bionic (1) llvm-pdbutil-9.1.gz

Provided by: llvm-9_9-2~ubuntu18.04.2_amd64 bug


       llvm-pdbutil - PDB File forensics and diagnostics

       • SynopsisDescriptionSubcommandsprettySummaryOptionsFiltering and Sorting OptionsSymbol Type OptionsOther OptionsdumpSummaryOptionsMSF Container OptionsModule & File OptionsSymbol OptionsType Record OptionsMiscellaneous OptionsbytesSummaryOptionsMSF File OptionsPDB Stream OptionsDBI Stream OptionsModule OptionsType Record Optionspdb2yamlSummaryOptionsyaml2pdbSummaryOptionsmergeSummaryOptions


       llvm-pdbutil [subcommand] [options]


       Display  types,  symbols,  CodeView records, and other information from a PDB file, as well as manipulate
       and create PDB files.  llvm-pdbutil is normally used by FileCheck-based tests to test LLVM’s PDB  reading
       and writing functionality, but can also be used for general PDB file investigation and forensics, or as a
       replacement for cvdump.


       llvm-pdbutil is separated into several subcommands each tailored to a different purpose.  A brief summary
       of each command follows, with more detail in the sections that follow.

          • pretty  -  Dump symbol and type information in a format that tries to look as much like the original
            source code as possible.

          • dump - Dump low level types and structures from the  PDB  file,  including  CodeView  records,  hash
            tables, PDB streams, etc.

          • bytes - Dump data from the PDB file’s streams, records, types, symbols, etc as raw bytes.

          • yaml2pdb  -  Given  a  yaml  description  of  a PDB file, produce a valid PDB file that matches that

          • pdb2yaml - For a given PDB file, produce a YAML description of some or all of the file in a way that
            the PDB can be reconstructed.

          • merge - Given two PDBs, produce a third PDB that is the result of merging the two input PDBs.

          The  pretty  subcommand  is  built on the Windows DIA SDK, and as such is not supported on non-Windows

       USAGE: llvm-pdbutil pretty [options] <input PDB file>

       The pretty subcommand displays a very high level representation of your program’s debug info.   Since  it
       is  built  on  the Windows DIA SDK which is the standard API that Windows tools and debuggers query debug
       information, it presents a more authoritative view of how a debugger is going  to  interpret  your  debug
       information than a mode which displays low-level CodeView records.

   Filtering and Sorting Options
          exclude  filters  take  priority  over include filters.  So if a filter matches both an include and an
          exclude rule, then it is excluded.

              When dumping compilands, compiland  source-file  contributions,  or  per-compiland  symbols,  this
              option instructs llvm-pdbutil to omit any compilands that match the specified regular expression.

              When  dumping global, public, or per-compiland symbols, this option instructs llvm-pdbutil to omit
              any symbols that match the specified regular expression.

              When dumping types, this option instructs llvm-pdbutil to omit any types that match the  specified
              regular expression.

              When  dumping compilands, compiland source-file contributions, or per-compiland symbols, limit the
              initial search to only those compilands that match the specified regular expression.

              When dumping global, public, or per-compiland symbols, limit the  initial  search  to  only  those
              symbols that match the specified regular expression.

              When  dumping types, limit the initial search to only those types that match the specified regular

              Only display types that have at least the specified amount of alignment  padding,  accounting  for
              padding in base classes and aggregate field members.

              Only  display types that have at least the specified amount of alignment padding, ignoring padding
              in base classes and aggregate field members.

              Only display types T where sizeof(T) is greater than or equal to the specified amount.

              Don’t show compiler generated types and symbols

              When dumping an enum, don’t show the full enum (e.g. the individual enumerator values).

              Don’t show symbols from system libraries

   Symbol Type Options
       -all   Implies all other options in this category.

              Displays class definitions in the specified format.

                 =all      - Display all class members including data, constants, typedefs, functions, etc (default)
                 =layout   - Only display members that contribute to class size.
                 =none     - Don't display class definitions (e.g. only display the name and base list)

              Displays classes in the specified order.

                 =none            - Undefined / no particular sort order (default)
                 =name            - Sort classes by name
                 =size            - Sort classes by size
                 =padding         - Sort classes by amount of padding
                 =padding-pct     - Sort classes by percentage of space consumed by padding
                 =padding-imm     - Sort classes by amount of immediate padding
                 =padding-pct-imm - Sort classes by percentage of space consumed by immediate padding

              When dumping class definitions, stop after recursing the specified number of times.   The  default
              is 0, which is no limit.

              Display classes

              Display compilands (e.g. object files)

       -enums Display enums

              Dump external (e.g. exported) symbols

              Dump global symbols

       -lines Dump the mappings between source lines and code addresses.

              Display symbols (variables, functions, etc) for each compiland

              Type of symbols to dump when -globals, -externals, or -module-syms is specified. (default all)

                 =thunks - Display thunk symbols
                 =data   - Display data symbols
                 =funcs  - Display function symbols
                 =all    - Display all symbols (default)

              For  symbols  dumped  via  the  -module-syms, -globals, or -externals options, sort the results in
              specified order.

                 =none - Undefined / no particular sort order
                 =name - Sort symbols by name
                 =size - Sort symbols by size

              Display typedef types

       -types Display all types (implies -classes, -enums, -typedefs)

   Other Options
              Force color output on or off.  By default, color if used if outputting to a terminal.

