bionic (1) mayavi2.1.gz

Provided by: mayavi2_4.5.0-1_amd64 bug


       mayavi2 - A scientific visualization package for 2-D and 3-D data


       mayavi2 [options] [args]

       Where  arg1,  arg2  etc.  are  optional  file  names  that  correspond  to  saved  Mayavi2 visualizations
       (filename.mv2),  Mayavi2 scripts ( and any data file formats that Mayavi supports.


       Mayavi2 is a tool for 2-D and 3-D scientific visualization. Features of Mayavi2 include:

       *      Visualization of scalar and vector data in 2 and 3 dimensions

       *      Easy scriptability using Python

       *      Easy extendability via sources, components, modules, and data filters

       *      Reading several file formats: VTK (legacy and XML), PLOT3D, etc.

       *      Saving of visualizations

       *      Saving rendered visualization in a variety of image formats.



       This prints all the available command line options and exits.  Also available through --help.


       This prints the Mayavi version on the command line and exits.  Also available through --version.

       -z filename.mv2

       This loads a previously saved Mayavi2  visualization.   Also  available  through  --viz  filename.mv2  or
       --visualization filename.mv2.

       -d datafile.*

       Opens  any  of the supported data file formats or a non-file related data source.  This includes VTK file
       formats (*.vtk, *.xml, *.vt[i,p,r,s,u], *.pvt[i,p,r,s,u]),  VRML2  (*.wrl),  3D  Studio  (*.3ds),  PLOT3D
       (*.xyz),  STL, BYU, RAW, PLY, PDB, SLC, FACET, OBJ, AVSUCD (*.inp), GAMBIT (*.neu), Exodus (*.exii), PNG,
       JPEG, BMP, PNM, DCM, DEM, MHA, MHD, MINC, XIMG, TIFF, and various others that are supported.   datafile.*
       can  also  be a source object not associated with a file, for example ParametricSurface or PointLoad will
       load the corresponding data sources into Mayavi.  Also available through --data.

       -m module-name

       A module is an object that actually visualizes the data.  The given module-name is loaded in the  current
       ModuleManager.  The module name must be a valid one if not you will get an error message.

       If a module is specified as 'package.sub.module.SomeModule' then the module (SomeModule) is imported from
       'package.sub.module'.  Standard modules provided with mayavi2 do not need the  full  path  specification.
       For example:

              mayavi2 -d data.vtk -m Outline -m m2_user_modules.TestModule

       In  this  example  'Outline'  is  a standard module and 'm2_user_modules.TestModule' is some user defined
       module.  See MAYAVI2 MODULES section below for an exhaustive list of available modules.   Also  available
       through --module.

       -f filter-name

       A  filter  is  an  object  that  filters out the data in some way or the other.  The given filter-name is
       loaded with respect to the current source/filter object.  The filter name must be a valid one if not  you
       will get an error message.

       If  the filter is specified as 'package.sub.filter.SomeFilter' then the filter (`SomeFilter`) is imported
       from  'package.sub.filter'.   Standard  modules  provided  with  mayavi2  do  not  need  the  full   path
       specification.  For example:

              mayavi2 -d data.vtk -f ExtractVectorNorm -f m2_user_filters.TestFilter

       In  this  example  'ExtractVectorNorm' is a standard filter and 'm2_user_filters.TestFilter' is some user
       defined filter.

       See MAYAVI2 FILTERS section below for an exhaustive list of available  filters.  Also  available  through


       Starts up a new module manager on the Mayavi pipeline. Also available through --module-mgr.


       Creates  a  new window/scene. Any options passed after this will apply to this newly created scene.  Also
       available through --new-window.


       Runs the mayavi2 test suite and exits.  If run as such, this runs both the TVTK  and  Mayavi2  unittests.
       If  any additional arguments are passed they are passed along to the test runner.  So this may be used to
       run other tests as well.  For example:

              mayavi2 -t enthought.persistence

       This will run just the tests inside the enthought.persistence package.  You can also specify a  directory
       with test files to run with this, for example:

              mayavi2 -t relative_path_to/integrationtests/mayavi

       will run the integration tests from the mayavi sources.   Also available through --test.

       -x script-file

       This  executes  the  given  script  in  a namespace where we guarantee that the name 'mayavi' is Mayavi's
       script instance -- just like in the embedded Python interpreter.  Also available through --exec

       WARNING: Note that this uses `execfile`, so please note that this can be dangerous  if  the  script  does
       something nasty!

       -s python-expression

       Execute the expression on the last created object.  For example, if the previous object was a module, and
       we want to set the color of that object one can do -s " = (1,0,0)".  One  should  use
       quotes for the expression. Also available with --set.  For example:

               mayavi2 -d ParametricSurface -m Outline \
                -s " = (1,0,0)" \
                -s "'test.png', size=(800, 800))"

       WARNING: Note that this uses `exec`, so please note that this can be dangerous!


       Axes   Draws simple axes.

              A  contour  grid  plane  module.  This  module  lets  one take a slice of input grid data and view
              contours of the data.

              A custom grid plane with a lot more flexibility than GridPlane module.

              This filter clips the dataset in a area.  The area can  be  defined  interactively  as  a  box,  a

       Glyph  Displays  different types of glyphs oriented and colored as per scalar or vector data at the input

              A simple grid plane module.

              A module that integrates through a tensor field to generate a hyperstreamline. The integration  is
              along  the  maximum eigenvector and the cross section of the hyperstreamline is defined by the two
              other eigenvectors. Thus the shape of the hyperstreamline is "tube-like", with the  cross  section
              being elliptical. Hyperstreamlines are used to visualize tensor fields.

              A simple module to view image data efficiently.

              A simple module to view image data.

