bionic (1) kdrill.1x.gz

Provided by: kdrill_6.5deb2-11build1_amd64 bug


       kdrill  -  drill  program for kanji chars under Xwindows (X11R5 or better is required to run) kdrill also
       does dictionary lookup

       Yikes.. this man-page is getting huge. But  I  am  a  great  believer  in  having  proper  documentation.
       Hopefully, this new format will help instead of hinder.

       At  some  future  point  in  time,  I  shall  convert this huge beast to HTML. But that point is not now.
       [Although actually, you CAN go to for
        some help ]

       TIP:  "/WORD" usually takes you to the next occurrence of  "WORD",  if  you  are  viewing  this  using  a
       "man"-like program.

SECTIONS (of this man page)

        KANJIDIC and EDICT


       [Note: most of these options are now somewhat redundant. Kdrill now auto-saves
        its options. But just in case you want to know about these commandline

       -usefile NewUsefileName
              Change name of usefile, which lets you drill on specific characters.

              Still read in usefile if it exists, but ignore it at startup.

       -kdictfile OtherKanjidicFile
              Use  a different dictionary file name. You may have "hira.dic" or "kata.dic" installed, as well as
              "kanjidic", for example.

       -edictfile OtherKanjidicFile
              Use a different edict-style-dictionary file name. "none" for no edict.

       -englishfont FontName
              Changes only english display of english-guess buttons.

       -kanjifont KanjiFontName
              Change large kanji font.

       -smallkanji KanjiFontName
              Change small kanji/kana font for kana-guess buttons.

              Turns off beep on wrong answer.

               say whether you want the guess choices to be in "english", "kanji", or "kana"

               say whether you want the 'question' to be in "english", "kanji", or "kana"

              Start in ordered mode. Go through desired kanji in order of #.

       -gradelevel <level #s>
              Start with different grade levels enabled. A string with one or more of [123456+]

              Start with kana meanings instead of english.

       -lowfrequency #, -highfrequency #
              Set lowest and/or highest frequency kanji you want to see.

       -logfile filename
              Change filename to log current errors to (with "Log" button)

              Don't insist that all dictionary entries have kana AND English.  WARNING! Normal operation  is  to
              ignore  incomplete entries, and thereby enable switching from kana to english without changing the
              quiz kanji. Using this option will make kdrill move to another kanji if you switch kana to English
              or vica versa.
               [  default  behaviour  currently  loses  300  kanji, with the kanjidic file I have currently. All
              characters with Frequency ratings have full translations. ]


       Kdrill now saves config options in $HOME/.kdrill, in X-resource format.  The  latest  configuration  will
       automatically  be  saved when you quit kdrill normally.  If you want to change kdrill's settings, and you
       dont see a way to do it in the options popup, you can probably change it in the global "KDrill"  resource
       file,  or  in your personal "$HOME/.kdrill" file.  See the sample "KDrill" file for more detail, which is
       often installed in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/KDrill, or someplace similar.  Values in $HOME/.kdrill  will
       override the global settings.


       You may change the background of the windows using a resource file, as mentioned above.


       kdrill  is  a  program  to  drill  users  on  meanings of kanji characters. Various formats of drills are

          kanji   --\ /--- kanji
          kana     --*--   kana
          english --/ \--  english


       kdrill will present you with a kanji (or kana or english phrase) and five possible meanings for it.  Your
       goal  is  to  guess  which  one matches the kanji at the top. Initially, it will choose randomly from the
       entire dictionary, so you will probably want to narrow the range, via the OPTIONS section, below.

       Any grade level or frequency rating the current kanji has will be displayed in the top right hand side of
       the  window,  next  to the "G:" and "F:" letters. The kanji index number will be displayed after the "#:"

       Click with your primary mouse button (usually the left one) on one of the multiple-choice answered to see
       how  well  you  know  the  lone  kanji or meaning.  You may also use the number keys to make your choice.

       If you guess correctly, you will move on to another character. If you guess incorrectly, you will have to
       guess again. Furthermore, kdrill will make a note that you didn't know either the character displayed, or
       the character for the incorrect meaning you clicked on.

       If you are playing in random order, kdrill will randomly repeat the ones you have missed. You  will  have
       to  get a missed character right twice for kdrill to think you know it. If you miss a character more than
       once, you will have to repeat the character two times the number of times  you  missed  it.  If  you  are
       playing  in  order,  kdrill will keep to the order, and not go back. It will still remember ones you have
       missed, however, and will go back to them if you later switch to random order.

