bionic (1) cl-launch.1.gz

Provided by: cl-launch_4.1.4-1_all bug


       cl-launch - shell wrapper for Common Lisp


       cl [options] ´(lisp (form) to evaluate)´
           evaluate specified form, print the results followed by newline
           as in: cl -l sbcl -sp my-system-and-package ´(some form)´

       cl [options] script-file arguments...
           run specified Lisp script, passing arguments, as in a script with
           #!/usr/bin/cl -sp my-system-and-package -E main

       cl [options] [--execute] [options] [-- arguments...]
           run the specified software without generating a script (default)

       cl [options] --output EXECUTABLE [options]
           generate an executable script or binary from the software specification

Special modes

       -h  or  -?  --help           display a short help message
       -H          --more-help      show complete help (you may use a $PAGER)
       -V          --version        display cl-launch version and configuration
       -u FILE     --update FILE    update a cl-launch script to current version

Software specification

       -w CODE     --wrap CODE          shell wrapper CODE to run in cl-launch
       -l LISP...  --lisp LISP...       try use these LISP implementations
       -m IMAGE    --image IMAGE        build from Lisp image IMAGE
       -f FILE     --file FILE          include lisp FILE while building
       -L FILE     --load FILE          load lisp FILE while building
       -S X        --source-registry X  override source registry of asdf systems
       -s SYSTEM   --system SYSTEM      load asdf SYSTEM while building
                   --load-system SYSTEM same as above (buildapp compatibility)
       -p PACKAGE  --package PACKAGE    change current package to PACKAGE
       -sp SP      --system-package SP  combination of -s SP and -p SP
       -e FORM     --eval FORM          evaluate FORM while building
                   --require MODULE     require MODULE while building
       -DE N/F  --dispatched-entry N/F  if exec´ed as N, restart from (F argv)
       -i FORM     --init FORM          evaluate FORM at restart
       -ip FORM    --print FORM         evaluate and princ FORM at restart
       -iw FORM    --write FORM         evaluate and write FORM at restart
       -r FUNC     --restart FUNC       complete restart by calling (FUNC)
       -E FUNC     --entry FUNC         complete restart by calling (FUNC argv)
       -F FORM     --final FORM         evaluate FORM before dumping IMAGE
       -I PATH     --include PATH       runtime PATH to cl-launch installation
       +I          --no-include         disable cl-launch installation feature
       -R          --rc                 try read /etc/cl-launchrc, ~/.cl-launchrc
       +R          --no-rc              skip /etc/cl-launchrc, ~/.cl-launchrc
       -Q          --quicklisp          use quicklisp (see --more-help)
       +Q          --no-quicklisp       do not use quicklisp
       -b          --clbuild            use clbuild (see --more-help)
       +b          --no-clbuild         do not use clbuild
       -v          --verbose            be quite noisy while building
       -q          --quiet              be quite quiet while building (default)

Output options

       -x   -o !   --execute            run the specified software NOW (default)
       -o FILE     --output FILE        create executable FILE
       -d IMAGE    --dump IMAGE         dump IMAGE for faster startup
       -X ... --   (see more help)      use #!/.../cl-launch as script interpreter
       --          --                   end of arguments when using -x or -X

Invocation of cl-launch

       cl-launch  will  evaluate  Common  Lisp code or create shell scripts or executable binaries that evaluate
       Common Lisp code. cl-launch follows the invocation conventions  of  both  Unix  script  interpreters  and
       Common Lisp implementations.

       A  suggested  short-hand  name for cl-launch is cl (you may create a symlink if it isn´t included in your
       operating system´s cl-launch package). We´d like to homestead the path /usr/bin/cl while we can, so  that
       script authors can reasonably expect a script to work when it starts with:


       (See  Simple  cl-launch scripts below for caveats with #! scripts though.) Recent Linux kernels support a
       script interpreter itself being a script; BSD kernels don´t and require a small C program cl-shim  to  be
       compiled and installed as /usr/bin/cl to use cl-launch this way.

       To  work  properly, cl-launch 4.1.4 depends on ASDF 3.1.2 or later, and on its portability layer UIOP, to
       manage compilation and image life cycle.

