bionic (1) gpac.1.gz

Provided by: gpac_0.5.2-426-gc5ad4e4+dfsg5-3ubuntu0.1_amd64 bug


       GPAC - MPEG-4 Systems Framework and Software Development Kit


       GPAC  stands  (does  it  ?)  for  GPAC Project on Advanced Content. It is an implementation of the MPEG-4
       Systems standard written in ANSI C. GPAC provides tools  for  media  playback,  vector  graphics  and  3D
       rendering, MPEG-4 authoring and distribution.  This man page is about configuration of the GPAC framework
       version 0.5.0.


       Some applications in the GPAC framework use a configuration file shared among modules and  reloadable  at
       run time. This file is located in the user home directory and called ".gpacrc".

       The configuration file is based on the win32 .ini file model, ordered by sections and keys.

       A  section  is  declared  as  [SectionName]  ,  a key is declared as keyName=value , the key value is not
       interpreted and always handled as ASCII text. Plugins may use the configuration file as  well  (to  avoid
       multiple files).

       Note  on  plugin  names:  Plugin  names  as  given  in  the configuration file are names exported by each
       interface and not name of the physical library file (.dll/.so ...).  The physical file name  can  however
       be  used  to  identify a plugin, it will be replaced by the interface name if the plugin was successfully


       The "General" section holds generic, OS and player specific options. This section is not used by the GPAC

       ModulesDirectory (value: path)
              path  to  modules  (plugins) location. The client cannot be loaded without modules. This option is
              used by all GPAC clients on all platforms

       CacheDirectory (value: path)
              specifies location of temp files. This must be the absolute path to a directory with write access.
              Although not used by applications, this is used by several plugins.

       The following options are defined for Osmo4/wxWidgets player.

       Loop (value: yes, no)
              specifies whether the presentation has to be restarted when done playing.

       ConsoleOff (value: yes, no)
              specifies whether application messages (script, buffering, download progress) are displayed in the
              console or not.

       Browser (value: string)
              specifies prefered browser for WWW anchors and scene graph viewing - Only used by Osmo4/wxWidgets.

       LookForSubtitles (value: yes, no)
              specifies if Osmo4 shall look for subtitle files when opening a presentation.

       PLEntry (value: unsigned int)
              indicates active playlist entry when player was last closed. Playlist  backup  is  ".gpac_pl.m3u",
              stored in user home directory.

       StartupFile value: filename)
              specifies file to load upon startup of osmo4/MP4Client. If not specified, no file is loaded.

       NoMIMETypeFetch (value: yes, no)
              specifies if the player has to check for mime type when following hyperlinks, or only follow links
              of known extensions.

       LogFile (value: filename)
              specifies where to output GPAC's log. By default, the logs are written to stdout. Note  that  GPAC
              may be compiled without log support. This is not used by MP4Client.

       LogLevel (value: none, error, warning, info, debug)
              specifies the level of the log. By default, no log is performed.

       LogTools (value: a ':'-separated list of the following values)
              specifies which set of tools from GPAC should be logged. Available tools are:
              core: libgpac core events.
              coding: bitstream formats (audio, video, scene).
              container: container formats (ISO File, MPEG-2 TS, AVI, ...).
              network: network data exept RTP trafic.
              rtp: rtp, rtcp and rtsp trafic.
              author : authoring tools (hint, import, export).
              sync: terminal sync layer.
              codec: terminal codec messages.
              parser: scene parsers (svg, xmt, bt) and other.
              media: terminal media object management.
              scene: scene graph and scene manager.
              script: scripting engine messages.
              compose: composition engine (events, etc).
              render: renderng engine (2D, 3D, etc).
              service: network service management.
              mmio: Audio/Video HW I/O management.

SECTION RecentFiles

       The  "RecentFiles" section of the config file holds last accessed files (hardcoded to no more than 20) in
       the last access order. The keys are the file names and no value is used. This section is only used by GUI


       The  "Systems"  section  holds  all  configuration  options  for the MPEG-4 Systems engine. The following
       options are defined:

       Language (value: 3-char code from ISO 639-2)
              specifies the user prefered language. This is used to select streams in case of alternate  content
              in an audio object.