       There are two ways of "cheating", if you are learning new characters, and don't want to have an incorrect
       guess  recorded.  One way is to press the "cheat" button, and the correct answer will be highlighted. The
       other way is to make a guess with button 2 on your mouse. The character of the one you  clicked  on  will
       appear in the search window.  If the search window was not already open, it will appear when you do this.


       If  you  want  to  change  the  way  the game works while playing, you can bring up the options window by
       pressing the options button. If you know how you want the game to play before starting it, you  can  most
       likely do what you want with a command-line option, described at the top of this man-page. If you want to
       permanently change an option, see the "RESOURCES" header, above.

       The following options are to help narrow down the range of kanji you get quizzed on.


              You may specify which grade levels you wish to study, by clicking on  the  buttons  labeled:  "1",
              "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "+", or "All", in the "Grade Select" window. You may also select/unselect
              a grade by holding down shift, followed by "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "+", or "a", in the  main

              The "All" feature will select all grades. but it will not unselect them.

              The default is to have all the grades enabled.


              Some  kanji  have  frequency  ratings.  That  means  that,  in real life, some kanji are used more
              frequently than others. Frequency rating 1 means that this is the most frequently used  character.
              The  frequency  of the true answer you are guessing will be displayed in the top right of the main
              window, next to the "F:" sign, if a frequency rating exists.

              The frequency range area in the options window allows you to limit the  kanji  you  see  based  on
              their  frequency rating. The frequency range area consists of two smaller input areas; "High", and
              "Low".  High means a kanji that is high frequency. That is to say, something that is  used  often.
              According to the definitions of the dictionary, "1" means the kanji that is used the most often. A
              frequency rating of "2" means that the  character  has  a  lower  frequency  than  "1".  The  most
              frequently used kanji is the character for "day", which is "F: 1".

              Setting  a  number  in the "High" window limits high frequency kanji.  If there is a number in the
              "High" window, that means that you will see no kanji that is of higher frequency than that number.
              Similarly,  setting  a  number  in  the "Low" window means that you will see no kanji of frequency
              lower than that number. 2000 is a "Low" frequency kanji. If you put 2000 in the  "Low"  area,  you
              would see nothing of lower frequency than the character rated at 2000 (which happens to be "hazy")
              that you would see nothing

              A blank in the "High" or "Low" fields indicates no limit in the field. If you try  to  set  either
              window to "0", it will automatically set itself blank for you.


              It  is  possible  to be drilled on kanji in order, without repetition, until "all" kanji have been
              covered. Any restrictions on grade level or frequency will  still  apply.  To  enable  or  disable
              ordering, click on the "Showing randomly" (or "Showing in order") button in the options window.

              Note that "in order" does not mean in order of frequency. It means in the order represented by the
              dictionary, denoted by the '#' number shown at top right. This happens to be the  JIS-encoding  of
              the Kanji, which we also call the kanji index.

       TIP: A good way to start learning a range of chars, is to select the
              "in  order"  option, and a particular grade level and/or frequency range.  Press 'C' (Shift-c) for
              super-cheat. This will both highlight the correct answer, AND  show  the  full  kanji+kana+english
              meanings in the popup search window!

              When you have looked at it enough, click on the correct answer to move on to the next kanji.

              Or rather than use the super-cheat option repeatedly... Read the next section.


       If  you  would  like  a  small  little  window to memorize new chars in, instead of the bulkier 'main' or
       'search' windows, there is now a 'learn' window.  Pressing the (learn) button on  the  main  window  will
       bring up the learn window, which only displays kanji, kana, and english meanings of a char.  Pressing one
       of the 'next' buttons will select a new char for you to look at, using the same rules  of  choosing  that
       the main window uses.  (grade levels, and an optional usefile)


       A  usefile  is a way to tell kdrill "I want to be quizzed on these kanji, and ONLY these specific kanji".
       Generally speaking, it is easier to just pick a  particular  grade  level  or  frequency  range  to  quiz
       yourself  on.  But  if  you  know  you  want specific kanji (for example, to study for a class!) having a
       usefile is very useful.

       Grade and Frequency restrictions will apply, even if you have a  usefile.  Thus,  if  all  your  usefile-
       defined  kanji  are  of  grade  4  or  higher, and you have only selected grades 3 and lower, kdrill will
       complain that there are not enough kanji available, and attempt to add viewable grade levels until  there
       are enough value kanji to quiz on

       To  add or remove a kanji from the "usefile", pull up the search window, and view a particular kanji. The
       "usefile" button at the far right will be highlighted if it is in the usefile list. You  can  toggle  the
       button to set the status as you wish.

