Provided by: git-extras_4.5.0-1_all 

git-bulk - Run git commands on multiple repositories
usage: usage: git bulk [-g] ([-a]|[-w <ws-name>]) <git command> git bulk --addworkspace <ws-name> <ws-root-directory> git bulk --removeworkspace <ws-name> git bulk --addcurrent <ws-name> git bulk --purge git bulk --listall
git bulk adds convenient support for operations that you want to execute on multiple git repositories. • simply register workspaces that contain multiple git repos in their directory structure • run any git command on the repositories of the registered workspaces in one command to git bulk • use the "guarded mode" to check on each execution
-a Run a git command on all workspaces and their repositories. -g Ask the user for confirmation on every execution. -w <ws-name> Run the git command on the specified workspace. The workspace must be registered. <git command> Any git Command you wish to execute on the repositories. --addworkspace <ws-name> <ws-root-directory> Register a workspace for bulk operations. All repositories in the diretories below <ws-root-directory> get registered under this workspace with the name <ws-name>. <ws-root-directory> must be absolute path. --removeworkspace <ws-name> Remove the workspace with the logical name <ws-name>. --addcurrent <ws-name> Adds the current directory as workspace to git bulk operations. The workspace is referenced with its logical name <ws-name>. git bulk --purge Removes all defined repository locations. git bulk --listall List all registered repositories.
Register a workspace so that git bulk knows about it: $ git bulk --addworkspace personal ~/workspaces/personal Register the current directory as a workspace to git bulk: $ git bulk --addcurrent personal List all registered workspaces: $ git bulk --listall Run a git command on the repositories of the current workspace: $ git bulk fetch Run a git command on the specified workspace and its repositories: $ git bulk -w personal fetch Run a git command but ask the user for confirmation on every execution (guarded mode): $ git bulk -g fetch Remove a registered workspace: $ git bulk --removeworkspace personal Remove all registered workspaces: $ git bulk --purge
Written by Niklas Schlimm <>
<> February 2018 GIT-BULK(1)