bionic (1) grdflexure.1gmt.gz

Provided by: gmt-common_5.4.3+dfsg-1_all bug


       grdflexure - Compute flexural deformation of 3-D surfaces for various rheologies


       grdflexure  topogrd  -Drm/rl[/ri]/rw  -ETe[u]  -Goutgrid [  -ANx/Ny/Nxy ] [  -Cppoisson ] [  -CyYoung ] [
       -Fnu_a[/h_a/nu_m]  ]  [   -Llist  ]  [   -N[f|q|s|nx/ny][+a|d|h|l][+e|n|m][+twidth][+w[suffix]][+z[p]]  [
       -Sbeta ] [ -Tt0[u][/t1[u]/dt[u]|file] |n][+l] ] [  -V[level] ] [  -Wwd] [  -Zzm] [ -fg ]

       Note: No space is allowed between the option flag and the associated arguments.


       grdflexure computes the flexural response to loads using a range of user-selectable rheologies.  User may
       select from elastic, viscoelastic, or firmoviscous (with one or two viscous layers).  Temporal  evolution
       can also be modeled by providing incremental load grids and specifying a range of model output times.


              2-D binary grid file with the topography of the load (in meters); See GRID FILE FORMATS below.  If
              -T is used, topogrd may be a filename template with a floating  point  format  (C  syntax)  and  a
              different  load file name will be set and loaded for each time step.  The load times thus coincide
              with the times given via -T (but not all times need to have a corresponding file).  Alternatively,
              give  topogrd as =flist, where flist is an ASCII table with one topogrd filename and load time per
              record.  These load times can be different from the evaluation times given via -T.  For load  time
              format, see -T.

              Sets  density  for  mantle,  load,  infill  (optional,  otherwise  it is assumed to equal the load
              density), and water or air.  If ri differs from rl then an approximate solution will be found.  If
              ri is not given then it defaults to rl.

       -ETe   Sets  the  elastic  plate thickness (in meter); append k for km.  If the elastic thickness exceeds
              1e10 it will be interpreted as a flexural rigidity D (by default D is computed  from  Te,  Young’s
              modulus, and Poisson’s ratio; see -C to change these values).

              If  -T  is  set  then grdfile must be a filename template that contains a floating point format (C
              syntax).  If the filename template also contains either %s (for unit name) or %c (for unit letter)
              then  we  use  the  corresponding  time (in units specified in -T) to generate the individual file
              names, otherwise we use time in years with no unit.


              Specify in-plane compressional or extensional forces in the x- and y-directions, as  well  as  any
              shear  force [no in-plane forces].  Compression is indicated by negative values, while extensional
              forces are specified using positive values.

              Change the current value of Poisson’s ratio [0.25].

              Change the current value of Young’s modulus [7.0e10 N/m^2].

              Specify a firmoviscous model in conjunction with an elastic  plate  thickness  specified  via  -E.
              Just  give one viscosity (nu_a) for an elastic plate over a viscous half-space, or also append the
              thickness of the asthenosphere (h_a) and  the  lower  mantle  viscosity  (nu_m),  with  the  first
              viscosity  now  being  that  of  the  asthenosphere.  Give  viscosities in Pa*s. If used, give the
              thickness of the asthenosphere in meter; append k for km.

              Choose or inquire about suitable grid dimensions for FFT and set optional parameters. Control  the
              FFT dimension:
                 -Na lets the FFT select dimensions yielding the most accurate result.

                 -Nf will force the FFT to use the actual dimensions of the data.

                 -Nm lets the FFT select dimensions using the least work memory.

                 -Nr lets the FFT select dimensions yielding the most rapid calculation.

                 -Ns will present a list of optional dimensions, then exit.

                 -Nnx/ny will do FFT on array size nx/ny (must be >= grid file size). Default chooses dimensions
                 >= data which optimize speed and accuracy of FFT. If FFT dimensions  >  grid  file  dimensions,
                 data are extended and tapered to zero.

              Control detrending of data: Append modifiers for removing a linear trend:
                 +d: Detrend data, i.e. remove best-fitting linear trend [Default].

                 +a: Only remove mean value.

                 +h: Only remove mid value, i.e. 0.5 * (max + min).

                 +l: Leave data alone.

              Control  extension  and  tapering of data: Use modifiers to control how the extension and tapering
              are to be performed:
                 +e extends the grid by imposing edge-point symmetry [Default],

                 +m extends the grid by imposing edge mirror symmetry

                 +n turns off data extension.

                 Tapering is performed from the data edge to the FFT grid edge [100%].  Change  this  percentage
                 via  +twidth.  When  +n is in effect, the tapering is applied instead to the data margins as no
                 extension is available [0%].

                 Control messages being reported: +v will report suitable dimensions during processing.