       If you want to see all the kanji in your usefile, click on the "show" button, below the "usefile" toggle,
       in the search window. It will then show you the current list, and pressing on one will display it in  the
       search window. You can then remove it via the "usefile" toggle if you like.

       When  you  quit  kdrill, it will update the usefile, IF you have a minimum number in the list (currently,
       10). If you want to know if you have enough, use the options window to  toggle  "No  Usefile"  to  "Using
       Usefile". It will not let you, if there are not enough characters in the list.

       If you wish kdrill to ignore your usefile when you start it up, you may use the -nousefile option.

       Usefile format

              If you want to edit a usefile by hand, this is the format:

              A  usefile  consists  of a list of hex numbers; one per line, no initial spaces allowed. A usefile
              lets the program know you are interested in certain  kanji,  from  the  thousands  listed  in  the
              dictionary.   It  is possible to add comment lines by having the very first character of a line be
              "#". However, those will be overwritten if you make changes from within the program.  Hex  numbers
              can  be  checked or found by using the "xfd" util on the "kanji24" font.  Alternatively, you could
              use the search window or main kdrill window.  In on of the "#" input boxes, type in "0x", and then
              the  hex number.  It is best to do this in the search window, since the main window may have range
              restrictions on it.

       It is now possible to search for a character in kdrill. You may search for  an  English  phrase,  a  kana
       phrase, or a particular kanji.

       kdrill  will  automatically  show the first match. If there is more than one match, it will be shown in a
       secondary popup window.  That window can be changed to display the english, kanji,  or  kana  meaning  of
       each dictionary entry. Click on one to have it displayed in the main search window.

       Additionally,  if a search turns up a kanji phrase instead of a single kanji, you may click on the phrase
       at the top of the search window, to have the secondary multi-listing window display the individual  kanji
       for you to examine in further detail.

       English search

              First,  bring  up the search window by pressing the search button. Then, enter an English word (or
              fragment) in the bottom-most section of the window, and press return or  enter.  The  window  will
              then  display  the first kanji it finds that has that word in its definition, along with its index
              number, grade, and other information available, if any.

        Kana search

              If you want to search for a kana phrase, you now have TWO options!

              For more experienced users, you can finally type in that tempting kana window. There is no  little
              ^ cursor, but dont worry about that.  DO worry about the following conventions:

                Type "n " (n,space) to convert a ending 'n' to kana
                Press "'" for small-tsu. (type "chotto" as "cho'to")
                Press "-" for kana elongation. ("bi-ru")
                Press backspace to erase the last char.
                Press return to start the search.

              For  a  pointy-clicky  method  of input, press the "kana search" button. This will pop up the kana
              seach window. (Press it again to remove the window.)  Press the kana(s) you want  to  search  for.
              The chars you press will be shown next to the "kana search" button in the main search window. When
              you have the phrase ready, press the [Search] box.

              If your kana recognition isn't all it should be, you can toggle romaji mode in the  options  popup
              (via  "options"  from  the  main  window).   Additionally, if you don't know katakana, but want to
              translate a katakana phrase, use the <=> button to toggle between  hiragana  and  katakana.   Note
              that  even  if  you  are in katakana input mode, it will print out your buttonpresses as hiragana.
              This is because the search engine treats hiragana and katakana identically.

              If you make a mistake, press the <- button, or backspace, to erase the last char.

              The characters you press will appear at the bottom of the popup,  and  also  on  the  main  search
              window  next  to  the kana search button. As noted above, if you make a mistake typing, use the <-
              button on the kana window to erase, or the backspace key.


              You now have a multiple ways to look up Kanji.

       4-corner Kanji search

              If you want to find a kanji by shape, press the kanji search button on  the  search  window.  This
              will bring up the kanji search window.  Press it again to remove the kanji search window.

              This  window  employes  the  "4-corner method" of lookup.  The 4-corner method has lots of strange
              rules to it. I strongly recommend that you  read  the  description  that  comes  in  the  kanjidic
              document file. It is impossible for me to cover all details here.

              In brief, you have to press each corner of the center box, and select one of the ten elements from
              the top row, that best matches that corner of the kanji you want to look  up.  For  those  already
              familiar  with  the 4-corner method, the "blank" element is an alias for the first element.  There
              are still only 10 possible positions.