       The software is specified as the evaluation of code in several phases; the distinction matters  most  for
       creating  executable  binaries, but understanding the evaluation model can avoid surprises in other cases

       In the first phase, the Lisp image is initialized:

       •   optionally having your Lisp start from a Lisp IMAGE (option -I --image)

       •   loading a small header of code that provides common cl-launch functionality

       •   loading ASDF3. The cl-launch header will try hard to load ASDF 3.1.2 or later. If your implementation
           does  not  provide  it via (require "asdf"), you can configure your implementation´s ASDF (if any) to
           find it. Or you can put it in your home, under ~/common-lip/asdf/ and cl-launch will find it.  Or  it
           may be installed in /usr/share/common-lisp/source/cl-asdf/ in which case cl-launch will also find it.
           Failing any of the above, cl-launch will be unable to proceed.

       •   optionally loading quicklisp (option -Q --quicklisp)

       In a second phase, your software is built, based on the following options, in order of appearance:

       •   evaluating one or several FORMS (option -e --eval) in the current package. The  series  of  forms  is
           evaluated as by LOAD, in a context where the *package* has been set to the current package (see below
           explanations on packages).

       •   compiling a FILE and load the fasl (option -L --load) Files are loaded with *package*  bound  to  the
           current package (see below).

       •   including  a  FILE,  compiling  it  and loading the fasl (option -f --file) The contents of the FILE,
           which will have be included in the output script, will be compiled and  the  fasl  loaded  as  if  by
           option  -L  --load.  The  difference  matters  mostly  when  creating an output script, as opposed to
           executing the code immediately or dumping an image. Only one file may be specified  this  way.  If  a
           filename specified with -f --file is - (after stripping quotes), then the standard input is used. You
           may thus concatenate several files and feed them to cl-launch through a pipe. To use a file named  -,
           pass the argument ./- (same trick as for cat and other Unix commands).

       •   A  script  file,  as specified by -X ... -- or by use of #! or by following options with an immediate
           filename that does not start with ( or -, counts as if  preceded  by  --package  cl-user  --load  and
           followed by --execute --

       •   requiring an implementation-provided MODULE (option --require)

       •   having   ASDF3   compile   and   load  a  SYSTEM  (option  -s  --system  --load-system).  Option  -sp
           --system-package loads the SYSTEM like -s --system and also changes the  current  *package*  like  -p
           --package (see below on packages).

       •   optionally  having  your  Lisp  DUMP  an  image  to  restart from (option -d --dump), and just before
           evaluating one or several FINAL forms (option -F --final). See section Dumping images.

       If you are creating a shell script with option -o --output but without using option -d --dump, then these
       first  two  phases  only happen when the script is invoked. If you are using option -d --dump, then these
       two phases happen immediately, and no compilation happen when invoking the  output.  Note  that  compiled
       files  are  cached,  so  that  the compilation only happens the first time a file is loaded via --load of
       --system, or if the source file has been modified. This may cause slower startup the first time over. The
       cache  is  controlled  by  ASDF´s  output-translations  mechanism.  See  your  ASDF  manual regarding the
       configuration of this cache, which is typically under ~/.cache/common-lisp/

       In a third phase, your software is run via UIOP:RESTORE-IMAGE. This happens immediately if  using  option
       -x  --execute  or calling cl-launch as a Unix interpreter on a script e.g. via #!; or it can happen later
       if you use option -o --output in combination with (or without) option -d --dump to dump an  image  (which
       gives you faster startup and single-file or double-file delivery, at the expense of disk space), at which
       point it happens when you invoke the executable output file:

       •   Hooks from ASDF3´s UIOP:*IMAGE-RESTORE-HOOK* are called (in FIFO order).

       •   a series of FORMS specified via options -i --init, -ip --print, -iw --write, stored as a text string,
           are read and evaluated in order of appearance, each in the context of the package that was current at
           the time it was requested. (Concatenated together with separating whitespace, these forms  constitute
           the  UIOP:*IMAGE-PRELUDE* as handled by RESTORE-IMAGE). Arguments that start with an open parenthesis
           are assumed to be FORMS that follow an implicit --print. Loading from a stream means you  don´t  have
           to  worry  about nasty read-time issues; forms will be read by the fully built Lisp image; however it
           also means that if you care a lot about the very last drop of startup delay when  invoking  a  dumped
           image,  you´ll  only  use  option -r --restart or -E --entry and avoid using --init and its variants.
           Option -ip --print specifies FORMS such that the result of the last form will be  printed  as  if  by
           PRINC, followed by a newline. Option -iw --write is similar to --print, using WRITE instead of PRINC.

