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       KAKASI - Kanji kana simple inverter (between Kanji, both Kana and Romaji)


       kakasi [options] [jisyo1 [jisyo2 [jisyo1,,]]]


       KAKASI  In  Japanese  sentences are often made up a mixture of Chinese characters (Kanji), Kana (Hiragana
       and Katakana) and Romaji (Latin phonetical pronunciation).  This  program  converts  between  these  four
       different ways of writing Japanese.

       This  program  is  useful  for  those  whose  terminal  or desktop does not support the native display of
       Japanese.  Also this is a great tool for those who are  learning  Japanese  (international  students  and
       children etc).

       A  word  can  be passed into the standard input (stdin), then it is translated and output to standard out
       (stdout).  In the following example the "bunchu" Kanji is converted into Hiragana.

                 kakasi -JH < document

       Since version 2.3.0 text with spaces in-between words has been supported.  In the following  example  the
       output has spaces in-between each word.

                 kakasi -w < document

       Since  version  2.3.5  level conversion mode has been supported.  In the following example, simple Kanjis
       are left them unconverted, and difficult Kanjis are translated into Hiragana.

                 kakasi -l4 < document

       KAKASI It is possible to convert letters to alphabetical characters.  Also Katakana letters  in  the  JIS
       x0201 character set and the Hiragana in the JIS x0208 character set can be converted between each other.

       KAKASI The following character set in brackets which is displayed.

       ASCII (a) Known as "ascii" character set.

       JISROMAN (j)
                 Known as "jis roman" character set.

       GRAPHIC (g)
                 It is the DEC graphic character set.

       Katakana (k)
                 JIS x0201, defined as part of the GR character set.

                 As a matter of convinience, JIS x0208 is divided as stated below.

       Kanji (J)
                 JIS x0208 characters included between 16 and 94 sections.

       Hiragana (H)
                 JIS x0208 characters included in section 4 (Hiragana)

       Katakana (K)
                 JIS x0208 characters included in section 5 (Katakana)

       Sign (E)
                 JIS  x0208  characters  included  in  section  1,2,3,6,7,  and  8.  (Note that section 9-15 are
                 undefined in JIS x0208.)

       Translation between the following character sets are available.

       ASCII        -> JISROMAN, Sign

       JISROMAN     -> ASCII, Sign

       GRAPHIC      -> ASCII, JISROMAN, Sign

       JISx0201 Katakana
                    -> ASCII, JISROMAN, Kana, Hiragana

       Sign         -> ASCII, JISROMAN

       Katakana     -> ASCII, JISROMAN, JISx0201 Katakana, Hiragana

       Hiragana     -> ASCII, JISROMAN, JISx0201 Katakana, Kana

       Kanji        -> ASCII, JISROMAN, JISx0201 Katakana, Kana, Hiragana

       With conversion of ASCII and the JISROMAN the alphabetical character conversion  is  done  from  JISx0201
       Katakana, Katakana, Hiragana and Kanji.


           1. All kanji characters are converted to Hiragana.

               kakasi -JH

           2. All JIS x0208 characters are converted to JIS X 0201.

               kakasi -Hk -Kk -Jk -Ea

           3. All characters are converted to JIS X 0208.

               kakasi -aE -jE -gE -kK

           4. All characters are converted to ascii and words are separated.

               kakasi -Ha -Ka -Ja -Ea -ka

           5. Exchange between Katakana and Hiragana characters.

               kakasi -HK -KH


       Some  character sets are categorized by kakasi and indicated by following mnemonics: a, j, g, k, E, H, K,

             a --- ASCII characters
             j --- JIS ROMAN ( nearly equal to ASCII, "~" and "
                   different ) defined by JIS x0201
             g --- DEC Graphic Characters
             k --- KATAKANA defined by JIS x0201

       E, H, K, and J are included in JIS x0208 character set.