       AlwaysDrawBIFS (value: yes, no)
              if  set,  late  BIFS  frame will still be drawn. If not set, the scene won't be redrawn until BIFS
              streams are back in sync. This is by default off to keep better sync,  but  may  be  changed  when
              testing heavy content or slow renderers.

       ForceSingleClock (value: yes, no)
              One  big problem with MP4 files is that the notion of "duration" has been unclear for a long time,
              and most content available (audio-video files) specifiy a wrong BIFS duration. In such a case  the
              movie cannot be controled/seek into.
              Another  problem with ISMA streaming is that BIFS/OD don't use the same clock as audio/video, thus
              seeking the main timeline does not seek AV media.
              Setting the ForceSingleClock will handle both cases by using  a  single  timeline  for  all  media
              streams and setting the duration to the one of the longest stream.

       ThreadingPolicy (value: Free, Single, Multi)
              specifies how media decoders are to be threaded.
              Free: lets decoders decide of their threading.
              Single:  means that all decoders are managed in a single thread performing scheduling and priority
              Multi: means that each decoder runs in its own thread.

       Priority (value: low, normal, high, real-time)
              specifies the priority of the decoders (priority is applied to  decoder  thread(s)  regardless  of
              threading mode).

       hardcoded_protos (value: list of strings separated by space)
              holds  a  list  list  of EXTERNPROTO URLs (NO OD_ID !!!) implemented in hard in the renderer - for
              development only.

       NoVisualThread (value: yes, no)
              specifies whether the visual rendering is done in the main codec manager or in a dedicated thread.

       DefAudioDec, DefVideoDec (value: string)
              Specifies which plugin to use by default for audio/video  decoding.  Example,  "DefVideoDec=name".
              The  name  given  is  the  name of the plugin to be used (same considerations as other plugins, cf

       codec_XX_XX (value: string)
              Allows to specify default media plugin (audio/video) per stream type  and  object  type.  This  is
              usefull  if  you have more than one decoder for a given type. The syntax is codec_AA_BB=pluginname
              where AA is the hexadecimal MPEG-4 streamType value for the codec (0x04=visual, 0x05=audio) and BB
              is  the  hexadecimal  MPEG-4  objectTypeIndication  of the media (0x20 = MPEG-4 video, 0x40=MPEG-4
              Audio, ...). The name given is the name of the plugin to be used  (same  considerations  as  other
              plugins, cf above).

SECTION Rendering

       The  "Rendering" section holds all configuration options for the logical rendering engines, whether 2D or
       3D. The following options are defined:

       RendererName (value: string)
              specifies which renderer should be used. There are currently 2 renderers available in GPAC,  "GPAC
              2D Renderer" and "GPAC 3D Renderer". Renderers cannot be reloaded at run-time, the complete system
              must be restarted.

       Raster2D (value: string)
              specifies the 2D rasterizer to use for vectorial drawing. Used by 2D renderer (for everything) and
              3D renderer (for textured text and gradients).

       FrameRate (value: float)
              specifies  the  simulation  frame-rate of the presentation - this value is also used by the MPEG-4
              Systems engine to determine when a BIFS frame is mature for decoding.

       AntiAlias (value: None, All, Text)
              specifies antialiasing settings - whether the setting is applied or not depends  on  the  graphics
              plugin/graphic card.
              None: no anti-aliasing
              Text: anti-aliasing for text only
              All: complete anti-aliasing

       FastRender (value: yes, no)
              specifies whether rendering should target speed or quality - whether the setting is applied or not
              depends on the graphics plugin/graphic card.

       ForceSceneSize (value: yes, no)
              forces the scene to resize to the biggest bitmap available if no size info is given  in  the  BIFS

       StressMode (value: yes, no)
              specifies  that the renderer runs in worst case scenario, recomputing all vectorial paths, meshes,
              outlines and reloading textures (sending them to graphics card) at each frame.

       BoundingVolume (value: None, Box, AABB)
              specifies whether the bounding volume of an object shall  be  drawn  or  not.  Note  that  the  2D
              renderer  only  uses  rectangles  as bounding volumes. The "AABB" value is used by the 3D renderer
              only, and specifies the object bounding-box tree shall be drawn.