              Press the paragraph button (backwards 'P') when you are ready to search.

              For those NOT already familiar with the 4-corner method... unfortunately, it sounds easy,  but  it
              is  really  horribly  difficult,  and  I  again refer you to the documentation that comes with the
              kanjidic dictionary file. Look for "kanjidic.doc"

       SKIP Kanji search

              Pressing the "Kanji SKIP search"  button,  will  bring  up  the  SKIP  window.   This  window  has
              directions on it already. Follow the directions to define what the kanji looks like.

       Kanji cut-n-paste lookup

              For ELECTRONIC lookup... if you view Japanese text online with a program like "kterm", you can now
              select a single kanji in kterm, and paste it into a special "drop target" in the search window. It
              is to the far right of the "kanji" search button.

              If  you  highlight  multiple  characters,  kdrill  will  now  only  look for an exact match of all
              characters you paste in. (up to 4 chars).  Multi-char matching will  NOT  WORK,  unless  you  have
              downloaded the additional dictionary, "edict"

              Note:  There  is  a BUG in some versions of netscape 4.x. If you are viewing kanji in a frame, you
              can seemingly highlight a character, but it will not cut-n-paste to kdrill, or anywhere  else.  If
              this  occurs,  use right-click to "open frame in new window", where you will be able to use cut-n-
              paste.  Cut-n-paste from netscape was also improved in version 5.9.6


              If you have a kanji already  showing  in  the  search  window,  and  you  are  using  the  'edict'
              dictionary,  you  can  search  the large dictionary for occurences of the current kanji. Press the
              "match" button next to the kanji display.

       What are all those letters?

              The top row; "G, F, #", all refer to the basic indexes that are shown in the mail  kdrill  window.
              They stand for "Grade, Frequency, and Index #", respectively.

              H denotes the index in the "Halperin" dictionary

              N denotes the index in the "Nelson" dictionary

              Ux  denotes the "Unicode" of the kanji. It is Ux to make it stand out as the only one that expects
              input in Hexadecimal. This is because that is the way the dictionary has it.

              For all windows with the little ^ in them, you can change the values.  When you  press  return  or
              enter  in  them,  kdrill will attempt to find a match for what you just entered. If it can find no
              match, it will blank out all fields displayed.

              You can use this jump-to-index feature in the main window too. However, the main window will  keep
              any  restrictions  you  might  have while doing the search (limits by usefile, grade, or frequency

              The search window ignores any restrictions on the main window, and  searches  the  entire  on-line


       Almost everything has a keyboard shortcut in kdrill.

           Key                               Action
         1,2,3,4,5                  Make a guess
         Shift+(123456+)            Change grade levels used
         c                          (C)heat
         C                          Super(C)heat
         e                          Guess (e)nglish definision
         k                          Guess which (k)anji fits
         m                          Guess which kana (m)eaning fits
         E                          Quiz on (E)nglish
         K                          Quiz on (K)anji
         M                          Quiz on kana (M)eaning
         l                          popup (l)earn window
         n                          (n)ext char, IF in learn window
         o                          Toggle in-(o)rder drill
         O                          Bring up (O)ptions window
         p                          Go back to (p)revious
         Control+q                  (Q)uit kdrill
         u                          Toggle (u)sefile usage.
         s                          (S)earch for a Kanji
         T                          Timer start/stop
         x                          clear missed count

       Additionally,  the  Sun  keyboard "Find" (F19) and "Props" (F13) keys are bound to the search and options
       windows, respectively.


       kdrill checks for a file by the name of .kanjiusefile in the current directory, although this name can be
       changed either with the '-usefile' option, or in a resource file.

       kdrill  also  checks  for  a  logfile, named kdrill.log by default, in the current directory. This can be
       changed with the -logfile option, or in a resource file. See "LOGFILES AND MISSED KANJI", below.

       kdrill uses a file called "kanjidic" (which does not come in the source package) to interpret many of the
       various  16-bit kanji chars in the kanji24 font supplied with the X11R5 distribution. This file should be
       in a place accessible to all users. Normally it would be in /usr/local/lib or somewhere similar.

       kanjidic subdivides its entries into grade levels, and frequency ratings. Grade  levels  are  similar  to
       school grade levels, but more compressed. For kdrill's purposes, grade levels start at 1, and increase to
       6. There are many kanji that do not have a grade level,  due  to  their  infrequency  of  use,  or  other
       reasons. These are denoted by the "+" character in the grade select window.

