bionic (1) gramophone2.1.gz

Provided by: gramophone2_0.8.13a-3ubuntu2_amd64 bug


       gramophone2 -  GRAMophone is an algorithmic generator of music composition.


       gramophone2 [-c|-d] sourcefile [midifile]


       -c     is an option allowing you to control the syntax of the source without generating music.

       -d     is  an option allowing you to activate debug mode, with video output of the composition and player
              parameters plus the generated notes.


       In GRAMophone, the music is generated using two kinds of formal grammar: Chomsky's  regular  grammar  (or
       Type  3)  for  a  TOP DOWN approach to the composition and a reduced version of Lindenmayer grammar for a
       BOTTOM UP approach.


       GRAMophone is partly based on an idea of Jon McCormack's, who invented  the  idea  of  a  virtual  player
       (virtual  musician).  The player in question is associated with a MIDI track, and interprets instructions
       telling it what to do.  Generally, they  say  play  notes  (send  MIDI  messages).  GRAMophone's  players
       together make up an orchestra, which plays a composition.

       Any  number  of  players  can play a composition, but in practice the hardware used might impose an upper

       In general every player plays an instrument and each has a different set of grammar rules.  An individual
       player  is characterised by a set of parameters which are shared by the whole orchestra and/or a personal
       parameter set.

       The orchestra's parameters consist of:

              the kind of grammar used (Chomsky or Lindenmayer);

              the metronome;

              the measure;

              the number of iterations used in the production process.

       Each individual player's parameters consist of:

              the kind of grammar used (Chomsky or Lindenmayer);

              the instrument;

              the MIDI channel associated with the player;

              the number of iterations used in the production process;

       A player's notes have a current state consisting of:





       These characteristics can be controlled parametrically by a player declaring  its  associated  variables.
       GRAMophone,  then,  allows  for  the  non-deterministic  generation  of  music,  using  either Chomsky or
       Lindenmayer grammar.


       "Give Me A" (The "Hello, World!" for GRAMophone")

       To introduce you to the basic ideas, here is the simplest algorithmic composition that can  be  generated
       with  GRAMophone:  this composition simply generates the note A and is presented through both the Chomsky
       and Lindenmayer methods.

       composition "Give Me A" of "Schroeder" {

         //this composition generates the A note with the Chomsky grammar

         grammar chomsky
         tempo 120
         time_signature 4/4
         player Schroeder {
           instrument 0

       composition "Give Me A" of "Schroeder" {
         //this composition generates the A note with the Lindenmayer grammar
         grammar lindenmayer
         tempo 120
         time_signature 4/4
         player Schroeder {
           instrument 0

       THE KEYWORDS composition E of

       All compositions must begin with the keyword composition  followed  by  a  string  (in  inverted  commas)
       containing  the  name  of  the  composition.  This must be followed by the keyword of then another string
       containing the copyright of the piece.


       The composition block is placed in brackets. It is subdivided into three sections:  one  section  defines
       parameters  of  the composition, one declares and initiates any global variables and an orchestra section
       where the players who will 'play' the piece are defined. The first two sections are separated  by  the  %

       THE player KEYWORD

       Each player is defined with the keyword player, followed by an identifier.

       THE player BLOCK

       The  player  block  is  placed  in  brackets  and is divided into three sections: one section defines the
       parameters of the track associated with the player, one declares any local variables for the  player  and
       one is for the formal rules. The first two sections are separated by the % symbol.


       In  GRAMophone,  comments  are  C-like:  they  must  begin  with the character pair '/*' and end with the
       character pair '*/.' There must be no space between the asterisk and the slash. Everything between  these
       pairs of symbols will be ignored by the GRAMophone parser.  Whole lines of comments may also be included.
       Lines of comments begin with the symbol // and end at the  end  of  the  line,  as  in  the  two  initial

       Section defining the composition's parameters

       The  parameters  shared  by  all  the  orchestra's  players are declared here. The parameters that may be
       declared are:






       This section must end with the % symbol.


       This parameter is obligatory and defines the kind of grammar to be used in the generation.  This  can  be
       either chomsky or lindenmayer.


       This  parameter  defines the number of time units of 1/4 duration. If omitted, the default value 480 will
       be used.


       This parameter defines the number of iterations contained in the generation. Its meaning depends  on  the
       kind of grammar chosen, as explained below. If omitted, the default value 1 will be used.


       This parameter defines the composition's rhythm. If omitted, the default value 120 will be used.