       •   An  optional  FUNCTION provided option -r --restart or -E --entry is invoked after all init forms. If
           the function was provided with option -r --restart (compatible with earlier versions  of  cl-launch),
           it  will  be  called  with  no  argument.  If it was provided with option -E --entry (compatible with
           buildapp), it will be called with one argument, being the list of arguments passed  to  the  program,
           not  including  argv[0],  which  is  available  on  most  implementations via the function uiop:argv0
           (available in ASDF 3.1.2 and later). Using either option, the argument may be a function  name  or  a
           lambda  expression,  that  is  read  from  the current package (see below option -p --package and -sp
           --system-package). Only one restart or entry function may be specified; if multiple are provided, the
           last  one provided overrides previous ones. If you want several functions to be called, you may DEFUN
           one that calls them and use it as a restart, or you may use multiple init forms as  below.  See  also
           below  options  -DE  --dispatch-entry,  -sm --system-main, -Ds --dispatch-system that behave as if -E
           --entry had been specified among other things.

       •   If neither restart nor entry function is provided, the program will exit with status 0 (success).  If
           a  function  was  provided,  the  program  will exit after the function returns (if it returns), with
           status 0 if and only if the primary return value of result is  generalized  boolean  true,  and  with
           status 1 if this value is NIL. See documentation for UIOP:RESTORE-IMAGE for details.

       The  current  package  can be controlled by option -p --package and its variant -sp --system-package that
       also behaves like -s --system. All forms passed to --eval, --init, --print, --write, --final,  --restart,
       --entry,  etc.,  are  read  in the current package. Files specified with -f --file --load are read in the
       current package. Current  means  the  package  specified  by  the  latest  option  -p  --package  or  -sp
       --system-package  preceding  the option being processed, or cl-user if there was none. Note that multiple
       -i --init or -F --final forms may be evaluated consecutively after a package has been changed,  and  that
       if  one  of  these  form  itself modifies the package, or some other syntax control mechanism such as the
       reader, it may adversely affect later forms in the same category, but not those in other  categories  (if

       The following derived options work as if by a combination of simpler options:

       •   As  mentioned  above,  option  -sp --system-package combines --system and --package in one option, so
           that given the argument SYSTEM, the system is loaded as if by --system SYSTEM that creates a  package
           SYSTEM that then becomes the current package.

       •   If  option  -DE  --dispatch-entry  is used, then the next argument must follow the format NAME/ENTRY,
           where NAME is a name that the program may be invoked as (the basename of  the  uiop:argv0  argument),
           and  ENTRY  is  a function to be invoked as if by --entry when that is the case. If the ENTRY is left
           out, function main in current package is used. Support for option -DE --dispatch-entry  is  delegated
           to  a  dispatch  library,  distributed  with  cl-launch  but  not  part  of  cl-launch itself, by (1)
           registering a dependency on the dispatch  library  as  if  by  --system  cl-launch/dispatch  (if  not
           already) (2) if neither --restart nor --entry was specified yet, registering a default entry function
           as if by --entry cl-launch/dispatch:dispatch-entry. (3) registering a build-form that  registers  the
           dispatch entry as if by --eval ´(cl-launch/dispatch:register-name/entry "NAME/ENTRY" :PACKAGE)´ where
           PACKAGE is the current package. See the documentation of said library for further details.

       •   If option -Ds --dispatch-system is used with SYSTEM as its argument, it is as if option  -s  --system
           had been used with the same argument, followed by option -DE --dispatch-entry for the basename of the
           system (last / (slash) separated component of the system name) and the function main in  the  package
           of the system, but without otherwise changing the current package.

       •   If  option  -sm --system-main is used with SYSTEM as its argument, it is as if option -s --system had
           been used with the same argument, followed by option -E --entry with the main function in the package
           of the system, but without otherwise changing the current package.

       General note on cl-launch invocation: options are processed from left to right; usually, repeated options
       accumulate their effects, with the earlier instances taking effect before latter instances.  In  case  of
       conflicting or redundant options, the latter override the former.

       cl-launch  defines  a  package cl-launch that exports the following symbol: compile-and-load-file Runtime
       functionality formerly provided by cl-launch is now provided by UIOP, the portability layer  provided  by
       ASDF3. See below section cl-launch runtime API.

       When the first non-recognized option is a filename, cl-launch will try to load this filename as a script,
       as if by --load, then execute it immediately as if by --execute --, with the rest  of  the  command  line
       passed  as  arguments. The file name may not start with the character - or a ( --- To use a file with one
       of these (or something unknown) as a first character, prepend ./ to the  filename.  Note  that  it  is  a
       security risk to let adversaries control the names of files passed to cl-launch or other commands.

