bionic (1) graphslam-engine.1.gz

Provided by: mrpt-apps_1.5.5-1_amd64 bug


       graphslam-engine - Construct and solve robot pose graphs from .rawlog dataset files

       Note:As the graphslam-engine application still under development, current manpage may be outdated. Refer
       to the MRPT doxygen class documentation and the corresponding application documentation for the latest
       features and usage instructions


       The available command line arguments are listed below:

          graphslam-engine [--disable-visuals] [--list-optimizers]
                           [--list-regs] [--list-edge-regs]
                           [--list-node-regs][-o <CLevMarqGSO>][-e
                           <CICPCriteriaERD>][-n <CICPCriteriaNRD>][-g
                           <contents.rawlog.GT.txt>][-r <contents.rawlog>] [-i
                           <config.ini>] [--][--version] [-h]

       Alternatively run graphslam-engine -h for the full arguments list


       Aim of the app is to perform 2D graph-slam: Robot localizes itself in the environment while, at the same
       time builds a map of that environment.  App currently executes SLAM using MRPT rawlog files (both MRPT
       rawlog formats are supported) as input which should contain (some of) the following observation types:

       •   CObservationOdometryCObservation2DRangeScanCObservation3DRangeScan

           Working with 3DRangeScan is currently in an experimental phase.

       The majority of the graphslam-engine parameters in each case should be specified in an external .ini file
       which is to be given as a command-line argument. The following parameters can also be specified as
       command-line arguments:

       •   .ini-file [REQUIRED]

           Specify the .ini configuration file using the -i, --ini-file flags.  Configuration file parameters
           are read by the main CGraphSlamEngine class as well as the node/edge registration schemes, and the
           optimization scheme.

       •   rawlog-file [REQUIRED]

           Specify the rawlog dataset file using the -r, --rawlog flags.

       •   ground-truth

           Specify a ground truth file with -g, --ground-truth flags. Ground truth has to be specified if user
           has set visualize_slam_metric or visualize_ground_truth to true in the .ini file, otherwise an
           exception is raised.

       •   Node/Edge registration decider classes to be used.

           Specify the node registration or/and edge registration decider classes to be used using -n,
           --node-reg, -e --edge-reg flags.

           If not specified the default CFixedIntervalsNRD, CICPCriteriaERD are used as node and edge
           registration decider schemes respectively.

       •   Optimizer class to be used

           Specify the class to be used for the optimization of the pose-graph using the -o --optimizer flags.
           Currently the only supported optimization scheme is Levenberg-Marquardt non-linear graph optimization
           defined in optimize_graph_spa_levmarq

           If not specified, the default CLevMarqGSO is used.


            Disable Visualization - Overrides related visualize* directives of the
            .ini file

            List (all) available graphslam optimizer classes

            List (all) available registration decider classes

            List available edge registration decider classes

            List available node registration decider classes

          -o <CLevMarqGSO>,  --optimizer <CLevMarqGSO>
            Specify GraphSlam Optimizer

          -e <CICPCriteriaERD>,  --edge-reg <CICPCriteriaERD>
            Specify Edge registration decider

          -n <CICPCriteriaNRD>,  --node-reg <CICPCriteriaNRD>
            Specify Node registration decider

          -g <contents.rawlog.GT.txt>,  --ground-truth <contents.rawlog.GT.txt>
            Ground-truth textfile

          -r <contents.rawlog>,  --rawlog <contents.rawlog>
            Rawlog dataset file

          -i <config.ini>,  --ini_file <config.ini>
            .ini configuration file

          --,  --ignore_rest
            Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.

            Displays version information and exits.

          -h,  --help
            Displays usage information and exits.


       By default graphslam-engine execution generates an output directory by the name "graphslam-results"
       within the current working directory. The output directory contains the following files:

       •   CGraphSlamEngine.log

           Logfile containing the activity of the CGraphSlamEngine class instance.  Activity involves output
           logger messages, time statistics for critical parts of the application, and summary statistics about
           the constructed graph (e.g. number of registered nodes, edges).

       •   node_registrar.log, edge_registrar.log, optimizer.log

           Logfiles containing the activity of the corresponding class instances. File contents depend on the
           implementation of the corresponding classes but in most cases they contain output logger messages,
           time statistics for critical parts of the class execution.

       •   output_graph.graph

           File contains the constructed graph in the VERTEX/EDGE format. The latter can be visualized using the
           MRPT graph-slam application for verification reasons.

           For more information on this, see:

       •   output_scene.3DScene

           File contains the 3DScene that was generated in the end of the graphslam-engine execution. The latter
           can be visualized using the MRPT SceneViewer3D tool.

           For more information on this, see

           Note: File is generated only when the visualization of the graph construction is enabled in the .ini
           configuration file. See .ini parameters as well as the --disable flag for more on this.

       •   SLAM_evaluation_metric.log

           File contains the differences between the estimated trajectory increments and the corresponding
           ground-truth increments and can be used to verify and evaluate the performance of the SLAM algorithm.
           For more information on the metric, see "A Comparison of SLAM Algorithms Based on a Graph of
           Relations - Burgard, Wolfram et al."

           Note: File is generated only when the ground-truth of the corresponding dataset is given.

       Note: In case a directory named graphslam-results, generated during a previous execution, already exists
       it is, by default, overwritten. If this is not the desired behavior, user can set the
       user_decides_about_output_dir .ini parameter to true so that they are asked about this naming conflict
       during program execution.