       This parameter defines the composition's measure. If omitted, the default value 4/4 will be used.

       Section declaring the composition's global variables

       The variables control the parameters of a note's attributes, as explained below.

       Section defining the player's parameters

       Each  player's  personal  parameters and variables are declared here. The personal parameters that may be
       declared are:




              This section must end with the % symbol.


       This parameter indicates the player's instrument type. GRAMophone's instrument set is the same as that of
       General  MIDI.  The acceptable range of values is 0 to 127; there are therefore 128 instruments to choose
       from. A table showing the instrument codes appears below:

              0 Piano

              1 Brite Piano

              2 HammerPiano

              3 Honkey Tonk

              4 New Tines

              5 Digital Piano

              6 Harpsichord

              7 Clavi

              8 Celesta

              9 Glocken

              10 Music Box

              11 Vibes

              12 Marimba

              13 Xylophon

              14 Tubular Bell

              15 Santur

              16 Full Organ

              17 Percussive Organ

              18 BX-3 Organ

              19 Church Organ

              20 Positive

              21 Musette

              22 Harmonica

              23 Tango

              24 Classic Guitar

              25 Acoustic Guitar

              26 Jazz Guitar

              27 Clean Guitar

              28 Mute Guitar

              29 Overdrive Guitar

              30 Distorted Guitar

              31 Harmonics

              32 Jazz Bass

              33 Deep Bass

              34 Pick Bass

              35 Fretless Bass

              36 Slap Bass 1

              37 Slap Bass 2

              38 Syntethized Bass 1

              39 Syntethized Bass 2

              40 Violin

              41 Viola

              42 Cello

              43 Contra Bass

              44 Tremolo String

              45 Pizzicato

              46 Harp

              47 Timpani

              48 Marcato

              49 Slow String

              50 Analog Pad

              51 String Pad

              52 Choir

              53 Doo Voice

              54 Voices

              55 Orchestra Hit

              56 Trumpet

              57 Trombone

              58 Tuba

              59 Mute Trumpet

              60 French Horn

              61 Brass Section

              62 Synthetized Brass 1

              63 Synthetized Brass 2

              64 Soprano Sax

              65 Alto Sax

              66 Tenor Sax

              67 Baritone Sax

              68 Sweet Oboe

              69 English Horn

              70 Bassoon Oboe

              71 Clarinet

              72 Piccolo

              73 Flute

              74 Recorder

              75 Pan Flute

              76 Bottle

              77 Shakhukuhachi

              78 Whistle

              79 Ocarina

              80 Square Lead

              81 Saw Lead

              82 Caliope Lead

              83 Chiff Lead

              84 Charang Lead

              85 Air Chorus

              86 Rezzo4ths

              87 Bass & Lead

              88 Fantasia

              89 Warm Pad

              90 Poly Synth Pad

              91 Ghost Pad

              92 Bowed Pad

              93 Metal Pad

              94 Halo Pad

              95 Sweep Pad

              96 Ice Rain

              97 Soundtrack

              98 Crystal

              99 Atmosphere

              100 Brightness

              101 Goblin

              102 Echo Drop

              103 Star Theme

              104 Sitar

              105 Banjo

              106 Shamisen

              107 Koto

              108 Kalimba

              109 Scotland

              110 Fiddle

              111 Shanai

              112 Metal Bell

              113 Agogo

              114 Steel Drums

              115 Wood Blok

              116 Taiko Drum

              117 Melodic Tom

              118 Synth Tom

              119 Reverse Cymbal

              120 Fret Noise

              121 Noise Chiff

              122 Seashore

              123 Birds

              124 Telephone

              125 Helicopter

              126 Stadium!!

              127 Gunshot

       If omitted, the default instrument value 0 is used.


       This parameter defines which Midi channel will be associated with  the  player.  There  are  16  possible
       channels.  Channel  10 is reserved for percussion instruments. If omitted, the default channel value 1 is


       This parameter defines the number of iterations in the generation. Its meaning depends  on  the  kind  of
       grammar  chosen,  as  explained  below.  If the iterations parameter has been included in the composition
       declarations, the latter declaration will be ignored.

       Section declaring the player's local variables

       The variables control the parameters of a note's attributes, as explained below.

       Notes in GRAMophone


       Notes are the first category of terminal symbols GRAMophone.