       When  option  --execute  is  specified, the specified software is executed. Command-line arguments may be
       given to software being executed by putting them after a special marker --, that  ends  cl-launch  option

       When option --output FILE is used, code will be generated into the specified FILE. The output file itself
       will be created atomically from complete generated contents and may thus have the same  pathname  as  the
       input  file. The restart function and init forms will not be evaluated, but kept for when the output file
       is executed. If - (after quoting) is specified, then the standard output is used. If ! (after quoting) is
       specified, then option --execute is assumed.

       When  no  --output  file  is  specified,  option  --execute  is  implicitly assumed. The last --output or
       --execute option takes precedence over the previous ones.

       If only one argument exists and it doesn´t start with - then the argument is considered as  if  given  to
       option -ip, to be evaluated and printed immediately.

       The  ASDF3 source-registry configuration can be overridden with option --source-registry SOURCE_REGISTRY.
       The provided configuration will take priority over anything provided by the environment or  configuration
       files, though it may inherit from them as usual. See the ASDF3 manual about that.

       Options -l --lisp and -w --wrap may be used to control the way that a Common Lisp implementation is found
       when the software is run. Option -l --lisp specifies the list of implementations to try to use; the  list
       is  whitespace-separated,  and  consists  in nicknames recognized by cl-launch. Option -w --wrap supplies
       arbitrary code to be evaluated by the shell wrapper, after it has read its configuration and defined  its
       internal  functions,  but  before  it  tries  to find and run a Lisp implementation. Such wrapper code is
       typically used to modify the variables that control the  run-time  behaviour  of  generated  scripts,  as
       documented below. Use of other internals of cl-launch is possible, but not supported, which means that it
       is your responsibility to keep a copy of the specific version of cl-launch with which your code works and
       to  update your code if you later make an upgrade to an incompatible cl-launch. For instance, --lisp "foo
       bar"  is  equivalent  to  --wrap  ´LISPS="foo  bar"´.  See  below  the  documentation  section  on   Lisp
       implementation invocation.

       Option  --no-include  specifies  that  cl-launch  should  generate  a standalone script that includes the
       configuration, shell wrapper, Lisp header, and user-provided Lisp code (from --file). If you can rely  on
       the  presence  of  a  recent  Lisp  implementation  that  provides  ASDF,  then the script is pretty much
       standalone indeed and may be moved around the filesystem and still used. However the size of  the  output
       will be the size of the user Lisp code plus about 36KiB.

       Option --include PATH specifies that cl-launch should generate a very small script (typically under 1KiB)
       that when run will read the cl-launch shell  wrapper  and  Lisp  header  from  a  specified  installation
       directory PATH. Also, if option --include is used, and Lisp code is specified with --file and an absolute
       pathname starting with / as opposed to a relative pathname or to the standard input, then Lisp code  will
       also  be loaded from the specified location at runtime rather than embedded into the script at generation
       time. This option generates leaner scripts, but may not be applicable when the very  same  script  is  to
       used in a variety of situations that lack common coherent filesystem management.

       Which  of --include or --no-include is the default may depend on your cl-launch installation. The version
       of cl-launch distributed by the author uses  --no-include  by  default,  but  the  version  of  cl-launch
       available in your operating system distribution may rely on a well-managed include path (this is the case
       with debian for instance). You may query the configuration  of  an  instance  of  cl-launch  with  option

       For instance, one may expect a debian version of cl-launch to use:


       as  a  system-managed  include  path. One may also expect that Lisp implementations managed by the system
       would come with cl-launch precompiled in Lisp images. Since cl-launch provides  feature  :cl-launch,  and
       since  the  cl-launch  Lisp  header  is conditionalized to not be read with this feature, this would make
       cl-launch startup faster, while still allowing non-system-managed Lisp implementations to run fine.

       You may create an installation of cl-launch with such a command as:

               cl-launch --include /usr/share/common-lisp/source/cl-launch \
                       --lisp ´sbcl ccl clisp´ \
                       --rc \
                       --output /usr/bin/cl-launch -B install

       You can use command -B install_bin if you only want to configure cl-launch (with a different default  for
       --lisp  but  no  --include, for instance), and command -B install_path if you only want to create support
       files. Note that the --backdoor option -B must come last in your invocation.