              When displaying relative virtual addresses, assume the process is loaded at the given address  and
              display what would be the absolute address.

       USAGE: llvm-pdbutil dump [options] <input PDB file>

       The dump subcommand displays low level information about the structure of a PDB file.  It is used heavily
       by LLVM’s testing infrastructure, but can also be used for PDB forensics.  It serves a  role  similar  to
       that of Microsoft’s cvdump tool.

          The  dump  subcommand  exposes  internal  details  of  the file format.  As such, the reader should be
          familiar with /PDB/index before using this command.

   MSF Container Options
              dump a summary of all of the streams in the PDB file.

              In conjunction with -streams, add information to the output about what blocks the specified stream

              Dump MSF and PDB header information.

   Module & File Options
              For all options that dump information from each module/compiland, limit to the specified module.

       -files Dump the source files that contribute to each displayed module.

       -il    Dump inlinee line information (DEBUG_S_INLINEELINES CodeView subsection)

       -l     Dump line information (DEBUG_S_LINES CodeView subsection)

              Dump compiland information

       -xme   Dump cross module exports (DEBUG_S_CROSSSCOPEEXPORTS CodeView subsection)

       -xmi   Dump cross module imports (DEBUG_S_CROSSSCOPEIMPORTS CodeView subsection)

   Symbol Options
              dump global symbol records

              dump additional information about the globals, such as hash buckets and hash values.

              dump public symbol records

              dump additional information about the publics, such as hash buckets and hash values.

              dump symbols (functions, variables, etc) for each module dumped.

              For  each  symbol  record dumped as a result of the -symbols option, display the full bytes of the
              record in binary as well.

   Type Record Options
       -types Dump CodeView type records from TPI stream

              Dump additional information from the TPI stream, such as hashes and the type index offsets array.

              For each type record dumped, display the full bytes of the record in binary as well.

              Only dump types with the specified type index.

       -ids   Dump CodeView type records from IPI stream.

              Dump additional information from the IPI stream, such as hashes and the type index offsets array.

              For each ID record dumped, display the full bytes of the record in binary as well.

              only dump ID records with the specified hexadecimal type index.

              When used in conjunction with -type-index or -id-index, dumps the entire dependency graph for  the
              specified  index instead of just the single record with the specified index.  For example, if type
              index 0x4000 is a function whose return type has index 0x3000, and you specify -dependents=0x4000,
              then this would dump both records (as well as any other dependents in the tree).

   Miscellaneous Options
       -all   Implies most other options.

              Dump section contributions.

              Dump image section headers.

              Dump section map.

              Dump PDB string table.

       USAGE: llvm-pdbutil bytes [options] <input PDB file>

       Like  the  dump  subcommand, the bytes subcommand displays low level information about the structure of a
       PDB file, but it is used for even deeper forensics.  The bytes subcommand finds various structures  in  a
       PDB  file based on the command line options specified, and dumps them in hex.  Someone working on support
       for emitting PDBs would use this heavily, for example, to compare one PDB against another PDB  to  ensure
       byte-for-byte  compatibility.   It  is  not  enough  to simply compare the bytes of an entire file, or an
       entire stream because it’s perfectly fine for the same structure to exist at different locations  in  two
       different PDBs, and “finding” the structure is half the battle.

   MSF File Options
              Dump binary data from specified range of MSF file blocks.

              Dump binary data from specified range of bytes in the file.

       -fpm   Dump the MSF free page map.

              Dump  binary  data  from  the  specified  streams.   Format  is  SN[:Start][@Size].   For example,
              -stream-data=7:3@12 dumps 12 bytes from stream 7, starting at offset 3 in the stream.

   PDB Stream Options
              Dump bytes of PDB Name Map

   DBI Stream Options
       -ec    Dump the edit and continue map substream of the DBI stream.

       -files Dump the file info substream of the DBI stream.

       -modi  Dump the modi substream of the DBI stream.

       -sc    Dump section contributions substream of the DBI stream.

       -sm    Dump the section map from the DBI stream.

              Dump the type server map from the DBI stream.

   Module Options
              Limit all options in this category to the specified module index.  By  default,  options  in  this
              category will dump bytes from all modules.

              Dump the bytes of each module’s C13 debug subsection.

              When  specified  with  -chunks,  split  the  C13  debug  subsection into a separate chunk for each
              subsection type, and dump them separately.

       -syms  Dump the symbol record substream from each module.

   Type Record Options
              Dump the record from the IPI stream with the given type index.

              Dump the record from the TPI stream with the given type index.

       USAGE: llvm-pdbutil pdb2yaml [options] <input PDB file>

       USAGE: llvm-pdbutil yaml2pdb [options] <input YAML file>

       Generate a PDB file from a YAML description.  The YAML  syntax  is  not  described  here.   Instead,  use
       llvm-pdbutil pdb2yaml and examine the output for an example starting point.


       Write the resulting PDB to the specified file.

       USAGE: llvm-pdbutil merge [options] <input PDB file 1> <input PDB file 2>

       Merge two PDB files into a single file.


       Write the resulting PDB to the specified file.


       Maintained by the LLVM Team (

       2003-2020, LLVM Project