       The user can restrict the range of kanji to drill on in different, yet compatible, ways. The first way is
       to make a ".kanjiusefile" with a an explicit list of desired kanji.  (described above in "USEFILES"),

       Changes you make to the "Grade Select" window or the "Frequency Range" section will not do anything until
       you supply the correct match to the current drill-question (or press the english/kana toggle button).

       Keep in mind that the xfd font tool and other applications may refer to kanji characters by a hexadecimal
       number. You may enter a hexadecimal number by starting it with "0x". For example, "0x315c".  To  maintain
       compatibility  with  the  dictionary,  the kdrill "usefile" expects hexadecimal input, not decimal input.
       Similarly, the logfile also stores kanji in hexadecimal format. This makes it easy to use a log  file  of
       kanji you have missed as a usefile, for repeated drilling.


       Every  time you guess incorrectly, kdrill makes a note. It later will give you extra practice on ones you
       missed, if you are playing in random order.  It will only repeat a missed  character  about  25%  of  the
       time.  The more you miss a particular character, the more kdrill will repeat showing it to you.

       You  can  store a list of your incorrect answers by pressing the "Log" button. kdrill will then write out
       all the kanji characters it thinks you do not know into the logfile.  This  will  erase  any  information
       previously in that logfile. kdrill will also automatically update the logfile when it quits The next time
       you start up kdrill, it will automatically read in the logfile, if it exists.

       The logfile is named "kdrill.log", by default. You may change the name of the logfile with  the  -logfile

       It  is   a  good  idea  to  press  "Log"  just  before quitting kdrill.  That way, it will remember which
       characters you are weak on, for the next time you play. It will then go back  to  those  characters  from
       time  to time, if you play in "random" order. If you do not press "Log", kdrill will not save a record of
       what you have missed.

       Alternatively, you can use the logfile as a usefile. kdrill will then only quiz you on  those  kanji  you
       missed.  If  you choose to do this, it is a good idea to copy the log file over to a different file. That
       way, you can make a logfile for your new usefile. For example, in UNIX;

       cp kdrill.log kdrill.usefile kdrill -usefile kdrill.usefile

       The total number of missed entries is shown in the main window. If there  are  just  too  many  for  your
       comfort  (learning  new  kanji  can be difficult!)  you can ERASE THE COUNT with your backspace or delete


       The dictionary  for  kdrill,  kanjidic,  is  currently  available  where  it  originated,  via  ftp  from,  or  from  a  mirror  in the U.S. at Likewise for the "edict"
       dictionary.  There are many other mirror sites mentioned on the kdrill web page. (See below)

       At the monash site, both the dictionary and this program can currently be found in /pub/nihongo

       This program's primary ftp site is now

       There is also an official kdrill URL;

              This currently shows you some screen-shots, and mentions the ftp sites.


       "kanjidic" isn't perfect. There are "incomplete" entries, missing either English  or  kana  translations.
       There  are  also  entries consisting of "See Nxxxx", which isn't really an improvement. Note that you can
       now use the search window to follow those "See Nxxxx" references!  [ Just search for  that  Nxxx,  as  if
       doing a search for English ]

       Likewise, this man page may be incomplete!


       Philip P. Brown

       (Who has finally taken a format Japanese lesson! Which helped a lot,
        but am now back on the slow "self-taught" track. sigh! shikatta ga nai)

       This  program was originally created while I was a student at the University of California. However, this
       program was developed entirely by myself, on my own computer, not related to any classwork. I retain sole
       right to this program.

       I,  Philip  Brown,  hereby give permission to use, and/or modify this code, so long as it it not sold for
       profit, and I am given credit somewhere in the code. Unrelated works originally derived  from  this  code
       are not covered by this restriction (although it would be nice to mention me!)


       Send donations, postcards, muffins, letters of commendation, to

              Philip Brown
              5353 Josie Ave
              Lakewood, CA 90713

       [ I HAVE received some nice email, and more is always welcome. No postcards,
        though. Sniff... Although I DID actually receive a small donation.
        Yaaay! I can buy more manga now! :-> ]

       Bug  reports always "welcome". However, please ensure that you can reproduce it, so I can fix it for you.
       Also, be sure to let me know your machine type, and version of kdrill you are using.

       Philip Brown

       SEE ALSO: for information on how to use kdrill for Chinese learning