       Option +R --no-rc specifies that cl-launch should not try to read  resource  files  /etc/cl-launchrc  and

       Option  -R  --rc  specifies  that  cl-launch  should  try  to  read  resource  files /etc/cl-launchrc and
       ~/.cl-launchrc. These files are notably useful to  define  override  the  value  of  $LISP  depending  on
       $SOFTWARE_SYSTEM.  A  shell  function  system_preferred_lisps  is provided so that your cl-launchrc might
       contain lines as follows:

               system_preferred_lisps stumpwm cmucl sbcl clisp
               system_preferred_lisps exscribe clisp cmucl sbcl

       Beware that for the sake of parsing option  --no-rc,  the  resource  files  are  run  after  options  are
       processed,  and  that  any  overriding  of internal variables will thus preempt user-specified options. A
       warning will be printed on the standard error output when  such  an  override  happens.  Note  that  such
       overrides  only  happen  at  script-creation time. A script created by cl-launch will not try to read the
       cl-launch resource files.

       Option +Q --no-quicklisp specifies that  cl-launch  should  not  use  quicklisp.  Option  -Q  --quicklisp
       specifies  that  cl-launch  should  use quicklisp. Which is the default depends on your installation. The
       default  default  is  +Q.  Quicklisp  is  loaded  from  ~/quicklisp/setup.lisp  if  available,  or   else

       Option  -b  --clbuild  specifies that cl-launch should rely on clbuild to find and invoke the Common Lisp
       implementation. Option +b --no-clbuild specifies that cl-launch should not rely on clbuild  to  find  and
       invoke  the  Common  Lisp  implementation. Which is the default depends on your installation. The default
       default is +b.

       Files generated by cl-launch are made of several well-identifiable sections. These sections may  thus  be
       considered  as  distinct software, each available under its own regime of intellectual property (if any).
       In case of an accident, you may still retrieve the exact original code provided  with  option  --file  by
       stripping  the  wrapper,  as  delimited  by well-identified markers. Search for the marker string "BEGINS
       HERE:". Everything after it is not cl-launch. This can be done  automatically  with  backdoor  option  -B
       extract_lisp_content.  cl-launch  uses this functionality implicitly when embedding a file specified with
       the option --file, so that you may process a script previously generated  by  cl-launch  and  change  the
       options with which it wraps the embedded Lisp code into runnable software.

       As  an  alternative,  you  may  also  upgrade a previously generated script to use the current version of
       cl-launch while preserving its original wrapping options with option --update.  In  this  case,  software
       specification  options  are ignored. Output options still apply. Specifying - (after quoting) as the file
       to update means to read the contents to be read from the standard input. This feature might not work with
       scripts  generated  by  very  early versions of the cl-launch utility. It should work with versions later
       than 1.47.

Supported Lisp implementations

       The implementations supported by current version of cl-launch are:

               abcl allegro ccl clisp cmucl ecl gcl lispworks sbcl scl xcl

       Also defined are aliases:

               clozurecl gclcvs lisp openmcl

       which are name variations for ccl, gcl, cmucl and ccl again respectively.

       Fully supported, including standalone executables:

           sbcl:  SBCL 1.2.2
           clisp:  GNU CLISP 2.49
           ecl:  ECL 13.5.1
           cmucl:  CMUCL 20D
           ccl:  ClozureCL 1.10
           lispworks:  LispWorks Professional 7.0.0  (no personal ed, banner)

       Fully supported, but no standalone executables:

           gcl (GCL 2.7):  GCL 2.7.0 ansi mode  (get a very recent git checkout)
           allegro:  Allegro 9.0  (also used to work with 5)
           scl:  Scieneer CL 1.3.9

       Incomplete support:

           abcl:  ABCL 1.3.1 (no image dumping support, but you may use abcl-jar)
           xcl:  XCL (cannot dump an image) (get a recent checkout)

       GCL is only supported in ANSI mode. cl-launch does export GCL_ANSI=t in the hope  that  the  gcl  wrapper
       script  does  the  right thing as it does in Debian. Also ASDF3 requires a very recent GCL 2.7. Note that
       GCL seems to not be very actively maintained anymore.

       There are some issues regarding standalone executables on CLISP.  See  below  in  the  section  regarding
       Standalone executables.

