bionic (1) httping.1.gz

Provided by: httping_2.5-1_amd64 bug


       httping - measure the latency and throughput of a webserver


       httping [options]

       options: [-g url] [-h hostname] [-p portnumber] [-x proxyhost:port] [-c count] [-i interval] [-t timeout]
       [-s] [-G] [-b] [-L xferlimit] [-X] [-l] [-z] [-f] [-m] [-o rc,...] [-e string] [-I useragent string]  [-R
       referer string] [-r] [-n warn,crit] [-N mode] [-q] [-V]


       The  program httping lets you measure the latency of a webserver. Since version 1.0.6 also the throughput
       can be measured.


       -5     The proxy server selected is a SOCKS5 server.

       -6     Enable IPv6 mode. Default is IPv4.

       -a     Audible ping

       -b     Use this switch together with '-G'. When this option is  used,  the  transferspeed  (in  KB/s)  is

       -B     Use  this  switch together with '-G'. Ask the HTTP server to compress the returned data: this will
              reduce the influence of the bandwidth of your connection while increasing  the  influence  of  the
              processorpower of the HTTP server.

       -c count
              How many probes to send before exiting.

       -D     Do not draw graphs in ncurses mode (-K).

       -e str When the status-code differs from the ones selected with '-o', the given string is displayed.

       -E     Retrieve proxy settings from environment variables ('http_proxy' and 'https_proxy').

       -F     Attempt  TCP  Fast Open while trying to connect to a server (for Linux, version 3.7 onwards of the

       -f     Flood ping: do not sit idle between each ping but ping as fast as the computer and  network  allow
              you to.

       -G     Do  a  GET  request instead of a HEAD request: this means that also the complete page/file must be
              transferred. Note that in this case you're no longer measuring the latency!

       -g url This selects the url to probe. E.g.: http://localhost/

       -h hostname
              Instead of '-g' one can also set a hostname to probe with -h: -h localhost

       -I str UserAgent-string to send to the webserver (instead of 'HTTPing <version>').

       -i interval
              How many seconds to sleep between every probe sent.

       -K     Enable ncurses user interface.

       -L x   Use this switch together with '-G'. Limit the amount of data transferred to 'x'.  Note  that  this
              only affects the content of the page/file and not the headerdata.

       -l     Connect using SSL: for this to work you need to give a 'https'-url or a 443 portnumber.

       -m     Show machine readable output (also check '-o' and '-e').

       -N x   Switches  HTTPing  to  Nagios-plugin  mode  2: return 0 when everything is fine, 'x' when anything
              fails. E.g.: 1 => Nagios warning state, 2 => Nagios critical state.

       -n warn,crit
              Switches HTTPing to Nagios-plugin mode 1: return exitcode '1' when the average  response  time  is
              bigger  then 'warn', return exitcode '2' when the the average response time is bigger then 'crit'.
              In all other cases return exitcode '0'.

       -o x,x,...
              This selects the HTTP status-codes which are regarded as an OK-state (only with '-m').

       -p portnumber
              -p can be used together with -h. -p selects the portnumber to probe.

       -q     Be quiet, only return an exit-code.

       -R str Referer-string to send to the webserver.

       -Q     Use a persistent connection, i.e. reuse the  same  TCP  connection  for  multiple  HTTP  requests.
              Usually  possible  when  'Connection:  Keep-Alive'  is sent by server. Adds a 'C' to the output if
              httping had to reconnect.

       -r     Only resolve the hostname once: this takes the resolving out of the loop so that  the  latency  of
              the  DNS  is  not  measured.  Also  useful when you want to measure only 1 webserver while the DNS
              returns a different ip-address for each resolve ('roundrobin').

       -S     Split measured latency in time to connect and time to exchange a request with the HTTP server.

       -s     When a successfull transaction was done, show the HTTP statuscode (200, 404, etc.).

       -T x   Read the password for website authentication from file 'x' (instead of entering it on the  command

       -t timeout
              How long to wait for answer from the other side.

       -U     Enable  authentication  against website. Set username with -U, set password with -P (or -T to read
              the password from a file).

       -v     Increase verbosity mode. To show standard deviation and dates in output.

       -W     Do not abort program if resolving fails.

       -X     Use this switch together with '-G'. For each "ping" show the amount of data transferred (excluding
              the headers).

       -x proxyhost[:port]
              Probe using a proxyserver. Note that you're also measuring the latency of the proxyserver!

