bionic (1) mgd77header.1gmt.gz

mgd77header - Create MGD77 headers from A77 files
mgd77header NGDC-id.a77 [ -Hheadervalues.txt ] [ -Mf[item]|r|t ] [ -V[level] ] Note: No space is allowed between the option flag and the associated arguments.
mgd77header generates an MGD77 header by reading A77 data (i.e., the data record portion of MGD77 files), determines temporal and spatial extents, ten degree boxes crossed, and data columns present. Optionally, it can also read an input file consisting of header field values (-H) to be included in program output. Header field values determined from data and read from input are output in either MGD77 format or as a list.
NGDC-ids Can be one or more of five kinds of specifiers: 1. 8-character NGDC IDs, e.g., 01010083, JA010010etc., etc. 2. 2-character agency codes which will return all cruises from each agency. 3. 4-character <agency><vessel> codes, which will return all cruises from those vessels. 4. =list, where list is a table with NGDC IDs, one per line. 5. If nothing is specified we return all cruises in the data base. (See mgd77info -L for agency and vessel codes). If no file extension is given then we search for files with one of the four known extensions. The search order (and the extensions) tried is MGD77+ (“.nc”), MGD77T (“.m77t”), MGD77 (“.mgd77” ) and plain text file (“.dat”). Use -I to ignore one or more of these file types). Cruise files will be looked for first in the current directory and second in all directories listed in $MGD77_HOME/mgd77_paths.txt [If $MGD77_HOME is not set it will default to $GMT_SHAREDIR/mgd77].
-Hheadervalues.txt Obtain header field values from the input text file. Each row of the input file should consist of a header field name and its desired value, separated by a space. See below for a sample header file and for the full list of header field names. -Mf[item]|r|r List the meta-data (header) for each cruise. Append f for a formatted display. This will list individual parameters and their values, one entry per output line, in a format that can be searched using standard UNIX text tools. Alternatively, append the name of a particular parameter (you only need to give enough characters - starting at the beginning - to uniquely identify the item). Give - to display the list of all parameter names. You may also specify the number of a parameter. For the raw, punchcard-formatted MGD77 original header block, append r instead. For the M77T format, append t instead. -V[level] (more …) Select verbosity level [c]. -^ or just - Print a short message about the syntax of the command, then exits (NOTE: on Windows just use -). -+ or just + Print an extensive usage (help) message, including the explanation of any module-specific option (but not the GMT common options), then exits. -? or no arguments Print a complete usage (help) message, including the explanation of all options, then exits.
Format_Acronym MGD77 Source_Institution SOEST - UNIV. OF HAWAII Country USA Platform_Name KILO MOANA Platform_Type_Code 1 Platform_Type SHIP
Survey_Identifier Format_Acronym Data_Center_File_Number Parameters_Surveyed_Code File_Creation_Year File_Creation_Month File_Creation_Day Source_Institution Country Platform_Name Platform_Type_Code Platform_Type Chief_Scientist Project_Cruise_Leg Funding Survey_Departure_Year Survey_Departure_Month Survey_Departure_Day Port_of_Departure Survey_Arrival_Year Survey_Arrival_Month Survey_Arrival_Day Port_of_Arrival Navigation_Instrumentation Geodetic_Datum_Position_Determination_Method Bathymetry_Instrumentation Bathymetry_Add_Forms_of_Data Magnetics_Instrumentation Magnetics_Add_Forms_of_Data Gravity_Instrumentation Gravity_Add_Forms_of_Data Seismic_Instrumentation Seismic_Data_Formats Format_Type Format_Description Topmost_Latitude Bottommost_Latitude Leftmost_Longitude Rightmost_Longitude Bathymetry_Digitizing_Rate Bathymetry_Sampling_Rate Bathymetry_Assumed_Sound_Velocity Bathymetry_Datum_Code Bathymetry_Interpolation_Scheme Magnetics_Digitizing_Rate Magnetics_Sampling_Rate Magnetics_Sensor_Tow_Distance Magnetics_Sensor_Depth Magnetics_Sensor_Separation Magnetics_Ref_Field_Code Magnetics_Ref_Field Magnetics_Method_Applying_Res_Field Gravity_Digitizing_Rate Gravity_Sampling_Rate Gravity_Theoretical_Formula_Code Gravity_Theoretical_Formula Gravity_Reference_System_Code Gravity_Reference_System Gravity_Corrections_Applied Gravity_Departure_Base_Station Gravity_Departure_Base_Station_Name Gravity_Arrival_Base_Station Gravity_Arrival_Base_Station_Name Number_of_Ten_Degree_Identifiers Ten_Degree_Identifier Additional_Documentation_1 Additional_Documentation_2 Additional_Documentation_3 Additional_Documentation_4 Additional_Documentation_5 Additional_Documentation_6 Additional_Documentation_7
To generate an MGD77 header from A77 input, try gmt mgd77header km0201 -Hkmheaderitems.txt -Mf > km0201.h77
mgd77info, mgd77list, mgd77manage, mgd77path, mgd77track, x2sys_init
The Marine Geophysical Data Exchange Format - MGD77, see
2018, P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis, and F. Wobbe