       LispWorks  requires  the  Professional  Edition; the Personal Edition isn´t supported as it won´t let you
       either control the command line or dump images. Dumped images will print a  banner,  unless  you  dump  a
       standalone  executable.  To  dump  an  image,  make sure you have a license file in your target directory
       and/or  to  .../lispworks/lib/7-0-0-0/config/lwlicense  (or  use  a  trampoline  shell  script  to   exec
       /path/to/lispworks "$@"), create a build script with:

              echo ´(hcl:save-image "lispworks-console" :environment nil)´ > si.lisp
              lispworks-7-0-0-x86-linux -siteinit - -init - -build si.lisp

       There  is  no standard name for a console-only variant of LispWorks; older versions of cl-launch assume a
       default lispworks; since cl-launch, lispworks-console is assumed instead, to avoid conflicts. You
       can  control the name you use with the shell variable $LISPWORKS, or you can just leave lispworks-console
       in your path, and use a symlink, copy, shell alias or trivial wrapper  script  to  enable  your  favorite
       shorter name lispworks, lw, lwcon, lw-console, etc.

       Similarly, a mlisp image for allegro can be created as follows:

               alisp -e ´(progn
                          (build-lisp-image "sys:mlisp.dxl"
                           :case-mode :case-sensitive-lower
                           :include-ide nil :restart-app-function nil)
                          (when (probe-file "sys:mlisp") (delete-file "sys:mlisp"))
                          (sys:copy-file "sys:alisp" "sys:mlisp"))´

       Additionally,  cl-launch supports the use of clbuild as a wrapper to invoke the Lisp implementation, with
       the --clbuild option.

Supported shells

       cl-launch was tested with all of posh 0.4.7, bash 2.05, bash 3.1, zsh 4.3.2, dash 0.5.3 and busybox  1.01

Lisp implementation invocation

       When  a  cl-launch  generated script is invoked, the cl-launch shell wrapper will try to execute the Lisp
       code with the first Common Lisp implementation it finds in a given list, which can be  specified  through
       option --lisp. The runtime behaviour of the cl-launch shell wrapper is very configurable through a series
       of environment variables. These variables can be  controlled  by  the  user  by  exporting  them  in  his
       environment, or they can be restricted at the time of script generation by using cl-launch option --wrap.

       If  variable LISP is defined, the shell wrapper will first try the implementation named by variable LISP.
       If that fails, it will try the list of implementations provided at script generation time.  The  list  of
       implementations  generated  will be the argument to option --lisp if specified. Otherwise, cl-launch will
       supply its default value. This default value for the current instance of cl-launch is:

               sbcl ccl clisp abcl allegro lispworks scl cmucl ecl mkcl gcl xcl

       This LISP selection only happens at system preparation time. If you dump an image then  the  script  will
       always use the Lisp implementation for which an image was dumped. If you don´t then the user may override
       the implementation.

       Note that these are nicknames built into the cl-launch shell wrapper, and not necessarily names of actual
       binary.  You may control the mapping of implementation nickname to actual binary pathname to call with an
       environment variable. For  a  given  implementation  nickname,  the  environment  variable  will  be  the
       capitalization  of  the  given  nickname.  Hence,  variable  $SBCL  controls  where  to look for the sbcl
       implementation, and variable $CMUCL controls where to look for the cmucl implementation. If a  binary  is
       found with a matching pathname (using the standard unix $PATH as required), then said implementation will
       be used, using proper command line options, that may be overridden with an environment  variable  similar
       to  the  previous but with _OPTIONS appended to its name. Hence, $CMUCL_OPTIONS for cmucl, $CLISP_OPTIONS
       for clisp, etc. Sensible defaults are provided for each implementation, so as to execute the software  in
       non-interactive mode, with debugger disabled, without reading user-specific configuration files, etc.

       If  you  want to insist on using a given implementation with given options, you may use option --lisp and
       --wrap, as follows:

           --lisp ´sbcl clisp´ --wrap ´
               LISP= # do not allow the user to specify his implementation
               SBCL=/usr/bin/sbcl # not any experimental thing by the user
               SBCL_OPTIONS="--noinform --sysinit /dev/null --userinit /dev/null \
               --disable-debugger" # predictable Lisp state
               CLISP=/usr/bin/clisp # fall back on machines that lack SBCL
               CLISP_OPTIONS=" -norc --quiet --quiet"
               # configure ASDF:
               # assuming precompiled fasls there:

       If you dump an image, you need not unset the LISP variable, but you might  still  want  to  override  any
       user-specified  SBCL  and SBCL_OPTIONS (or corresponding variables for your selected implementation) from
       what the user may specify.

