bionic (1) mincresample.1.gz

Provided by: minc-tools_2.3.00+dfsg-2_amd64 bug


       mincresample - resamples a minc file along new spatial dimensions


       mincresample [<options>] <infile> <outfile>


       Mincresample will resample a minc file along new spatial dimensions with new voxel positions. Each volume
       in the input file (given by the spatial dimensions xspace, yspace and zspace) is resampled  according  to
       the  command-line  options.  Non-spatial  dimensions  are  preserved in their original order, but spatial
       dimensions can be re-ordered to give transverse, sagittal or coronal images. The  new  voxel  values  are
       calculated using tri-linear, tri-cubic or nearest-neighbour interpolation.


       World  coordinates  refer to millimetric coordinates relative to some physical origin (either the scanner
       or some anatomical structure). Voxel coordinates are simply the indices into the image volume of a  given
       voxel.   In  order  to  specify  appropriate  resampling  options, it is necessary to understand how MINC
       coordinate conversions work.

       Each dimension of a MINC image volume is specified by name - the spatial dimensions  are  xspace,  yspace
       and  zspace. The convention is that positive xspace coordinates run from the patient's left side to right
       side, positive yspace coordinates run from patient posterior to anterior and positive zspace  coordinates
       run  from  inferior to superior. For each of these spatial dimensions, the world coordinate conversion is
       specified by a pair of attributes: step and start. The xspace world coordinate, for example is calculated
       using  x = v*step + start, where x is the x world coordinate and v is the voxel count (starting at zero).
       Thus the magnitude of the step attribute specifies the distance between voxels and the sign of  the  step
       attribute specifies the orientation of the axis.

       There  is  a  further  twist:  MINC files are allowed to have non-orthogonal axes with the dimensions not
       perfectly aligned with the named axis.  There can be a direction_cosine attribute  that  gives  the  true
       orientation of the axis. For example, normally the xspace dimension should line up with the world x axis,
       ie. direction cosine = (1,0,0); however, it is possible to have a direction cosine of (0.9, 0.43589, 0).

       These attributes (step, start and direction_cosines) provide a conversion from voxel coordinates to world
       coordinates.   Combined  with  a  number  of  elements  or samples along an axis, they provide a complete
       description of where the output sampling should be.   However,  when  we  are  resampling  data,  we  are
       frequently  interested in a change of world coordinates: from an MRI scanner's coordinate system to a PET
       scanner's coordinate system, for example, or from a volume in its acquisition space to coordinates  in  a
       standardized space. This change of world coordinates can be specified through the use of a transformation
       (.xfm) file. Thus, in general, the resampling involves three transformations: from the input file's voxel
       coordinates  to  its world coordinates (specified by the input file), from the input world coordinates to
       the output world coordinates (specified by the transformation file), and from  the  output  file's  world
       coordinates to its voxel coordinates (specified by command-line options).

       In  general,  direction  cosines  are rarely used - axis re-orientation is specified by a change of world
       coordinates (the transformation file).  As well, resampling positions (output world to voxel  conversion)
       are  often  specified  relative to a model file (ie. resample this file so that it looks like that file).
       Although there are many options for a complete specification of the transformation, one does not  usually
       need to specify more than a few of them.


       Note  that  options  can  be  specified in abbreviated form (as long as they are unique) and can be given
       anywhere on the command line.

General options

       -2     Create MINC 2.0 format output files.

              Overwrite an existing file.

              Don't overwrite an existing file (default).

              Print out progress information for each slice computed (default).

       -quiet Do not print out progress information.

Resampling specification

       Options that give the output sampling (all of the following except -transformation)  are  parsed  in  the
       order  that  they  appear on the command line. Thus a command with -like file.mnc -znelements 34 -zstep 2
       will give a sampling like that in file in file.mnc but with 34 samples at 2 mm along the zspace axis. The
       default sampling is taken from the input file, transformed according to any transformation.

       -transformation file.xfm
              Specify   a   file   giving   the   world  coordinate  transformation  (default  is  the  identity

              Invert the transformation before using it.

              Do no invert the transformation (default).

              Transform the input sampling (using the transform specified by  -transformation)  along  with  the
              data and use this as the default sampling (default).

              Use  the  input  sampling  as the default sampling, as is, without transformation, even though the
              data is being transformed (old behaviour).

       -like file.mnc
              Specify a model file that gives the output world to voxel transformation and  number  of  elements
              (ie. transform this file so that it looks like that one).

              Set  the  sampling  to  standard  values  (start  =  0,  step  =  1, direction cosines point along
              appropriate axes).

       -spacetype string
              Set the name of the output space (usually native____ or talairach_).

              Set the name of the output space to talairach_.

       -units string
              Set the units of the output space.

       -origin ox oy oz
              Specify the coordinate of the first voxel. This is  not  the  same  as  the  start  value  if  the
              direction  cosines  are non-standard. As well, the start is not just a perpendicular projection of
              the origin onto the axis, it is a parallel projection (as  in  a  multi-dimensional  parallelogram
              projection). The conversion is handled properly by this option.

       -nelements nx ny nz
              Number of elements along each of the world dimensions.

       -xnelements nx
              Number of elements along the xspace dimension.