       The "Render2D" section holds all configuration options for the 2D tile rendering  engine.  The  following
       options are defined:

       DirectRender (value: yes, no)
              specifies  whether direct rendering should be used or not. In direct rendering mode, the screen is
              completely redrawn at each frame. In indirect rendering object positioning is tracked  from  frame
              to  frame  and  dirty  rectangles  info  is collected in order to redraw the minimal amount of the
              screen buffer.Whether the  setting is applied or not depends on the graphics plugin (currently all
              plugins handle both mode).

       ScalableZoom (value: yes, no)
              specifies whether scalable zoom should be used or not. When scalable zoom is enabled, resizing the
              output window will also recompute all vectorial  objects.  Otherwise  only  the  final  buffer  is


       The  "Render3D" section holds all configuration options for the 3D openGL rendering engine. The following
       options are defined:

       RasterOutlines (value: yes, no)
              specifies that outlining shall be done through openGL pen width rather than vectorial outlining.

       PolygonAA (value: yes, no)
              specifies whether polygon antialiasing should be used in full antialiasing mode. If not set,  only
              lines and points antialiasing are used.

       Wireframe (value: WireNone, WireOnly, WireOnSolid)
              specifies wireframe drawing options:
              WireNone: objects are drawn as solid
              WireOnly: objects are drawn as wireframe only
              WireOnSolid: objects are drawn as solid and wireframe is then drawn

       DisableRectExt (value: yes, no)
              specifies    whether   openGL   rectangular   texture   extension   (GL_EXT_texture_rectangle   or
              GL_NV_texture_rectangle) shall be used or not.
              If "yes", textures whose dimensions are not power of two are rescaled except if  hardware  support
              non-power-of-two textures (GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two) natively
              If  "no"  and  extension is available, textures are used without rescaling. Note that in this case
              texture transformation are disabled.

       EmulatePOW2 (value: yes, no)
              enables power of 2 emulation. Ignored if openGL rectangular texture extension is enabled.
              if set, video texture is not resized but emulated with  padding.  This  usually  speeds  up  video
              mapping on shapes but disables texture transformations.
              if not set, video is resized to a power of 2 texture when mapping to a shape.

       BitmapCopyPixels (value: yes, no)
              specifies  whether the bitmap node should be drawn with regular openGL texturing ("no") or through
              pixel copy routines ("yes"). This greatly impacts video rendering through bitmap depending on  the
              graphics  card.  Some  cards will have faster pixel copy routines that texture transfer ones, some


       The "Audio" section holds all configuration options for the audio rendering  engine  and  hardware.  Note
       that  most  options depend on the driver used and may be ignored by the driver. The following options are

       ForceConfig (value: yes, no)
              Forces a given sound card configuration to be used. If not set the sound card will be setup to use
              2  audio  buffers  of  1024  samples  each.  This may not work properly on some audio cards due to
              hardware latency, therefore forcing the config may be very usefull.

       NumBuffers (value: integer, 0 forbidden)
              When config is forced, specifies the number of audio buffers to allocate (audio buffers are played
              in ring if possible, otherwise a single audio buffer is allocated).

       TotalDuration (value: integer, 0 forbidden)
              When  config  is  forced, specifies the total audio buffer size in milliseconds. Be aware that the
              longer the audio buffer is, the longer the audio latency will be when pausing an audio object. The
              quality of fast forward audio playback will also be degradated when using large audio buffers.
              Note: The SDL audio plugin does not use the TotalDuration and num buffers in the same way, it just
              computes the desired audio buffer size with this settings and picks the next power of 2  size  for
              audio buffer size. It does not use ring buffers either.

       NoResync (value: yes, no)
              Disables audio resynchronization: audio clock is never adjusted and A/V sync may get broken

       DisableMultiChannel (value: yes, no)
              Disables  audio  multichannel  output  and  always  downmix  to stereo. This may be usefull if the
              multichannel output behaves weirdly.

       DisableNotification (value: yes, no)
              Disables usage of audio buffer notifications when supported (currently only  DirectSound  supports
              it).  If DirectSound audio sounds weird try without notifications. Ignored on other platforms than

       DriverName (value: string)
              specifies the driver to use for audio rendering.

       Volume (value: integer, range 0-100)
              specifies the default audio volume used when launching GPAC.

       Pan (value: integer, range 0-100)
              specifies the default audio stereo balance used when launching GPAC - 0 for  full  left,  100  for
              full right, 50 for balanced.