       Note that you can use option --wrap "$(cat your_script)" to embed into your program a full fledged script
       from  a file. Your script may do arbitrary computations before the shell wrapper is run. It may make some
       consistency checks and abort before to run  Lisp.  Or  it  may  analyze  invocation  arguments  and  make
       according  adjustments to Lisp implementation options. This can be useful for setting options that cannot
       be set from the Lisp code, such the path to a runtime image, interactive  or  non-interactive  execution,
       size of heaps, locale settings for source file encoding, etc.

       Reading  the  source  code of cl-launch can be completely crazy. You may have great fun understanding why
       things are how they are and adding features without breaking anything! However, adding support for a  new
       CL  implementation  should be straightforward enough: just search the sources for clisp or sbcl and mimic
       what I did for them. Be sure to send me what will get your favorite Lisp flavor of the month rolling.

Limited clbuild support

       cl-launch 2.12 and later support using clbuild as a wrapper to configure your Lisp  implementation,  with
       option  --clbuild  (which  can  be disabled with option --no-clbuild if it was enabled by default in your
       cl-launch installation).

       Note that when you use clbuild, you can no longer override implementation options with say  SBCL_OPTIONS,
       as  clbuild  takes  care of the options for you. Any implementation banner will not be removed unless you
       instruct clbuild to do so. Also, you cannot use  clbuild  with  a  non-executable  image  different  from
       clbuild´s,  which precludes image dumping with cmucl or allegro (allegro could probably be updated, but I
       don´t have a recent licence to test and develop).

       clbuild support is not fully tested at this point. Please report any bug.

Simple cl-launch scripts

       In simple cases, you may create a Common Lisp shell script with cl-launch  without  a  script  generation
       step,  just  because  you´ll  spend a lot of time editing the script and distributing it, and little time
       waiting for script startup time anyway. This notably is a good idea if you´re not spawning many instances
       of  the same version of a script on a given computer. If that´s what you want, you may use cl-launch as a
       script interpret the following way (stripping leading spaces):

           #!/path/to/cl-launch ...options...

       For instance, you may write the following script (stripping leading spaces):

           #!/usr/bin/cl --entry main
           (defun main (argv)
             (format t "Hello, World!~%~S~%" argv))

       On a recent Linux kernel, the options may include spaces, parentheses, etc., provided they are quoted  as
       in  a  shell  script.  Also,  using -X as your very first option and -- as your last will ensure that the
       script works even if its name starts with a ( or a -, in addition  to  working  with  older  versions  of

       Note  however  that  Darwin  (MacOS  X)  and  other  BSD  kernels  or old Linux kernels don´t like the #!
       interpreter to itself be interpreted. On these operating system kernels, the  system  administrator  must
       compile and install a small shim written in C, cl-shim.c, that will handle the proper script invocation.

       Most  kernels  have  restrictions  on  how  they handle arguments to a #! script, that prevent e.g. using
       /usr/bin/env as a trampoline; however, you may use the fully portable solution as follows, where the  ":"
       ; ensures that the script should remain valid bilingual shell and Lisp code:

           ":" ; exec cl-launch -X -sp my-package -E main -- "$0" ${1+"$@"} || exit

       (Actually "$@" instead of ${1+"$@"} should work just fine, unless you have an antique shell.)

       Note  that  if  you  don´t need Lisp code to be loaded from your script, with everything happening in the
       build specification, then you may instead use a simple #!/bin/sh shell script from which you:

           exec /path/to/cl-launch -x ... -- "$@".

       Also, in case you can´t rely on cl-launch being  at  a  fixed  path,  or  if  your  shell  and/or  kernel
       combination  doesn´t  support  using  cl-launch  as a script interpreter, then you may instead start your
       script with the following lines:

           ":" ; exec cl-launch -X -- "$0" "$@" || exit
           (format t "It works!~%")

       Note that a mainline Linux kernel only supports the recursive #! implicit in  #!/usr/bin/cl-launch  since

Dumping images

       You  can  dump  an  image  (for static compilation and fast startup) with option --dump IMAGE where IMAGE
       specifies the path where the image will be dumped.

       If you use option --include PATH then the image will be loaded back from that specified directory instead
       of  the  directory  where  you  dumped it. This is useful if you´re preparing a script to be installed at
       another place maybe on another computer.

       This option is currently supported on all CL implementations available with cl-launch.

       As a limitation, LispWorks will print a  banner  on  standard  output,  unless  you  use  the  standalone
       executable option below.