       -ynelements ny
              Number of elements along the yspace dimension.

       -znelements nz
              Number of elements along the zspace dimension.

       -step xstep ystep zstep
              Step between voxels along each of the world dimensions.

       -xstep xstep
              Step between voxels along the xspace dimension.

       -ystep ystep
              Step between voxels along the yspace dimension.

       -zstep zstep
              Step between voxels along the zspace dimension.

       -start xstart ystart zstart
              Position of centre of first voxel along each of the world dimensions.

       -xstart xstart
              Position of centre of first voxel along the xspace dimension.

       -ystart ystart
              Position of centre of first voxel along the yspace dimension.

       -zstart zstart
              Position of centre of first voxel along the zspace dimension.

       -dircos x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 y3 z1 z2 z3
              Direction cosines for each of the world axes.

       -xdircos x1 x2 x3
              Direction cosines for the xspace dimension.

       -ydircos y1 y2 y3
              Direction cosines for the yspace dimension.

       -zdircos z1 z2 z3
              Direction cosines for the zspace dimension.

Dimension ordering

       The default is to preserve the original dimension order.

              Write out transverse slices.

              Write out sagittal slices.

              Write out coronal slices.

Output data type and range

       The  default for type, sign and valid range is to use those of the input file. If type is specified, then
       both sign and valid range are set to the default for that type. If sign is specified, then valid range is
       set to the default for the type and sign.

       -byte  Store output voxels in 8-bit integer format.

       -short Store output voxels in 16-bit integer format.

       -int   Store output voxels in 32-bit integer format.

       -long  Superseded by -int.

       -float Store output voxels in 32-bit floating point format.

              Store output voxels in 64-bit floating point format.

              Write  out  values  as  signed  integers  (default for short and long). Ignored for floating point

              Write out values as unsigned integers (default for byte). Ignored for floating point types.

       -range min max
              specifies the valid range of output voxel values. Default is the full range for the type and sign.
              This option is ignored for floating point values.

              Preserve the real minimum and maximum from the input volume, so that values are scaled in the same
              way on output. This is particularly  useful  for  resampling  label  volumes  where  interpolating
              intensity values does not make sense.

              Recompute the real minimum and maximum for each output slice. This is the default.

Handling of undefined (invalid) voxel values

       -fill  Output  voxels  that fall outside of the input volume have undefined values. When the -fill option
              is used, these voxels are given a value that is outside of the valid range (less  than  the  valid
              minimum, if the type, sign and valid range permit) so that they can be detected by other software.
              The values of these voxels are not included in the image-max and image-min variables.

              Use a real/physical value (not voxel value) of zero for points outside of the input volume.  These
              points  are  included  in  the  calculation of the image-max and image-min variables.  This is the

       -fillvalue fillvalue
              Specifies a real/physical value (not voxel value) for points outside  of  the  input  volume.  The
              points are not included in the calculation of the image-max and image-min variables.

Interpolation options

              Do  a  tri-linear  interpolation  between voxels. The edges of the volume are at the centre of the
              first and last voxels of a dimension. This is the default.

              Do a tri-cubic interpolation between voxels. The edges of the volume are  at  the  centre  of  the
              first and last voxels of a dimension.

              Do nearest neighbour interpolation between voxels (ie. find the voxel closest to the point and use
              its value). The edges of the volume are at the edge of the first and last voxels  of  a  dimension
              (centre +/- half voxel separation).

       -sinc  Do  renormalized  windowed-sinc  interpolation between voxels, as described by Thacker et al. JMRI
              10:582-588 (1999).

       -width n
              Specifies the half-width of the sinc interpolation kernel, in the range from 1  to  10.  The  full
              sinc  kernel width is n * 2 + 1, and therefore varies from 3 to 21.  The default value is 5 giving
              a full-width of 11.

              Use a Hanning window with the sinc interpolant. This is the default.

              Use a Hamming window with the sinc interpolant.

Generic options

       -help  Print summary of command-line options and exit.

              Print the program's version number and exit.


       Resample an individual's brain in a standardized space on a standard sampling grid:

          mincresample individual.mnc in_std_space.mnc \
             -transform transform_to_standard_space.xfm \
             -like standard_sampling.mnc

       Resample an MRI volume to be matched with a PET volume, but with finer resolution:

          mincresample mri.mnc mri_resampled.mnc \
             -transform mri_to_pet.xfm -like pet.mnc \
             -step 1 1 2 -xstart -0.5 -ystart -0.5 \
             -nelements 256 256 64

       Turn a transverse volume into a sagittal volume:

          mincresample transverse.mnc sagittal.mnc \
             -sagittal -nearest

       Turn a 256x256x64 (1x1x2mm) transverse volume into 256x128x256 (1x1x1mm) sagittal volume:

          mincresample transverse.mnc sagittal.mnc -sagittal \
             -zstep 1 -znelem 128

       Get a finer axial sampling on a PET volume:

          mincresample pet_15_slices.mnc pet_46_slices.mnc \
             -zstep 2 -znelements 46


       Peter Neelin


       Copyright © 1993 by Peter Neelin



                                          $Date: 2005-07-13 21:34:25 $                           MINCRESAMPLE(1)