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mlpack_dbscan - dbscan clustering
mlpack_dbscan [-h] [-v]
This program implements the DBSCAN algorithm for clustering using accelerated tree-based range search. The type of tree that is used may be parameterized, or brute-force range search may also be used. The input dataset to be clustered may be specified with the --input_file option, the radius of each range search may be specified with the --epsilon option, and the minimum number of points in a cluster may be specified with the --min_size option. The output of the clustering may be saved as --assignments_file or --centroids_file; --assignments_file will save the cluster assignments of each point, and --centroids_file will save the centroids of each cluster. The range search may be controlled with the --tree_type, --single_mode, and --naive parameters. The --tree_type parameter can control the type of tree used for range search; this can take a variety of values: 'kd', 'r', 'r-star', ’x', 'hilbert-r', 'r-plus', 'r-plus-plus', 'cover', 'ball'. The --single_mode option will force single-tree search (as opposed to the default dual-tree search). --single_mode can be useful when the RAM usage of batch search is too high. The --naive option will force brute-force range search. An example usage to run DBSCAN on the dataset in input.csv with a radius of 0.5 and a minimum cluster size of 5 is given below: $ mlpack_dbscan -i input.csv -e 0.5 -m 5
--input_file (-i) [string] Input dataset to cluster.
--epsilon (-e) [double] Radius of each range search. Default value 1. --help (-h) Default help info. --info [string] Get help on a specific module or option. Default value ''. --min_size (-m) [int] Minimum number of points for a cluster. Default value 5. --naive (-N) If set, brute-force range search (not tree-based) will be used. --single_mode (-S) If set, single-tree range search (not dual-tree) will be used. --tree_type (-t) [string] If using single-tree or dual-tree search, the type of tree to use ('kd', 'r', 'r-star', 'x', ’hilbert-r', 'r-plus', 'r-plus-plus', 'cover', ’ball'). Default value 'kd'. --verbose (-v) Display informational messages and the full list of parameters and timers at the end of execution. --version (-V) Display the version of mlpack.
--assignments_file (-a) [string] Output file for assignments of each point. Default value ''. --centroids_file (-C) [string] File to save output centroids to. Default value ’'.
For further information, including relevant papers, citations, and theory, For further information, including relevant papers, citations, and theory, consult the documentation found at or included with your consult the documentation found at or included with your DISTRIBUTION OF MLPACK. DISTRIBUTION OF MLPACK. mlpack_dbscan(16 November 2017)