       -Y     Enable colors

       -z     When connecting using SSL, display the fingerprint of the X509 certificate(s) of the peer.

              Abbreviate values bigger than thousand, million, billion, etc.

       --adaptive-interval or --ai
              (Try  to)  ping  on the same interval. E.g. if interval is set to 1.0 seconds and ping a ping t[n]
              occurs at 500s with duration 250ms, then the next ping (t[n+1]) will happen at 501 seconds and not
              at  501.25 seconds. Of course when the ping duration is > bigger than the interval, a ping will be
              "skipped" (not literally: the sequence number will continue) and t[n+1] will  then  be  e.g.  502s
              instead  of  the expected 501s. This is useful for example in the ncurses output mode where an fft
              is calculated over the ping times.

       --aggregates x[,y[,z[,etc.]]]
              Show aggregates every x[/y[/z[/etc]]] seconds.

       --divert-connect x
              Ignore the hostname in the URL and connect to 'x' instead. The given URL will be requested at 'x'.

              Not only draw the magnitude of the fourier transform, draw the phase as well.

       --graph-limit x
              If values measured are bigger than x, then they're limitted to x.

       --header x
              Add an additional request-header 'x'.

              When the server sends a cookie, it will be returned in the next request.

       --max-mtu x
              Maximum MTU to use. Cannot be larger than network interface MTU.

              Do not put a "Host:"-header in the request header.

              Do not disable "tcp delay" (Naggle).

       --priority x
              Set priority of packets.

       --tos x
              Set type of service.

       --proxy-user x
              Use username 'x' to authenticate against proxy (http/socks5) server (optional).

       --proxy-password x
              Use password 'x' to authenticate against proxy (http/socks5) server (optional).

       --proxy-password-file x
              Read password from file 'x' to authenticate against proxy (http/socks5) server (optional).

       --recv-buffer x
              Set the size of the receive buffer (in bytes).

       --slow-log x
              When the duration is x or more, show ping line in the slow log window (the middle window).

       --threshold-red x
              If the measured threshold is higher than x (and -Y is given), then the shown value is colored red.
              If you also use --threshold-yellow, then this value must be bigger.

       --threshold-yellow x
              If  the  measured  threshold  is  higher than x (and -Y is given), then the shown value is colored

       --threshold-show x
              If the measured threshold is higher than x, then the result is shown (default is show always). The
              value x is in ms.

       --timestamp or --ts
              Put a timestamp before the result-lines. Use -v to also show a date.

       --tx-buffer x
              Set the size of the transmit buffer (in bytes).

       -V     Show the version and exit.


       In  split  mode (-S) something like "time=0.08+24.09+23.17+15.64+0.02=62.98 ms" is shown. The first value
       is the time it took to resolve the hostname (or 'n/a' if it did not resolve in this  iteration,  e.g.  in
       "resolve  once"  (-r) mode), then the time it took to connect (or -1 for example in persistent connection
       (-Q, HTTP v1.1), after that the time it took to put the request on the wire, then the time  it  took  for
       the  HTTP  server  to  process  the  request  and  send  it back and lastly the time it took to close the


       The graph in the ncurses uses colors to encode a meaning. Green: value is less than  1  block.  Red:  the
       value  did  not fit in the graph. Blue: the value was limitted by --graph-limit. Cyan: no measurement for
       that point in time.


       Press <CTRL> + <c> to exit the program. It will display a summary of what was measured.  In  the  ncurses
       gui,  press  <CTRL>  +  <l>  to  forcibly  redraw  the screen. Press 'H' to halt the graphs (and again to
       continue). Press 'q' to stop the program (<CTRL> + <c> will work too).


       httping -g http://localhost/
              Ping the webserver on host 'localhost'.

       httping -h localhost -p 1000
              Ping the webserver on host 'localhost' and portnumber 1000.

       httping -l -g https://localhost/
              Ping the webserver on host 'localhost' using an SSL connection.

       httping -g http://localhost/ -U username -P password
              Ping the webserver on host 'localhost' using the Basic HTTP Authentication.


       None. This program is totally bug-free.



       This page describes httping as found in the httping-2.3 package;  other  versions  may  differ  slightly.
       Please   mail  corrections  and  additions  to   Report  bugs  in  the  program  to  Please consider sending bitcoins to 1N5Sn4jny4xVwTwSYLnf7WnFQEGoVRmTQF