              A module that allows the user to make contours of input point data.

       Labels Allows a user to label the current dataset or the current actor of the active module.

              Creates  a  small axes on the side that indicates the position of the co-ordinate axes and thereby
              marks the orientation of the scene. Requires VTK-4.5 and above.

              A module that draws an outline for the given data.

              Takes a cut plane of any input data set using an implicit plane and plots the data  with  optional
              contouring and scalar warping.

              This  module  takes  a  slice  of the unstructured grid data and shows the cells that intersect or
              touch the slice.

              Allows the user to draw streamlines for given vector data. This supports  various  types  of  seed
              objects  (line,  sphere,  plane and point seeds). It also allows the user to draw ribbons or tubes
              and further supports different types of interactive modes of calculating the streamlines.

              Draws a grid-conforming outline for structured grids.

              Draws a surface for any input dataset with optional contouring.

              Displays tensor glyphs oriented and colored as per scalar or vector data at the input points.

       Text   This module allows the user to place text on the screen.

              Takes an arbitrary slice of the input data using an implicit cut plane and places glyphs according
              to  the  vector  field  data.  The  glyphs may be colored using either the vector magnitude or the
              scalar attributes.

              Displays different types of glyphs oriented and colored as per vector data at  the  input  points.
              This is merely a convenience module that is entirely based on the Glyph module.

       Volume The Volume module visualizes scalar fields using volumetric visualization techniques.

              Takes  an  arbitrary slice of the input data using an implicit cut plane and warps it according to
              the vector field data. The scalars are displayed on the warped surface as colors.


              Computes derivatives from input point scalar and  vector  data  and  produces  cell  data  on  the
              gradients.  Can be used to approximately calcuate the vorticity for example.

              Transforms  cell  attribute  data  to  point data by averaging the cell data from the cells at the

              A contour filter that wraps around the Contour component to generate  iso-surfaces  on  any  input

              This class represents a cut plane that can be used to slice through any dataset.  It also provides
              a 3D widget interface to position and move the slice interactively.

              Creates scalar data corresponding to the elevation of the points along a line.

              Performs a 2D Delaunay triangulation.

              Performs a 3D Delaunay triangulation.

              This filter extracts cell edges from any input data.

              Allows a user to select a part of a structured grid.

              Wraps the TVTK ExtractTensorComponents filter to extract components from a tensor field.

              Allows a user to select a part of an unstructured grid.

              Computes the norm (Eucliedean) of the input vector data (with optional scaling  between  [0,  1]).
              This  is  useful  when the input data has vector input but no scalar data for the magnitude of the

              Wraps the TVTK ExtractVectorComponents filter to extract components of a vector.  This  is  useful
              for analysing individual components of a vector data.

              This filter splat points into a volume with an elliptical, Gaussian distribution.

              Selectively  passes  the  input points downstream. This can be used to subsample the input points.
              Note that this does not pass geometry data, this means all grid information is lost.

              Approximates a height field (image data) with a triangle mesh, keeping  the  number  of  triangles

              A  filter  that  can  be  used to change the origin, spacing and extents of an input image dataset
              without changing the data itself.

              A filter that can be used to probe any dataset using a Structured Points dataset.  The filter also
              allows  one  to convert the scalar data to an unsigned short array so that the scalars can be used
              for volume visualization.

              Does the inverse of the CellToPointData filter.

              Computes normals from input data. This gives meshes a smoother appearance. This  should  work  for
              any   input   dataset.   Note:   this   filter   is   called  "Compute  Normals"  in  Mayavi2  GUI
              (Visualize/Filters/Compute Normals).

              Reduce triangles in a mesh, forming a good approximation of the original mesh.

              A filter that allows a user to select one among several of the outputs of a given input.  This  is
              typically very useful for a multi-block data source.

              This  filter  lets  a  user  set the active data attribute (scalars, vectors and tensors) on a VTK
              dataset.  This is particularly useful if you need to do something like  compute  contours  of  one
              scalar on the contour of another scalar.

              Create  triangle  strips  and/or  poly-lines.  Useful for regularizing broken up surfaces, such as
              those created by the Tube filter.  .

              A simple filter that thresholds on input data.

              Performs a linear transformation to input data.

              Converts input polygons and triangle strips to  triangles  using  the  tvtk.TriangleFilter  class.
              This is useful when you have a downstream filter that only processes triangles.

       Tube   Turns lines into tubes.

              This  filter  lets  the  user  define  their  own  filter  dynamically/interactively.   It is like
              FilterBase but allows a user to specify the class without writing any code.

              This filter computes the vorticity of an input vector field.  For convenience, the  filter  allows
              one  to  optionally pass-through the given input vector field.  The filter also allows the user to
              show the component of the vorticity along a particular cartesian co-ordinate  axes.   It  produces
              point data on output which is ready to visualize.

              Warps  the  input  data along a particular direction (either the normals or a specified direction)
              with a scale specified by the local scalar value. Useful for making carpet plots.

              Warps the input data along a the point vector attribute scaled as per a scale factor.  Useful  for
              showing flow profiles or displacements.


              mayavi2 -d heart.vtk -m Axes -m Outline -m GridPlane -m ContourGridPlane -m IsoSurface
              mayavi2 -d fire_ug.vtu -m Axes -m Outline -m VectorCutPlane -f MaskPoints -m Glyph

       In    the    above    examples,    heart.vti    and    fire_ug.vtu    VTK   files   can   be   found   in
       /usr/share/doc/mayavi2/examples/data. The examples directory (/usr/share/doc/mayavi2/examples/ on Debian)
       provides several useful examples.


       Mayavi was originally developed by Prabhu Ramachandran.  Many people have later contributed to it.

       More information on Mayavi2 can be obtained from