       The  "Video"  section  holds all configuration options for the video renderer and hardware. The following
       options are defined:

       DisableYUV (value: yes, no) - used by 2D renderer only
              disables YUV hardware support (YUV hardware support may not be available for the current plugin).

       SwitchResolution (value: yes, no)
              if enabled, selects smallest video resolution larger than scene size, otherwise use current  video

       DriverName (value: string)
              specifies the driver to use for video memory access.


       The "Network" section holds all configuration options for the network used by plugins and systems engine.
       The following options are defined:

       AutoReconfigUDP (value: yes, no)
              specifies if network manager shall reconnect a scene if UDP traffic is blocked.

       DataTimeout (value: unsigned int)
              specifies timeout in milliseconds befor initial buffering aborts. Default terminal value is  20000
              (20 seconds).

       UDPNotAvailable (value: yes, no)
              specifies that UDP traffic is not available (usually set by GPAC)

       UDPTimeout (value: unsigned int)
              specifies  timeout  in  milliseconds  for initial UDP detection. Once a UDP packet is recieved the
              timeout is ignored.

       BufferLength (value: unsigned int)
              specifies the default length of the decoding buffer in milliseconds. The client will wait for  the
              buffer  to  be filled before starting decoding. A plugin may decide to use a different value based
              on protocol and network jitters.

       RebufferLength (value: unsigned int)
              specifies rebuffering length of the decoding buffer in milliseconds. Whenever the decoding  buffer
              fullness  is  less  than  this  value,  the  object clock is paused and the stream rebuffered till
              BufferLength. Therefore a value of 0 means no rebuffering. A plugin may decide to use a  different
              value based on protocol and network jitters.

SECTION FontEngine

       The "FontEngine" section holds all configuration options for the font handling. The GPAC rendering module
       handles text through vectorial outline, allowing graphics plugin development without having to  integrate
       text rendering which is always heavy work. The following options are defined:

       DriverName (value: string)
              specifies the driver to use for font handling.

       FontDirectory (value: path)
              specifies  the  directory  where fonts are located - currently only one directory can be specified
              (however nothing stops a font plugin from using a private directory). If the directory is  invalid
              or does not contain fonts, text may be unavailable in GPAC.

       TextureTextMode (value: Never, 3D, Always)
              specifies  whether  text shall be drawn to a texture and then rendered or directly rendered. Using
              textured text can improve text look in  the  3D  renderer  and  also  improve  text-on-video  like

       FontSerif (value: string)
              specifies default SERIF font.

       FontSans (value: string)
              specifies default SANS font.

       FontFixed (value: string)
              specifies default FIXED font.

       Note: The freetype plugin uses this section to maintain associations between font names and truetype font
       file names. This greatly speeds up font selection at run-time.

SECTION Downloader

       The "Downloader" section holds all configuration options for file downloading and caching.

       CleanCache (value: yes, no)
              specifies whether downloaded files shall be removed once used.

       RestartFiles (value: yes, no)
              specifies whether incompletely downloaded files shall be removed before redownloading.

       MaxRate (value: positive integer)
              specifies a maximum data rate in kilo bits per seconds for file  downloading.  This  is  used  for
              simulation purposes. A value of 0 means no rate restriction.

       UserAgent (value: string)
              specifies an alternate user agent (default one is "GPAC $VERSION").


       The "HTTPProxy" section of the config file holds configuration option for HTTP proxy adressing. Currently
       only one proxy can be enabled, and no URI selection is done

       Enabled (value: yes, no)
              specifies whether the proxy should be used or not when downloading files.

       Name (value: string)
              specifies the proxy name (IP address  or  resolved  name)  without  protocol  identifier  (eg,  no
              "http://"). If not present, the proxy is disabled.

       Port (value: positive integer)
              Specifies  the  port to use with the proxy. If no port is specified, the default HTTP port (80) is

SECTION Streaming

       The  "Streaming"  section  holds  all  configuration  options  for   real-time   streaming   using   IETF
       SDP/RTSP/RTP/RTCP protocols.

       DefaultPort (value: unsigned short)
              specifies  the  default port to use when connecting to a server (ignored if a port is specified in
              the url). If the port is 80 or 8080 (HTTP), the client will connect to the RTSP server through  an
              HTTP tunnel, and transport will take place on the RTSP connection.