       GRAMophone uses the English notation for notes:

                   A B C D E F G

       The names of notes must be written in capital letters.  The flat and sharp symbols are represented by 'b'
       and '#' respectively; no space should appear between these symbols and the name of the note: A#, Gb, etc.


       Notes  can  have  four  attributes  in  GRAMophone:  octave,  velocity,  duration and release. The octave
       attribute varies between -2 and 8, while the velocity and release attributes vary from 0 to 127.  If  the
       note  is  written  without  attributes,  then the following default values are used: 3 for octave, 64 for
       velocity and release. The current default value for duration is a crotchet. In the example, "Give  me  A"
       is  written  simply  as A[,,,]. This means that an A is generated at the third octave, with a duration of
       1/4 and a velocity and release of 64.


       The attributes of a note are defined by writing them inside the square brackets which follow the name  of
       the  note,  without spaces. A note can have four attributes at most and each attribute type may have only
       one value.

       The attributes must be defined in the following order:





       If all three attributes are not defined, the default value is used for the missing ones.

       Here are some examples of notes with attributes:

              C[2, 50+60/2, 240*4,] - plays a C at the second octave, with a velocity of  80,  duration  of  960
              (minim with a resolution of 480) and a release of 64 (default value);

              Db[4,,,]  -  plays a  D flat at the fourth octave, using the default values for velocity, duration
              and release;

              F#[,,,] - use the default values for all the attributes;

       Incorrect examples are:

              Db[3, 127, 960, 64, x] - too many attributes (x is a variable).


       Pauses are another category of terminal symbol in GRAMophone.  They are indicated by  the  letter  R  and
       only take a duration type attribute. If unspecified, the default resolution value is used. Attributes are
       defined in the same way as for notes.

       Here are some examples of pauses:

              R[480/2] - pause with a duration of 240;

              R[] - use the default value for the attribute of type duration.


       Chords are the final category of terminal symbol used in GRAMophone. A chord is a series of notes  played
       simultaneously. In GRAMophone, notes played in a chord are enclosed between two '^' symbols.

       Here are some examples of chords:

              ^C[,,,]E[,,,]G[,,,]^ - plays a C major chord, using each note's default values.

              ^A[2,80,240,]C[2,,240,]E[2,,240,]^  -  plays an A minor chord with duration 1/8, with all notes at
              the second octave and velocity 64 (default value), with the first note of the chord played with  a
              velocity of 80 and the remaining two at a velocity of 64 (default value).


            The  notes  of  a chord do not always have the same duration. For example it is possible that, while
       the note C[2,,1920,] of duration 4/4 is playing, the musician has to play four crotchets in the following
       order:  C[,,,],  E[,,,],  G[,,,],  Bb[,,,].  There  has  to be a way of telling GRAMophone that the notes
       C[2,,1920,] and C[,,,] must start at the same time, that E[,,,] must begin after a pause of  1/4,  G[,,,]
       after 2/4 and Bb[,,,] after 3/4. In GRAMophone this is written as follows:


       In  other  words,  every note in the chord can be preceded by a pause definition representing the time to
       wait before playing the note.       It does not matter which order you write the notes down in  a  chord.
       The chord in the example above can also be written:



       Some of GRAMophone's language entities, variables, macros and non-terminal symbols in Chomsky grammar for
       example, must have names by which they can be identified. These names  are  called  identifiers  and  are
       chosen  by  the  composer.   GRAMophone's  identifiers  follow  the  system  of  identifiers  used in the
       programming language Pascal. In fact an identifier is made up of a  letter  followed  by  a  sequence  of
       letters or digits. GRAMophone's identifiers must also be written in lower case.

       Chomsky Grammar


       In  Chomsky  grammar  non-terminal  symbols  are  used  to  give  a  structure  or 'style' to the musical
       composition. They are written with an '@' immediately followed by an identifier. The Chomsky grammar used
       by GRAMophone is context free so the head of the production can only be a non-terminal.

       THE NON-TERMINAL SYMBOL @composition

       This non-terminal symbol, which corresponds to the final composition of a single player, is obligatory.


       This is defined by the character sequence '->' and separates the head of the production from the body.


       This  may  contain  sequences  of  terminal  (notes,  pauses  and  chords) and non-terminal symbols. Each
       production must end with a semi-colon.

       | (OR) OPERATOR

       A production may be non-deterministic: in  other  words  it  may  present  two  or  more  choices  during
       generation. The body of a non-deterministic production is made up of the various choices separated by the
       | operator. For example


       is a non-deterministic production.