             J --- KANJI characters of JIS x0208.
             H --- HIRAGANA characters of JIS x0208.
             K --- KATAKANA characters of JIS x0208.
             E --- Rest of above characters of JIS x0208 which includes
                   alphabets, numbers, symbols and so on.

       -(from)(to) means conversion from character set (from) to (to).  For example,  -JK  option  causes  KANJI
       characters  are  converted to HIRAGANA. Combinations in the following table are available.  (You must not
       remember it, because the -h shows same information)

             to\from|    a    j    k    E    H     K    J    g
                a   |    -    o    o1   o    o1    o1   o12  o
                j   |    o    -    o1   o    o1    o1   o12  o
                k   |              -         o     o    o2
                E   |    o    o         -                    o
                H   |              o         -     o    o2
                K   |              o         o     -

             o  -- converted.
             1  -- converted to Romaji.
             2  -- Kanji -> Kana conversion.


       Unfortunately, several coding systems are used in Japan and JIS  x0208  standard  are  changed  at  1983.
       Therefore,  KAKASI  can  automatically distinguish the coding system and coding revision and then use the
       same output coding system if the document does not include JIS x0201 KATAKANA.  If JIS x0201 KATAKANA  is
       included or you wish to change kanji coding system, you may use the next options.

             -i : input coding
             -o : output coding

             jis -- Widely used on the internet. (Ex: fj, jp, .. newsgroups)
                    Derived from ISO-2022 coding manner.
                    newjis: JISx0208 (1983) invoked by ESC-$-B.
                    oldjis: JISx0208 (1978) invoked by ESC-$-@.
             euc,dec -- Often used in UNIX like computers. JISx0208 is
                    assigned to GR ( MSB is 1 ). The major difference between
                    euc and dec is assignment of JISx0201 KATAKANA and
                    the DEC graphic character.
             sjis -- Defined by Microsoft Corp. Widely used on the personal
                    computers ( MSDOS, Mac, .. )
             utf8 -- Current international standard.  All modern OSs use this
                    encoding of the Unicode character set as the default.


       Kanji  kana conversion options. Used with -J? option.  There are 2 types of Romaji writing.  The first is
       the Kunrei method defined by Japanese government, and the second is the Hepburn method.  I think  Hepburn
       method sounds naturally to foreigners.

             -rhepburn : Hepburn Method (default)
             -rkunrei  : Kunrei Method


             -p: List all possible readings. If there exist two or more
                 possible readings, KAKASI shows them in braces {aaa,bbb}.
             -s: Insert a separate character between words.
             -f: Furigana mode. Shows the original kanji word with reading.
             -c: Skip characters within word. ( default TAB CR LF BLANK )
             -C: Capitalize Romaji word (with -Ja or -Jj option)
             -U: Upcase romaji word (with -Ja or -Jj option)
             -u: Call fflush().
             -w: wakatigaki mode. 'wakatigaki' is word segmentation for
                 Japanese sentences.


       KAKASI  can  accept  additional dictionary to the system dictionary.  The acceptable format of additional
       dictionary is SKK format, and Wnn format, and so on.  Namely, each record is one line  with  two  fields,
       Yomi  (reading)  and Jukugo(idiom).  Fields are separated with commas (or TAB, or blank).  The kanji code
       is restricted to JIS or EUC.  See another document named JISYO for more details.


       The behavior is affected by the following environment variables.

              Specifies  a   path   of   kanwadict   (full-path   including   filename).    Default   value   is

              Specifies   a   path   of   itaijidict   (full-path   including   filename).    Default  value  is


       Hironobu Takahasi <>


              It is a binary dictionary of KAKASI.  It is automatically converted  from  kakasidict  by  mkkanwa
              when the package is installed.




       Return status except 0 when there is any trouble.


       Report  bugs  to  KAKASI  Project  <>.   Please  DO  NOT  CONTACT  to the originator


       The content of English manual is not exactly same as that of Japanese manual.