, A                      1         12
              MOVX      @Ri, A                        1         24
              MOVX      A, @DPTR                      1         24
              MOVX      A, @Ri                        1         24
              MUL       AB                            1         48
              NOP                                     1         12
              ORL       A, #data8                     2         12
              ORL       A, @Ri                        1         12
              ORL       A, Rn                         1         12
              ORL       A, direct                     2         12
              ORL       C, /bit                       2         24
              ORL       C, !bit                       2         24
              ORL       C, bit                        2         24
              ORL       direct, #data8                3         24
              ORL       direct, A                     2         12
              POP       direct                        2         24
              PUSH      direct                        2         24
              RET                                     1         24
              RETI                                    1         24
              RL        A                             1         12
              RLC       A                             1         12
              RR        A                             1         12
              RRC       A                             1         12
              SETB      A                             1         12
              SETB      bit                           2         12
              SJMP      relative                      2         24
              SUBB      A, #data8                     2         12
              SUBB      A, @Ri                        1         12
              SUBB      A, Rn                         1         12
              SUBB      A, direct                     2         12
              SWAP      A                             1         12
              XCH       A, #data8                     2         12
              XCH       A, @Ri                        1         12
              XCH       A, Rn                         1         12
              XCH       A, direct                     2         12
              XCHD      A, #data8                     2         12
              XCHD      A, @Ri                        1         12
              XCHD      A, Rn                         1         12
              XCHD      A, direct                     2         12
              XRL       A, #data8                     2         12
              XRL       A, @Ri                        1         12
              XRL       A, Rn                         1         12
              XRL       A, direct                     2         12
              XRL       direct, #data8                3         12
              XRL       direct, A                     2         12


       As31 includes the following assembler directives:

       .ORG expr
              Start  assembling  at  the  address  specified  by  the  expression  expr.  An error occurs if the
              assembler starts assembling over an address space that has previously been assembled into.

       .EQU symbol, expr
              Set symbol to the value of expr. The value for expr must be known during the first pass, when  the
              line containing the .EQU is encountered.

       .BYTE expr, expr, ...
              Assemble  the  bytes  specified by the expression into memory. A string may also be specified with
              this directive.

       .WORD expr, expr, ...
              Assemble the words specified by the expression into memory.  The byte ordering used, is that  used
              by the 8031.

       .FLAG symbol1, symbol.[0-7]
              Sets  symbol1  to  the bit address specified by the symbol.[0-7] expression. Where [0-7] denotes a
              character between 0 and 7.  The resulting bit address is checked to see  if  it  is  a  valid  bit

       .END   This directive is ignored.

       .SKIP expr
              Adds  the  value  of  expr to the location counter. Used to reserve a block of uninitialized data.
              Expr should be in bytes.


       -      All characters following a semi-colon are ignored until a newline is encountered.

       -      All numbers default to decimal, unless the number starts with one of the following:

              0x or 0X
                     This indicates a hexadecimal number. ie. 0x00ff

              0b or 0B
                     This indicates a binary number. (1's and 0's). ie. 0b1100110010

              0      This indicates an octal number. ie. 0377

       -      All numbers default to decimal, unless the number ends with one of the following characters:

              b or B This indicates a binary number. Unless 0x was used above.  ie. 1010101b

              h or H This always indicates a hex number, However the if the first  character  is  non-numerical,
                     then either 0x or 0 must be specified.  This avoids confusing the assembler into thinking a
                     hex number is a symbol.  For example: 0ffh, 0xffh, 0XffH, 20h, 0x20 and 020h are  means  to
                     specify a valid hexdigit. But the following are not: ffh, 0ff.

              d or D This forces a number to decimal. Unless 0X was used. ie. 129d

              o or O This causes the number to be interpreted as octal. ie. 377o

       -      A  character  constant  can be entered as 'c' where c is some character. \b, \n, \r, \t, \' \0 are
              also valid. A character constant can be used anywhere that an integer value can.

       -      A string is entered as a set of characters enclosed in double quotes "".  A string is  only  valid
              with the .BYTE directive. \b, \n, \r, \t, \" are also valid escapes. However \0 is not.

       -      Instructions,  directives,  and  the  symbols: R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, A, AB, and C can be
              entered in upper or lower case without assembler confusion. These words however cannot be  defined
              as  a  user  symbol.  Any user symbol may be used, and case will be preserved. So the user symbols
              "foo" and "Foo" are different, but "addc" is the same as "aDdC".

       -      A symbol can be any alpha numerical character plus the underscore ('_').

       -      Expressions are accepted in most places where a  value  or  a  symbol  is  needed.  An  expression
              consists  of the following operators. All operators evaulate to integer objects (higher precedence
              opertors listed first):

              -      Unary minus

              &      Bit-wise AND.

              |      Bit-Wise OR.

              *      Integer multiplication.

              /      Integer division

              %      Integer modulus

              +      Integer addition.

              -      Integer subtraction.

       -      In addition to these operators, a special symbol '*' may be used to represent the current location


              Below is a sample assembly program.

                              .org    0
              start:          mov     P3, #0xff       ; use alternate fns on P3
                                                      ; leds on P1 are inverted.
                              setb    F0              ; climbing up
                              mov     A, #0x01        ; initial bit

              write:          cpl     A               ; write it
                              mov     P1, A
                              cpl     A
                              acall   delay
                              jb      F0, climbup     ; climbing which way?

              climbdn:        rr      A               ; down - shift right
                              jnb     ACC.0, write    ; back for more
                              setb    F0
                              ajmp    write

              climbup:        rl      A               ; up - shift left
                              jnb     ACC.7, write    ; back for more
                              clr     F0
                              ajmp    write
                              .end                    ; this directive ignored.


       Ken Stauffer (University of Calgary) <>
       Martin Langer <>