       In Chomsky grammar a production may  include  cycles,  i.e.  production  bodies  containing  non-terminal
       symbols that refer to the production actually being produced. For example:


       To  avoid  an  infinite  loop during generation, the non-terminal symbol @Sequenza1 is processed an equal
       number of times to the iterations parameter.

       Lindenmayer Grammar

       Lindenmayer grammar only deals with terminal symbols and GRAMophone's version can be context-free or work
       in  a polyphonic context. Therefore, single notes or chords can appear at the head of the production. All
       productions are separated by a semi-colon.


       This is the initial production from which generation begins. It is obligatory.  PRODUCTION OPERATOR

       This is defined by the character sequence '->' and separates the head of the production from the body.

       | (OR) OPERATOR

       A production may be non-deterministic: in  other  words  it  may  present  two  or  more  choices  during
       generation. The body of a non-deterministic production is made up of the various choices separated by the
       | operator. For example


       is a non-deterministic production.


       At each step all the grammar's productions are simultaneously applied to the note string.  In  this  case
       the iterations parameter represents the number of steps to be carried out.

       Use of variables


       GRAMophone is able to control the attributes of a note parametrically through the use of variables. These
       variables are declared in the player's declaration section and may be of  the  following  types:  octave,
       velocity,  duration  and  msb.  A  variable  is  declared  by  writing  its  type followed by one or more
       identifiers separated by a comma. The declaration must end with a semi-colon. A player's identifier  must
       be declared only once.

       The following are correct declarations:

              velocity x, y;

              octave oct, z;

              duration w;

       The following are incorrect declarations:

              velocity x, x;

              octave z;

              duration z;

       Following  the declaration section and before the grammar it is possible to initialise variables by means
       of the = operator.

       The following is an example of declaration and initialisation:

              velocity x;



       Variables are used in note attribute expressions. GRAMophone controls the types within expressions, so it
       is not possible to add an octave variable to a velocity variable, for example.

       The following is an example of a note variable:

              velocity x;

              duration z, w;


       composition "Crescendo" of "Schroeder" {

         //this composition generates 64 A notes with a growing velocity

         grammar chomsky
         tempo 120
         time_signature 4/4
         iterations 64
         player Schroeder {
           instrument 40
           velocity x=0;



       In  both  Chomsky  and  Lindenmayer grammars it is possible to define conditions for the variables in the
       production body. If the condition is true, the production is executed; otherwise it is not.  A  condition
       is  defined  immediately  after the name of the production by means of the '?' symbol, followed by one or
       more Boolean expressions.

       The Boolean operators are:

              !         not

              &&        and

              ||        or

       The relational operators are:

              ==        uguale

              !=        diverso

              <         minore

              >         maggiore

              <=        minore o uguale

              >=        maggiore o uguale

       The following is an example of a conditional production.


       which means: while x is not equal to zero, generate the @battuta production; otherwise do not.

       Discography, GRAMophone's library

       GRAMophone is able to include external libraries, called discographies. To include  a  discography  in  a
       source  file, use the keyword discography followed by its file name. A discography can be included at any
       point in the source file, as long as its contents match the position of the  source  where  it  has  been


       Macros  can  be defined using the keyword define, followed by a lower-case identifier and a string placed
       in inverted commas. Macros must be defined at  the  beginning  of  the  source  composition,  before  the
       composition  keyword. For example, in order to simply write a instead of A[,,,], the following macro must
       be defined: define a "A[,,,]"

       Functions in GRAMophone

       THE repeat() FUNCTION

       The repeat() function takes an msb type value plus a Chomsky or  Lindenmayer  sequence.  It  enables  the
       included sequence to be repeated a number of times that is equal to the msb type value.

       THE rand() FUNCTION

       The  rand()  function  takes an expression and returns a random value which is less than the value of the

       Melodic operators in GRAMophone


       The transpose() operator takes an msb type value plus a Chomsky or Lindenmayer sequence. It  generates  a
       sequence in which all the notes in the relevant sequence are transposed by a number of semitones equal to
       the msb type value.


       The inversion() operator takes a Chomsky or Lindenmayer sequence. It generates a sequence  in  which  the
       intervals between the first and the other notes in the sequence taken are calculated in reverse.


       The  retrograde()  operator takes a Chomsky or Lindenmayer sequence. It generates a sequence which is the
       contrary of the sequence inserted.


       Giovanni Ferranti <giovanni_at_giovanniferranti_dot_it>