       ReorderSize (value: integer)
              size  of  the RTP reordering buffer - 0 means no reordering. Ignored when transport takes place on
              the RTSP connection

       RTPoverRTSP (value: yes, no)
              specifies whether RTP packets should be carried on the RTSP connection (TCP or UDP) when possible,
              or carried on UDP. If the connection port is an HTTP port, this value is assumed to be true

       RTSPTimeout (value: unsigned int)
              specifies  connection  timeout  with  the server: an RTSP request is considered as failed when the
              timeout expires.

       FirstPacketDrop (value: unsigned int)
              specifies the first SL packet to be droped -  0  means  no  packet  drop.  Used  for  packet  drop
              simulation tests.

       PacketDropFrequency (value: unsigned int)
              specifies  the  frequency  at  which  SL  packets  are droped. If value is 20, one packet every 20
              recieved packets will be droped. Used for packet drop simulation tests.


       This section is used to keep MIME types and file associations for GPAC plugins. The format of the key is:
       mimeType="fileExt1 filexExt2 .. filexExtN" MimeType description PluginName
       The  description  is used for GUI purposes (open file dialogs). You may modify the file extension list to
       support your own extensions.  MIME Type is always checked when processing a  remote  ressource  (eg  http
       file)  in order to load the appropriated plugins.  If MIME type is not available, provided extensions are
       first checked, then all input plugins are queried.


       The "StreamingCache" section of the config file holds all configuration options for the streaming  cache.
       Streaming  cache allows for recording of live sources such as RTP/RTSP sessions and internet radios. This
       is currently just an experimental feature in GPAC.
       RecordDirectory (value: path) specifies path for recorded files. Cached data is written directly to  disk
       (no re-interleaving or similar processes). If not specified, the default cache directory is used.

       BaseFileName (value: string)
              specifies the base name for recorded files. If not present in configuration file, the service name
              (URL) is used.

       KeepExistingFiles (value: yes no)
              specifies if cached files with same name should be kept or not. If not, an integer number is added
              to the cached file name, the higest number for the latest file.

       SECTION SAXLoader
              The  "SAXLoader"  section  holds all configuration options for XML SAX parsing of SVG, XMT and X3D

       Progressive (value: string)
              specifies XML parsing mode used by the loader. Supported modes are:
              yes: SAX parsing is used with progressive loading of the document.
              no: SAX parsing is used, document will first be completely downloaded.
              DOM: DOM parsing is used, document will first be completely downloaded. Only supported by  libXML2
              plugin, otherwise handled as "no".

       MaxDuration (value positive integer)
              specifies  the  maximum  amount  of  time  the  SAX  parser  should spent loading a portion of the
              document. Only used in SAX Progressive mode.


       The "XviD" section holds all configuration options for the XviD codec.

       PostProc (value: string)
              specifies filters to apply when decoding video. The string is a list of filters separated  with  a
              space character. Filters supported are:
              FilmEffect: xvid 1.0.0 filmEffect.
              Deblock_Y: Y plane deblocking filter.
              Deblock_UV: UV plane deblocking filter.

       Threaded (value yes, no)
              specifies whether the decoder should run in its own thread or not.

Section FFMPEG

       The "FFMPEG" section holds all configuration options for the FFMPEG demuxer and codec.

       DataBufferMS (value: unsigned int)
              specifies  the  amount  of  video/audio  data  (in  milliseconds)  to  be bufferer before starting
              decoding. For developpers only.

Section ISOReader

       The "ISOReader" section holds all configuration options for the ISO Media file demuxer.

       IgnoreMPEG-4ForBrands (value: Full 4CC or 4CC pattern (abc* ab*))
              ignores all MPEG-4 systems tracks and IOD for files showing the listed brands in their  compatible
              brand list.


       If  not found, a default configuration file is created when launching MP4Client or Osmo4. In this process
       the font directory and the cache directory must be entered at prompt. The file is  located  in  the  user
       home directory and called ".gpacrc"


       GPAC Configuration File: ~/.gpacrc


       Jean Le Feuvre <> - GPAC (c) 2000-2005


       MP4Client(1), MP4Box(1)