              Control writing of temporary results: For detailed investigation you can  write  the  intermediate
              grid  being  passed  to  the  forward  FFT;  this  is  likely  to have been detrended, extended by
              point-symmetry along all edges, and tapered. Append +w[suffix] from which output file name(s) will
              be created (i.e., ingrid_prefix.ext) [tapered], where ext is your file extension. Finally, you may
              save the complex grid produced by the forward FFT by appending +z. By default we  write  the  real
              and  imaginary  components  to  ingrid_real.ext  and ingrid_imag.ext. Append p to save instead the
              polar form of magnitude and phase to files ingrid_mag.ext and ingrid_phase.ext.

       -Llist Write the names and evaluation times of all grids  that  were  created  to  the  text  file  list.
              Requires -T.

       -Mtm   Specify  a  viscoelastic  model  in  conjunction with an elastic plate thickness specified via -E.
              Append the Maxwell time tm for the viscoelastic model (in ).

       -Sbeta Specify a starved moat fraction in the 0-1 range, where 1 means the  moat  is  fully  filled  with
              material  of  density  ri  while 0 means it is only filled with material of density rw (i.e., just
              water) [1].

              Specify t0, t1, and time increment (dt) for sequence of calculations [Default is one step, with no
              time  dependency].  For a single specific time, just give start time t0. The unit is years; append
              k for kyr and M for Myr.  For a logarithmic time scale, append +l and specify n steps  instead  of
              dt.   Alternatively,  give a file with the desired times in the first column (these times may have
              individual units appended, otherwise we assume year).  We then write a separate  model  grid  file
              for each given time step.

       -Wwd   Set reference depth to the undeformed flexed surface in m [0].  Append k to indicate km.

       -Zzm   Specify  reference  depth to flexed surface (e.g., Moho) in m; append k for km.  Must be positive.

       -V[level] (more …)
              Select verbosity level [c].

       -fg    Geographic grids (dimensions of longitude, latitude) will be  converted  to  meters  via  a  “Flat
              Earth” approximation using the current ellipsoid parameters.

       -^ or just -
              Print a short message about the syntax of the command, then exits (NOTE: on Windows just use -).

       -+ or just +
              Print  an  extensive usage (help) message, including the explanation of any module-specific option
              (but not the GMT common options), then exits.

       -? or no arguments
              Print a complete usage (help) message, including the explanation of all options, then exits.


       By default GMT writes out grid as single precision floats  in  a  COARDS-complaint  netCDF  file  format.
       However,  GMT  is  able  to  produce  grid  files  in many other commonly used grid file formats and also
       facilitates so called “packing” of grids, writing out floating point data as 1- or 2-byte integers. (more


       If  the  grid does not have meter as the horizontal unit, append +uunit to the input file name to convert
       from the specified unit to meter.  If your grid is geographic, convert distances to meters  by  supplying
       -fg instead.


       netCDF  COARDS  grids  will automatically be recognized as geographic. For other grids geographical grids
       were you want to convert degrees into meters, select -fg. If the data  are  close  to  either  pole,  you
       should consider projecting the grid file onto a rectangular coordinate system using grdproject.


       The  FFT  solution  to  plate  flexure  requires  the  infill density to equal the load density.  This is
       typically only true directly beneath the load; beyond the load  the  infill  tends  to  be  lower-density
       sediments  or  even  water  (or  air).  Wessel [2001, 2016] proposed an approximation that allows for the
       specification of an infill density different from the load  density  while  still  allowing  for  an  FFT
       solution.  Basically,  the  plate  flexure  is  solved for using the infill density as the effective load
       density but the amplitudes are adjusted by the factor A = sqrt ((rm  -  ri)/(rm  -  rl)),  which  is  the
       theoretical  difference  in  amplitude  due  to a point load using the two different load densities.  The
       approximation is very good but breaks down for large loads on weak plates, a fairy uncommon situation.


       To compute elastic plate flexure from the load, for a 10 km thick plate with  typical  densities,

              gmt grdflexure -E10k -D2700/3300/1035

       To compute the firmoviscous response to a series of incremental loads given by file name and load time in
       the table l.lis at the single time 1 Ma using the specified rheological values, try

          gmt grdflexure -T1M =l.lis -D3300/2800/2800/1000 -E5k -Gflx/ -F2e20 -Nf+a


       Cathles, L. M., 1975, The viscosity of the earth’s mantle, Princeton University Press.

       Wessel. P., 2001, Global distribution of seamounts  inferred  from  gridded  Geosat/ERS-1  altimetry,  J.
       Geophys. Res., 106(B9), 19,431-19,441,

       Wessel,  P., 2016, Regional–residual separation of bathymetry and revised estimates of Hawaii plume flux,
       Geophys. J. Int., 204(2), 932-947,


       gmt, grdfft, gravfft grdmath, grdproject, grdseamount

       2018, P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis, and F. Wobbe