       As  another limitation, ECL will not be able to dump an image when running from a previously dumped image
       (with --image). This is because of the link model of ECL, whereby you´d need to be able to  locate  which
       object  files were used in linking the original image, keep track of these files, and prepend the list of
       them to to the object files linked into the dump. This is not conceptually  impossible  and  patches  are
       welcome.  However, we hope to support that someday with a real build system that does it for you, such as

Standalone executables

       You can create standalone executables with the  option  --dump  ´!´  (or  by  giving  a  --dump  argument
       identical to the --output argument).

       This  option  is  currently  only supported with SBCL, ECL, CLISP, CMUCL, CCL and LispWorks Professional.
       Moreover CLISP has the issues below.

       CLISP standalone executables will react magically  if  invoked  with  options  such  as  --clisp-help  or
       --clisp-x  ´(sys::main-loop)´.  That´s  a  pretty  far-fetched  thing  to  hit  by mistake, and the CLISP
       maintainers consider it a feature (I don´t).  Don´t  use  such  executables  as  setuid,  and  don´t  let
       untrusted users control arguments given to such executables that are run with extra privileges.

cl-launch runtime API

       cl-launch provides the following Lisp functions:

       Function  cl-launch:compile-and-load-file  takes as an argument a source pathname designator, and keyword
       arguments force-recompile (default NIL) and verbose  (default  NIL).  It  will  arrange  to  compile  the
       specified  source file if it is explicitly requested, or if the file doesn´t exist, or if the fasl is not
       up-to-date.  It  will  compile  and   load   with   the   specified   verbosity.   It   will   take   use
       uiop:compile-file-pathname* to determine the fasl pathname.

       The  following  variables  and  functions previously provided by cl-launch have the following replacement
       from ASDF and UIOP:

       Variable cl-launch:*arguments* is replaced by uiop:*command-line-arguments*.

       Function cl-launch:getenv is replaced by uiop:getenv.

       Function cl-launch:load-system is replaced by asdf:load-system.

       Function cl-launch:quit is replaced by uiop:quit (beware: the lambda-list is slightly different).

       Additionally, environment variables CL_LAUNCH_PID and CL_LAUNCH_FILE will be set to the  process  ID  and
       the script invocation filename respectively.

Verbose output mode

       If  the  shell  variable  CL_LAUNCH_VERBOSE  is  exported  and non-nil, then cl-launch and the scripts it
       generates will produce an abundance of output, display  such  things  as  the  Lisp  invocation  command,
       compiling  and  loading  files  with  :verbose  t  and  :print  t, etc. This is only useful for debugging
       cl-launch and/or your build process. Option --verbose sets this variable, whereas option  --quiet  resets

Makefile examples

       ### Automatically download of the current version of cl-launch if not present
               wget -O
               chmod a+x

       ### Making a shell script executable from a simple Lisp file named foo.lisp foo.lisp
               ./ --output --file foo.lisp

       ### A more complex example using all options. preamble.lisp
               ./ --output \
               --file preamble.lisp --system foo \
               --init "(foo:main uiop:*command-line-arguments*)" \
               --source-registry ${PREFIX}/cl-foo/systems: \
               --lisp "ccl sbcl" --wrap ´SBCL=/usr/local/bin/sbcl-no-unicode´ \

       ### An example with horrible nested makefile, shell and Lisp quoting
               opera=wORlD ; ./ --execute --init \
               "(format t \"~25R~A~A~%\" 6873049 #\\space ´$$opera)"

Caveat Lispor

       cl-launch  begins  evaluation  of  your  Lisp  software  in the cl-user package, or whichever package you
       specify. By the time your initialization forms are evaluated, the package may or may  not  have  changed,
       depending on the fine-grained semantics of load. Be sure to use in-package if these things matter. If you
       change the readtable, even weirder things may happen.

       There are lots of ways of making mistakes by improperly quoting things when  you  write  shell  commands.
       cl-launch does the right thing, but you still must be careful with the nested quoting mechanisms of make,
       shell, and Lisp.

       Here is a simple example use of cl-launch to quickly compare the  result  of  a  same  computation  on  a
       variety of systems:

           for l in sbcl cmucl clisp gcl ccl ; do
             ./ --lisp $l --execute --init \
               ´(format t "´$l´ ~A~%" most-positive-fixnum)´ ; done

       Internally, cl-launch includes many self-test functions. You may for instance try (from a directory where
       it may create junk):

           ./ -l ´sbcl cmucl clisp gclcvs´ -B tests

       Share and Enjoy!

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