       Sample calls to the graphslam-engine application are given below:

           graphslam-engine --list-regs

           graphslam-engine --list-regs --list-optimizers

           graphslam-engine -i $mrpt/share/mrpt/config_files/graphslam-engine/odometry_2DRangeScans.ini -r $mrpt/share//mrpt/datasets/graphslam-engine-demos/action_observations_map/range_030_bearing_015.rawlog -g $mrpt/share//mrpt/datasets/graphslam-engine-demos/action_observations_map/range_030_bearing_015.rawlog.GT.txt

           graphslam-engine -i $mrpt/share//mrpt/config_files/graphslam-engine/odometry_2DRangeScans_LC_version.ini -r $mrpt/share//mrpt/datasets/graphslam-engine-demos/action_observations_map/range_030_bearing_015.rawlog -g $mrpt/share//mrpt/datasets/graphslam-engine-demos/action_observations_map/range_030_bearing_015.rawlog.GT.txt --node-reg CFixedIntervalsNRD --edge-reg CLoopCloserERD --optimizer CLevMarqGSO

           graphslam-engine -i $mrpt/share//mrpt/config_files/graphslam-engine/laser_odometry.ini -r $mrpt/share//mrpt/datasets/graphslam-engine-demos/action_observations_map/range_030_bearing_015.rawlog -g $mrpt/share//mrpt/datasets/graphslam-engine-demos/action_observations_map/range_030_bearing_015.rawlog.GT.txt -n CFixedIntervalsNRD -e CICPCriteriaERD


       In this section insight into the graphslam-engine application - and corresponding library - is provided.

       CGraphSlamEngine is the main class executing graphslam. CGraphSlamEngine delegates most of the graph
       manipulation tasks to node/edge registration deciders and optimizer classes. This makes up for
       independence between the different tasks as well as for a reconfigurable setup, as the user can select to
       use different decider/optimizer classes depending on the situation. Users can also write their own
       decider/optimizer classes by inheriting from one of the CNodeRegistrationDecider,
       CEdgeRegistrationDecider, CGraphSlamOptimizer interfaces depending on what part they want to implement.

       The registration decider classes are divided into node and edge registration deciders. The former are
       responsible of adding new nodes in the graph while the latter add additional edges between already added
       graph nodes. These nodes can be consecutive or non-consecutive.


       Node registration decider schemes add nodes to the graph according to a specific criterion. Node deciders
       should implement the methods defined in the CNodeRegistrationDecider abstract class.
       CNodeRegistrationDecider provides the basic methods that have to exist in every node registration decider
       class.  For an example of inheriting from this class see CFixedIntervalsNRD. As a naming convention, all
       the implemented node registration deciders are suffixed with the NRD acronym.

       Currently two specific node registration schemes have been implemented:

       •   CFixedIntervalsNRD

           Decider registers a new node in the graph if the distance or the angle difference with regards to the
           previous registered node surpasses a corresponding fixed threshold. Decider makes use only of the
           CObservationOdometry instances in the rawlog file.

       •   CICPCriteriaNRD

           Decider registers a new node in the graph if the distance or the angle difference with regards to the
           previous registered node surpasses a corresponding fixed threshold. Decider measures the distance
           from the current position to the previous registered node using ICP (i.e. matches the current range
           scan against the range scan of the previous node). In case of noisy 2D laser scans, decider can also
           use odometry information to locally correct and smoothen the robot trajectory. Decider makes use of
           2DRangeScans or 3DRangeScans.

       For more information on this see


       Edge registration decider schemes add edges between already added nodes in the graph according to a
       specific criterion. Edge deciders should implement the methods defined in CEdgeRegistrationDecider
       abstract class.  CEdgeRegistrationDecider provides the basic methods that have to exist in every edge
       registration decider class. For an example of inheriting from this class see CICPCriteriaERD. As a naming
       convention, all the implemented edge registration deciders are suffixed with the ERD acronym.

       Currently two specific edge registration schemes have been implemented:

       •   CICPCriteriaERD

           Register new edges in the graph with the last inserted node. Criterion for adding new edges should be
           the goodness of the candidate ICP edge. The nodes for ICP are picked based on the distance from the
           last inserted node.  Decider makes use of 2DRangeScans or 3DRangeScans.

       •   CLoopCloserERD

           Evaluate sets of potential loop closure edges in the graph based on their pairwise consistency

           Decider first splits the graph into partitions based on the 2D laser scans of the nodes and then
           searches for potential loop closure edges within the partitions. Goal is to register only a subset of
           the potential loop closure edges that maximally agree with each other. Decider is implemented based
           on the following two papers:

           [1] Consistent Observation Grouping for Generating Metric-Topological Maps that Improves Robot
           Localization - J. Blanco, J. Gonzalez, J. Antonio Fernandez Madrigal, 2006 [2] Recognizing places
           using spectrally clustered local matches - E. Olson, 2009

       For more information on this see

       Optimizer schemes optimize an already constructed graph so that the registered edges maximally agree with
       each other. Optimizer schemes should implement the methods defined in CGraphSlamOptimizer abstract class.
       For an example of inheriting from this class see CLevMarqGSO.

       As a naming convention, all the implemented graphslam optimizer classes are suffixed with the GSO

       For more information on this see


       Please report bugs at


       •   Application wiki page -

       •   mrpt::graphslam lib documentation page -

       •   Application demo video -

       •   .ini Example files:

           For examples of .ini configuration files see the $mrpt/share/mrpt/config_files/graphslam-engine
           directory.  Modify $mrpt according to the path of MRPT source code.

       •   Example datasets

           For a list of datasets used during the application testing see the
           $mrpt/share/mrpt/datasets/graphslam-engine directory.  Modify $mrpt according to the path of MRPT
           source code.


       graphslam-engine is part of the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT), It was originally written by
       Nikos Koukis during the Google Summer of Code (GSOC) 2016 program.

       This manual page was written by Nikos Koukis <>.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the BSD

       On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the BSD License can be found in